Not seeing gains from bathmate and sizegenetics??

So I’ve been doing all I’m supposed to, stretching, then 6-7 hours in size genetics, took out bath mate because I wanted to focus more on length. Been doing this for almost a year and a half with little to no results and I’m starting to lose motivation. Any advice?

my first advice is to not lose motivation, why would you lose motivation knowing that you can make yourself as big as you want? Sometimes it takes longer for other people and sometimes people just need something more intense but it’s never worth quitting. When you feel this way I’m glad you did what you did and come out and say that you need help.

Now, getting onto you gaining. I like all the SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender work you’re getting in but I would like to see you do some manual or even better LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging stretching. If I were to do a length only program the two tools I would want would be an ADS like you have and the Lengthmaster. It is an unbeatable combination.
Jesus man, 1mm gain in length in 1.5 years. That must suck!!!

I gained 1" in my first year and I thought I'm a super slow gainer.

Sounds to me like your tissues may respond better to high intensity rather than longer time under tension so you might want to get a LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging and do 45min-1h of assisted manual stretching 6d/week. I'd also change the wet jelq with dry jelq since that creates higher pressure inside the CCs and seems to favor length better than the wet version.

Just a few questions:

#1: Did you ever measured your BPFSL before and right after a workout? from my experience, when I had no temporary deformation of tissues post-workout I didn't gain at all, this is IMO the most important indicator for the workout effectiveness. for me, a good workout gives about 1-2mm elongation in BPFSL and 2-3mm in MSG post-workout and some people report up to 0.25".

#2: Have you gained any FSL in these 18months?

#3: Did you ever felt any kind of fatigue or soreness the next day from a workout, if the answer is no then you simply did not inflict enough stimulation to produce tissue deformation and cell division with your workouts which means you need higher intensity.,

PS: Go and read my 10months extender progress thread and make sure you apply all my tips I underlined there in post #6 when it comes to extender use.

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my first advice is to not lose motivation, why would you lose motivation knowing that you can make yourself as big as you want? Sometimes it takes longer for other people and sometimes people just need something more intense but it’s never worth quitting. When you feel this way I’m glad you did what you did and come out and say that you need help.

Now, getting onto you gaining. I like all the sizegenetics work you’re getting in but I would like to see you do some manual or even better Lengthmaster stretching. If I were to do a length only program the two tools I would want would be an ADS like you have and the Lengthmaster. It is an unbeatable combination.

whatwould you suggest for a routine? As of right now my routine is:
20 min of manual stretches
5-7 hours of SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender
as of right now I can’t afford a LM.
Jesus man, 1mm gain in length in 1.5 years. That must suck!!!

I gained 1" in my first year and I thought I'm a super slow gainer.

Sounds to me like your tissues may respond better to high intensity rather than longer time under tension so you might want to get a LM and do 45min-1h of assisted manual stretching 6d/week. I'd also change the wet jelq with dry jelq since that creates higher pressure inside the CCs and seems to favor length better than the wet version.

Just a few questions:

#1: Did you ever measured your BPFSL before and right after a workout? from my experience, when I had no temporary deformation of tissues post-workout I didn't gain at all, this is IMO the most important indicator for the workout effectiveness. for me, a good workout gives about 1-2mm elongation in BPFSL and 2-3mm in MSG post-workout and some people report up to 0.25".

#2: Have you gained any FSL in these 18months?

#3: Did you ever felt any kind of fatigue or soreness the next day from a workout, if the answer is no then you simply did not inflict enough stimulation to produce tissue deformation and cell division with your workouts which means you need higher intensity.,

PS: Go and read my 10months extender progress thread and make sure you apply all my tips I underlined there in post #6 when it comes to extender use.

1. I never measured, but I can tell when i worked it out enough because I have an easier time stretching to fit properly into SG.
2. I have gained about .3” in FSL, nothing really in flaccid hang.
3. Yes I have felt fatigue, but not always. Recently I have felt a pop from stretching towards the base of my dick, so I’ve been trying to take it easier.
How about you start with this:

Measure your BPFSL today before your manual stretching routine, then do your stretching(I'd recommend at least 30-40mins of manual stretching at your point), and then right after your workout measures your BPFSL again and report the measurements here.

Do the same with your SG session, measure right before you mount your SG for the first set, and right after your last set and report the measurements here.

This will tell me what you're doing wrong.

How about you start with this:

Measure your BPFSL today before your manual stretching routine, then do your stretching(I'd recommend at least 30-40mins of manual stretching at your point), and then right after your workout measures your BPFSL again and report the measurements here.

Do the same with your SG session, measure right before you mount your SG for the first set, and right after your last set and report the measurements here.

This will tell me what you're doing wrong.

Worried about the pop I’ve felt a couple times while stretching.. any knowledge On that?
yes, they're called lig pops and there's nothing to worry about as long as you don't feel any pain after the session.
whatwould you suggest for a routine? As of right now my routine is:
20 min of manual stretches
5-7 hours of SG
as of right now I can’t afford a LM.

let me put a routine together for you that utilizes fulcrum stretching because I think this will be the breaking point. What will do is intensify the basic stretching your healing by making fulcrums or bundles. How much time can you invest in a routine?
How about you start with this:

Measure your BPFSL today before your manual stretching routine, then do your stretching(I'd recommend at least 30-40mins of manual stretching at your point), and then right after your workout measures your BPFSL again and report the measurements here.

Do the same with your SG session, measure right before you mount your SG for the first set, and right after your last set and report the measurements here.

This will tell me what you're doing wrong.

So my BPFSL before stretching was just about 5.9” and after it was 6.25”
let me put a routine together for you that utilizes fulcrum stretching because I think this will be the breaking point. What will do is intensify the basic stretching your healing by making fulcrums or bundles. How much time can you invest in a routine?
I have a decent amount of time now, because I’m work from home.
So my BPFSL before stretching was just about 5.9” and after it was 6.25”

Holly crap, that must be one of the highest reported deformation I remember reading on MOS. This means that your stretching routine is doing what's supposed to do so I have no idea why you're not gaining.

Anyway, I don't like to sound pessimistic but putting more time into the extender at this point is pretty much wasting your time IMO. The biggest gains reported with extenders happen in the first 6-10months and you're past that point by now. I think you need a completely new routine based either on high-intensity and high-volume manual work or hanging 10+lbs for sets.

I was a hard gainer myself but I tried different routines until I got gains and stayed persistent with it. If I'd be in your position I'd:

1. take 1-month break and then start with the newbie routine consisting of 4sets of stretching in all directions for a total of 30-45min follows by 30min jelqing, then after 4 months I'd go to no 2:
2 go for two daily sessions of 30min LM stretches and 30min jelqing(one am and another pm done at least 10h apart), then after 8-10 months or if I don't see any gains after the first 2mo I'd go to no 3:
3. hardcore hanging 5-6 days/week 3-4 sets starting at 3kg and adding 0.5kg every week until 5kg(10lbs) and then another 0.5kg every 2 weeks.

I think those are your options at this moment. That may sound like a lot but your dick seems to be able to take a lot if 7h of extender per day didn't do anything.

P.S: I recall a few no-gainers both here and at �other PE site� back in the day but I don't recall reading about one that put so much time into extenders and bathmate and didn't gain. That's really worrying me because with manual work you could say that you're not performing the exercises right but these devices are supposed to do all the work for you.

DLD, maybe you write a sticky post for no-gainers titled something like: "For no-gainers. What if you're not seeing any gains", I remember seeing some posts a few years back with a title similar to that but It's probably buried somewhere in the abyss of the forums.

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I have a decent amount of time now, because I’m work from home.

please send me an email so we can put this together. Send it to
Hey, so I’ve taken about 3 months off just to kind of reset. I’d really like some advice on how I should approach everything now. My current equipment is a Bathmate and a SG. I’m really trying to increase size after about 2 years of hardly any gains.
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Hey, so I’ve taken about 3 months off just to kind of reset. I’d really like some advice on how I should approach everything now. My current equipment is a BM and a SG. I’m really trying to increase size after about 2 years of hardly any gains.
Hey, so I’ve taken about 3 months off just to kind of reset. I’d really like some advice on how I should approach everything now. My current equipment is a BM and a SG. I’m really trying to increase size after about 2 years of hardly any gains.

I can help you put a routine together if that’s what you desire. Let me know and I can work with you through the email to finalize a customer routine.
I can help you put a routine together if that’s what you desire. Let me know and I can work with you through the email to finalize a customer routine.
Yeah that’d be awesome
Yeah that’d be awesome

send me an email so I can ask you a few questions. Send it to
send me an email so I can ask you a few questions. Send it to
I sent it
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I sent it

get to you asap
Hi everyone, so I have been using size genetics for almost about a year now, after taking a break from it. I’ve wearing it 5-6 hours everyday and only taking breaks about 1-2 times a week, I have tried everything, implementing 5-10 min of stretching and jelquing before going into the sizegenetics. I decided to get the bathmate to boost my gains about 6-7 months ago and have been using it 5x a week at full pressure for 15-20 min. Also I jelq before I put on the bathmate. I have seen little to no gains in girth or length and am starting to get discouraged. I’ve read just about every blog post so I know this stuff works. Any advice would be very welcomed and appreciated! Thank you!

I believe this member must have fallen off due to lack of gains. I believe he wasn't training effecrively. He said he was pumping at full pressure for 15 to 20 mins. I think he wasn't listening to his body and also he didn't do SSJ or isolation compression squeeze.

He was doing only one pumping set instead of super set and this is why he didn't make any gains in girth at all. As for the SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender, he was staying at the same tension throughout his session. I always tell people who are using the size genetics to start slow and increase the tension with screw bars every 15mins. But this should be done after the first 1 hour session.

If this member can come back, I want to coach him to make sure he is making gains.
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