Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
Can you stick your cock in your own ass? If so how far up can you go? I think I can get like 3-4 inches up there.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
Can you stick your cock in your own ass? If so how far up can you go? I think I can get like 3-4 inches up there.
Originally posted by Jaz
This is a Really Great Thread.
Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
So can you?
Originally posted by Spektrum
Just want to add my $,02. I dont think it would be possible if you were over say... 60% erect. You'd have to be able to do it flaccid or near flaccid. So even if you could, it probably wouldnt last long or be much fun, lol.
Originally posted by Gardenier90
Why would you want to?
Originally posted by ItsElectric
Cause it's damn fun! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Originally posted by stillwantmore
So....would that mean youre a slut if your ass is loose enough to get a soft penis in it???