Need advice. Red/pink areas on skin

What would be best practices?

Is it optimal to do evening length work with LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and then jump to SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory Girth program (SRT 5x5x3)? Should i apply MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY after the girth work for both? Or should i do MOS RED after LM and then again maybe after 5x5x3?

After Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) should i use only one ring at the base or should i use another one below the glands as the picture shows in the shop?

Is it good to put extender after LM work? Or should i wait a while?

What is the minimum expected length growth with LM and girth growth with 5x5x3?

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What is the minimum expected length growth with LM and girth growth with 5x5x3?
These questions are hard to answer, almost impossible.
Here is a list that brothers are saying are common gains.

3 months length 0.25"-0.5 "
6 months length 0.75"-1"
1 year length 1"-2"
3 months girth 0.25"
6 months girth 0.5"
1 year girth 0.75"-1"

Note this is incremental and the measurements for each month or year.

But don't limit yourself. Faster gains are possible.
These questions are hard to answer, almost impossible.
Here is a list that brothers are saying are common gains.

But don't limit yourself. Faster gains are possible.
Thanks man

What about the other questions? 🙏
MOS RED after every session for 15 minutes.

Length work before girthwork, all good.
Length work can be good to spread out during the day if you can to take advantage of like 2 x temporary elongation with healing elongation.

After srt 5x5x3 should i use only one ring at the base or should i use another one below the glands as the picture shows in the shop?
Only one at the base!

Is it good to put extender after LM work? Or should i wait a while?
It's the best. But do not use high force just keep it at enough tension so you get more elongation then a sleeve or a penis elongation wrap.
I hope the gains will talk for themselves.
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Get the MOSRED!
Already did.
Should arrive at sunday with the LM and MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System. Super excited. :)
Get the MOSRED!

Red light therapy is a great external healing stimulation. If you haven't done so, amino acids and protein peptides bundles for internal healing assist with red light therapy. I'm tracking one vs the other, and both at the same time in the near future. Red light therapy is taking the lead by a small percentile so far. Need more tests for confirmation.
Red light therapy is a great external healing stimulation. If you haven't done so, amino acids and protein peptides bundles for internal healing assist with red light therapy. I'm tracking one vs the other, and both at the same time in the near future. Red light therapy is taking the lead by a small percentile so far. Need more tests for confirmation.
Nothing to be confirmed. Try stretching hard with LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and then look at the discoloration in your glans. Do this without MOS RED for some time, and see how much rest you need in order for it to clear away.

Then you add MOS RED and see how fast the discoloration disappears and keep itself at bay.
Actually, the test is for the internal vs external healing support: external red light therapy vs internal amino acids and protein peptides. Later will be a combo.

Standard healing is definitely not encouraged since it will take a lot longer. I had so much downtime when I started ages ago from irritation. Now, 24/7 hang, pump, stretches for 3 days on, and 1 day off without any issues after a week for readjustment. Wish I had all this when I started my journey back then to make things easier. We were pioneers, and some became dominineers.
This is what would have happened to my glans if I didn't use MOS RED.
I could never had been stretching with the intensity I did If I didn't use MOS RED.


Source of original picture.

I hope it was okay I used your pictures, @PenisJihad to emphasize this point?
(The pictures are just URL's to your original post).
Yep. Been there, suffered that, and tiny red bumps to boost. Those were the fun days. I'm smarter now, and experience is the key to prevent this kind of things from lingering too long or none at all. Glad to have a dedicated forum like this to guide the inexperienced through the processes.
Yep. Been there, suffered that, and tiny red bumps to boost. Those were the fun days. I'm smarter now, and experience is the key to prevent this kind of things from lingering too long or none at all. Glad to have a dedicated forum like this to guide the inexperienced through the processes.
When I got my MOS RED, the healing process and the clearing of the discoloration in the glans, felt all like some kind of magic.
Red light therapy is a great external healing stimulation. If you haven't done so, amino acids and protein peptides bundles for internal healing assist with red light therapy. I'm tracking one vs the other, and both at the same time in the near future. Red light therapy is taking the lead by a small percentile so far. Need more tests for confirmation.
What exactly are you taking? What products/ Amino acids? Etc..
What exactly are you taking? What products/ Amino acids? Etc..

Most of the general populus don't understand that our bodies are not receiving and extracting the essential amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and the proper carbs daily. Why? Our diets due to the widely available foods in processed forms. You can eat and eat and eat, but if you don't eat the right things for specific purposes, you're not benefiting anything. I provided a short blurb about what I'm experimenting on right now here: Unique discovery of supplement combinations with collagen peptides

My kids (college and high school) are working out to pack on muscles. I used to have lean sculpted muscles as well, benching 350lbs with ease. I use clean methods without the excessive protein supplements like most builders used in the past and now. It took me nearly twice the time to reach their levels, but my muscles were dense and long lasting without the fear of suddenly deflated like most who don't upkeep the body building regiment. Now, I focus on keeping healthy, enhance my endurance, and maintain my strength without the excessive weight lifting, while straying away from the pharma-laden craps out there.

I discovered from decades of both research and personal medical logs that specific amino acids, protein peptides, vitamins, and carbs we consume while exercising and exposed to the red light therapy accelerate healing, boosting energy, load you up with tons more vitality, and for younger men in their prime, sexual virility up the ying-yang. Why spend tons of cash on the pharma products when you can do your own formulation at a safer level with better results.

For all ages while doing PE, primary supplements for daily regiment while eating healthy diet of minimal processed foods (yeah, beeforoni is not a good example there DLD 😂 ):
  • Vit D: 5000 units during winter, and 2000 units during summer. If you're not getting at least 2 hours of direct sunlight exposure between 11AM and 4PM, maintain at 5000 units.
  • L-arginine: 1,000 mg. You can go buck wild at 5000mg, but the deminishing return is around 3500 mg. Use L-citrulline maltase at 2,500mg is best to get your blood pumping instead. Faster absorption and conversion to nitric oxide than L-arginine. I still have a few bottles of L-arginine so I'm finishing them up before using the L-critrulline maltase as my primarly when I'm not cycling.
  • Lecithin: 1200 mg
  • L-Lysine: 500 mg
  • L-Glutamine: 500 mg
  • Magnesium (500 mg) and Potassium (1000 mg) in the form of hydration and muscle relaxant from intense uphill rides
  • B-Complex (not the daily supplement loads but twice as much)
  • External Vit E (liquid) rubbing during rest phases without stretcher to alleviate glans irritation since I'm uncircumcised. Lots of stresses on the glans and the 1-inch length of skin along the frenulum for uncircumcised folks.
  • Add suggested daily dose of Zinc, Iron, Iodine (from kelp) to keep your semen load/stack loaded and strong for making a family or just spamming your lady. You can simply select high-absorption daily mega vitamins to assist.
  • If you're 40 and older, my suggestion is to also use HMB. Trust me. It's something to keep your health in check even if you're not as active as the younger generations.
  • Water! Lots of water! Keep hydration up to the 1 gal per day. No water and too much of the prior mentions can do a number on your internals.
  • When you can, invest in a good red light therapy unit. Don't buy untrusty knockoffs with too many empty promises.
Like I said in the other post, I'm using up my wife's collagen peptides as she tries to formulate her own youth regeneration regimens. Since she has so much unused supply of the chocolate flavor Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, I'm using it up. It contains practically the ingredients I'm using already. However, the key is the unseen interaction at the biochemical and molecular levels with the introduction of glycine, glutamic acid, nitric oxide, proline, alanine, and hydroxyproline, while the rest of the other resources are abundant. I'm not using red light therapy for the moment but I'm seeing very positive results at the moment for muscular development, fatigue recovery, energy boost, mental clarity, and fast PE gains at the margin of safety. Can't wait to switch to a dual mode of internal and external stimuli and see the overall benefits generated.

We can go into further discussion on any of the previous mentions if you like. But this may not be the right forum's area for that kind of discussion.
Most of the general populus don't understand that our bodies are not receiving and extracting the essential amino acids, proteins, vitamins, and the proper carbs daily. Why? Our diets due to the widely available foods in processed forms. You can eat and eat and eat, but if you don't eat the right things for specific purposes, you're not benefiting anything. I provided a short blurb about what I'm experimenting on right now here: Unique discovery of supplement combinations with collagen peptides

My kids (college and high school) are working out to pack on muscles. I used to have lean sculpted muscles as well, benching 350lbs with ease. I use clean methods without the excessive protein supplements like most builders used in the past and now. It took me nearly twice the time to reach their levels, but my muscles were dense and long lasting without the fear of suddenly deflated like most who don't upkeep the body building regiment. Now, I focus on keeping healthy, enhance my endurance, and maintain my strength without the excessive weight lifting, while straying away from the pharma-laden craps out there.

I discovered from decades of both research and personal medical logs that specific amino acids, protein peptides, vitamins, and carbs we consume while exercising and exposed to the red light therapy accelerate healing, boosting energy, load you up with tons more vitality, and for younger men in their prime, sexual virility up the ying-yang. Why spend tons of cash on the pharma products when you can do your own formulation at a safer level with better results.

For all ages while doing PE, primary supplements for daily regiment while eating healthy diet of minimal processed foods (yeah, beeforoni is not a good example there DLD 😂 ):
  • Vit D: 5000 units during winter, and 2000 units during summer. If you're not getting at least 2 hours of direct sunlight exposure between 11AM and 4PM, maintain at 5000 units.
  • L-arginine: 1,000 mg. You can go buck wild at 5000mg, but the deminishing return is around 3500 mg. Use L-citrulline maltase at 2,500mg is best to get your blood pumping instead. Faster absorption and conversion to nitric oxide than L-arginine. I still have a few bottles of L-arginine so I'm finishing them up before using the L-critrulline maltase as my primarly when I'm not cycling.
  • Lecithin: 1200 mg
  • L-Lysine: 500 mg
  • L-Glutamine: 500 mg
  • Magnesium (500 mg) and Potassium (1000 mg) in the form of hydration and muscle relaxant from intense uphill rides
  • B-Complex (not the daily supplement loads but twice as much)
  • External Vit E (liquid) rubbing during rest phases without stretcher to alleviate glans irritation since I'm uncircumcised. Lots of stresses on the glans and the 1-inch length of skin along the frenulum for uncircumcised folks.
  • Add suggested daily dose of Zinc, Iron, Iodine (from kelp) to keep your semen load/stack loaded and strong for making a family or just spamming your lady. You can simply select high-absorption daily mega vitamins to assist.
  • If you're 40 and older, my suggestion is to also use HMB. Trust me. It's something to keep your health in check even if you're not as active as the younger generations.
  • Water! Lots of water! Keep hydration up to the 1 gal per day. No water and too much of the prior mentions can do a number on your internals.
  • When you can, invest in a good red light therapy unit. Don't buy untrusty knockoffs with too many empty promises.
Like I said in the other post, I'm using up my wife's collagen peptides as she tries to formulate her own youth regeneration regimens. Since she has so much unused supply of the chocolate flavor Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, I'm using it up. It contains practically the ingredients I'm using already. However, the key is the unseen interaction at the biochemical and molecular levels with the introduction of glycine, glutamic acid, nitric oxide, proline, alanine, and hydroxyproline, while the rest of the other resources are abundant. I'm not using red light therapy for the moment but I'm seeing very positive results at the moment for muscular development, fatigue recovery, energy boost, mental clarity, and fast PE gains at the margin of safety. Can't wait to switch to a dual mode of internal and external stimuli and see the overall benefits generated.

We can go into further discussion on any of the previous mentions if you like. But this may not be the right forum's area for that kind of discussion.
That's very interesting actually. I really into supplaments. I will learn more about the above and consider adding some. Thanks a lot!
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