Pittsburgh Steelers 2006 Super Bowl Champions!!!

millionman said:
AO, as stated before you don't have to "dominate" the score to be a dominant performance. Check the statistics, but at the same time if you watched the games you'd get it. I know you've heard the term, and the score wasn't even that close. Is that indication that the score should have been worse, or that the game was dominated through and through with a few scores to make things look better for the other side?

Statistically, the Seahawks should have won the game, but they fucked themselves on one play and the calls against them hurt a lot too however to say it was home field refs or bias is stupid. It's not like this shit hasn't happened in other big games and even in Super Bowls before. I'm late on all this I know, but the Steelers won and I think it's shit that Holmgren and his bitch ass fans are still whining about the calls rather than looking at their own faults for losing the game. If you can't beat a team in the Super Bowl when the opposition's QB did quite a bit to lose the game for his team (that was not a TD considering the microscopic part of the ball breaching the goal line rule or not from Big Ben). Again the Seahawks statistically should have came out on top, but they didn't make enough plays to offset the penalties whether the calls were questionable or not. It's happened before and it'll happen again. I mean I wanted the Steelers to win somewhat, (I definitely was not rooting for Seattle despite them being from the NFC), but to play like the Steelers did in front of a home crowd...jesus the game sucked in all honesty. But they won. Eat it Cryhawks.
In the end I respect the Steelers, but God I hate them. But oh yeah, there is no way the Steelers dominated the game. Ratings aside, this SB BLEW MY BALLS.
against_odds21 said:
We could go back and forth until we are blue in the face Penguin, but we are both clearly biased and bread to dislike each other's football team.

I don't dislike your team at all. IMHO, fans that hate other teams merely because they're in the same division are idiots. The only teams in sports I hate for any reason are teams whose fans (Cleveland Browns fans are the worst---I could care less about them being a division opponent) are extremely annoying, or who have a coach, owner, or other personnel I learn to hate for some reasons. Why do people hate teams just because of divisioni or conference rivalrys? The idea of sports is that you intend to kick your opponents ass while he tries to do the same to you. The day that changes, I'll stop watching, so I'm grateful my team has meaningful opponents. If someone beats my team, it's because my team couldn't get the job done. Go back to the drawing board and get it done right, plain and simple. In fact, there are particular sports teams that are rivals of my teams I have grown for some reason to have a soft spot for, such as the Baltimore Ravens and the New Jersey Devils.

Sorry to get on a rant. It's just a philosophical difference between me and the stereotypical sports fan.
iwant8inches said:
But oh yeah, there is no way the Steelers dominated the game. Ratings aside, this SB BLEW MY BALLS.

I agree with that one. I am ashamed of how bad they played. They pulled it together at times and one could clearly see they were a superior team and the right team won, but it was a very weak showing compared to their earlier postseason. I have to think it Ben makes it back to the SB, he'll be more relaxed and composed.
Now, I didn't say dominated the Super Bowl. I did say they dominated in the PLAYOFFS, all the way through. Aside from a bit of excitement at the end of the colts game that game was pretty much over at 14-0.
I'd agree with you millionman, but the Super Bowl is still the playoffs albeit the championship game. They did something that no other team has done I think as the lowest seed playing the 1 2 and 3 seeds and then the number 1 seed from the opposing conference. I mean shit, they won it all. No one can say they didn't deserve it or whatever as that'd make no sense. They got help with Palmer going down though. I mean perhaps Pittsburgh can appreciate an injury to their starting QB more than anyone. Ben has always been a leader. When that guy was at Miami I saw him play once and I was like all right, fuck this if Dallas has a chance to draft him they better damn well do it because I thought he'd be a great QB at the next level. Some people probably think he's just a tad above a QB that just "plays within himself/in that run first Steelers offense. No one can question his leadership though and I'd laugh if anyone did now. I was before the year began. If given the right offense and weapons he'd put up some much bigger passing numbers, but he doesn't have to Dan Marino it up out there as his defense, running game, and coach knows what that they don't need to do that to win. But certainly he had one of the worst super bowls by a QB I've seen in a long time. His team didn't lose though so he's a Super Bowl winning QB now. He's only going to get better, but it takes a lot of breaks to get to the SB in consecutive years and I'd be very shocked to see the Steelers back next year as well as the Seahawks as recent history shows that the losing SB team rarely makes the playoffs the following year.
The Steelers are not a perfect team by any means and when you look at Ben's leadership and intangible qualities, no one can say he's not the real deal.

I can just about guarantee you, barring a terrible career-ending injury, that this guy is going to be enshrined in Canton. Hell, guys make it there all the time based on win percentage and winning Championships. Shit, I can't believe I'm even saying that, but he's achieved far more than anyone else ever has in the first two years of a given career. I really like Ben. He may be the greatest draft pick the Steelers have made in my lifetime.
Yeah, probably right about in your lifetime. I loved watching that guy in college. Miami isn't that far from here. He was the man. I never doubted or knocked him. I laughed at all the doubters earlier in the year especially the Pat's fans that were freaking talking about Brady like a Greek god about how no one gives the guy enough credit and not to count them out come playoff time. Right. That makes no sense about the Brady thing, but what does is hating on the Pats because like most New England area/New York teams the fans are damn annoying as I don't know what. Eh, anyway yeah Ben is a very good QB and will be great. He's not great yet, but he's getting close.
Brady not great? Ummm he led the league in passing yards this year, thusly carrying the Pats INTO the playoffs. They didn't have a run game to speak of, the offensive line was wrecked and the defense for half of the year was on IR. Also, lest we forget he does have 3 rings. In all three he led a team down the field to kick a game winning field goal.
millionman said:
Brady not great? Ummm he led the league in passing yards this year, thusly carrying the Pats INTO the playoffs. They didn't have a run game to speak of, the offensive line was wrecked and the defense for half of the year was on IR. Also, lest we forget he does have 3 rings. In all three he led a team down the field to kick a game winning field goal.

He is great, as that was a side point, but that's not why people hate on him and the Pats, which was the main point there. It's the incessant droning on about all the things you are mentioning by their annoying ass fans. It's one thing to acknowledge these things, but seriously those Pats fans, Yankees fans, and especially Knicks fans piss me off. No one said that he wasn't great, in fact people finally realize this after that one "fluke" year that people often liked to refer to before the latter 2 of the 3 SB victories, but it's too much to make this guy out to be so incredibly good to the point where you basically will accept nothing less than everyone to get on their knees and suck this guy's hog as the only acceptable form acknowledging his accolades. It bothers me when when their fans say look at the team, no part is greater than the whole, they are doing an incredible job, they have perhaps the greatest coach of all time because he's done so much with this and that in this era and blah blah blah. Yeah, ok just like all other teams that win they have breaks, they are better than their competition for various reasons, but hey they won a lot of Super Bowls and had plenty of breaks along the way and just like most any other dynasty of any sport they had great players. But when the team is playing in a shitty division with one overachieving Dolphins team and your team has had more than its share of injuries early in the year who the hell is going to make THAT team the favorite to win it all? Get ovA yourselves!
I love watching Brady play, even though he whopped Steeler ass twice in the past few years during the postseason. As I said before, sports will cease to be the great thing that it is the day anything other than your opponent bringing his best is the norm. Last year, the Steelers play decent in the AFC Championship, but the Patriots pretty much played flawless and watching Brady pick them apart was a work of art. I couldn't complain about anything when it was done, as they guy just truly played that good. In the 2001 season, Brady played well but the Steelers gave away that trip to the Super Bowl by making stupid mistakes. That is nobodys fault by Pittsburgh.

Great fighters like Randy Couture and Tim Sylvia will tell you that when you lose you don't cry and make excuses like a little bitch. Instead you learn from your mistakes, train harder than ever before, hone your skills, and get ready for all-out war when you get your shot at redemption. The Steeler fans that hate Brady just because he did what he did, and all sports fans that hate an opponent just out of jealousy are low-grade sports fans, IMHO.

I truly think we as football fans are very fortunate to be watching a couple of guys in Tom Brady and Peyton Manning that seem destined to be among the greatest of all time. Clearly, if he stays healthy, Manning is going to surpass many of Marino's incredible career numbers based on his progress to this point. There is the knock on him choking in the postseason, but look at the competition he's faced the last few years and the reputation of defenses like New England and Pittsburgh. He's still one of the greatest, even if he never gets that Super Bowl. And Tom Brady...composure like I have seldom seen. His leadership, clock management, etc. show the composure of a 4th quarter John Elway. His vision is incredible, as I don't know when I've seen someone see the field so well and spread the ball around. Notice how no one wants New England receivers for their fantasy league because they don't get the large stats individually, but they get it done as a team, because the guy throwing the ball knows how to utilize any weapon he has to its highest ability.
Yeah, I agree with you on everything here Pengunsfan. My argument was your favorite team cannot have what we consider a great QB, a great coaching staff, and be underrated. Pats fans were whining about the lack of attention people were giving them, even the Pats players were playing that card, which I think was a case of just frustration from injuries and using as motivation what they might have percieved as not being paid enough attention to by media the weeks leading up to the playoffs. Eh, end O' story. Steelers are the champs and FA and THE DRAFT is up next.
The Pats had some problems this year. They did have injury issues and things to deal with like the Teddy Bruski situation. Then consider that they lost both coordinators in the offseason, Crennel to coach the Browns, and Weis to coach the most prestigious and greatest institution in the history of college football (I had to put the plug in). I gave them very little chance of winning the Super Bowl this year in the offseason, and obviously they didn't. But they did finish the season strong. Just shows how truly great the organization and the heart of that team is.
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