Starting Routine and questions


New member
Hello guys, MDYoung back here. I'm very happy that I finally started my routine and I'm excited to have a bigger and healthier penis.

But i have some questions about the practice, (i have seen the videos explaning how to do it) and another things that i din't say before that are important.

1° When doing the stretchs should i do the routine 3 times or already do the same stretch 3 times before going to the next?
Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds
Like 90 seconds of Cheeks to the left before going to the next exercice or no? If yes should i do it without stop or wait some seconds?

2° How hard should i do the stretchs?

3° When i do my routine my penis made a lot of pre-ejaculation, it is a problem?

4° How hard should i do the basics jelqs?

5° When i stretch my penis i the base of it stretching and if i stretch it too much i fell pain, i should do it to the point i only fell it stretching withou pain right? And after some time i will be able to do the max stretch without pain?

Important info that i din't say before:

I'm doing the newbie routine, with 300 jelqs of 2 seconds only. Should i put another exercice in to it? And i'm not circumcised and i am 18 years old this is a problem? i was seeing some this and appers that until 21 my penis still growing? About testical exercices, why do it? I had a testicular torsion 3 years ago, can i do it?

All my questions are here, and infos that i don't say'd before, any help is very useful. Thanks Guys.
Hi brother, I will share some thoughts and I am sure others will as well. At 18, you are going to have a monster because you are still growing and your body will likely repair faster.

1° When doing the stretchs should i do the routine 3 times or already do the same stretch 3 times before going to the next?
Basic Stretching: 3 Sets of each stretch below
Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds
Like 90 seconds of Cheeks to the left before going to the next exercice or no? If yes should i do it without stop or wait some seconds?

2° How hard should i do the stretchs?
When I started newbie routine, I did the sets consecutively, meaning BTC Left was held for 30 seconds, then take a 15 to 30 seconds break and then do BTC Left again for 30 seconds, then another short rest then again BTC Left for 30 seconds to complete threes sets. Think of this as doing sets at a gym. Wouldnt necessarily move from bench press to something else then back to bench press.

Each set should be pulled to the max, and each one think of progressively adding more intensity. You should not pull to the point of pain, but feeling a good stretch with a little discomfort is what you are after.

Personally, once I built up hand stamina I moved to holding stretches for 1 minute or even minute and 30 seconds and reduced the number of sets. Breaking down into 30 second sets helps keep up your ability to apply max intensity over shorter bursts with little breaks to reset.
3° When i do my routine my penis made a lot of pre-ejaculation, it is a problem?

4° How hard should i do the basics jelqs?

5° When i stretch my penis i the base of it stretching and if i stretch it too much i fell pain, i should do it to the point i only fell it stretching withou pain right? And after some time i will be able to do the max stretch without pain?
I would say pre-ejaculate is not a problem, but do not do these exercises while erect. Make sure you are flaccid for stretching and erect for girth work like jelqing or Slow Squash Jelq.

For Jelqing, you want to feel blood moving from base to tip of your penis, but only squeeze so tight as to feel blood moving. You have veins in your penis that you do not want to damage or squeeze so hard that you have problems.

You should not feel pain. Discomfort, Yes, but not pain. As you condition you will be a le to apply more pressure and will get to know your body and what it can handle. You can try holding back your base a little with your other hand to help with skin stretching in the right spots and that may help. I also recomend that you start incorporating ball and lig stretching now.

I'm doing the newbie routine, with 300 jelqs of 2 seconds only. Should i put another exercice in to it? And i'm not circumcised and i am 18 years old this is a problem? i was seeing some this and appers that until 21 my penis still growing? About testical exercices, why do it? I had a testicular torsion 3 years ago, can i do it?

All my questions are here, and infos that i don't say'd before, any help is very useful. Thanks Guys.
Think 18 years is fine, but use these stretches to compliment the growth and dont let yourself become so concerned with stretching for a bigger dick you miss out on being where you are in this season of your life.

Testical exercises are not intensity stretches, other than ball and light that I reference above which helps stretch skin to grow in to and give you a better hang. Testical health massage is good for keeping blood flow moving, your balls happy and healthy, and for a more all around health approach to a happy male sex organ system.

Hope this helps!
Well, coming here after doing it, did the testical exercices without a problem, now i will rest it.

But it seems that some red circle appears on my head, what can be?

Also, i'm having problems with erection, can't control it, any tips for that too?

I was seeing another things, can i do Dry jelquing?

I'm also making my kegels after the end of the routine, and testical exercises too. Should i do it before?

Thanks for helping!
Well, coming here after doing it, did the testical exercices without a problem, now i will rest it.
Not sure if you are resting or stopping testicle stretching routine completely or just resting your testicles for now from the routines.

But it seems that some red circle appears on my head, what can be?
There too little info on the red circles. What have you been doing in terms of PE routines? What happened in the part week that you are suspecting that caused the circle? The red circle on the glans can be so many things.

Also, i'm having problems with erection, can't control it, any tips for that too?
This is a massive loaded question. We have to know about your background, current and past medical conditions, what PE routines, or even dietary intakes. There are so many questions.

I was seeing another things, can i do Dry jelquing?
Yes you can. What is your purpose for the jelqing?

I'm also making my kegels after the end of the routine, and testical exercises too. Should i do it before?
The same question applies, what is it for? Levels have their purposes. Same as testical stretching.
Not sure if you are resting or stopping testicle stretching routine completely or just resting your testicles for now from the routines.
There too little info on the red circles. What have you been doing in terms of PE routines? What happened in the part week that you are suspecting that caused the circle? The red circle on the glans can be so many things.

This is a massive loaded question. We have to know about your background, current and past medical conditions, what PE routines, or even dietary intakes. There are so many questions.

Yes you can. What is your purpose for the jelqing?

The same question applies, what is it for? Levels have their purposes. Same as testical stretching.
I was resting after doing my routine. About the red circle it is some little circles that appeared on top of my head, i'am not circursiced. About erection, i can't not be hard when doing my routine, how avoid it?
Not sure if you are resting or stopping testicle stretching routine completely or just resting your testicles for now from the routines.

I was resting after doing my routine. About the red circle it is some little circles that appeared on top of my head, i'am not circursiced. About erection, i can't not be hard when doing my routine, how avoid it?
The little circles appeared after doing the stretches, my objective is mainly get some lenght.

Kegels for health and testicle massage and exercise for health too. But i heard that exercices fot testicles can help growing, it is true?
I'm Scared!>>>RED SPOTS...BRUISING....and other Penile MARKS and FEELINGS

Penis Enlargement relies heavily on pressure and blood these factors contribute to bruising, spots and red marks. Whenever pressure and blood meet the result is inevitably bruising. The penis is a very sensitive organ with very delicate skin and tissue. It is very easy to create superficial marks on it through the various Penis Enlargement exercises.

Stretch marks are another thing that happens to allot of guys, myself included. Sometimes these stretch marks manifest themselves as tiny red marks and other times they may appear to be long white lines. With the rigorous stretching exercises and expansion techniques these marks are almost expected.

These issues are no reason to stop training and they will clear themselves up for most users within 24-48 hours. Some things like stretch marks may be permanent but there is going to be some sacrifice for gains. Using a good moisturizer may help heal and/or prevent these stretch marks from becoming permanent but I personally love my battle scarsLOL

The only reason one should skip training is if their is sharp pain, bleeding and/or numbness. These feelings should not be confused with a good worked out feeling.

Scary, overcautious feeling are completely normal and for a good is your penis. I was scared in my early program with every little new feeling I experienced. I felt all sorts of new things like rubbery texture, small twinges, overly light, overly heavy, dull worked out pain, lig soreness, among hundreds of other new and scary things. These are all a normal part of Penis Enlargement.

I hope this helps


Those red circles appears to be this ⬆️
Red circles and bruising is a common side effects of over pressuring the penile shaft, forcing the blood to collect at the glans. The harder you force the blood to the glans, the terminus (ending) pressure rises. Two things can happen: blood blisters or blood rings. This is an indication that you over worked the penile shaft and forced too much pressure towards the glans. This is a good time to evaluate how much pressure you been forcing to the glans, and if you use any clamping or device (such as penile ring or strap) near the glans, either lighten up the clamping force or not using it for a while based on the pressure.

Since you are not circumcised, were you able to pull back the foreskin completely, exposing the entire corona (the rim) of the penis?

Kegels for health and testicle massage and exercise for health too. But i heard that exercices fot testicles can help growing, it is true?
When you perform testicle massages, it promotes blood flow. When you massage prostate, it promotes prostate cancer inhibition, or reduce the chance of prostate cancer. When you do testicle stretching, it prevents the testicles from being too high and too close to the penile shaft, which ultimately increases in heat. If you are still young and look forward to a family, this is not good. If you like to slap your testicles against a woman's clitoris during sex, this is a also a good routine to work on.

About erection, i can't not be hard when doing my routine, how avoid it?
If you cannot keep an erection up during the routine, a few things pop into my mind. This can be a case of under stimulation caused by too much exposures to adult entertainment, erectile dysfunction in someways, poor diets and lack of bioavailability of essential components resulting in poor nitric oxide and free testosterone levels, and poor blood circulation is a big factor as well.

This is why we asked for more info why you think you are having poor erection quality (EQ). There are way too many questions on our side.
Red circles and bruising is a common side effects of over pressuring the penile shaft, forcing the blood to collect at the glans. The harder you force the blood to the glans, the terminus (ending) pressure rises. Two things can happen: blood blisters or blood rings. This is an indication that you over worked the penile shaft and forced too much pressure towards the glans. This is a good time to evaluate how much pressure you been forcing to the glans, and if you use any clamping or device (such as penile ring or strap) near the glans, either lighten up the clamping force or not using it for a while based on the pressure.

Since you are not circumcised, were you able to pull back the foreskin completely, exposing the entire corona (the rim) of the penis?

When you perform testicle massages, it promotes blood flow. When you massage prostate, it promotes prostate cancer inhibition, or reduce the cf prostate cancer. When you do testicle stretching, it prevents the testicles from being too high and too close to the penile shaft, which ultimately increases in heat. If you are still young and look forward to a family, this is not good. If you like to slap your testicles against a woman's clitoris during sex, this is a also a good routine to work on.

If you cannot keep an erection up during the routine, a few things pop into my mind. This can be a case of under stimulation caused by too much exposures to adult entertainment, erectile dysfunction in someways, poor diets and lack of bioavailability of essential components resulting in poor nitric oxide and free testosterone levels, and poor blood circulation is a big factor as well.

This is why we asked for more info why you think you are having poor erection quality (EQ). There are way too many questions on our side.
I'm looking for a family soo i will avoid the stretchs for now, about the erection is said it wrong (sorry), i can't be flacid while doing the stretches. Between 50 to 80% erect while doing it.

How avoid being so hard while doing stretching?

And jelquins near 80-100% erect.

Yeah i can pull the foreskin completely.

Testicles massages before doing the jelquins soo?

About the red circles, should i rest to recover? I don't feel any pain or discomfort.
I'm looking for a family soo i will avoid the stretchs for now, about the erection is said it wrong (sorry), i can't be flacid while doing the stretches. Between 50 to 80% erect while doing it.
The optimal flaccid stretches is around 50% to 60% erected, or rather, the normal flaccid level.

How avoid being so hard while doing stretching?
This is a trick where you most train your mind over your penis. Worst case, ejaculate before stretching session. Good case scenario, train your mind not to be hyper stimulated during PE. It goes the other way too, where you can get a full erection on demands.

And jelquins near 80-100% erect.
When jelqing, 90% to 100% is best.

Yeah i can pull the foreskin completely.
Got it.

Testicles massages before doing the jelquins soo?
It can be done before, during, or after. There is no specific time you can or cannot do it.

About the red circles, should i rest to recover? I don't feel any pain or discomfort.
No. Red circle is just a remnant of discoloration. It's temporary. If it's a blister/adema, that's different. Rest is best. But just discoloration, no need. Just ease up the pressure during jelqing.

As we are saying before, i'm starting my PE jorney soo i know i need to start slowly, and i am doing that. And i will for 2 months (its a good time to learn?) keep my newbie routine with kegels and testicle massage.

However what i think that is good to know how maximize gains.

SRT appears to be the best way, but i can't buy the tools needed for it or girth program 5x5x3

In like a year, with manual exercising can i reach some gains?

What i learned from my first post, is that after some time you need to change exercises to keep gaining. And i will put Slow Squash Jelq to my routine after finishing the 2 months.

Also, a thing that i don't understand is leght and girth routine, you can do 2 different one?

I'm currently at 18cm BPEL 16cm EL and 13cm EG, i'm a year can i gain 2 cm on EL and EG? Also can i send some pics for showing my jorney?
As we are saying before, i'm starting my PE jorney soo i know i need to start slowly, and i am doing that. And i will for 2 months (its a good time to learn?) keep my newbie routine with kegels and testicle massage.
Never stop learning, be a newbie or a veteran. I still do newbie routines. Learn and try every routines you can just to understand them.

However what i think that is good to know how maximize gains.
Never stop visualize on just what we offer as routine info. Think outside of the box, and discover newer methods that will benefit you. There are hidden methods that work mainly for you and may not work for others. I discovered over a few dozens and still experiment on others that are willing to test them based on their body types, potentials, and lifestyles.

SRT appears to be the best way, but i can't buy the tools needed for it or girth program 5x5x3
Stay simple first. SSJ is part of the 5x5x3. If you can't pump yet, substitute the 5 with newbie stretches and 5 with SSJ. This was how 5x5x3 started out without a pump.

In like a year, with manual exercising can i reach some gains?
In less than 6 months, you will see good gains. The more consistency on your routine, with incremental intensities (ask us when to go up), you'll see the gains in a very short while.

What i learned from my first post, is that after some time you need to change exercises to keep gaining. And i will put Slow Squash Jelq to my routine after finishing the 2 months.
Correct. Constantly change your routines and styles every 3 to 4 weeks. Keep the body guessing for your growth.

Also, a thing that i don't understand is leght and girth routine, you can do 2 different one?
Yes. They are different but at the same time, the tissue breakage for optimal growth overlaps. We call it warm up routine before pumping and lengthening.

I'm currently at 18cm BPEL 16cm EL and 13cm EG, i'm a year can i gain 2 cm on EL and EG? Also can i send some pics for showing my jorney?
You can have both in a year. I gain 2.5m in length and in girth this past year. You can do it too.
Another thing that i just see now, is that the top of my foreskin looks kinda dry/writhered, what can it be? Appeared today, after i excedded my force doing my routine.
Another thing that i just see now, is that the top of my foreskin looks kinda dry/writhered, what can it be? Appeared today, after i excedded my force doing my routine.
Dry skin is a result of upper skin layer suffering abrasion or epidermal separation from aggressive traumas. Think of the upper skin layer like a scab as new skin being regrown. The thinner the skin layer, the fast the next skin layer regrow to protect your body from external invaders.
Understood. Another thing is, if i keep doing normally my routine my skin will grow the same as the penis right?

Like i have a lot of foreskin( i'am not circursiced) It will grow more? Like the same as the penis growth? How it works?
Understood. Another thing is, if i keep doing normally my routine my skin will grow the same as the penis right?

Like i have a lot of foreskin( i'am not circursiced) It will grow more?
Your penis will outgrow your skin slack. Mine has. The moment I get an erection, the foreskin gets pulled back like I'm circumcised.

Like the same as the penis growth? How it works?
If you stretch your skin during elongation, the skin will outpace the growth. If you effectively stretch your penis tissues and not the skin, you outpace the foreskin stretching.
When you stretch the skin, you will feel the outer areas of the penis being pressured and pulled, with slight pain. When you pull on your internal tissues, there is an internal full feeling and not pain.

Do this with your legs:
Pull your skin along your quads and thighs. This is skin pulling. It's exactly like your penile skin.

Now, hook your foot under something or someone that is heavy. Tense up/flex your leg muscles while your leg is straighten out. Now pull your leg while your leg is straight. You will feel your dense and soft tissues along your leg being stretched with a dull achy feeling. But your skin is not being stretched. This is what you are chasing after for your penis.
Understood. As always, thanks for helping!

I Will keep doing my routine, keep learning and updating here, probably i will document my progress too.

After the 2 months i will change my routine, put some things new into it to keep perfomance.

And the last thing, you said that you make newbie routine.
Can you change your routine, like a new routine with only new exercices that you never did before to not let your body accostumed with the old one, and after some months go back to old one because your body already accostumed with the new or your body already is accostumes with both?
And the last thing, you said that you make newbie routine.
Can you change your routine, like a new routine with only new exercices that you never did before to not let your body accostumed with the old one, and after some months go back to old one because your body already accostumed with the new or your body already is accostumes with both?
Yes. The newbie routine is just to get you acquainted with the variations. We call it a newbie routine because every time you change the routine with something new, you get to learn something unique with the new selected items for your routine menu. There are new items I use that don't even exist on the wide selection of items. An example is the curl, where you literally curl your flaccid penis and stretch it out like a curly fries/taffy. This is to loosen and relax the tissue with a warm and smooth hollow metal rod/massage stone rod. How about warm massage stone to promote blood flow while the penis is hard and elongated? Then there's flaccid gua sha. Ok, I'll stop right here before I get the brothers into some weird penile experimentation that's not ready yet, right brother @Infected Mushroom?
Yes. The newbie routine is just to get you acquainted with the variations. We call it a newbie routine because every time you change the routine with something new, you get to learn something unique with the new selected items for your routine menu. There are new items I use that don't even exist on the wide selection of items. An example is the curl, where you literally curl your flaccid penis and stretch it out like a curly fries/taffy. This is to loosen and relax the tissue with a warm and smooth hollow metal rod/massage stone rod. How about warm massage stone to promote blood flow while the penis is hard and elongated? Then there's flaccid gua sha. Ok, I'll stop right here before I get the brothers into some weird penile experimentation that's not ready yet, right brother @Infected Mushroom?
Yeah, Salvador Dali would be amazed of my piece of art when I am done molding my peepee. 🍄🤣🙈
Yes. The newbie routine is just to get you acquainted with the variations. We call it a newbie routine because every time you change the routine with something new, you get to learn something unique with the new selected items for your routine menu. There are new items I use that don't even exist on the wide selection of items. An example is the curl, where you literally curl your flaccid penis and stretch it out like a curly fries/taffy. This is to loosen and relax the tissue with a warm and smooth hollow metal rod/massage stone rod. How about warm massage stone to promote blood flow while the penis is hard and elongated? Then there's flaccid gua sha. Ok, I'll stop right here before I get the brothers into some weird penile experimentation that's not ready yet, right brother @Infected Mushroom?
Perfect,another thing, as i said before my there is a part of my foreskin that looks dry, and have a fews days since, how much time to recover from it?

Thanks for sharing the quads and things exercices to see if i doing PE correct, now i fell any pain only my tissue stretching.

Also the testicles exercices, loved it and kegels, i'm very happy that i can do that to improve my testicle/overall health.
Perfect,another thing, as i said before my there is a part of my foreskin that looks dry, and have a fews days since, how much time to recover from it?
Dry Glam skin takes anywhere between 3 5 days to fully heal, and if you use moisturizing ointment such as hydrocortisone or bacitracin, or skin healing lotion, you can get a few days less on the healing process. Naturally, it may take up to 10 days for the skin to duplicate and repair.
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