How do I loosen my penis suspensory ligament??


Aug 25, 2024
Pls help it’s so tight I push it forward it immediately springs back and I feel like I can unlock huge gains brothers how do I loosen it ?
We tend to hold the penis near the base and stretch. This is where the LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging gives the gripping strength and leverage to go against the two beastly ligaments. Brother SIM demonstrated on this in his videos on full stretch downward and angled backward to combat the ligaments. All all deal with these two beasts.
Agree with @oldandlively
You can also try weight hanging, before discovering MOS i used to progressively hang weights for 1 hour a day, maxing at 2,5 lbs for 2 months. I now have a very stretched ligaments and my erection had a visible curve because of that stretch, which is gone now.
Happy gains brother
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