Got my lengthmaster, what routine do I start with?

@DLD @huge-girth I did an intense 30 minute session today, got the wrapping right so I really didn't feel much pain on the glans (or maybe its just my penis getting used to the length master). I did however have a little cut, just a very little cut on the right side of my shaft, close to the base. Maybe I pulled a little too much or maybe I am doing bundled stretches too soon, who knows! My penis has been conditioned for Pe as I normally hang 8 kg up to 12kg sometimes so I am not really sure what happened here. I am guessing maybe, just maybe I pulled too much.

Also there's some soreness on the left and right sides behind the fat pad like where your thighs connect to the penis area. Is this a good sign?

I’m so happy that you’ve got the wrapping down now that’s the biggest hurdle in learning the LENGTHMASTER. The soreness you feel is a good sign of fatigue. As far as the injury that you have taken on, being a cut, I suggest that you use bacitracin on the cut until it heals.
I think that is a good sign. More like, welcome to the club. Just wait for the cut to heal and then resume your routine.
I’m so happy that you’ve got the wrapping down now that’s the biggest hurdle in learning the LM. The soreness you feel is a good sign of fatigue. As far as the injury that you have taken on, being a cut, I suggest that you use bacitracin on the cut until it heals.

I have the hydrocortisone cream, would that do it?
The cut is just like every other minor injury. It will go away with or without the cream
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