WantsMoreforWife Beginning PE Journey...

Update 4APR20

continue to develop exercise routine consisting of the DLD newbie routine with integrated pumping sessions every other day. Using visual and feeling queues as to progress vs. measurements at this point... slow and steady without overachieving expectations.
Manual bundled stretching definitely seems to be helping with ability to stretch more during the newbie sets and flaccid length seems to stay longer afterwards... telling that by easier time wrapping for extended state. Plan to continue working up through the newbie routine for next month or so then introducing some more advanced exercises. As others have suggested... focusing on length first...girth secondary. But to be honest... can’t wait til that becomes the focus ?. Hope everyone is doing well... hope to chat with you soon!
Finally a nice day to get outside and do some physical work and fresh air... finishing off with a nice relaxing pumping session to complement this mornings stretching workout. ?
Finally a nice day to get outside and do some physical work and fresh air... finishing off with a nice relaxing pumping session to complement this mornings stretching workout. ?

Was a beautiful day! I got out and got a little bit of air driving around a bit.

newbie stretching routine completed this AM following a good warm up and bundled stretch session.
One comment... after stretching yesterday morning, did a really good warm up session last before pumping session... I could not believe how significant flaccid stretch was. Seemed very “stretchy”...
so here is a new member question...how can you tell if stretch is limited to ligaments... tunica...other? I can’t really differentiate yet ?

newbie stretching routine completed this AM following a good warm up and bundled stretch session.
One comment... after stretching yesterday morning, did a really good warm up session last before pumping session... I could not believe how significant flaccid stretch was. Seemed very “stretchy”...
so here is a new member question...how can you tell if stretch is limited to ligaments... tunica...other? I can’t really differentiate yet ?

A ligamental stretch would be where you grip behind the head and stretch all different directions. The Tunica is affected by bundled stretching. You can see the stretches in her video section or at www.mattersofsize.com/access
Rather quiet day today, so took advantage of a nice long bundled and newbie stretch session this am. Followed by wrapping to promote extended penis state.
teying to ramp up stretching to focus on length gains... incorporating short stretching sessions throughout the day which also provides some fresh blood flow outside of wraps. After a few weeks... I can tell my penis is becoming more conditioned to the PE stretching and allowing more force to be applied during workouts...BPEL seems to be improving...hopefully followed by BPEL gains soon! No measurements yet!
probsblybwill reach out for some more advanced stretch exercises soon to compliment the newbie routine. ? for 7” to come!

Good stretch day. Completed all bundled and newbie stretches. Stayed extended in ace wrap throughout the day w/inter intermediate stretching throughout. Good day ?


Quiet morning so was able to get stretching routine in early. Stayed in ace since... seems to be helping with flaccid length maintenance...less turtling!

Have been reading a lot about hanging since I dint have a Stretcher... trying my first hanging stint at light weight to promote extended extension. In only the first session you can really feel ligament stretching along the sides... pleasant strain ?.
Actually no... I was watching videos on MOS and found an idea that will serve pretty well for. lighter weights. I found a strap that is similar to a lanyard... tied a slip knot on end for penis and attached some hand weights to the other. I figure this would be a cheap way to see how I like it. It worked well... just wrapped with ace first. Went about 15 min or so. Could really feel the “pull”.
Lol...yes it was. ?. Have you ever tried hanging? You’ve given me a lot of encouragement from your progress... I’m really trying to commit and push a bit to see if that accelerates some results
Only the once with a sock but not again, keep looking at the cheap vacuum ones on ebay and tempted but thought I'd get to a stage where I'm not gaining before trying something new, however might have to try if you can make one like yourself at home. Might need some pics if you keep going with it
Happy too... it’s rally simple, just a piece of string... some knots and hand weights. I’d be interested in your opinion on hanging...stretching/fatigue vs. manual stretches and if you thought it would be a good way to grow.
Question for @DLD

Started PE about a month ago. Primarily following the newbie stretch routine as well as a 2-tube pumping routine. Seem to have made flaccid gains and less turtling now since I’ve been trying to stay wrapped during non-PE during the day. ace fir. Is but have SS sitting here waiting for a little progress ...easier with a larger member ?

So here’s the question. Seem to be reaching fatigue based on the feeling...as I’ve progressively increased intensity. I now feel almost like a rope when I stretch ... very stretchy flaccid but with a good tug it feels like a very abrupt stop in the stretch . Can yoi explain if this is ligament or tunica limits that are now starting to be stretch ? take this to be a good sign toward growth?
Appreciate some guidance.
Question for @DLD

Started PE about a month ago. Primarily following the newbie stretch routine as well as a 2-tube pumping routine. Seem to have made flaccid gains and less turtling now since I’ve been trying to stay wrapped during non-PE during the day. ace fir. Is but have SS sitting here waiting for a little progress ...easier with a larger member ?

So here’s the question. Seem to be reaching fatigue based on the feeling...as I’ve progressively increased intensity. I now feel almost like a rope when I stretch ... very stretchy flaccid but with a good tug it feels like a very abrupt stop in the stretch . Can yoi explain if this is ligament or tunica limits that are now starting to be stretch ? take this to be a good sign toward growth?
Appreciate some guidance.

This sounds like a Tunica issue and this can be quickly corrected by doing bundled stretches or rolled LM stretches. There is no real limit to ligament or Tunica growth or stretch. I’ve been in the game for about 20 years and I can still make growth. The Tunica is the most important part of making growth in length and girth.
Thank you for the insight. Sorry about the double post... wasn’t sure if you were going to see this one. Ok then. Like Andy references as well... I’m going to ramp up the manual bundles and read up on the rolled stretches ( I think I understand them ?). I do think I’m seeing some girth improvement especially toward the glans! Until I get a LM for the rolls... would some reasonable hanging help stretch the tunica for length gain? I do think length is gong to be my more challenging gain.
Thanks guys
Thanks for the insight. Right now I do bundles before the newbie routine. I’ll try additional bundles throughout the day to increase tunica work. One question... is it normal to get mire twist from the top than toward the base m? Want to make sure I’m doing it correctly and getting the most out of my work ?

another consistent exercise day.... bundles/newbie stretches

hung for 30 minutes...1 x10 and 1x20.

also taking Andy’s feedback and working on bundles throughout the day between extended stretch with ace. Probably total additional time of 45 min.

seems to be a really tight tunica and need to get In some additional work to get it stretched.

another consistent exercise day.... bundles/newbie stretches

hung for 30 minutes...1 x10 and 1x20.

also taking Andy’s feedback and working on bundles throughout the day between extended stretch with ace. Probably total additional time of 45 min.

seems to be a really tight tunica and need to get In some additional work to get it stretched.

Won't regret stretching and twisting that tunica, well aid growth

comsistency with another day of bundles and newbie routines, along with bundles throughout the day

finishing off with pumping and jelq session. ?

PE program continues! Couple chanfes, I am definitely noticing flaccid gains and interestingly less turtling... actually have a mushroom with a stem instead of just a mushroom head ?. Oh how I am anxious for cock-size improvements toward goal!!
I take the less turtling and flaccid improvements along with some additional flaccid stretchy ness are all good signs. ?. Any feedback from the PE gurus as to what is developing? Insight to what is to come?

PE program continues! Couple chanfes, I am definitely noticing flaccid gains and interestingly less turtling... actually have a mushroom with a stem instead of just a mushroom head ?. Oh how I am anxious for cock-size improvements toward goal!!
I take the less turtling and flaccid improvements along with some additional flaccid stretchy ness are all good signs. ?. Any feedback from the PE gurus as to what is developing? Insight to what is to come?

Sound like you’re right on track and things sound exactly the way they should. To give you better advice can you give me a right out of what you’re doing specifically right now?
Great to hear from you! So here it goes-
Start day with Hot wrap 5 min
5-10 min bundled manual stretches
Complete 3x sets newbie stretches
Extended state with ace wrap (SS in drawer until I gain enough flaccid or reduce turtling to easily apply -getting close ?)
Additional bundles and newbies throughout the day
Vacuum pump every other day- 3” for 10 min and 2x 2” for 10 min ~3-5 Hg for about a month. Planning on increasing next week
Dabbling with weight hanging every other day as well ~3 or 4# for 2 sets approx 15 min.

Trying to take advantage of the work at home time- as time will decrease once lifted.

Seem to be seeing increased flaccid and BPSL... not ready to measure yet... although something is happening... wife commented that it definitely seems thicker (width has been increasing, not sure about thickness). I think girth is going to come easier for me than length FYI.

ANXIOUSLY awaiting your assessment and advisement!
This is a very good routine and I like all of it but I would like to advise you on a few things. Pumping should be done more organized in the best way to accomplish this is through the SRT 5×5×3 routine. The expansion is amazing and there’s barely any water retention.

I love the idea of getting in many different things throughout the day, This is what I did. Every chance I had through the day I will find some kind of exercise to throw in as I knew the more I threw up myself the bigger I would get.

A few exercises that I think you should also include our erect stretching for 10 minutes once or twice a week. This will help cement length work. The other is called expressive stretching which you should get into every routine. There are many different ways to do expressive stretching. The most popular is using the Lengthmaster. But any kind of low grip will express more penis from within the body. Also like to see you do the testicle Health massage and stretch found in the newbie routine, this is going to help increase flaccid length and girth. Lastly I would like to see you put in place a good pelvic floor muscle routine. Again this could be found in the newbie routine.
So first and foremost...thank you for the recommendations. Plan forward, incorporate:
-erect stretching 2 times/wk for approx 10 min
- testicle health massage ( yes, my balls are high and think this will significantly help if I can get them to relax and hang lower which will improve flaccid length)
-research and develop expressive stretching exercises into routine. Manual until I get the LM. I may ask for some advise on ES after review.
- I didn’t mention... but continue Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. Good improvement so far as I can Kegel, hold and release slowly. Will incorporate the 1min levels to further fatigue and build

One issue I have to work on is the SRT 5x5x3 pumping approach. Right now my cock gets so fatigued from bundles and pumping sessions it is hard to get an erection for this routine... but I do see improvements coming. I work bundles and newbie stretching very aggressively and I must say it has now become a very pleasant and enjoyable stretch feeling during the exercises. I can really feel reaching stretched state limits in ligaments and tunica and the added pull applied further straining these areas... very comfortable without pain just a good feel to it. I am to the point after stretching I have a very nice flaccid hang with no retraction for a lengthy time. My thought is that this is showing flaccid gains are developing and with the recommendations erect gains should evolve with this. Girth is increasing even though I’m not specifically targeting that right now... no complaints with that , I just don’t want to make length gains more difficult.

Only a month or so in... being very patient... in ni hurry to measure officially for a while. Kinda gauging with some rough flaccid measurements. I can get to about 6.25, maybe a bit more 6 3/8... so cautiously optimistic that EL has improved from 5.3 starting. Seems like erect trails flaccid by about 0.5” typically. From hand measurements I’d guess about .3” increase in girth from starting 5”...noticing s little more thickness mid/upper shaft. I have a normally large diameter gland which was larger than shaft... I.l now notice during jelqing that the shaft is as large or possibly slightly larger than the head... which is nice ?

Wow... that was a ramble... but trying to be as transparent as I can be so you can assist mo omg forward. Thank you, again!
Sure hope so... I just need to get the length thing kicked in. If I could get to 6“ ... it would definitely give confidence to embrace journey and patience from there on toward 7 ?
Thank you for that reply. I’m very happy that you’re adding in the exercises I asked, this is going to speed your gains big-time. On the 5×5×3 what exactly is happening that makes it not doable? Is it how many sets, how long, comfort issues etc. I want to get you into the 5×5×3 because it’s the fastest way to gain girth. You could try a 2 x 2 x 2 or some other variation that would fit into your comfort zone.

Always be patient and realistic but don’t fear reaching for a goal just because you can’t see it right now. Create small goals so you’re constantly seeing an encouragement from your work.
I do not get 100% erect after pumping. I do bundles and manual stretches before pumping... think fatigue is still setting in As I get used to PE... and maybe age effects a bit ?
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Rest day

Busy day planned with bundled and newbie stretching complete. I also added a couple of sets of expressive stretching (I think??)... these were manual stretches down/left/right but starting with a low grip. It seems like these were right and very beneficial as DLD requested... you could feel a good tension with a little burn deep along side the shaft (imagine that, DLDs recommendation is spit in for inner penis gains ?).
Currently wrapped in extended state with intermittent stretching-expressive, planned through out remainder of day. Pump night and will be trying my first go at 5x5x3 also as recommended by DLD. Will finish off with testicle health massage and stretch to aid in lowering testicles and assisting flaccid length.

Continuing planned routine with the integration of the expressive stretching-total package stretch and low grip manual stretching. these appear to definitely target different zones compared to the newbie and bundled routines...during the last two days I’ve experienced more turtling than in the last few weeks, contributing to fatiguing/stressing new areas. Trying to stay wrapped when not performing PE to accelerate healing andreduce turtling.
Tonight will be second routine of the 5x5x3 routine... first went pretty well @ ~70% erection.
Insight to my theory on turtling (above) appreciated...

Continuing planned routine with the integration of the expressive stretching-total package stretch and low grip manual stretching. these appear to definitely target different zones compared to the newbie and bundled routines...during the last two days I’ve experienced more turtling than in the last few weeks, contributing to fatiguing/stressing new areas. Trying to stay wrapped when not performing PE to accelerate healing andreduce turtling.
Tonight will be second routine of the 5x5x3 routine... first went pretty well @ ~70% erection.
Insight to my theory on turtling (above) appreciated...

The penis needs to learn how to remain elongated. The penis’ normal function is to shrivel and shrink the smallest size possible to protect it when not in use. Since this is built into our DNA we need to teach the penis how to remain elongated. There’s three methods of doing this: one is using Ace wrap the next is using a sleeve and the final is using an ADS like the SiliStretcher to remain elongated after training. Overtime your penis will hang lower and longer and heavier. Another great exercise you can do to actually improve your hand would be the testicle help massage and stretch found in the Newbie routine.

excellent day of stretching! Standardeiurine with integration of more expressive stretching... seem to be getting use to the additional fatigue of the expressive stretching as turtling has subsided some and have really been able our slot more tension on bundled and newbie stretches. Have hung for a few sessions today as well... light, to kinda serve as extended stretch. Rest of day in ace wrap.
I can really see a difference in bpfsl and fullness from last night pumping session.... perhaps a measurement in a month. ?

excellent day of stretching! Standardeiurine with integration of more expressive stretching... seem to be getting use to the additional fatigue of the expressive stretching as turtling has subsided some and have really been able our slot more tension on bundled and newbie stretches. Have hung for a few sessions today as well... light, to kinda serve as extended stretch. Rest of day in ace wrap.
I can really see a difference in bpfsl and fullness from last night pumping session.... perhaps a measurement in a month. ?

It sounds like you’re making some great headway my brother! I can’t wait for this measurement because I know it’s gonna be a good one.
Lol... nah, a long way to go to even catch ya ( no pun intended)?.
And I can tell gonna be a hard gainer for length I believe. Little more comfortable that I could be a girth gainer. Need all the luck I can get !!

persistence and dedication the last few days... too busy to even update progress ?. Seem to be getting better with expressive stretching... able to create some fulcrum stretching over a bar near base... feels so good.
So shaft skin near glans is lighter... I’m guessing this may reflect some growth or flaccid gains? Ive noticed this a lot in adult entertainment videos when guys cocks get engorged. Hope this is a really good sign if growth! ?
Keep at it man. Looks like you got a good routine going.

I've noticed the "rope" feeling that you referenced earlier on. Usually notice it when I have stretched intensely for a few days in a row and I'm really fatigued. When I would try to stretch through the feeling the workout seemed fruitless so now I take it as a signal from the body that I should give Flacid stretching a break, and I focus on erect stretches or girth for a day or 2 to let things heal. After a rest you will notice that things are extra stretchy again and you can stretch to greater lengths than before the break. That's been my novice experience anyways ?
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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