case study Thrombosed Veins

Alright brothers just wanted to post a fair warning about pumping too hard. I'm pretty sure I've thrombosed a vein right at the base of my glans that leads up a little by the frenulum. It's hard as hell and clear by the looks of it. I have a second smaller one on the top side of my shaft but it's much smaller and easier to the touch and will fade with massage.

So if I am correct, please heed this warning.


The same night I got this thrombosed vein (or two) was the same night I got fluid retention on my foreskin (thankfully minor and rubbed out with a massage) and do you know why. Because I was an idiot and got cocky. Funny how that works. Anyway, don't be like me and learn the hard way. Take this advice and utilize it for your benefit.

As always, much love brothers.

Thanks brother. Can anything be done to help the hard vein on the glans?
Yes. This can be dealt with in many ways. Thrombosis has many smaller issues to deal with beside the hard bulky veins.

Remember my posts warning about baby aspirins? Take it now as part of the PE regiments.

Massage with warm oils after your routines. Unscented or scented is your call. Use 2/3 coconut to 1/3 liquid Vitamin E in ratio. Siphoned out a few drops into a metal/glass container just enough for usage. Keep the container of oil in a hot water bath while using to maximize efficacy.

Massage shiatsu style, with a bit of pressure, with both thumbs pressing on the veins, 2 inches below the raised point, and two above when possible. Massage in an elongation/lateral method on one pass, follow with overlapping circular method in another pass. This is to soften up the vessel wall.

Once done, use a reusable cotton tape to wrap around the thrombosis area as compression. It doesn't create a counter productiveness to your girth workout, but it sure adds to your length. Wrap it tightly enough for the compression, BUT not to the point where blood cannot flow or numb your shaft.
Yes. This can be dealt with in many ways. Thrombosis has many smaller issues to deal with beside the hard bulky veins.

Remember my posts warning about baby aspirins? Take it now as part of the PE regiments.

Massage with warm oils after your routines. Unscented or scented is your call. Use 2/3 coconut to 1/3 liquid Vitamin E in ratio. Siphoned out a few drops into a metal/glass container just enough for usage. Keep the container of oil in a hot water bath while using to maximize efficacy.

Massage shiatsu style, with a bit of pressure, with both thumbs pressing on the veins, 2 inches below the raised point, and two above when possible. Massage in an elongation/lateral method on one pass, follow with overlapping circular method in another pass. This is to soften up the vessel wall.

Once done, use a reusable cotton tape to wrap around the thrombosis area as compression. It doesn't create a counter productiveness to your girth workout, but it sure adds to your length. Wrap it tightly enough for the compression, BUT not to the point where blood cannot flow or numb your shaft.
This is solid advice brother, thanks for the response! I'll be sure to grab those baby aspirin and some oils so I can start doing this.
Don't let this happen again.

I suppose aspirin is recommended to reduce the risk to get Deep Vain Thrombosis.

Do you use water to pump with @cocky_coffee_lover ?
In my opinion pumping with water is much safer.
I've been air pumping. I do remember reading somewhere that water pumping is better and safer, but I also saw some posts about causing potential rust on the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System of you let water get into the handle and also somewhere that the trap may be too small. So for those reasons, along with convenience, I opted for air.

Do you think I should get a bathmate @squirt_inducer_man just to start doing water pumping alongside air pumping on the mityvac?
I've been air pumping. I do remember reading somewhere that water pumping is better and safer, but I also saw some posts about causing potential rust on the mityvac of you let water get into the handle and also somewhere that the trap may be too small. So for those reasons, along with convenience, I opted for air.

Do you think I should get a bathmate @squirt_inducer_man just to start doing water pumping alongside air pumping on the mityvac?
No use MityVac and use water.
I suggest creating a bigger water trap.
In my opinion MityVac is so much better then Bathmate. But you need a big enough water trap, to make it work optimally.

You should not pump in water into the pump handle, that is what the water trap is for.

This are recommendations from a guy that owns 4 Bathmate pumps.
There are pro and cons with everything.
Bathmate are more compact but you have no active monitor of vaccum pressure, and you need to deal with the gator 🐊
I guess I'm going to have to give water a go on the MityVac, thanks SIM. Has anyone posted up any good mods to make a larger water trap for it?
I've been air pumping. I do remember reading somewhere that water pumping is better and safer, but I also saw some posts about causing potential rust on the mityvac of you let water get into the handle and also somewhere that the trap may be too small. So for those reasons, along with convenience, I opted for air.

Do you think I should get a bathmate @squirt_inducer_man just to start doing water pumping alongside air pumping on the mityvac?
You know and everyone knows what I say. Water pumping for life, I have no idea how guys air pump still. Also note I did not say Bathmate, water pump with cylinder and gauge for me. I am not anti bathmate I'm just not in auto pilot mode, I am gaining and I want to know exactly what Pressure I am at.
I guess I'm going to have to give water a go on the MityVac, thanks SIM. Has anyone posted up any good mods to make a larger water trap for it?
I have some pictures. Look in the Album section to find them. This water trap is just a temporary one until I can create a bigger.
You know and everyone knows what I say. Water pumping for life, I have no idea how guys air pump still.
I feel the same. I get no where near the expansion with air, as what I get when pumping with water.
I guess I'm going to have to give water a go on the MityVac, thanks SIM. Has anyone posted up any good mods to make a larger water trap for it?
Smart move 👌
@squirt_inducer_man Let's move this one into the Critical Articles as well. Thrombosis is not something to overlook. Same for the video you posted for Thrombosis as well. There are many subcases for thrombosis that we all need to be aware of.
@squirt_inducer_man Let's move this one into the Critical Articles as well. Thrombosis is not something to overlook. Same for the video you posted for Thrombosis as well. There are many subcases for thrombosis that we all need to be aware of.
Shit I didn't know I was going to be turned into a case study haha nor did I actually realize that it is that serious, guess my warning really is that important.
Shit I didn't know I was going to be turned into a case study haha nor did I actually realize that it is that serious, guess my warning really is that important.
It's important information, that is why we put it here.
This happens to many. If they can get this information beforehand, they may be able to prevent it from happening with a different approach/programming.
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