I accidently pissed on a guy yesterday

Man, that's messed up, in a funny kind of way. I guess you both handled it about as best as could be.
I'm glad everyone got a kick out of this one. This situation reminded me of the hilarious but plausible situations that occured on the sitcom "Seinfeld" (I love that damn show, I never get tired of it). Anyone remember the "Doloris/clitoris" episode? What was even funnier was that guy who got fired from his job the when he talked about that episode the next day at work. Some ultra-feminist got all offended so they canned him. He turned around and sued the company and won a huge settlement, something like a one million dollar plus judgement if memory serves me correct. Sometimes fact can be stranger and funnier than fiction.LMAO
doublelongdaddy said:
I wish some hot chick would "accidentally" pee on me>:(

Dude, no bullshit on this: I've been with 8 girls and 2 have accidentally peed on me during sex. So 25% of the women I fuck end up pissing on me.
LOL. Good one.
I think that he just thought that you are fucked up so better to leave then to say anything before you'll rape him or do something else.
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