Where to find cable clamps? (please link me or provide directions)

I had heard originally that they could be found at Home Depot, so I went there and aked a worker and he told me they would be in the Electric section. I went over but could not find what has been used on this site by many of its members. So if someone could provide me with a link online or give me directions as to where in the store they can be found that would be awesome. I searched on the home depot website and they dont have it listed there under "cable clamp" either. Thanks for your help.
There is no need to order them.

They ARE in every Home Depot. They are not usually in the electrical dept (that dumbfuck should be fired!). They are usually located in vertical, transparent bins, in single unwrapped units for about $1 each. You can find the bins in the same area where they keep the tool section: If you see hammers, screwdrivers, nuts, bolts, screws, etc. (general hardware area) the clamps will be close by. Usually the general hardware section is composed of two aisles. They will be there. In addition, you should also see the metal hose clamps in the same bins - above or below the cable clamps. Pick a couple of those up too so you won't have to make another return trip when you decide to make something with hose clamps :P .


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I was not suggesting to order them online. The company has a list of local hardware stores which carry them. Find your favorite store and go. But yes I have seen them at HomeDepot in the electrical isle as well. They were orange, I guess one could have guessed that.
Can I ask the same question to UK forum members?

Which shops in Britain can I walk in and buy a cable clamp over the counter?

I have no means to buy online.
On the hose clamp website it offers a bunch of sizes, can anyone with experience with these tell me which measurement is a good size to get?
B&Q, Homebase, Wicks...I mean ANY GOOD Hardware store will SELL THESE.
I bought myn in the UK with ease from B&Q, in near the hose pipe stuff. Seems in different countries and even areas of countires they are placed in different locations.
If in dougt, ASK the staff. You need it for the HOSE PIPenis Enlargement, the MEDIUM sized. If you buy the pack [3] you get x1 large, GOOD for pipes, x1 small which is GREAT for the Computer wires and the medium which is for ya cock. It aint hard to find, I'm SHOCKED that guys are finding them so hard to find. I think alot of this is mental, like guys afraid to ask staff because they inside know that it isnt for the purpose of clamping cables...its for the penis so they put off asking. Feel uncomfortable, well dont guys...just ask....its for the HOSE PIPenis Enlargement or COMPUTER.

Thanks for that. B&Q, Homebase, and Wicks. Thanks.

I know I could make do making some sort of homemade alternative, like using a piece of string or something, but I'd much prefer to use the proper cable clamp, with the actual words cable clamp on it that you use. Just so that I can follow the constrictor guide knowing that I am pretty much doing things as accurately as possible, as described in the guide.

I think there is a slight bit of worry there, like you say.
I don't know anything about DIY, so if a member of staff asked me what I need it for, I wouldn't really know what to say. I'd probably suddenly lose eye contact, look down, and say something like..
.."You know?..Stuff"...
..."What stuff?"
"Err just general stuff, you know?"
"Like what?"
"Like sticking my cock in it" rofl
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And thanks for writing that constriction guide. It's very good and I enjoyed reading it. I'm looking forward to your next revision. :)

You're putting some good pictures in the next one aren't you?
Yeah, when I get round to it.
Hey just tell the daft fucks you want it for COMPUTER wires and HOSE PIPenis EnlargementS.
MEDIUM SIZED ONES.....print a picture of one and show them. If you get too worried than have a drink of Whiskey lol
Lowes and Home Depot usually havethem, some of them keepem in the tools, some in electrical, hell Iave even seen them near the light bulbs, but they alwats keep some near the extension cords.It's odd how you can go all over Atlanta and the home depots vary so much in how they are set up.Lowes seems pretty standardized though.Look for extension cords and they will always be near by.
should i use hose clamps where i have to tighten with a screwdriver or should i get cable. The hose seem better because there round but iam scared i might not be able to get them off.
Jareth said:
should i use hose clamps where i have to tighten with a screwdriver or should i get cable. The hose seem better because there round but iam scared i might not be able to get them off.
I tried those hose clamps but you mention it: if you are in a hurry, you have a problem...
In Germany, it is very hard to get those clamps. I am happy that I found someone in the USA who send some clamps to me :)
BigMiller said:
I tried those hose clamps but you mention it: if you are in a hurry, you have a problem...
In Germany, it is very hard to get those clamps. I am happy that I found someone in the USA who send some clamps to me :)
yeah lets see i could cut them with wire cutter :O or leave it on till my dick falls off :O neither sound good. THink i might get some of them wire/cord clamps with a click release.
auto store, plug it up to a full marine jetski battery for the win