Pittsburgh Steelers 2006 Super Bowl Champions!!!


Jun 24, 2004


It's nuts outside right now, fireworks, people screaming, cars wrecking!!!!




I was at my buddy's place in Dormont watching the game when the street started to get celebratory. My buddy kinda wanted to go down to Carson St. and mingle with the crowd down there, but I figured the traffic getting down there would be terrible. Route 19 in Dormont was at a standstill as cars were honking, people walking out into the street waving Terrible Towels and shit, etc. so I actually went home by going through Bridgeville.

Hey Razed, are you going to go to the parade on Tuesday?
I havent seen any of the match but I support the Steelers when I can see them and have done for years alongwith Kansas city so its great to hear the Steelers have won and maybe they can repeat that record winning streak of the 70's or was is the 80's?
Red, it was the 70's with Bradshaw, Swann, Stallworth, Green, Harris.......let's see there were four other hall of famers on that team.

F-in A Cotton. F-in A. That's all I have to say about the Steelers winning last night. I was so happy to see all of the people rooting for the Seahawks, because Shawn Alexander played at Bama, absolutely go silent towards the end of the last drive. It was awesome. GO STEELERS!!!
Tons of calls against Seattle and none against Steelers. Looks like they had the home refs with the home crowd. Questionable touchdown call for Steelers and against Seattle. What to do when Seattle builds a little momentum? "Trick" play time. Mike Holgram should have shot himself in the foot over that play, but its what the Steelers resort to when they can't get it done straight up. Only good score was the Parker run. People acting crazy eh? Well guess you could expect that after being so lucky throughout the playoffs. Enjoy it.
penguinsfan said:

I was at my buddy's place in Dormont watching the game when the street started to get celebratory. My buddy kinda wanted to go down to Carson St. and mingle with the crowd down there, but I figured the traffic getting down there would be terrible. Route 19 in Dormont was at a standstill as cars were honking, people walking out into the street waving Terrible Towels and shit, etc. so I actually went home by going through Bridgeville.

Hey Razed, are you going to go to the parade on Tuesday?
Just curious where do you live in PA. I have family that lives in Bridgville, Carnegie, and my dad lives downsouth more like um Fredricktown..
against_odds21 said:
Tons of calls against Seattle and none against Steelers. Looks like they had the home refs with the home crowd. Questionable touchdown call for Steelers and against Seattle. What to do when Seattle builds a little momentum? "Trick" play time. Mike Holgram should have shot himself in the foot over that play, but its what the Steelers resort to when they can't get it done straight up. Only good score was the Parker run. People acting crazy eh? Well guess you could expect that after being so lucky throughout the playoffs. Enjoy it.

Dude, you're totally out of your mind. The Steelers DOMINATED in the playoffs like no one I've seen in recent years. The absolutely showed no mercy to Cincinnati, Indy, and Denver. They haven't had any luck, let alone a substantial amount of it on their road to the Super Bowl.

Yes, they played a shitty game Sunday and Seattle played pretty well at times. Seattle could have certainly won that game. I knew if Pittsburgh played like they had in the playoffs up to this point, Seattle wouldn't beat them no matter how well they played...but Pittsburgh did leave the door open. It the Pittsburgh offense had been clicking (in other words, Roethlisberger wouldn't have been so nervous) and completing passes, Seattle wouldn't have come within three touchdowns.

Seattle is exaggerating the officiating errors. The pushoff that was called offensive pass interference was a legitimate call. It may not have looked like that big of a push, but it clearly separated the defender. It doesn't take much of a push to separate the defender. Anyway, it was blatant and right in front of the official. As for Ben's run into the endzone, it was extremely close, but I think it looks apparent that a portion of the ball crossed over the white when the ball was about 12" to 18" off the ground, just before the defender made contact. At any rate, it was very close and a judgment call by the official. Had it not been awarded, and bare in mind it was reviewed it would have been like 4th and 1 millimeter. Seattle can't complain that was an obvious officiating error.

The only legitimate gripe of any meaning was the holding call when Seattle completed the pass near the goalline. That looked like a weak call to me and would have given the Seahawks 1st and goal and a chance to take the lead. Had they done so, they would have taken a three point lead with plenty of time left and Pittsburgh would not have gone into run off the clock mode on their last possession. So, there are some assumptions involved there, but I do acknowledge that play looked like a weak call. But they must sell some kickass crack in Seattle that people are smoking if they think the officials literally took the game away from them.
Im a big football fan in general, but Seahawks fans are making me sick right now. When will they stop whining/complaining? Final score was 21-10, it was all star referees from throughout the season voted on by the other refs, and the calls were fair. A receiver is not allowed to use his hands at all on a defender after 5 yards, ESPenis EnlargementCIALLY not in the end zone when the ball wasnt even thrown yet. Sure, Roethlisberger might not have been over the line, but they wouldve went for it on 4th anyway. So it coulda went either way, easily. To overturn a call there must be conclusive evidence, and it was just too hard to NOT see the ball cross the line to overturn it.

How bout blaming the Seahawks for all the dropped passes they had?

Anyway, who cares, WAHHHHHHHHHHH.

Hey penguinsfan, I couldnt go to the parade cuz i had to work and already called off yesterday.

Did you go?
against_odds21 said:
Tons of calls against Seattle and none against Steelers. Looks like they had the home refs with the home crowd. Questionable touchdown call for Steelers and against Seattle. What to do when Seattle builds a little momentum? "Trick" play time. Mike Holgram should have shot himself in the foot over that play, but its what the Steelers resort to when they can't get it done straight up. Only good score was the Parker run. People acting crazy eh? Well guess you could expect that after being so lucky throughout the playoffs. Enjoy it.

"Thats what the Steelers resort to when they can't get it done straigght up"?!?!?!??!?! That's about the biggest load of BS I have ever seen posted about footballl on this forum!

They talked about trick play all night and how Pitt likes to run at LEAST one every game when they get to the middle of the field. I guess it was the refs fault he was so wide open and there was a perfect throw.

Also, I guess it was the refs fault that the Steelers got a 75 yard TD with the runner not even touched. Yeah--refs fault as well.

Didn't Seatlle miss 2 FG's? How did the refs handle that?

It all comes down to Big games are won with Big plays. Pitt had 3 game changing plays. They took risk and put it on the line to win.

penguinsfan said:
Dude, you're totally out of your mind. The Steelers DOMINATED in the playoffs like no one I've seen in recent years. The absolutely showed no mercy to Cincinnati, Indy, and Denver. They haven't had any luck, let alone a substantial amount of it on their road to the Super Bowl.


I don't need to read any further than that first sentence. Dominated couldn't be further from the truth. Lucky for starts in Cincy Carson was injured on his first pass play. They didn't take the lead until later in the second half without our starting qb. Colts game, the bus fumbles and Colts should have returned it for a td, but got lucky Ben made the tackle. Yes it was lucky. He made it tripping. Then of all things the colts missed what would have tied the game. Regardless of the four point lead at the super bowl half the Seahawks moved the ball far more easily than the Steelers in the first half. Far from domination. Clock management at the end of the first half hurt the Seahawks a lot, but not as much as the calls. I don't know who had the poll, maybe it was ESPN or such, but a friend told me about a poll where the most memorable part of the game was horrid calls. I wouldn't be too proud of that as a Steelers fan.
against_odds21 said:
penguinsfan said:
Dude, you're totally out of your mind. The Steelers DOMINATED in the playoffs like no one I've seen in recent years. The absolutely showed no mercy to Cincinnati, Indy, and Denver. They haven't had any luck, let alone a substantial amount of it on their road to the Super Bowl.


I don't need to read any further than that first sentence. Dominated couldn't be further from the truth. Lucky for starts in Cincy Carson was injured on his first pass play. They didn't take the lead until later in the second half without our starting qb. Colts game, the bus fumbles and Colts should have returned it for a td, but got lucky Ben made the tackle. Yes it was lucky. He made it tripping. Then of all things the colts missed what would have tied the game. Regardless of the four point lead at the super bowl half the Seahawks moved the ball far more easily than the Steelers in the first half. Far from domination. Clock management at the end of the first half hurt the Seahawks a lot, but not as much as the calls. I don't know who had the poll, maybe it was ESPN or such, but a friend told me about a poll where the most memorable part of the game was horrid calls. I wouldn't be too proud of that as a Steelers fan.
against_odds21 said:
penguinsfan said:
Dude, you're totally out of your mind. The Steelers DOMINATED in the playoffs like no one I've seen in recent years. The absolutely showed no mercy to Cincinnati, Indy, and Denver. They haven't had any luck, let alone a substantial amount of it on their road to the Super Bowl.


I don't need to read any further than that first sentence. Dominated couldn't be further from the truth. Lucky for starts in Cincy Carson was injured on his first pass play. They didn't take the lead until later in the second half without our starting qb. Colts game, the bus fumbles and Colts should have returned it for a td, but got lucky Ben made the tackle. Yes it was lucky. He made it tripping. Then of all things the colts missed what would have tied the game. Regardless of the four point lead at the super bowl half the Seahawks moved the ball far more easily than the Steelers in the first half. Far from domination. Clock management at the end of the first half hurt the Seahawks a lot, but not as much as the calls. I don't know who had the poll, maybe it was ESPN or such, but a friend told me about a poll where the most memorable part of the game was horrid calls. I wouldn't be too proud of that as a Steelers fan.

I must say, I'd have to agree totally with you. Not being a fan of either team, I watched it unbiased and the calls were terrible. Steelers got a lot of lucky breaks and the Seahawks recievers weren't playing at their best. The score should have been a lot closer than it was, thats as far as i'll go. You wouldn't know who Detroit was rooting for either though, seeing them on every local channel a week in advance nonstop and the mayor being up their ass as well.. :s
Missed opportunities cost Seattle the game. Pittsburgh made plays from the Randle El to Ward touchdown to the Roethlisberger to Ward pass on 3rd and forever. Seattle had missed field goals, which should have been touchdowns as "easily" as they moved the ball. Don't give credit to the Steeler defense for stepping up at those times and forcing a field goal attempt. Blame the officials it's the easy thing to do. Receivers need to play well in big games, but Seattle's didn't play very well at all from Stevens to Jackson. Hasselbeck held it together all game, and his teammates let him down. Regardless if it's one touchdown, three drives, or three field goals in football the ball bounces both ways. Both teams have a 50-50 shot of winning or losing, and sometimes it's which way the ball bounces. Pittsburgh did what it took, and Seattle didn't. It's pretty simple.

Yes, domination is the right term for the three playoff victories that got them to the Superbowl. If you doubt that then I encourage you to check the stats of each team they faces and measure that against what the regualr season output was. Indy didn't show up until the 4th quarter, because of Pittsburgh's defense. The Steelers owned them all the way through except for one drive, and the other drive with the pass interference and lest we forget the interception over rule. Against Denver the Broncos were never even in the game. Of course you look at the Pats game and New England dominated that game except for two plays, but we'll move on from that. Denver stunk in the playoffs this year, and Pittsburgh railed them at home. When has that happened? Cincy was a good game for a half, and regardless of your quarterback getting hurt Jon Kitna was the come back player of the year and would be a starter anywhere else in the league, so that's not a viable excuse. It's not like you guys have Kyle Orton or Kyle Boller as your backups. Give me a break. The second half of that game was all Pittsburgh as Cincy didn't score again and Pitt put up 31 for the game. That's domination regardless of what the final score says.

You can think back to one of college football's greatest teams the '73 Crimson tide, and they won two games that year 6-0. They dominated the other team defensively. Look to the Ravens of 2000, and tell me they weren't dominant. Score isn't always an indicator of domination, and sometimes domination can end rapidly and leave a team in defeat. Other times the domination is so total that the other team is totally demoralized, like their soul has been taken.
against_odds21 said:
I don't need to read any further than that first sentence. Dominated couldn't be further from the truth. Lucky for starts in Cincy Carson was injured on his first pass play. They didn't take the lead until later in the second half without our starting qb.

Okay, in the Cincinnati game, Jon Kitna played a nearly flawless game until midway in the third quarter when things started to collapse from Cincinnati. There isn't much that Kitna didn't complete that Palmer would have. At that point the Steelers had taken the lead and the momentum switch was underway. I DO think the score would have been a little closer with Palmer in the game, but I cannot think they would have certainly won the game for sure had Palmer been in. The game ended 31-17 and, of course, the Steelers could have unleashed more offense in the final minutes had they not been in "kill the clock" mode. It's possible it might have ended up a 31-24 or 31-27 game had Palmer stayed in. I suppose you think the injury to Palmer was intentional too. :s

Sorry your team lost, but that's how the game goes. You had a great year and will definitely be gunning for us next year.

Colts game, the bus fumbles and Colts should have returned it for a td, but got lucky Ben made the tackle. Yes it was lucky. He made it tripping. Then of all things the colts missed what would have tied the game.

Now, this is a total joke coming from someone that complains about the Super Bowl officiating. For starters, the League has been known to issue apologies when officials screw up and they stand by the officiating of the Super Bowl. The League announced that the Polamolu interception that was taken away was an officiating error and apologized to the Steelers. Bottom line: The Steelers should have never even been in that predicament. The Colts got that drive that made it a 21-18 game from a horrible officiating error, otherwise the Steelers take over with around 5 minutes and excellent field position. The Polamolu call was far worse and had far more impact on the game than all the controversial calls made in the Super Bowl combined. It was only by the most fortunate luck that Indy even crept back into that game. The fact that they missed a 46 yard field goal (which isn't automatic for anyone, even a great kicker like Vanderjagt) only shows there is justice in this world.

Regardless of the four point lead at the super bowl half the Seahawks moved the ball far more easily than the Steelers in the first half. Far from domination.

How about the second half?

I admittedly the Steelers played a sloppy Super Bowl and my domination comment referred to their journey to the Super Bowl and the overall postseason.

Clock management at the end of the first half hurt the Seahawks a lot, but not as much as the calls. I don't know who had the poll, maybe it was ESPN or such, but a friend told me about a poll where the most memorable part of the game was horrid calls. I wouldn't be too proud of that as a Steelers fan.

The bad calls in this game have been greatly exaggerated. Most of them are judgment calls that went against the Seahawks, but not what one could really say are "bad calls". Holmgren was obviously pissed that he lost an opportunity for victory, which he did because Ben did not play well, and used it to fire up fans on Monday. However, players like Hasselback and Winstrom took it like men and said the officials did the best job they could and that they themselves failed to capitalize.

I am proud to be a Steeler fan in the sense that the Steelers just managed enough to outplay the Seahawks in the game as a whole and bring home a victory. And the better team won. I am not proud of the way the Steelers played...they should have won by three touchdowns if they had their act together.
Here is the reality of the Super Bowl calls.

By far the worst two calls were the Hasselback fumble and the Hasselback block below the knees. The first one was overturned by a Seattle challenge. Clearly Hasselback lost the football after he was down and he was touched by Larry Foote. And after throwing the interception (which can't be blamed on any official), Hasselbeck was called for a block below the knees or some shit and the replay showed he never touched the guy. Those were truly bad calls.

To call the Jackson pushoff in the endzone a bad call is a joke. I saw a replay on ESPN and a couple guys thought it shouldn't have been called, but the bottomline is it happened right in front of the ref and I was watching Hope's feet on a Monday afternoon replay. When you see the replay, you watch Jackson push off and you can see Hope's feet move a few inches backwards. The Jackson pushoff was enough to push Hope backwards and ensure he was out of the play. The sad thing is I think Jackson could have beat him just with the move he made, but he opted to pushoff and guarantee Hope had no play. That is the reality. Look at the replay---look at Hope's feet. Anyone still in denial is just a soul grapes loser.

The Ben touchdown at the endzone isn't hardly worth addressing. The rule states that if any microscopic trace of the football meets the white line mark at any point it's a touchdown. Clearly that just managed to happen just before the defender contacted him. At any rate, at the very worst, at was an error on a play that could have gone either way. I don't think there would have been indisputable evidence to overturn a challenge no matter what the call on the field had been. The Steelers would have gone for it on 4th and 1/100th of an inch had it not been given to them and with a 6'5" QB, their odds of converting that would have been about 97%.

I really thought the bad call of the game was the holding call that negated the Jeremy Stevens catch near the one yard line and I stated so on this board on Monday. However, after I saw a replay on ESPN, it clearly was a bad call, maybe at most a little bit of a weak call. Clark Haggins right shoulder was turned and you can see on replay that the lineman does have some jersey cletched in his fingers. Certainly, I've seen far worse go uncalled, but there was a hold on the play. It was not so bad that I would have complained had it not been called, but it was there. What if Haggins hadn't been held at all? Maybe Hasselback would have been rushed to get the pass off and Stevens never catches that ball. God knows he dropped most of them anyway so who is to say he would have caught a less than perfect throw?

Again, there were a couple of bad calls in the game, but not the ones everyone seems to be talking about. This just amounts to people that lost money betting on a 13-3 team over an 11-5 team, just as happened when the 13-3 Rams was supposed to destroy the 11-5 Patriots a few years ago. The League is right in stating the game was officiated properly. Yes, there were a couple of bad calls, one of which was overturned on a challenge, but nothing that made the difference in the game. No one expects that officials to be perfect and there was nothing terribly wrong that totally changed the game in the Super Bowl.
RazedNegative said:
Hey penguinsfan, I couldnt go to the parade cuz i had to work and already called off yesterday.

Did you go?

No, I live outside of the city a little and I work very late till about 2:00 AM or later, so it was just too much of a struggle to attempt it, seeing as how I'd have to have very little sleep, fighting the traffic and all that shit. I wanted to go, but it just didn't work out.
We could go back and forth until we are blue in the face Penguin, but we are both clearly biased and bread to dislike each other's football team. However, to claim they dominated the post season is a completely unwarranted arrogant statement. If they lead every team at half time and beat everyone by at least two touchdowns I would agree, but for these simply reasons a dominated statement is completely ludicrous.
I really wasn't that emotionally involved in the game, although I did slightly lean towards Pittsburgh. Really for the Jaw and the Bus. I was glad to see Parker do some good, also. As a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan, that's hard for me to admit.

I did find it interesting that Porter was talking all kinds of shit about how the Colts couldn't play smasHydromaxouth football, and how it was a joke that they use audibles and quick-counts and stuff, yet the Steelers essentially won the SB on a trick play, the reverse WR pass. Like to hear what he has to say about that, but then I'm sure that's different since he got him a fucking ring, bee-atch and shit- Word! I hate it when dumb fucking jocks run their mouth and knoweth not shit. Almost as much as when their team is down by 17 and they sack the QB and dance around like they own the world. Would somebody please tell these borderline retards how fucking stupid they look and sound.
AO, as stated before you don't have to "dominate" the score to be a dominant performance. Check the statistics, but at the same time if you watched the games you'd get it. I know you've heard the term, and the score wasn't even that close. Is that indication that the score should have been worse, or that the game was dominated through and through with a few scores to make things look better for the other side?
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