A little bit of a bulge on the side of my shaft


Feb 1, 2024
Hey guys, as I’ve been progressing in the past few weeks, stretching, pumping and jelqing. I have noticed some times a slight bulge starts to form after a pump and jelq session on the upper side of my shaft about a half an inch below the head.
It’s not very pronounced, There is no pain whatsoever, and it seems to go away within hours. I have healthy erections and I feel like I’m making great progress. I’m wondering if this is just part of stretching, pumping and jelqing or if I should be cautious about this?
It feels almost like a hard fiber, like a tight string that runs down the side then over to the top of my shaft….but I’m not convinced it’s a vein.
Is this normal with stretching, pumping, and jelqing? Or should I back off and give myself some recovery time to prevent injury?
I believe in you man. You can do it.
im seriously trying man. i just dont know what to do. all my sexual feelings in normal activity are gone. that, and i have to wrap it up in a sock to prevent anything from touching it , or it drives me up the wall with how off the feelings are , along with how small it stays with usually not one ounce of flow. until i get a night erection. a lately, it seems those dont have the feelings they did even a month ago. its super depressing to not have any way out
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im seriously trying man. i just dont know what to do. all my sexual feelings in normal activity are gone. that, and i have to wrap it up in a sock to prevent anything from touching it , or it drives me up the wall with how off the feelings are , along with how small it stays with usually not one ounce of flow. until i get a night erection. a lately, it seems those dont have the feelings they did even a month ago. its super depressing to not have any way out
Night erections mean you have no problem getting erections.
At night the body floods areas with blood as a system check, night erections are like a barometer indicator that your erectile tissue is fully functioning.
There is something missing here brother, how much �naked people movies� usage were you engaging in?
Desensitizing your self to consistent �naked people movies� coupled to excessive masturbation can eventually cause extreme testosterone depletion leading to a lack of sex drive and a perpetual state of shriveling.
The idea that a couple sessions of over pumping and jelqing would lead to 14 months of issues is hard for me to believe brother.
The penile tissue is very strong and malleable, penises are naturally created to take a life time of beatings. Lol Pun intended 😉
While hormone depletion can actually take over a year to recover from for some people and that seems more likely to me.m especially given your age.
Have you had your hormone levels checked?
It’s an easy and simple process that I highly suggest, check your test, and your GH

Have you ever taken Viagra? Viagra can be a very useful tool, it is a powerful vascular dilator, has been know to boost testosterone and has been shown to over time permanently cure erectile dis function.

Also brother I would ask you, evaluate your self…. How much have you been stressing and obsessing over this? Do you have the potential to be an anxious and or obsessive person?
I think it’s possible that this is a combination of problems that can be healed and solved.

I would work to change your mindset from thinking that you have caused some kind of permanent irrevocable damage… From all my experience that is just highly unlikely.
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i keep hearing that. ive not watched �naked people movies� since last august. ever. i have viagra /cialis . ive used it sporadically through this. early on, they worked as awesome as past times pre injury. that has went downhill a lot currently. last week i tried it twice just to ease the pain. one time it kept a good flow going for a little while. after 30-45 min, everything just switches gears ,and goes the other way, and completely loses all circulation it feels like. i can get an erection though. its just that i have to physically have my wife naked right in front of me to do it.otherwise, its literally like the plug was pulled all day. zero response or movement.

last week for instance, we did it 3 times. i am now severely paying for that.
i could hardly feel my glans this morning when i got an erection it seemed.once its gone, it is literally the smallest cold ,limp,painful thing ive ever experienced.all day long. and night. and of course i have stress. theres not a man alive who wouldnt freak out with this. its ungodly depressing. im in a lot milder state than i was last year though. mainly cause i dont really have a choice.
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Well brother, like I said, just because you haven’t watched adult material since last August doesn’t mean much. It can take up to a year or more to recover from desensitization and testosterone depletion.
You didn’t answer my question as to wether or not you’ve had your hormones checked….
Based off what you have said here I can only surmise you have some kind of hormonal issues and or deficiency.
So the process of sexual arousal and erection are completely separate but connected mechanisms.
When you tell me you get erections at night, that alone means your erectile tissue is fine and functioning….. So that’s not the problem.
When you tell me you can only get hard when your wife is right in front of you naked, that is an arousal problem, which is psychological and hormone related.
when you are depleted of your testosterone, it can dramatically decrease the amount of circulation to your genitals during the day.
Viagra and cialis wont help over all because your erection capacity isn’t the problem….. and so far that sounds like your situation.

I realize that you feel like you seriously injured yourself in the past and I understand that.
But bro….. I have seen guys on camera stupidly blow there dicks up in pumps till it looked like a red swollen balloon animal from hell and after months, heal back and turn out totally fine.
You mean to tell me that everything you are experiencing is solely coming from over pumping a year and 2 months ago?
That you literally pumped till screwing up your nerves yet felt no pain while doing it?
That seems totally unlikely, and you are able to achieve erections, so the pumping over a year ago is likely not the cause.

Also all this pain you are experiencing and everything sounds potentially hormonal as well, Growth Hormone and Testosterone are nearly responsible for all elements of recovery.

Top priority, Get your hormones checked out man.
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I got mine checked and everything was OK. I appreciate your strength looking at �naked people movies�. Everytime I watch �naked people movies� I feel so regretful and it does effect sex and erection strength.
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I got mine checked and everything was OK. I appreciate your strength looking at �naked people movies�. Everytime I watch �naked people movies� I feel so regretful and it does effect sex and erection strength.
Me too man! Lol Got my hormones checked, and
I’ve just tried to start practicing a healthier moderation cause I love watching some adult material! Lol
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Well brother, like I said, just because you haven’t watched adult material since last August doesn’t mean much. It can take up to a year or more to recover from desensitization and testosterone depletion.
You didn’t answer my question as to wether or not you’ve had your hormones checked….
Based off what you have said here I can only surmise you have some kind of hormonal issues and or deficiency.
So the process of sexual arousal and erection are completely separate but connected mechanisms.
When you tell me you get erections at night, that alone means your erectile tissue is fine and functioning….. So that’s not the problem.
When you tell me you can only get hard when your wife is right in front of you naked, that is an arousal problem, which is psychological and hormone related.
when you are depleted of your testosterone, it can dramatically decrease the amount of circulation to your genitals during the day.
Viagra and cialis wont help over all because your erection capacity isn’t the problem….. and so far that sounds like your situation.

I realize that you feel like you seriously injured yourself in the past and I understand that.
But bro….. I have seen guys on camera stupidly blow there dicks up in pumps till it looked like a red swollen balloon animal from hell and after months, heal back and turn out totally fine.
You mean to tell me that everything you are experiencing is solely coming from over pumping a year and 2 months ago?
That you literally pumped till screwing up your nerves yet felt no pain while doing it?
That seems totally unlikely, and you are able to achieve erections, so the pumping over a year ago is likely not the cause.

Also all this pain you are experiencing and everything sounds potentially hormonal as well, Growth Hormone and Testosterone are nearly responsible for all elements of recovery.

Top priority, Get your hormones checked out man.
i really really want you to be right,but as im typing this , it just burns constantly. i agree, and dont understand how this really happened over a few seconds, but i literally woke up like this.and the feelings just progressively got worse over the year. i really thought i would have seen a blood blister or something first if i over done it. not this. this is hell. pure hell. and i havent had hormones checked...yet. im sure they are out of whack at this point. that doesnt seem like it would effect all this numness or sensitivity issues though.
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i really really want you to be right,but as im typing this , it just burns constantly. i agree, and dont understand how this really happened over a few seconds, but i literally woke up like this.and the feelings just progressively got worse over the year. i really thought i would have seen a blood blister or something first if i over done it. not this. this is hell. pure hell. and i havent had hormones checked...yet. im sure they are out of whack at this point. that doesnt seem like it would effect all this numness or sensitivity issues though.
Ooooohhhh no. It most definitely 100 percent would.
In fact I’m almost 100 percent certain we’ve already started figuring out this problem.
Numbness, burning, and or tingling are often signs of inefficient circulation which can easily be caused by hormone deficiency.
You engaging in sex and then having a painful long recovery would suggest low circulation and growth hormone repair.
You mean to tell me you didn’t even see blisters or anything from the pumping?….. Dude… I’ve made blisters from over doing it… I’ve seen guys create large protrusions in the sides of their dicks, bust veins, and deal with what looks like major swelling, and turn out totally fine.
This seems to be a combination of issues that happened simultaneously and I can totally understand how scary and discouraging that can be.
But understand brother, then penis like the tongue is highly regenerative.
Have heart brother, you are on your road to a full and healthy recovery.
Once you get your hormones fully in check. I highly suggest that you get back into PE and utilize this healthy mindset and understanding.
Here’s a picture from Grok, showing the evidence that the nerves in the penis regenerate.


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i really really want you to be right,but as im typing this , it just burns constantly. i agree, and dont understand how this really happened over a few seconds, but i literally woke up like this.and the feelings just progressively got worse over the year. i really thought i would have seen a blood blister or something first if i over done it. not this. this is hell. pure hell. and i havent had hormones checked...yet. im sure they are out of whack at this point. that doesnt seem like it would effect all this numness or sensitivity issues though.
Here are a few other Grok answers about burning due to circulation, inflammation, and stress.
Bottom line brother, I don’t believe this has anything to do with a bit of over pumping a year ago.
Hormones, circulation, stress, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and STDs would be way all be way more likely.
Here are some included scientific research based answers on burning in the penis on everything from Hormones, and circulation to autoimmune disorders.


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im trying hard to believe stuff like that. i really am. i had zero blisters, or anything at all. i always figured that would show up if i did too much or somehting. it was a few days after i pumped, and did a little harder jelq than i had ever. i woke up with this. i just felt smaller, and not right. then after a month or 2 , it started downhill with numbness, etc. and i cant seem to ever heal. nothing has ever felt right since. cold even
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