trim spa as a diet supplement + antidepressents

ok firstly my weight loss goals are going great,but slower than i thought(but im getting there),im exercising 5 out of seven days,im on a healthy diet and its manageable... im not big on supplements but i have added green tea to my diet... right ,here im looking for constructive answers and not immediate put downs (dont let that put you off replying) i was maybe thinking of adding trim-spa to my diet ... ive read and researched all the reviews and they seem possitive,i know people might say 'well why add this if you are already losing weight' but the way i look at it apart from a small amount of caffiene it contains alot of very good ingredients and it might speed my metabolism up even further and also take away any food cravings i have...... what i really want to know is can i take this with my meds currently 2 and 1/2 mgs of celexa and 1 mg klonopin......heres a non biased article on trim spa please take a read and tell me what you think ...


Hoodia Gordonii™ (Hoo-dee-uh Gore-doh-nee) is a natural appetite suppressant, used for generations to stave off hunger during long hunting expeditions. The hunters realized that this not only deadened their pangs of hunger, but also induced a feeling of physical fullness.

Glucosamine (Gloo-ko-so-meen) is an ingredient, patented by TRIMSPA for weight loss, that actually prolongs the amount of time glucose (or blood sugar) stays within the bloodstream after eating. This delay means that any extra insulin can be used directly by the muscles for energy, instead of being transferred too quickly to the "warehouse," or fat cells. Therefore it doesn't get stored as useless excess fat. It is safe and promotes weight loss when used as directed.

Green Tea Extract has long been known for its thermogenic-or heat generating-properties that promote burning of fat. The polyphenols in green tea also contain epigallocatechin gallate, which has been known to significantly reduce food intake and, subsequently, body weight in healthy adults. It is rich in potent bioflavonoids that, together with the polyphenols, provide the antioxidants so vital to fighting free radicals.

Cocoa Extract contains 3,7 - dimethylxanthine, also known as Theobromine, and is found naturally in cocoa beans. Theobromine belongs to a class of compounds known as Xanthines. The predominate use of Theobromine is as a diuretic.

Citrus Naringin (Citrus Na-rin-gen) is a powerful, naturally occurring citrus extract that is known to curb the appetite while serving as a source of soluble fiber. Like green tea extract, it is an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage and has also been shown to inhibit enzymes-such as cytochrome P450-that are involved in obesity when found in the body in excessive amounts.

Chromium Chelavite™ is an important nutrient that aids in controlling glucose (blood sugar) and carbohydrate cravings; it also offers many other benefits. It helps the body's insulin metabolize fat, convert protein into muscle, and turn sugar into energy, supporting weight loss and the development of lean body mass. A lack of chromium in the diet can result in weight gain, sluggishness, and can trigger a craving for sugar and other carbohydrates. Adding chromium to the diet can significantly reverse these trends.

Vanadium (Van-a-dee-um) is a naturally occurring appetite suppressant that can also induce physiological effects similar to that of insulin within the body. It assists the metabolism in converting carbohydrates into energy while also affecting the sense of taste and appetite, resulting in less food intake and weight loss.

Glucomannan (Glu-co-ma-nan), derived from the root of the Amorphophallus Konjac plant, is a dietary fiber that assists in weight loss due to its ability to create a sense of fullness, even when ta ken in small amounts. Glucomannan reduces the appetite significantly and helps to prevent overeating and lessen cravings.

Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose (So-dee-um Carboxy-meth-el-cell-u-los) is a nontoxic, indigestible, water-based gel. It is not absorbed by the digestive system, but acts to create a sensation of fullness while it is within the stomach and reduces the desire to overeat.
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man ghost what all did you do. Did you take any pills, protein viatmins etc. I am guessing you did because I dont think you did all that just by eating. Also its very obvious that you were very driven. So what were your starting stats and ending stats.
indysoccer16 said:
man ghost what all did you do. Did you take any pills, protein viatmins etc. I am guessing you did because I dont think you did all that just by eating. Also its very obvious that you were very driven. So what were your starting stats and ending stats.

There is no pics of me. rofl
thanks for the replies folks.... i posted the same question on another website and this is my reply...feel free to comment..and thanks again ;)

im not going to bother with the trim spa(ive had second thoughts),ive spent the last 2 years avoiding caffiene so i dont want to put it into my system again.... hoodia is a very good appetite suppressent but im easily sticking to a 1500 calorie daily intake,and you might notice i didnt use the word diet as the foods im eating are keeping me very full...
what i have realised though is that my metabolism is very low and it doenst take a genius to work that out due to the fact that im eating 1500 calories and im exercising 5 days out of seven and also im walking and cycling everywhere and still only losing 1lb a week so my guess is that if i was to sit on my butt all day my BathmateR would be about 1500 wheras it should be about 2000 ... im just trying to find a natural way to supplement my routine and maybe stoke the furnace ... im not taking in any so called miracle cures but im trying to read alot of proven non biased reviews on what we can do, so far ive read that the proven methods regrading supplements to speed up the met is

green tea
apple cider vinegar

im already drinking the green tea so im maybe going to find a cheap herbal combination... one thing ive found is a product called 'adios' very cheap and all natural,so even if it doesnt do its job im still taking in some very key ingredients.... having said that ive learnt alot in the past few weeks about health issues which to be fair i should have addopted years ago..... i dont want to become obsessive,i dont want to look like a muscle freak(i want less muscle if anything,but of course this would slow down my met rate) i just want to reduce my risk of diabetes,look better,feel better,reduce the strain on my bad knees and somewhat tempermental back.....

all the best
