It's between the LengthMaster 3, Size Doctor, Sili-Stretcher 2, or classic weight hanging...

Here are 2 threads with video instructions.
@hugh-girth have a beginner routine.

The video instructions for LENGTHMASTER 3 in my tread are: DBS (Downward Bundled Stretches) and BTC (Behind The Cheeks) stretches. Every stretch with the LENGTHMASTER 3 should be bundled.
Thank you so much, brother. I don't know what does it mean to be bundled?
Thank you so much, brother. I don't know what does it mean to be bundled?
You're welcome brother.

This is bundled stretches:
You rotate your penis like a towel you are twisting, and then stretch your penis/tissue out.
These stretches will deform more tunica albuginea, which allows you to elongate more tissue. And temporary elongation leads to permanent length increases in the future.

It's also easier to stretch your entire penis with bundled stretches (including your inner penis and the ligaments).

If you progress into BTC Stretches you will be able to gain at a faster rate. You stretch every angle behind your ass.

This video are describing a bundled stretch:
🔗 Explanation of bundled stretches.
You're welcome brother.

This is bundled stretches:
You rotate your penis like a towel you are twisting, and then stretch your penis/tissue out.
These stretches will deform more tunica albuginea, which allows you to elongate more tissue. And temporary elongation leads to permanent length increases in the future.

It's also easier to stretch your entire penis with bundled stretches (including your inner penis and the ligaments).

If you progress into BTC Stretches you will be able to gain at a faster rate. You stretch every angle behind your ass.

This video are describing a bundled stretch:
🔗 Explanation of bundled stretches.
You're welcome brother.

This is bundled stretches:
You rotate your penis like a towel you are twisting, and then stretch your penis/tissue out.
These stretches will deform more tunica albuginea, which allows you to elongate more tissue. And temporary elongation leads to permanent length increases in the future.

It's also easier to stretch your entire penis with bundled stretches (including your inner penis and the ligaments).

If you progress into BTC Stretches you will be able to gain at a faster rate. You stretch every angle behind your ass.

This video are describing a bundled stretch:
🔗 Explanation of bundled stretches.
Haha, I really liked that explanation, twisting it like a towel and stretching it out, easy to understand and straight to the point.
Haha, I really liked that explanation, twisting it like a towel and stretching it out, easy to understand and straight to the point.
That's how @DLD came up with the idea with bundled stretches (to bad I can't find the post where he mentioned it). I try to find it later.

Before @DLD came along bundled stretches didn't exist.
@DLD can you tell us the story about how you came up with Bundled Stretches? That would be so nice, and legendary. 😊
Yeah, @DLD story time, wasn’t even aware that you came up with doing those until I revisited this thread.

Thanks to brother @squirt_inducer_man for informing me, almost learning something new about PE here everyday. Dunno why I wasted so many years of time on that other forum. Well, better late than never for joining MOS.
Yeah, @DLD story time, wasn’t even aware that you came up with doing those until I revisited this thread.

Thanks to brother @squirt_inducer_man for informing me, almost learning something new about PE here everyday. Dunno why I wasted so many years of time on that other forum. Well, better late than never for joining MOS.
I've invented so many exercises. I forget them all.
Follow this link:

20 minutes x 2 times per day, with LENGTHMASTER 3 with high intensity stretching, will get you to your dream size. You will probably as well get your unit thicker with it as well. It's important to always keep your penis elongated when you are not stretching during the day. I like this pel.wrap:
🔗 My penis elongation wrap.

I started at 5 inches BPEL with my hands and a broomstick, it took me past 6 inches. Picked up the LENGTHMASTER 3 and I'm now past 8 inches BPEL. It's not permanent jet, but If I keep going I will be at 9 inches in no time.

You will love LENGTHMASTER 3.
I have made many video instructions, and posts about it/how to use it. If you need guidance you just need to ask, and we will help you.
Can I get a video of how the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging 3 works?
Can I get a video of how the lengthmaster 3 works?
It will be hard. My LengthMaster 3 is highly modified, so I can't dismantle it to orgnal status right now.

But what are your questions? It's a simple construction, I can explain with words and maybe picures.
For some reason I can't view images or videos when I am logged in to the site.
Follow this link:

20 minutes x 2 times per day, with LENGTHMASTER 3 with high intensity stretching, will get you to your dream size. You will probably as well get your unit thicker with it as well. It's important to always keep your penis elongated when you are not stretching during the day. I like this pel.wrap:
🔗 My penis elongation wrap.

I started at 5 inches BPEL with my hands and a broomstick, it took me past 6 inches. Picked up the LENGTHMASTER 3 and I'm now past 8 inches BPEL. It's not permanent jet, but If I keep going I will be at 9 inches in no time.

You will love LENGTHMASTER 3.
I have made many video instructions, and posts about it/how to use it. If you need guidance you just need to ask, and we will help you.

How long did it take you to get from 5 inches to 8 inches?
Just curious because I'm starting now and I'm at 5.5 inches and I'd like to have some realistic goals.

Also, you said it's not permanent?
Definitely pick up a lenghtmaster. There is no more powerful tools for length. Be sure to follow the SRT 5X5X3 and if possible the entire SRT routine

Does the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging ship outside of the United States? I live in South africa and it doesn't seem like we have any local suppliers here. I'm currently using the pro-extender 3 and have been for a few weeks now but I'm not really sure if I'm making any gains. I'm doing about 3-4 hours daily because of work so I want to be able to make max gains in the time I have available with the best tools.
How long did it take you to get from 5 inches to 8 inches?
Just curious because I'm starting now and I'm at 5.5 inches and I'd like to have some realistic goals.

Also, you said it's not permanent?
It took me 5 months to go from 5 Inch bpel to 7.68 Inch bpel.

Also, you said it's not permanent?
No brother you must have misinterpreted what I wrote. My gains are permanent.
Whaaaaat! Now that's impressive.

I am absolutely going to follow your plan - I think I lost the link, please can you share the link to the program you followed and everything that's required.

You don't by any chance offer a coaching service, do you?
Whaaaaat! Now that's impressive.

I am absolutely going to follow your plan - I think I lost the link, please can you share the link to the program you followed and everything that's required.

You don't by any chance offer a coaching service, do you?
We need to take this in another thread.
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