No erection with bathmate

If you’re not getting any expansion you need to up the pressure or there’s something wrong with your bathmate.
Dedication, discipline and determination...PE is an exercise in all three (plus patience). Each person's physiology is unique and will respond differently, experiment with any/all of the suggestions already given and pay very close attention to how your body responds. Keep your expectations moderate and be consistent with all your exercises.
I try to boil PE down to very simple rules of create change, one must use enough force to effect it (but please be safe/reasonable with the amount of force...especially until you know what your limits are). My quickest gains came when I introduced the VacuVin mod to my X40 Bathmate and I was able to (slowly) max-out the pressure that the VV was able to impart. Switching to the MityVac (and a slimmer cylinder) has allowed me to apply more of the vacuum forces along the length axis. I upgraded the hand-pump to a higher-end automotive brake bleeder unit and it can create far more pressure than I can withstand (for now).

Just use your logical brain and figure out what the best practices are for your particular goals and body.
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