Need advice. Red/pink areas on skin


Active member
Sep 8, 2023
Not sure its the right forum.
I have red/pink on different areas on my skin. It also sensitive (like an half open cut, kind of). For a while now.
I stopped my SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory routine and my extender device in the last week. But i keep doing bundeled streches with mild intensity.
I tried to put moisteres, apple cider vingear (saw recommendation on this forum). And also antibiotic cream with hydrocortisone 2.5% couple of times, but so far i don't see major improvement. I also started having pilling skin.
Do you have any suggestions? Do you think i should stop all PE include bundeled strech activity (every day without PE is wasted day for me :) ) should i see doctor?
Do you have any suggestions ? Attached pictures)

Another unrelated question. I just order silirings along with other stuff. After srt 553 session do you recommend putting one ring at the base or also another one behind the glands?


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I tried to put moisteres, apple cider vingear (saw recommendation on this forum).

Stop the apple cider vinegar it’s very acidic and most likely burn the skin. Especially if you are using on the penis a sensitive area.

Use hydrocortisone you could also use Vaseline as well to hydrate the skin. MOS-RED provides faster results check out red-light therapy devices.
Stop the apple cider vinegar it’s very acidic and most likely burn the skin. Especially if you are using on the penis a sensitive area.

Use hydrocortisone you could also use Vaseline as well to hydrate the skin. MOS-RED provides faster results check out red-light therapy devices.
To be honest i have another infra red device i ordered a while ago from another website that is as a ped that wrapped directly on the penis. I don't know if its any different than MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY on results, except it got broken and im waiting for the replacement to arrive
Hydrocortisone is the best with skin issues
Stop the apple cider vinegar it’s very acidic and most likely burn the skin. Especially if you are using on the penis a sensitive area.

Use hydrocortisone you could also use Vaseline as well to hydrate the skin. MOS-RED provides faster results check out red-light therapy devices.
Agree with this. I also suggest, Locobase® REPAIR to restore the moisture and the skin barrier. This have been an essential key to keeping my penis young looking. It's really underrated. My penis looked like a dry raisin before (without: Locobase® REPAIR) after all the stretching.

This is actually not advertisement about this ointment, I have no gains in promoting it, other then to help others to have a young looking penis during their penis enlargement journey.

And also antibiotic cream with hydrocortisone 2.5% couple of times
You should stick with hydrocortisone 1% for longtime use. Apply a little bit directly after session. Also as @orgasmic19 said, MOS RED is for faster results, that is: fast gains and recovery. You can even boost up Collagen Production, and a lot more + benefits.

Check it out.

Under details on the SHOP you can read more.
Agree with this. I also suggest, Locobase® REPAIR to restore the moisture and the skin barrier. This have been an essential key to keeping my penis young looking. It's really underrated. My penis looked like a dry raisin before (without: Locobase® REPAIR) after all the stretching.

This is actually not advertisement about this ointment, I have no gains in promoting it, other then to help others to have a young looking penis during their penis enlargement journey.

You should stick with hydrocortisone 1% for longtime use. Apply a little bit directly after session. Also as @orgasmic19 said, MOS RED is for faster results, that is: fast gains and recovery. You can even boost up Collagen Production, and a lot more + benefits.

Check it out.

Under details on the SHOP you can read more.

The only hydrocortizone that is safe is the 1%. Anything stronger can do damage to your skin. And that is why it is available by doctors orders only.
Thanks @DLD and @squirt_inducer_man

Regarding hydrocortisone i found it in my country only as 2.5% and i don't like buying perscription drugs over the internet or not from authorized medical place.
Thanks for the other cream suggestion as well.

Should i quit all PE until i have full recovery or should i keep going?

Regarding MOS RED i was doubt if i should get it in my last order, because i already have another infra red ped that is wrapped specifically on the penis.(waiting for a replacement currently so didn't used it lately) And im not sure if mos red has extra benefit as they are both infra red. And im also concern about not hitting other body parts with the mos red such as internal organs etc..
Thanks @DLD and @squirt_inducer_man

Regarding hydrocortisone i found it in my country only as 2.5% and i don't like buying perscription drugs over the internet or not from authorized medical place.
Thanks for the other cream suggestion as well.

Should i quit all PE until i have full recovery or should i keep going?

Regarding MOS RED i was doubt if i should get it in my last order, because i already have another infra red ped that is wrapped specifically on the penis.(waiting for a replacement currently so didn't used it lately) And im not sure if mos red has extra benefit as they are both infra red. And im also concern about not hitting other body parts with the mos red such as internal organs etc..
The device you have are inferior to MOS RED.
There are 2 different wavelength you need with high enough intensity in order to get the benefits I'm talking about.
A pad can not have the same penetration power as MOS RED.

The light is not dangerous, you are concerned for no reason at all.
There are only positive benefits with it.

For example when I was stretching with LengthMaster 3 - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging I got bad discoloration in my glans, 15 minutes after a session cleared everything up really good, or at least kept it on a minimal level. If not having MOS RED I would not have gained as fast as I gained. That would not have been possible, because the recovery time/healing time between each sessions would be to long.
If i already order, is there a real significance between my 40$ air pump to MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System or bathmate? Please elaborate. And also which is preferred between both?

Also regarding LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging do you think there is a reason to buy it if i still don't fully utilize my hands power and im far from it?

If i already order, is there a real significance between my 40$ air pump to mityvac or bathmate? Please elaborate. And also which is preferred between both?

Also regarding LM do you think there is a reason to buy it if i still don't fully utilize my hands power and im far from it?

A 40$ is garbage. I know because I got one. I can not get enough vacuum/pressure with it to get the preferred temporary expansion of 0.5 Inch Erected Girth after a girth session.

I would recommend the MityVac becouse the comfort is much higher, and the longevity of it is better. When you outgrow a cylinder you can just get a bigger one. You can not do that with Bathmate. With Bathmate you need to buy a completely new pump (the entire system). I got 3 pumps from Bathmate to maximize my gains, but if you buy retail price on them you will go broke. I was just lucky they where not at retail price when I got them (on sale).

I didn't know about MOS when I got my Bathmate pumps, If I did I would have bought MityVac instead. It would have been less expensive for me in the end.
Also with Bathmate you do not have a gauge to be able to monitor the vacuum/pressure inside the cylinder, some men can not feel when the pressure are enough with Bathmate pumps, so they have then over pressured their penis (injured themselves) and then have written about that on the forums. So in a way Bathmate are more unsafe because of the lack of gauge.

Also, using a more narrow pump and a wider pump in the same session can be beneficial as well.

I just are laying out all the information I got about pumping, and these 3 different pumping systems.
If I would redo my length gains I would have gotten LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging 3 much much sooner, I believe I would have gained even faster.
Hands are limited to the stretching force and intensity you can apply in each stretch, but LengthMaster 3 are not limited.
This was the reason I used a broomstick before I got my LengthMaster 3. For me I got to a point pretty soon where I could not stretch hard enough. Also bundled stretches are most powerful if you have a fulcrum device.

Just look at these 2 stretches I did. These could never have been done with my hands.

  1. Broomstick stretch: BTC (Behind The Cheeks) with inner penis stretch.
  2. Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches (5D-BTC-BS), view from the backside.

    Hope this information helps. If you have further questions just ask.

/ Hope this helps.
A 40$ is garbage. I know because I got one. I can not get enough vacuum/pressure with it to get the preferred temporary expansion of 0.5 Inch Erected Girth after a girth session.

I would recommend the MityVac becouse the comfort is much higher, and the longevity of it is better. When you outgrow a cylinder you can just get a bigger one. You can not do that with Bathmate. With Bathmate you need to buy a completely new pump (the entire system). I got 3 pumps from Bathmate to maximize my gains, but if you buy retail price on them you will go broke. I was just lucky they where not at retail price when I got them (on sale).

I didn't know about MOS when I got my Bathmate pumps, If I did I would have bought MityVac instead. It would have been less expensive for me in the end.
Also with Bathmate you do not have a gauge to be able to monitor the vacuum/pressure inside the cylinder, some men can not feel when the pressure are enough with Bathmate pumps, so they have then over pressured their penis (injured themselves) and then have written about that on the forums. So in a way Bathmate are more unsafe because of the lack of gauge.

Also, using a more narrow pump and a wider pump in the same session can be beneficial as well.

I just are laying out all the information I got about pumping, and these 3 different pumping systems.
If I would redo my length gains I would have gotten LengthMaster 3 much much sooner, I believe I would have gained even faster.
Hands are limited to the stretching force and intensity you can apply in each stretch, but LengthMaster 3 are not limited.
This was the reason I used a broomstick before I got my LengthMaster 3. For me I got to a point pretty soon where I could not stretch hard enough. Also bundled stretches are most powerful if you have a fulcrum device.

Just look at these 2 stretches I did. These could never have been done with my hands.

  1. Broomstick stretch: BTC (Behind The Cheeks) with inner penis stretch.
  2. Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches (5D-BTC-BS), view from the backside.

    Hope this information helps. If you have further questions just ask.

/ Hope this helps.
Thanks a lot. Do i need any accesories for the LM? To avoid slipping and such?
Also i saw somewhere on the forum discount code for MoS Shop. If u can refer me. Thx
Thanks a lot. Do i need any accesories for the LM? To avoid slipping and such?
Also i saw somewhere on the forum discount code for MoS Shop. If u can refer me. Thx

You are welcome. You get everything you need for the LengthMaster 3 in the package.

Discount code: MOS18
On the home page in Desktop mode, and in a pinned post in Penis Enlargement Forum you find the information about this discount code.
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You are welcome. You get everything you need for the LengthMaster 3 in the package.

View attachment 1834894
On the home page in Desktop mode, and in a pinned post in Penis Enlargement Forum you find the information about this discount code.
Last question i hope
For the mityvac sizing, im confused. Is it about the hole size? It says to choose 0.25" bigger than the erect width. So if my erect girth is 10.5cm "4-4.75inch" it says to choose 1.75"
How 4.2" will go inside 1.75" ? Im confused

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Last question i hope
For the mityvac sizing, im confused. Is it about the hole size? It says to choose 0.25" bigger than the erect width. So if my erect width is 10.5cm "4-4.75inch" it says to choose 1.75"
How 4.2" will go inside 1.75" ? Im confused


Look in this thread.

The size of the cylinder is the diameter of the cylinder.
For example: 2.5" size, is 2.5" in diameter.
Anyway i chosed per the instructions for 1.75" as my girth around 4.2".
I ordered mos red, LM, Mityvac. Hopefully to get the results i want.

Anyway i chosed per the instructions for 1.75" as my girth around 4.2".
I ordered mos red, LM, Mityvac. Hopefully to get the results i want.

You can get a Monster penis with those devices if you want to.

You can get a Monster penis with those devices if you want to.
What excercises should i do for max gain with the LM? Once you told me to do downward stretch, and then move to BTC. 20min×2 a day.
is that all?

Is the downward should be over the arm like with A strech? Or just push it straight down? (If u have a video that would be cool).

Also did you mean like in the same session change from down to BTC, or use only down for some period of time (how much?) and then do only BTC?
and how do u combine the MOS-RED | NIR INFRARED LIGHT THERAPY FOR ERECTION QUALITY in this routine? Before and after (how long each)? Anything else i should know about length work?

Sorry for all the question. And thank you!
What excercises should i do for max gain with the LM? Once you told me to do downward stretch, and then move to BTC. 20min×2 a day.
is that all?
Yes! See the video instructions in my video instruction thread, and replicate that and you will grow really big.

Is the downward should be over the arm like with A strech? Or just push it straight down? (If u have a video that would be cool).
All that you need are in this thread:
🔗 SIM's videos and instructions.

Also did you mean like in the same session change from down to BTC, or use only down for some period of time (how much?) and then do only BTC?
and how do u combine the MOSRED in this routine? Before and after (how long each)? Anything else i should know about length work?
Here are the recommended progression.
The progression you need for length work.

Also look at this thread, where I have attached important information in relation to LengthMaster 3 and length work.
List of important threads.

You should transition from: LENGTHMASTER 3 - Beginner routine.
To: Downward Bundled Stretches with the LENGTHMASTER 3.

And the last exercise you should transition into is:
Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches (5D-BTC-BS), view from the backside.

I have pinned all this information in the:
Penis Enlargement Forum

You do one exercise at a time, and then transition into the next one as soon you have exhausted the exercise you are currently doing. You will feel this in your inner penis and ligaments. You feel this by the stretches not being intense enough, even when you maximize the bundles, stretching force and depth. In Downward Bundled Stretches with the LENGTHMASTER 3 you will feel that you need to go more and more backwards under yourself (sitting on a chair) to feel an intense stretch in your inner penis and ligaments. These are the signs, that you need to progress into Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches. Always engage full relaxation when stretching == Reverse Kegel. Relax into the stretch.

I only use MOS RED 15 minutes after my sessions (the bad discoloration in the glans, will be kept at bay), and I am using heating fans before and during my sessions in order to keep my tissue warm.
Ball & Lig stretches are so important for gaining length. These are good to do before a session in front of a heating source, I use a car interior heater like this one:


Hope this helps!

Here are the exercise I use as a warm up:
View media item 1574

Here are MOS RED:

Here are LengthMaster 3:
That's very imfomative and helpful.
Thank you so much!
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