alcohol as fuel before fat burning ?


Feb 1, 2006
im in my usual weight loss dilemma i love my beer but i know it isnt good for fat loss,now i would like to have a drink and as ive been studying this i realize that its not just the calories to consider its the fact that alcohol is used as primary fuel before it starts burning into fat cells...

it states that to burn off 1 unit of beer/alcohol (half a pint) it takes an hour so would i be correct in assuming that if for example i drank 6 pints of beer it would take me 12 hours after the last drink before my body started to eat into other sources of fuel carbs/fat for example ..

im just checking with you guys that i have my facts correct,and if there is a way i can get around this or speed up the alcohol burning process (without the obvious of not drinking alcohol) i would be most appreciative

kind regards

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i think you could be right,this seems to be one of the largest asked questions for anyone wanting to lose weight/fat

i have noticed that in weight loss logs that ive made in the past i did lose weight while drinking alcohol maybe twice a week but it was up and down a pound on then a pound off then maybe 3 pounds off etc....
also i did notice in one of DLD'S threads that he carried on drinking vodka and lost alot of weight,i was wondering how he managed to do this
Well, one has to remember that the alcohol that you take in does not all get absorbed. In fact, you piss out a great deal of it. As far as beer, however, it has lots of energy in the form of carbs besides the energy in alcohol.
One can lose weight from alcohol simply because they are drinking their calories and not eating them. Highly unhealthy and I would never recommend it. Alcohol consumption should be kept at a minimum when trying to lose weight.
Most people I know that drink and try to lose weight drink liquor (whiskey, vodka, rum, etc.) with diet coke, as it is much better than beer which has a lot of calories.
haha I used to drink like a fish!

Ales, Lagers *killer drink*, Ciders and spirits...
Ive now met a girl and I've pretty much stopped drinking.

I need to get my fat ass into shape or she aint gonna wanna stick with me I think lol.
But yeh, Drop the beer dude... I used to drink between about 25-50pints a week, admittedly im slightly depressed at the moment due to not getting my normal alcohol fix but fuck it.
Its doing me good in more than one way!
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