Length master gains


Feb 11, 2014
I feel like I’m not making any length gains. I’ve been using the length master since September 5th. I started the whole routine and I haven’t seen anything length gains yet. I’ve definitely seen some girth. Do you have any advice? Kegels before stretching? Then the bundled stretches and other length master stretches. I’ve been trying to do reverse kegels during stretches but idk if it’s working. After that I go into the phallosan forte for 2-3 hours. Next I go into my girth workout which is the penomet. I do that for 30 min and in between I do slow squash Jelqs. I stay in the SiliSleev all day. Even during my workout and sleep. The only time I take it off is to shower. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Please help. If I put in the work I wanna get results and I don’t wanna waste time. I don’t use weights. Any advice???
Turtling is the BIGGEST bump in the road with starting out. If you aren't a "shower", you will experience retraction, usually 5 min after any elongation exercise. I have found, that doing some expansive exercises prior to elongation gives you more time to relish in that nice hang.

It will get better, over time. Keep at it!!
I feel like I’m not making any length gains. I’ve been using the length master since September 5th. I started the whole routine and I haven’t seen anything length gains yet. I’ve definitely seen some girth. Do you have any advice? Kegels before stretching? Then the bundled stretches and other length master stretches. I’ve been trying to do reverse kegels during stretches but idk if it’s working. After that I go into the phallosan forte for 2-3 hours. Next I go into my girth workout which is the penomet. I do that for 30 min and in between I do slow squash Jelqs. I stay in the SiliSleev all day. Even during my workout and sleep. The only time I take it off is to shower. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. Please help. If I put in the work I wanna get results and I don’t wanna waste time. I don’t use weights. Any advice???


Could i/we get more info?
How long have you done PE?
You have been a member for over 5 years, have your done PE the whole time?
What gains, specifics have you had?
What was your routine prior to this one?... did you ramp up to this very advanced routine?
Have your PI’s changed (good or bad) in the past four weeks?
What are your expectations?....
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Haha okay guys. I appreciate the comments. I’ve been doing PE since 2011. I originally went from 6.75-7.5 but I lost all that in 2015 somehow. To be honest there was a 6-month period where I masturbated 6 times a day and then went back into tight pants. Restricted blood flow etc. I went back to 6.75. Bone pressed I’m currently 7.25 but non pressed I’m 6.75. I’ve been using the length master since sept 5th and penomet since August 1st. I’m using the length master routine for length and penomet for girth. I go straight into the penomet after my length workouts and I do 2 5min slow squash Jelqs in between gaiter switches. Lmk what you think, thanks!
Congrats on your gains.... and getting them back a second time.
That is bad ass on your part!

What is the length (time) of your LM sessions?
How many sets?
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This is why I tell men to make this a lifetime commitment. It’s so much easier to gain when we are not watching the clock. I’ve been in this for 20 years and I’ll never be out of it.

While watching the clock things can get stressing,true I have limited time tough lol
While watching the clock things can get stressing,true I have limited time tough LOL

It’s a lifetime commitment for a few reasons. We want to keep ourselves in peak sexual health our whole life so it’s going to be important to have a maintenance routine for the rest of your life if you want to keep your sexual health up. So making a lifetime commitment to PE means keeping yourself healthy sexually long after you’ve made the gains you’ve made. Doing things like Kegels are going to benefit you in old age. Once we have made the goals we desire at that point we can go into maintenance mode for the rest of our lives. Maintenance to me is maybe one session a week for a half hour and then doing Kegels regularly.
Right, is a lifetime commitment,want to get massive asap n keep it at bay, gains GAINS gains!
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