Permanent Scar on Penis?


Nov 17, 2008
Hi, to tell the truth I wasn't even doing Penis Enlargement, I just masturbated without lube and and this scratched skin off my wang. The stupid part was the next few days I still masterbated and reopened the cut.
Looking at it now it is a white circle while the rest of my penis is normal skin color, is this permanent??? Anything I could put on it to try to get rid of it? Thanks guys.
Thanks, and wow you replied very fast. I will stop.
Do you think its too late for neosporin considering the skin is already closed as if it never happened (just the color change)?
Criagy;330813 said:
Thanks, and wow you replied very fast. I will stop.
Do you think its too late for neosporin considering the skin is already closed as if it never happened (just the color change)?

Either way I would use the neosporin. You may be left with some kind of scar but the neosporin will help get rid of most of it.
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