I have just read your other topics where you answered questions for that dude who tried adractim gel 12% and failed miserably. His balls shrunk etc, he’s trying to recover. Well you are completely right about the nutrition part. I am eating organic eggs, liver , grasfed butter, and hearts, kidneys, the organ meats contain the animal derived vitamin A, the true natural bodybuilding muscle hormone. And natural carb sources, veggies and all that stuff, a true DHT diet where I watch for 5α-reductase inhibitors etc, so yea it’s really true that one need the right nutrition.
I wanted to try the DHT gel, but it’s better to just stay healthy and not messing with my hormones. I did a steroid cycle of testosterone enanthate back in 2014 and never completely recovered, loss of libido, semen volume decreased, testicular atrophy.
And now i’m trying to get everything back, I want my body to be before I ever did steroids... I had a very high libido and could cum and have sex lots of times, but now after 2 times i’m done. Also having problems with the erection, morning wood, and i’m teying everything natural to just regain my sexual potency. I was 22 years old when I did that cycle and gained nothing. Now i’m 26 years old. I did a standard hcg along with the cycle 2x500 IU per week or something and after coming off I waited two weeks for the hormone test-E which was clearing out of my body. After that I started pct with nolvadex only, but I didn’t eat right, I completely fucked it up.
So the nolvadex was 4-5 weeks or so, 40mg ea per day but after that I didn’t do anything. So you give me hope there isn’t permanent damage in the leydig cells and follicle cells etc.
What baffles my mind is the fact that I ate a standard westernized diet with lots of bread and gluten , pastas, growing up and I still had insane hormone levels and libido going through the roof, even though I ate shit, lots of fat snacks also, sweets, soda, I gained a lot of weight in my puberty and I was 70 pounds overweight. I cut that down to being 55 pounds overweight nowadays...
I also loved and still love meat. I ate pork,
Beef , chicken, lots of it, and veggies fruits, and tons of bread, nothing organic and I still managed to have insane high libido levels, even after puberty that remained until I did my steroid cycle ???? girls commented on my testicle size, they were small as fuck, I was embarrassed ?
So yea it was very stupid to just rely on the advice of my gym buddies who pinned trenbolone and did all kinds of cycles, multiple cycles and recovered 100% completely, no side effects, no libido, ball size loss, or semen volume loss.
The human body is extremely complex, and I am curious to know how high my hormones would be if I ate 100% organically, with all the DHT diet recommendations, and the right kind of supplements/ antioxidants
Maybe my true potential gene expression was reached, I still believe I left gains behind in my puberty years, being overweight, eating bad diet, environmental factors. It depresses me.
I’m now just going the 100% natural route and I was my old sexual performance back.
Well first of all, have you had sex with your buddies to really know that they dont have any problem?? I highly doubt that a big guy with his ego and self esteem through the roof will tell you "yeah bro Im big, but my dick doesnt work anymore"
That is the huge problem I personally have with the bodybuilding sport in the USA. Unfortunately one characteristic of Americans is that WE ARE ARROGANT. Yes, we are FUCKING ARROGANTS. Spoiled brats, who believe we know everything and we are always right. For example, in ANY country in the world, a trainer can call your attention at the gym for not exercising properly. Or because of letting the dumbbells on the floor instead of the racks. Any person would comply. Her in the US nobody tell anything to anybody. People clean their noses and throw the tissue to the floor. People exercise and throw the weights anywhere. People invent exercises and nobody tell them anything. Why? Because if you tell anything to an American the answer and attitude will be "OMG who are you!! how dare you come tell me what I have to do!! How dare you come tell me I dont know how to do my exercise that I yourutbed with so much passion and sacrifice!! I wanna talk to the manager!! this is outrageous!!"
That is why. My point is, the average American that wants to look good and get into bodybuilding, listen to locker room advises and what to inject, and goes to bodybuilding.com to learn about PCT, supplements, routines, etc. And goes to youtube to copy exercises and routines. Because that average American in his mind, KNOWS EVERYTHING. "OMG I have put together the best cycle in the world, I got from youtube the best exercise routine in the world, I got the best diet in the world from bodybuilding.com and everybody said to take this and that, and in 6 months I will look like Arnold. AND NOBODY CAN TELL ME THAT I AM FUCKING WRONG"
Well, all the fucking loses ARE WRONG. The country with the highest number of skyrocketing diseases. The country with the most toxic food in the world. Everybody on prescription drugs and surgeries.
In fact, this year for the SECOND YEAR IN A ROW, the life expectancy of the average American decreased. Not a surprise for me. It was just a matter of time. I mean, theres so much water you can take out of the boat with a bucket before it sinks anyways.
The reason why you have not recovered fully yet is simple: NUTRITON. You are LOW on essential nutrients. I know you are probably thinking right now "how is that possible, I eat healthy and I am trying to eat more healthy" True, that is a good start. BUT, I have news for you. You can eat healthy all you want, YOU WILL NEVER, and I repeat, YOU WILL NEVER get only from food the right amount of essential nutrients that your body needs. Number one, theyre not in the soil anymore. And if they are, in very low quantities. After more than a hundred of years of farming techniques the soil has been depleted of essential nutrients. Add to that all the crops in the US are being sprayed for years already with roundup. Glyphosate. An extremely dangerous chemical that destroys the gut in humans and cause many types of cancer.
I am not a doctor, but If you live in a state where naturopathic medicine is certified, licensed and approved to practice, they have al the nutritional science to tell you this and they can specifically prescribe the right amount of supplements for you on top of a specific healthy diet.
Ideally, you need a clean heathy diet PLUS all the essential nutrients in supplement form on top of that with at least 500,000 ORAC point of antioxidants.
As far as gluten, you mentioned growing up eating a lot of gluten, well, thats the complexity of the gluten toxicity.
This is the thing with gluten. There are symptoms of gluten intolerance that translate in the body in immune system problems and in many cases autoimmune diseases, and there are a second group of symptoms with gluten that are the long term side effects of low nutrient absorption in the gut.
You can grow up eating gluten, and you will never feel any difference. Until you are maybe 30, 40, 50, where the gluten damage is enough to develop a disease like leaky gut, churns disease, celiac disease, severe acid reflux, etc. Some people will grow up with symptoms that their doctors (wrong specialist) WILL NEVER relate to gluten intolerance such as skin disorder like Psoriasis, Eczema, dry skin, allergies, read cheeks and overall red skin, etc.
Look for example at our Supreme Leader, President of the United States Mr. Donald J. Trump. His skin is orange-red. That is not normal. That is a disorder of a lifetime exposure to gluten. Now in his specific case, probably doesn't have any other symptom (we dont know) We know for a fact that he LOVES to eat shit like KFC or McDonalds. HOWEVER, I can guarantee you he wont live beyond 90.
Now I will tell you about MY personal case. I grew up since I was a child with the classic nose allergy. Sensitive nose. EVERY SINGLE MORNING I used to go to school sneezing, with a runny nose and watery eyes. I couldnt play pillow wars with my brother because moving pillows or playing with the cats would make me sneeze non stop and my nose would start running immediately. I would sneeze randomly the whole day, but worse upon waking up. Grew up like that. I twas part of my life. At around 20 years old I had a treatment of immune therapy vaccines for 3 years. It worked, only for a few years. Allergy came back stronger than ever before.
Until my mid 30's, where I was experimenting with diet. At some points during the summer I would stop eating carbs trying to drop fat to look better at the beach (didn't know what I was doing as fart as diet and nutrition, typical arrogant American) And I would notice that every time I was going carb and dairy free, my allergy would almost completely disappear. I remember telling my dad back in the days during random conversations "Dad, believe it or not, as crazy as this sounds, my lifetime allergy seems to be related with food. But I have NO IDEA what could be. I have stopped carbs and dairy right now and my allergy is almost completely gone. I dont know if it is dairy, or pasta, or mashed potatoes, I have NO IDEA". Few years went by, and I lost my dad to heart disease. After some 30 years of having bypass surgeries and cholesterol drugs and weed diets, he died anyways. That was a huge lose, pain and shock for me. Because I told to myself "after all of that, and thousands and thousands of dollars, he dies anyways. That means nothing of that did work, the solution had to be different. And thats when I started learning about the true catastrophic and sinister scam of the medical industry and the conspiracy of the pharmaceutical corporations to suppress cures and keep people sick taking drugs every day for profit.
And I started learning about cures, nutrition, naturopathic medicine. In my process of learning, I heard from naturopathic doctors about the danger of gluten in humans. In the process of becoming healthy, I stopped eating gluten. 30 days later, for the first time in my life, after almost 40 years, I was allergy free. My allergies were gone, are gone, and never came back. It was gluten all along. It was my now body telling me through my immune system that I was putting a molecule in me toxic for my system, and my body didn't know what to do. His only way of telling me was causing funky reactions of my immune system. Nasal allergy. Also, growing up people would call me in school "little apple" because my face was round and my cheeks were pinky-reddish. Today we know that is a classic symptom of gluten toxicity.