Exploring the grace of Jesus Christ

1226DE76-19E0-4887-A76A-6432204F8700.jpegIn the Old Testament there are two words that point forward to Jesus again and again, "I AM"

Jesus says I AM all throughout the New Testament. He says I AM the Mana that fed God's people in the wilderness. He says I AM the shepherd that leads you through your brokenness. He says I AM the light that shines in the darkness. He says I AM. before Abraham. He says all of this, I AM the resurrection I AM of the vine, I AM the way, I AM the truth, I AM the life and He does this to show that He is GOD the Word, before the foundations of time.

All the signs of the Old Testament point forward to Jesus in the New Testament and whether that sign was the water he turned into wine at a wedding that pointed to the blood he would be shedding so that he may provide for His bride, the church, a marriage never ending! Whether the sign was raising Lazarus from the dead that pointed to what He would do from his own deathbed, the resurrection so all who believe in him share in that resurrection. Whether the sign was turning over tables in the temple to show that His sacrificial death would fulfill the need of animal sacrifice, being sold in His Fathers house. Whether the sign was offering eternal water to the samaritan woman to show that from Him came living streams of water, everlasting life for all nations! All a shadow of His once and for all self sacrifice to fulfill the Law and bring salvation and once and for all forgiveness to all who believe!

Whatever the sign was the message that would be told is that Jesus, who is God, the great 'I AM' was going through death and resurrection to save us from eternal separation from God. To bring this us into never ending eternal salvation with Father, Jesus and Spirit!

This is my review of the film I AM
I never thought that I would be able to meet a person like you on an Internet forum, but I am glad that we have people like you on earth. People who preach religion and help others. I consider myself a believer, too, and every Sunday morning I go to this church firstchurchlove.com, because I feel very calm in this holy place and I can reflect on what I should do next. And God answers all these questions to me, and he helps me to succeed and remain a good person. However, just 5 years ago I still considered myself an agnostic.
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There’s no such thing as aliens, ghosts or the like but there is a such thing as demons which can play the role of anyone they choose in order to harm the afflicted. It’s easier for men to blame it on ghost and aliens then to believe there is a living God.

Remember anyone who is trying to get in touch with the spirit for a ghost or using a Ouija board or any of that, the devil will take advantage of that situation and makes you think you’re talking to someone you’re not. That’s why were told that we worship God and only God. So people would have to admit there is a God if they admit that there is demons.

I actually got through listening to a Bible study cd and the snake in the garden could be like your average gray alien if you come to think about it meaning the devil.
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I was ordained in 2005. Due to my situation I can not reach out to people. I hope I can start again soon

You should do some bible studies on CD I know someone who sells through CD on their personal website. Or you could do a separate YouTube Channel dedicated to the Bible.

Just a thought.

Thanks DLD for the response : ) God Bless!
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