I knew I had to do a meatotomy but I had no idea what to do. Should I use cuticle nippers or cuticle scissors or x-acto knife? Should I make gradual cuts or one long and swift cut? Glider suggested using scissors. Gathering Revlon Cuticle Scissors and Betadine Iodine
Ointment, I waited for the right moment to proceed. Stroking and teasing the web of flesh at the bottom of my urethra with the scissors, I sought the strength to enlarge my hole. After an hour of fearful prodding and poking I made the first tiny cut almost by accident. I was amazed watching the flesh seperate and hearing the sound of the scissors slicing my body. My fear melted into erotic stimulation and my next tiny cut was into a rock-hard cock and a couple of drops of blood was not the only fluid dripping from the end of it! This was the first of many very stimulating and addictive cutting sessions I have performed on my urethra tip and here is what I have learned:
The first couple of millimeters at the tip will ooze a couple of drops of blood with each tiny cut.
Cuts in the tough spongy part do not bleed.
The cuts will not heal together no matter what you do.
The cuts heal overnight if not within hours.
A meatotomy is not painful and can be quite stimulating.
Tiny cuts are more enjoyable than long cuts.
I can now insert my lubricated wand in about half a second. I can wear it for days without bruising or throbbing. The wand takes masturbation to a diiferent level. Sometimes upon climax the wand will come flying out of my cock if I have pushed it all the way in without locking it in with the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]
PA[/words] stud. I have yet to use it with a partner but with the extended oversize balls I would imagine it to be quite a G-spot stimulator. I recently added a non-urethral 14 gauge ampallang and I intend to add a urethral ampallang to be used as a wand holder when I find a dominatrix to cut the few millimeters of flesh left above my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]
PA[/words] hole.