case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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yeah. i wasnt planning on using it long term. jsut a few weeks to see if anything helps. i dont feel half bad if i keep this one spot isolated from rubbing . its just a horrible roller coaster ride. sometimes i feel like things are feeling somewhat normal again. then others, i feel the itching and the retraction, and i just seem to lose all sensation that its even there. its hard to keep going , but im trying my best. i can keep it secure enough to mostly not bother me, and a sleeve may help yet also. i just dont know if this spot will ever heal back to normal. and if i dont feel normal, i dont seem to ever be able to get interested or aroused anymore. ive learned that rubbing it doesnt work at all. and then thinking about never being able to have my wife again works on my brain even more. ugh
It will heal. Just allow a bit of time for the body to reset while you do your best to keep promoting healing. Never sit idle and think the body will simply create miracles. It takes your parts in the healing efforts with active promotions for healing.
i really really hope youre right. im so far out there now, i realy dont know how to get back. i cant really even remember how i should normally feel now. i only know this aint it. its so hard to focus on anything but this. im so screwed up mentally now from this, i dont really know what to even try now or do other than excercise. which is hard to do feeling like this sometimes
We all face hardship in certain forms throughout life, and we repeat the same lines, be of relationships, physical ailments, mental/emotional issues, financial crisis, or whatever may be. It truly boils down to how strong your mentality is to break through it with a driven determination to shrug off the negatives, look forward toward the positives, and find answers among those with whom you can confide in. The statement sounds cliche, but I stated it because I've gone through it all, and then some. As brothers in PE and beyond, we're here to listen, and we're here to provide sensible advices. Chin up, look forward, and confide in your loving wife to support you while the brothers search for methods to heal you.
im in. trying to get there. i will say the first few months were the darkest thing ive ever been through. somehow i made it this far. it still aint much fun, but im trying. i wish id left well enough alone. but cant do anything about that now.
There is nothing unhealthy about using it. I used viagra for years with no issues
Hi @notmeanymore

Thank you for confiding with us here on the forums. I am sorry about your current injury.

The good news is that injuries allow us to pause and reflect on what we can learn and how we can grow from the experience.

I briefly glance at your injury report and I can offer suggestions which may help based on my research and experience.

As with anything that I mention, you will need to remember what works for one may not work for you.

I encourage for you to do your own research and to stay curious.

Here are my suggestions feel free to do your own research on what works for you and your situation.

  1. I use DMSO combined with aloe vera to help heal any PE injuries. The research on DMSO is quite astonishing and by putting the cream on your glands and on your penis may actually help heal the injuries that have occurred. You can find the DMSO aloe vera combination on Amazon. You could use DMSO in liquid form although I highly recommend diluting it with distilled water because if you use DMSO straight it can cause a burning sensation. Whatever form you choose please make sure to wash your hands very well after applying topically. You can take DMSO internally in liquid form and I would recommend taking it with either grapefruit juice or a citrus juice to cover the taste. The organic forms of the juices is optimal.
  2. If you are experiencing nerve damage Leviathan supplements as a supplement called fortitude which helps repair nerve damage which may be something to look into.
  3. Another topical ointment that you can place on your penis is organic castor oil and/or organic black seed oil. The research on Castor oil and black seed oil is also astonishing.
And obstacles make you stronger and this is opportunity for you to grow through this process.

If you need specific help with choosing the DMSO or the supplements that mentioned, let me know... I'm happy to help and I'm not an affiliate of those products.

If you are a reader, I can suggest books about DMSO as well.

Addendum: Oh...For glans sensitivity, there is a glans cover you can purchase called Manhood which mimics foreskin covering.
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Hi @notmeanymore

Thank you for confiding with us here on the forums. I am sorry about your current injury.

The good news is that injuries allow us to pause and reflect on what we can learn and how we can grow from the experience.

I briefly glance at your injury report and I can offer suggestions which may help based on my research and experience.

As with anything that I mention, you will need to remember what works for one may not work for you.

I encourage for you to do your own research and to stay curious.

Here are my suggestions feel free to do your own research on what works for you and your situation.

  1. I use DMSO combined with aloe vera to help heal any PE injuries. The research on DMSO is quite astonishing and by putting the cream on your glands and on your penis may actually help heal the injuries that have occurred. You can find the DMSO aloe vera combination on Amazon. You could use DMSO in liquid form although I highly recommend diluting it with distilled water because if you use DMSO straight it can cause a burning sensation. Whatever form you choose please make sure to wash your hands very well after applying topically. You can take DMSO internally in liquid form and I would recommend taking it with either grapefruit juice or a citrus juice to cover the taste. The organic forms of the juices is optimal.
  2. If you are experiencing nerve damage Leviathan supplements as a supplement called fortitude which helps repair nerve damage which may be something to look into.
  3. Another topical ointment that you can place on your penis is organic castor oil and/or organic black seed oil. The research on Castor oil and black seed oil is also astonishing.
And obstacles make you stronger and this is opportunity for you to grow through this process.

If you need specific help with choosing the DMSO or the supplements that mentioned, let me know... I'm happy to help and I'm not an affiliate of those products.

If you are a reader, I can suggest books about DMSO as well.

Addendum: Oh...For glans sensitivity, there is a glans cover you can purchase called Manhood which mimics foreskin covering.
i have some dmso and aloe vera on the way. now that i pretty much know what im feeling and not, i have to make an effort to get this feeling back as right as i can. the only time it feels right is when its aroused. while not aroused, i have the itchy/sensitive spot, . i also am going to try this red light and see if anything comes of that. today was rough. unless im laying in bed or at night, it just feels like my entire unit is cut off from the world. i cant even think straight...every day... blew my kids 4 wheeler up today because i didnt check something simple i know to do. all because this thing draws up and feels weird all day. feels great when erect though. so disturbing. i got so stressed working on it, and feeling it, i start getting the urethra pains again and burning.
i have some dmso and aloe vera on the way. now that i pretty much know what im feeling and not, i have to make an effort to get this feeling back as right as i can. the only time it feels right is when its aroused. while not aroused, i have the itchy/sensitive spot, . i also am going to try this red light and see if anything comes of that. today was rough. unless im laying in bed or at night, it just feels like my entire unit is cut off from the world. i cant even think straight...every day... blew my kids 4 wheeler up today because i didnt check something simple i know to do. all because this thing draws up and feels weird all day. feels great when erect though. so disturbing. i got so stressed working on it, and feeling it, i start getting the urethra pains again and burning.
Don't forget hydrocortisone
i feel so defeated here, but i cant give up. i just dont really know where to turn here. everything is so garbage now. i just cant get past this wall. it seems like healing has just plateued. looking back ,ive made a good way of recovery, but that said, its still absolute crap. cialis hasnt really done much for anything during the day as it should. only time ive even noticed a boost from that, is during the night when i have erections anyway. During the day, everything packs up and leaves, and i get no size,girth , or arousal whatsoever.

And i just cant seem to shake the left side of the glans stinging . i cant let it stay free in my boxers, or it will irritate me to death, and im full panic attack by bedtime. i just dont understand what locks my penis out during the day or when im not actively arousing it. its so thin and short. which makes it even more sensitive. but yet, almost every night between 3-7 am, ill wake up super rock hard, and feeling no pain. very horny even. but when its gone, its REALLY gone.

ive used dmso/aloe vera for a few days. not sure how long it takes, or what effect ill get from it. but so far, nothing noticeable whatsoever. ive onyl used a red light for 3 days, but no change there either. not that i really expect one.

so, at this time, im at 8.5 months in , and i can flat out have sex and it feels great if i want to almost every day early in the morning. but really cant, because it will cause even more major retraction/NO libido, inner penis pains when kegeling, etc. i keep it in 2 pair of underwear all day, so that i can keep my sanity and try to ignore its existance as much as i can. but even still, i feel a distant stinging in one spot on the glans, that comes and goes in intensity. i feel no pleasure or fullness in it whatsoever usually. but during night erections, nothing could feel better. this has destroyed my mind, and i cannot figure out what could feel so good at night, and feel so so bad all day , every day. im trying to stay calm and just realize that im never going to be the man or size i was anymore, but its hard. Its just hard to imagine if it even will one day grow the right feeling back or not. sometimes, it seems possible, but most days, it just feels like this is all its gonna be. not real sure how long i have before i gotta accept its over,and this burning /shrinking is here to stay. or what to even try.

Whats really killing me, is that if i had libido, and it would stay its normal reasonably full of blood and life,i could deal with the stinging no problem. But instead, it just feels hurt, and dead, and then stinging on top of it. until the night ,that is.....if i could just figure out what cuts the life off when im up moving around...but i figure that has to do with the stinging and the nerves. and im just not sure how long healing can go on before it just is what it is and thats it.
I'm think out side of the box here, so bare with me @notmeanymore

Since you talked to multiple urologists but not a specialized pathologists, you might want to get second and third opinion to mine. I'm providing a summary to get my head screwed on correctly:
  1. Good erection at night and and early in the day, but not during the late morning toward night time during active hours.
  2. Testosterone level came back an normal. Doctors provided Cialis but not working. Have not tried TRIMIX to test for long erectile capacity all day.
  3. Sexual activities in the morning can be done, but extreme penile retractive issues after ejaculation and severe drop in libido.
  4. Left tingling pain on the left and not the right of the glans. No pain or tingling sensation for the remaining area of the shaft. Irritation of the glans during movement. Stinging sensation of the glans throughout the day until resting phase at night.
  5. Injury to "inner penis" or pelvic tissues due to prior clamping.
  6. Burning sensation of the penis along the urethra, along the base of the penile shaft.
  7. Total time of post-trauma is 8.5 months. No more PE since 3.5 months ago. That means you have 5 months of repair and restoration processes.
Let me know if I left out anything, or make modification to the list so far. Let's dive into the situation unless the list and info change significant.

So, for #1, #2 and #3, your testosterone level is considered normal, and libido for your age is typical. This means your system is producing the normal level of hormones.

Now, for the #2, Cialis has no boost in your nitric oxide loading means your bioavailable production is either very low to begin with, or nitric oxide is easily depleted. Low nitric oxide concentration and easily depleted will kill your blood cycling all over the body. This can be one of the libido killer. You might like to supplement your dietary intake with nitric oxide-rich materials. Even though I produce sufficient level of nitric oxide, I still drink L-citrulline malate to boost my nitric oxide concentration daily, either be 2g on days I don't exercise, or 4 to 5 grams on days I do. It's not for sport performance, but for blood cycling to heal my tissues. The bonus is erection quality, something to akin of constantly drinking Cialis. As for erection quality and longevity, you might want to research on TRIMIX as a self application medication when needed, similar to Cialis. The cocktail is a triple mix of what normally work. Each of the compounds in the tri-mixed cocktail compensate for what's not working. Something to think about if you want more erectile quality for longer period.

#3 got me concern a bit. This beg the issue of extreme depletion of free testosterone, oxytocin, dopemine, and high level of cortisole concentration. Further more, your depression may have elevate the cortisole (stress hormone) concentration even higher. Specialists in sexual medicines have to perform a blood test before an after ejaculation after abstaning for 3 to 7 days. By understanding the before and after levels, they can figure out where the hormonal imbalance may be. It may be PE's injuries, but it also flag for something else higher in the body's functions. Your body may truncate all the unnecessary functions, such as libido and erection quality to switch to preservation mode if this happens. There may also be other symptoms that you are not detecting as well beside eratice erectile dysfunctionality.

#4 flag the dorsal peroneal nerve branch damage (top nerve travelling at the top of the penile shaft). One side feels tingly, and the other side is not. However, nerve repairs within 3 to 5 months period at max. What concerns me more is the possible blood clotting or semi-clotted in one of the capillaries, or multiple. I'm not there to visually inspect at a microscopic level so I can give you a good evaluation. This is where the specialist may give you a secondary opinion once they observe at close range. This is why I warn the brothers to use baby aspirins if they plan on doing intense PE routines. However, using a thick wall penis sleeve, loosely around the shaft reaching to 1/2 of the glans, provide a soft medical grade cover such as THERABAND or even a silicone cap over the glans to prevent irrigation of clothing upon contact of the glans, and maintain elongation to get the blood continue to flow in a passive method. This was suggested a few posts ago. Elongation of the penile body passive forces blood to flow through the area. This promotes healing proceses.

#5 doesn't make sense. Damage to pelvic muscles heal over time. Those who performed extreme kegel/reverse kegels and injuried themselves require betwen 3 to 14 months of healing as the tissues repair. Rather than kegel, they revert to pelvic type exercises, such as squats, lunges, or hip weight bearing resistance type of training to recover faster. This goes for penile injuries as well when those who "fractured" their penis from too much sexual activities. Penile injuries in this arena range from 3 to 18 months of recovery time based on serverity of the injuries.

#6 is the odd part. Urethra burning sension is internal tissue damages. Urethra damages heal within 5 to 10 days. For it to prolong this far out, something is greater than just the internal injury. I've pulled up a few cases where cancerous growth near, around, and at the urethra causes that odd burning sensation. Those who have prostate cancers also reported the odd burning sensation at the base of the penis as well. So, do check up on the possibility of the prostate cancer if you haven't done so.

#7 is an odd prolong repair/healing time. Do light exercises to get more blood to flow into the pelvic region while eating and drinking properly. Healing processes is not about staying stagnant and just wishing it away. It's also the pursue of nurturing the injury to heal faster. We'll act as a secondary source of info for you, but do seak professional helps as well. There are way too many flags that doesn't make sense at this point in time.
basically correct in all, but #5. ive never clamped. only jelqed a few times. noting the very last time was more forceful than before. thats when all this started. along with an over pump 15+. but only for a few seconds. zero pain with any of it. then i woke up several days later with pretty significant retraction. i still had libido at first even though i had a numb spot. ironically on the right side. but it never went on to tingle or hurt as the left side has , the left didnt come into play until months later when feeling started coming back better. the libido and daily flaccid size was still strong at first,but after a month or 2, it just started to fade slowly and slowly as time went on. i didnt get the stinging/burning till several months later. and now, its just crap. in my street clothes, my feeling is just ghostly almost sometimes. if im naked and rub it, or have sex, i have pretty good feeling. although none of it is "right" sex still and always has felt very good through this. i only feel the "urethra" pain when i flex my penis. and its random when it will feel that way. i feel it back to my perennium/rectum usually, and urethra may not be what im feeling, but its the best way i can describe it.

dont get me wrong, the "urethral/perennial" flexxing pains are coming around . theyre not near as severe as before,or as often. and most days they dont even show up, but they still do. sometimes, its when i sit down in bed at night after 30 min or so. and i still get weird sensations or surging flowing feelings to the penis when i sit down for a few minutes sometimes, or when i move in a weird way. its just a really odd and scary thing to deal with, and no doctors are even gonna know what to even try
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basically correct in all, but #5. ive never clamped. only jelqed a few times. noting the very last time was more forceful than before. thats when all this started. along with an over pump 15+. but only for a few seconds. zero pain with any of it. then i woke up several days later with pretty significant retraction. i still had libido at first even though i had a numb spot. ironically on the right side. but it never went on to tingle or hurt as the left side has , the left didnt come into play until months later when feeling started coming back better. the libido and daily flaccid size was still strong at first,but after a month or 2, it just started to fade slowly and slowly as time went on. i didnt get the stinging/burning till several months later. and now, its just crap. in my street clothes, my feeling is just ghostly almost sometimes. if im naked and rub it, or have sex, i have pretty good feeling. although none of it is "right" sex still and always has felt very good through this. i only feel the "urethra" pain when i flex my penis. and its random when it will feel that way. i feel it back to my perennium/rectum usually, and urethra may not be what im feeling, but its the best way i can describe it.

dont get me wrong, the "urethral/perennial" flexxing pains are coming around . theyre not near as severe as before,or as often. and most days they dont even show up, but they still do. sometimes, its when i sit down in bed at night after 30 min or so. and i still get weird sensations or surging flowing feelings to the penis when i sit down for a few minutes sometimes, or when i move in a weird way. its just a really odd and scary thing to deal with, and no doctors are even gonna know what to even try

Okay, let's relist after a few more questions.
  1. Since you've jelqed, did you also perform kegel or reverse kegel exercises? If so, how much and what the intensity?
  2. Pumping is something we can add into the pile of the "oh crap" at high pressure, even with only a few seconds. Remember how I discussed that even 1 second is enough to damage the cell membrane? How, the pain is what I want to know. The pain went from the right to the left. How long in between after the high pressure pumping trauma to the first known recognized pain, and how many days specifically if you can recall before it migrated to the left side? By having good rounded dates, we can calculate calcification, scarring, migration of plague or clot.
  3. The pain at the bottom of of the pelvic floor. It's not urethra burn any more, but actually tissue and nerve pains. We can rule out urethra damage and refocus on the concern, which is really the prostate. Pain level from 1 to 10, be irritation or sharp pain, what's the lowest level and the highest?
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ok. so i never really kegeled at all i dont think until after the injury. but i did kegel a lot for a week or so until i realized that was the exact opposite of what i should be doing the hard way. it made things way worse.
the perennium pain isnt too terrible most of the time and not even noticeable while busy working. but in bed after work it will sometimes be around a 4-5 in pain. but if its not a painful day, its just an uncomfortable pressure in the rectum area. any other time, i may not feel it until i just put the pressure of a kegel on it. and then ill feel a sore pressure.

as far as how long after i pumped that i noticed the symptoms. i believe i did my last jelq also that day as well. penis was red at the base around the ring , on the surface. thats when i said oh crap...that was all gone the same day though and i thought i was fine. and i was , till about 4 days later. and even then there was no pain. just noticable shrinkage and a feeling of something out of sorts.

i didnt even notice the numb spot until a few days later when rubbing it in the shower. and even then it didnt bother me whatsoever other than mentally. there was no pain at all until a month or two later . THEN is when i got really oversensitive on the tip of the glans, felt really cold a lot, and clothes started bothering me. and it wasnt until a month or 2 after that when i started burning on the left side in one spot right at the ring of the glans. i still have it today, although much improved and less oversensitivity than i had. but still yet, not right yet.

and BTW. i REALLY appreciate your comments here. if nothing else , it helps me comprehend and understand a little and maybe get some kind of direction
Excellent conversation
Always know that we're here here for you. Brothers don't abandon each other when things get crazy. Let's recompile the info:
  1. Good erection at night and and early in the day, but not during the late morning toward night time during active hours.
  2. Testosterone level came back an normal. Doctors provided Cialis but not working. Have not tried TRIMIX to test for long erectile capacity all day.
  3. Sexual activities in the morning can be done, but extreme penile retractive issues after ejaculation and severe drop in libido.
  4. Left tingling pain on the left and not the right of the glans, around the corona (the ring of the glans). No pain or tingling sensation for the remaining area of the shaft. Irritation of the glans during movement. Stinging sensation of the glans throughout the day until resting phase at night.
  5. Numb spot on the right side of the glans, along the corona, around 7 days later.
  6. Injury to "inner penis" or pelvic tissues due to prior pumping session at high vac pressure, reaching into 15inHg+ (upper unsafe zone). Tissue trauma noted around the base of the penis, noted with red mark circle. Red mark goes away after 10 hours. No known pain within 10 hours along the entire penis.
  7. Let's add SSJ routine in the mix as an additional probable factor. Added kegel exercise for a week after trauma to the pelvic floor muscles/tissues. Pelvic floor muscle without pain 4 days later. However, noticeable shrinkage/turtling of the penile shaft.
  8. Burning sensation of the pelvic floor muscles/tissues due to flexing, estimated around two months later.
  9. High sensitivity of the glans begin roughly the same time as pelvic floor muscle pains.
  10. Total time of post-trauma is 8.5 months. No more PE since 3.5 months ago. That means you have 5 months of repair and restoration processes.
  11. Decrease of high sensitive level of the glans, but still cause irritation and uncomfortable feelings.
  12. Penile shaft continues to shrink during the day due to movement/rubbing of the sensitive glans on clothing.
Looks like there's a trend. So far, the healing process is occurring, but slowly. However, we can't rule out on a few things, but let's place it on the front burner to get them check while we crack this case.

A. Check for prostate cancer. It can be as simple as a blood test, or it can be physical. This will literally spells out quite a bit of things, such as hormone concentration drops, heavy fluctuation, and odd burning feelings at the pelvic floor. Just to provide you insight on the erection quality in the morning as well, after good night rest, your dopamine and testosterone levels are at all time high. This is why the erection quality is good, although libido may be mediocre. Libido also drops due to high cortisol (stress hormone) level.
B. The post-kegel exercises exasperate the damage to the peroneal nerve bundle. Nerve damage repairing may be slow due to lack of blood in the pelvic region. Also, it falls back to #A above as well. When you have something zapping the resources what your region needs for healing, that region is deprived of the resources geared for healing.

C. Damage to dorsal nerve is unlikely. If the dorsal nerve is damaged at the base of the penis due to high pressure at the base, the entire penile shaft would not response on any level. However, entering that high vacuum pressure 15inHg+ for a few seconds, I'm highly suspecting there's a portion of the dorsal nerve branch damaged at the corona (the rim) of the glans. Damage of the dorsal nerve branch, or even due to kinking from using devices like the all day stretcher (ADS) that causes the kink of the dorsal nerve, will indeed cause irritation and stinging to numbing sensation. If the nerve branches are not healed properly, there will be misfires of the nerve signals through that branch. Two things you can do:
  • Leave it as is and allow to heal in an elongated state using passive sleeves/wrap like we discussed earlier.
  • Use ADS at very low tension between 1 to 1.75lbs to create elongation correction for the nerves (not the penis). The Peyronie's correction falls in the category of scar tissues, nerves, and blood vessel corrections. Elongation forces blood to flow active and heal the stretched area. If the nerve is kinked or healed incorrectly, by stretching the nerve back out for proper healing, you get less misfired from the bundled/kinked nerves. From what you've told me so far where your semi-erected or erected penis causes no discomforts, this is a trigger that your nerve branches may be kinked or bundled too closely to each other. Sensitory neuron signals misfired and causes irritation during movements.

Let's look for clues to heal the nerves. Brother Haursen uses Hawthorne extracts to accelerate nerve repairs. Definitely have him chime in and lead you on this. There are other supplements for nerve repairs, so, I'll create a short list for you to consider:
  • Higher concentration of Vit E and pyrroloquinoline quinone combo. Vit E at 30 mg per day with 20 mg.
  • Super B-Complex vitamins. We're entering into 1000% daily dose on a few items in the Super B-Complex.
  • Alpha-lipoic acid
  • Magnesium and calcium
  • Glutamine and glutathione
  • Acetyl-l-carnitine or known as ALC.
These helps to push the system to have bioavailable components that commonly found in foods and naturally produced by the body to help the system to heal. Once again, as long as there's no other issues that zap the resources away, your body will use it the resources to address the problematic areas.

So, let's take one step forward. Talk to me and all of us where you are on the scheme of thing and find the code to crack your issue.
i have been taking the b complex .acetyl-L, and alpha lipoic for a couple months now. its not that i couldnt have sex during the day, its just along with shrinkage(and/or the feeling of), and the partial loss of feeling when im standing. which tends to be worse by the time the day is over,i have no arousal to do so. i could manually get an erection to have sex though for sure. i would just pay for it dearly in the coming week.

and its not that my libido makes me not want to have sex, cause i very much do and still think about it. i just dont get that happy swelling in the pants anymore ,unless im physically in the company of the wife. but when i sometimes manage to, it is very welcomed. and i dont get much sting or burn when i have my normal arousal state. or an erection.

i do believe ive healed substantially from 9 months ago, but im no where near where i started either. it really feels like after i hurt myself, it took several months to get to the bottom before i started even going the other way. probably cause i was actively trying to have sex and keep going cause i was scared to death and confused. There was a time 3-4 months ago that night erections were either non existant, or very half hearted. that was a dark time. then they got stronger. and that started hurting me actually the next day. eventually that faded, and now they are mostly pretty strong and they dont set me back anymore like they used to.
Looks like healing process is indeed going, but slowly. Injuries are a pain regardless of limbs or part of the critical importance. Continue to check in on this thread for your healing progress. Any update will give us more insights on the tactic to use.

Your healing progression to near full may just be around the corner. In the mean time, let's monitor between flaccid (no matter how little may be) vs forced elongated positions using sleeves and wraps. Elongated nerve healing is a must, especially for the dorsal branch near the glans.
Looks like healing process is indeed going, but slowly. Injuries are a pain regardless of limbs or part of the critical importance. Continue to check in on this thread for your healing progress. Any update will give us more insights on the tactic to use.

Your healing progression to near full may just be around the corner. In the mean time, let's monitor between flaccid (no matter how little may be) vs forced elongated positions using sleeves and wraps. Elongated nerve healing is a must, especially for the dorsal branch near the glans.
how exactly do i go about doing that? just to be clear
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