In the middle of Decon Break.


Jun 7, 2009
Hello MoS people, I write this post because im starting to have Penis Enlargement abstinence hehe:p. I started the decon break on 05-Aug-09 and it is supossed to be a 2 months decon break. I measure every week to see if my gains are still there and luckily they are intact.

But i wanted to see what do you guys think. My girlfriend has just lost her job and if i start now i will have no privacy at all except for a few days a week and i dont really want to start in those conditions. I hope my Gf finds a new job and leaves me time to do Penis Enlargement alone soon.
Would you guys wait until that happens or just start Penis Enlargement now with no privacy??:(<

Thanks for reading my thread. good luck all.
So, up until she lost her job, your GF worked all day while you stayed home alone and pulled on your dick? :)

Geeze! Talk about winning the lottery!
MrDirk101;351929 said:
So, up until she lost her job, your GF worked all day while you stayed home alone and pulled on your dick? :)

Geeze! Talk about winning the lottery!

edit: your GF worked all day pulling on your dick? :)
hahahah i wish so, i work on IBathmate Argentina from 9 to 18. My gf's last job was from 14 to 20, so i allways had 2 hours alone in home when i come back from work. But now that she lost her job, i don`t.

i think its important to come out strong and consistent from a decon break! its only been one month and you were aiming for two, i say give it another couple weeks to see what happens with privacy-time, because i agree, if youre starting again it should be under proper conditions
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