Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but seriously. Why try to tear down something like a children's book? It's a fantasy book. I love the books myself. I'll admit to reading them lol. I can't wait for the new one to come out in fact. I want to be a writer of some kind some day so anyone that can create something as wonderful as a children's book series and make it so it can be enjoyed by most anyone is just cool in my opinion. SO this lady compares the bible's teachings to what she interprets as what the Harry Potter books teaches???A little bit nuts if you ask me. And that JESUS IS LORD OF ALL! with the lightning bolts surrounding the cross banner... it's a little bit much don't you think? lol

I don't see how Rowling went out of her way to create a story with specific anti-Christian themes in it. That's weak. This idea is about as ridiculous as the homosexual purple tellitubby and sponge bob tolerance videos. They all make the sensible go "are you serious? What are you talking about? Who cares? lol got a good chuckle out of it though.
millionman said:
Texan...that is a very polluted idea indeed... you can't simply say well if this person thinks it's ok then it's ok, if I don't think it's ok it's not ok... such a relative attitude eleminates truth and moral value of any kind... there has to be absolute truth and absolute lies... otherwise the laws of our universe such as gravity, thermodynamics etc. can not function at their core as these ideas can not be the only representation of the universes' function... so to disqualify absolute truth would be to disqualify all of existence... as a follower of Christ you know truth from a lie... The Word is the one who revealed to us the Truth of the kingdom of Heaven and the deceptions of this world... So it would be quite presumptuous for anyone to say that HP does not support the occult practices and magic/sorcery... it would be very uneven according to reason to say that these ideas do not filter into the minds of the children that read/watch the movies... By simple analysis one could find this to be true... The only thing I can say is that I can offer no remedy to the problem other than seeking first the Cross... that's where truth is and always will be...

It would also be very illogical using that reasoning for either side. Whether or not it has or has not been proven is not enough to know anything or conclude anything rather. If the parents of HP "fans" want to raise them Christian that is their right and repsonsibility, but if they want their child to see things a certain way then it's their responsibility to tell them what they think about Harry Potter books. But what young kid or young teen (the typical age groups I'm sure) would know enough about the occult or any of the crap that was mentioned on the web site let alone enough to interpret HP books to have anti-christian themes woven into the story? So what is the big deal if to the children they're just reading fantasy/wizard thematic books?
How would it be illogical to conclude that a book about magic and sorcery would not be in support such practices... for this information to be included into the structure of the book then they must have an operating knowledge of such things... so it would not be a presumption that HP does support the occult....
millionman said:
How would it be illogical to conclude that a book about magic and sorcery would not be in support such practices... for this information to be included into the structure of the book then they must have an operating knowledge of such things... so it would not be a presumption that HP does support the occult....

Just to clarify this, I am certain that the people in Africa that were and are beating, starving and eventually killing their children are Christians as they have very close ties to their respective church's. In fact, within their church's supposed holy men perform these rituals in which they tap certain people on the head in order to single them out as possessed and in need of purifying. Needless to say those tapped on the head then start throwing their arms and legs about them wildly. Taking on the role of the possessed. In other words, they play along and entirely believe their own hyped delusion. It is scary to watch so many people in a self induced trance like state. They seem to be capable of anything. This is one example of how religion, when not accompanied with education, can be much, much more dangerous than any children's books ever written.

Secondly, millionman, on your above quote. I don't think that there was too much anti Christian planning that went into the Harry Potter books or films. I'm not convinced that the author is particularly involved in the occult, it is merely an interesting way in which to stimulate children's imaginations. At the end of the day I believe that the Harry Potter books and films have done much more good than bad. They have not necessarily promoted Christianity but they have made a lot of people happy and I think that is a lot more important.
Good Lord why is this even an issue? I mean seriously the concept within these books is really nothing new, if you've ever read them you would know that. They would not even be on the fanatical radar if they weren't so popular! If that wasn't the case then they would be going after every fantasy related book ever written, and you know what? They would wear themselves out in the process!

I don't know about anyone else, but I knew from a very young age the difference between FANTASY and REALITY, in fact I think I understood the concept of "pretend" before I could even read. This is complete ridiculousness, people have so much more to worry about what their children are being exposed to then some damn fantasy books. They should be happy someone out there is keeping children reading at all!
What about Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, all of the Grimm's fairy tales? If you want to censor, or castigate Harry Potter, you would almost have to bring into question every non-Biblical piece of fiction ever written.

The HP books are simply lovely stories. How can anyone, at any age, or from any background, find one single thing wrong with them. The logic escapes me. They are not religious books, and are not meant to be. They are entertainment, and damn fine entertainment at that.

As a 48 year old Christian, very founded in his beliefs, I cannot wait for July when the next one comes out. In fact, I re-read books four and five in preperation. They are so good, they get better with each reading.

millionman said:
How would it be illogical to conclude that a book about magic and sorcery would not be in support such practices... for this information to be included into the structure of the book then they must have an operating knowledge of such things... so it would not be a presumption that HP does support the occult....

Walking on water,bringing the dead back to life,changing water to wine,making the blind see,the deaf hear,cursing a fig tree so it withers and dies,making a storm subside.

Just a few example that i can remember.

If you put these things into any book other than the bible then people would class them as fantasy,acts of a wizard,the occult but because its in the bible then hey its ok because jesus did it.
So then, under the same pretext, the lady who runs that site could just as easily say that Jesus was an occult wizard who practiced magic and sorcery. So if this is the case why bother targeting one single work of fiction at all? Also it makes no sense unless she also targets almost every Disney movie, pretty much every children's movie or book or fairy tale involve magic of some kind.
omg, prince and stuff, that is such a good point. id like to see tomdw argue that one
kevin10540 said:
omg, prince and stuff, that is such a good point. id like to see tomdw argue that one

Kevin, you should re-read my posts because I too believe the anti Harry Potter site to be a load of shite! :)
millionman said:
How would it be illogical to conclude that a book about magic and sorcery would not be in support such practices... for this information to be included into the structure of the book then they must have an operating knowledge of such things... so it would not be a presumption that HP does support the occult....

How do you not see the fallacy in either of the statements? Just because the books doesn't come right and say there are hints of the occult practices within these writings doesn't mean that you can say that must mean there it must not have anything to do with the occult. If you said that Rowling doesn't come right out and say that so therefore the book is or probably does...that's just not logical at all. You can presume all you want, but by either way you go I think you are begging the question.
one last thing....(hopefully) I think in the U.K. tales with knights and kings, and wizards and sorcerers were a lot more common for a child to hear about there considering that much of history concerning kings and knights exist throughout Europe historically. SO is it that weird that a woman who probably grew up learning or hearing stories of history that dealt with such topics would write a children's story dealing with the same things? Not everything is an attack on Christianity. Some people don't believe in Christianity. Imagine that??
I find the books harmless and enjoyable!I also find the people that practise the craft in real life, have been mislabelled as devil worshippers etc, since the Christians come on the scene, I also think that all religions that have good morals all lead to the same place, including the Pagan religion.There is no correct path that will lead you to heaven, or whatever you want to call it.All paths lead to one destination.

Funny thing is that, one of the things that we learn here at MOS, is to visualize and make dreams come true!Hate to inform you, but visualization is a main component in magical practises(spells,healing,astral travel, etc.)So really we are altering our bodies/cocks through the visualization and power of the mind!!Sounds like a little mojo to me!!!!
Harry Potter is good. But Lord of the Rings is the ultimate.

Looks like if you follow some of the links, you end up at some Catholic bashing site, indicating some of their viewpoints.
I love free speech. Its good for a laugh sometimes. This harry potter site is hilarious.
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