Starting again after injury


New member
Hello, I am thinking about starting again. I had an injury a couple of years ago that made my erection quality a bit poor., as in not achieving it’s max potential everytime. Im mid 20’s now, and I can get hard during sex fine without cialis, but it may take a bit just depends on how horny I am. My libido is a bit low right now. The injury is I believe regarding my trabeculae. On the left side mid shaft of my penis, it feels indented/constricted. I can essentially pull my hard shaft to straighten it and it evens out a bit. If i take around 10 mg of cialis the indent is no longer there really but i can feel the cord. With 10mg thats when my penis feels the most full and even. I can also jelq the shaft when it is semi to make it feel more full because it feels slightly constricted. I also have a indent on the right side, but the cord (where it is on the left side which is think is trabeculae) seems thinner so its easier stretched.

does anyone have the best advice for me to overcome this and help out my natural erection quality/ gain size in the process? Should I start with pumping? Or should I also get an all day stretcher? What should my routine be for the next couple of months that is crazy time consuming?
Hi brother and welcome to the brotherhood.

Just for reference, can you describe it or provide the cause of the injury or injuries. We got the probable damage area, but we have to trace back on the how and at what level of the traumas. Provide as much info as you can. We'll attempt to find a solution for you.

A collapse of a tissue or longitudinal band that support the corpus cavernosa doesn't get resolved by mere pumping. We have to know how you arrived at the injury, what you did while seeing the injury, and of course what you've been doing with the info you just provided. Did you take any break after the injury?
Welcome to the Brotherhood! Wishing you the best in your journey. A good place to start is SRT. If you need any help please just ask
Hi brother and welcome to the brotherhood.

Just for reference, can you describe it or provide the cause of the injury or injuries. We got the probable damage area, but we have to trace back on the how and at what level of the traumas. Provide as much info as you can. We'll attempt to find a solution for you.

A collapse of a tissue or longitudinal band that support the corpus cavernosa doesn't get resolved by mere pumping. We have to know how you arrived at the injury, what you did while seeing the injury, and of course what you've been doing with the info you just provided. Did you take any break after the injury?
Hey thanks for the response. Yeah so i self sabotaged for a while after the injury. Where it all started was pumping with a bathmate, my penis bent a little to the left while inflated and there was a sharp pain. After that i had normal erections and nothing out of the ordinary but then hard flaccid and inflammation started. It was pretty much fine around that time. But a couple months later i started getting into a depressed state/obsession with my penis size and the functionality thinking it was all bad. I took viagra and cialis for a while after that. Started dry pumping, and i would feel a good stretch around where the injury occurred. I believe sometimes I over pumped. But it was still ok at that time. I would have hard ons w/o cialias and would use some cialis when i wanted. After, I started using an extender, dmso, because i believed i had onset of peyroines which was probably not the case. I think i used it for about a month or a little more. I elongated the left side more thinking that side needed to be stretched because of what happened. I think thats what messed of my erection quality/the way my penis inflates. Erection quality was just poorer, and i also put stress on the ligament so if im not super hard like with 10mg of cialis it will hang lower but close to normal with cialis. W/o cialis its still good for sex. All of that was with about a two year span. Then i got over my depression/obsession (horny kid playing with his dick all the time lol) and stayed away from everything for about two years. Got a dry pump again to see if i could grow and get diamond hard erections without pills. I may have overpumped at those times as well, because i would get that hard lymph node on the top of my shaft which i think comes from vigorous sex. So i stopped again. Now im pretty much here. Can still get erections for sex w/o pills, but my penis just feels different and inflates a bit different since i have those minor constrictions. My penis head flaccid is cold to the touch sometimes. W/o pills its still a ok erection i suppose, but during sex its not until im close to climax that my dick gets all the way full close to its max potential.

So with all that being said, i just want a healthier penis, that feels like it does most of the time on 5 or 10mg cialis, where the penis inflates quickly, fully, and more in sync. Also like having semis from the pills. Sometimes if i dont take the pills i may have like a quick pain around the constriction sight, almost as if it doesn’t expand enough and i had weak erections during the night. I believe it may be weaker on that side as well. Its hard to explain. If i have a semi and hold it in my hand, since the constriction is at the middle of the shaft, thats where it starts to hang, instead of just hanging down from the base.
Hey thanks for the response. Yeah so i self sabotaged for a while after the injury. Where it all started was pumping with a bathmate, my penis bent a little to the left while inflated and there was a sharp pain. After that i had normal erections and nothing out of the ordinary but then hard flaccid and inflammation started. It was pretty much fine around that time. But a couple months later i started getting into a depressed state/obsession with my penis size and the functionality thinking it was all bad.
Got it. Until we get more clarity on the timeline of things, let's assume the post damage is a "couple of months" in combination with the current time. Let's over estimate a total of 6 months to be conservative. So, 6 months of continual damages.

Since you're using a Bathmate, I can say that you didn't monitor for your pressure. Until you correct us, let's assume the pressure you're using is at max the unit can allow. Mind providing what Bathmate model you used? And how long on each pumping session?

I took viagra and cialis for a while after that. Started dry pumping, and i would feel a good stretch around where the injury occurred. I believe sometimes I over pumped. But it was still ok at that time. I would have hard ons w/o cialias and would use some cialis when i wanted. After, I started using an extender, dmso, because i believed i had onset of peyroines which was probably not the case. I think i used it for about a month or a little more. I elongated the left side more thinking that side needed to be stretched because of what happened.
Got it. We're get closer to what internal damages you'ved caused. Since you're using an extender, mind providing the extender info and how often and how long you used the extender for to correct the assumed Peyronie's issues before you stopped? You were close in solving your own issue but didn't correct it properly.

I think thats what messed of my erection quality/the way my penis inflates. Erection quality was just poorer, and i also put stress on the ligament so if im not super hard like with 10mg of cialis it will hang lower but close to normal with cialis. W/o cialis its still good for sex. All of that was with about a two year span. Then i got over my depression/obsession (horny kid playing with his dick all the time lol) and stayed away from everything for about two years. Got a dry pump again to see if i could grow and get diamond hard erections without pills. I may have overpumped at those times as well, because i would get that hard lymph node on the top of my shaft which i think comes from vigorous sex. So i stopped again. Now im pretty much here. Can still get erections for sex w/o pills, but my penis just feels different and inflates a bit different since i have those minor constrictions. My penis head flaccid is cold to the touch sometimes. W/o pills its still a ok erection i suppose, but during sex its not until im close to climax that my dick gets all the way full close to its max potential.
Yep. You diagnosed yourself pretty closely to what transpired when you cause more internal damages using the pump while the internal tissues and the supported ligamentary bands were trying to heal themselves. However, the hope is not loss. We still need the additional info to get things rolling.

So with all that being said, i just want a healthier penis, that feels like it does most of the time on 5 or 10mg cialis, where the penis inflates quickly, fully, and more in sync. Also like having semis from the pills. Sometimes if i dont take the pills i may have like a quick pain around the constriction sight, almost as if it doesn’t expand enough and i had weak erections during the night. I believe it may be weaker on that side as well. Its hard to explain. If i have a semi and hold it in my hand, since the constriction is at the middle of the shaft, thats where it starts to hang, instead of just hanging down from the base.
Using nitric oxide booster will help to expedite the healing process but it will not help in terms of assisting with the restructuring of the internal tissues. Let's hold off on using the nitric oxide boosters unless you're desperate in maintain erection quality (EQ) for the enjoyment. For me, I can take 50mg of Cialis or Viagra all day long and they don't even help. Why? My body already adapted naturally to provide natural nitric oxide through intense training. The reason why I bring this up is because your body can produce high level of nitric oxide without having to consume large amount of synthetic boosters while you're young. I'm in my 50s and still generating hormones to boost my needs naturally. While you're young, you should encourage your body to do the same.
Got it. Until we get more clarity on the timeline of things, let's assume the post damage is a "couple of months" in combination with the current time. Let's over estimate a total of 6 months to be conservative. So, 6 months of continual damages.

Since you're using a Bathmate, I can say that you didn't monitor for your pressure. Until you correct us, let's assume the pressure you're using is at max the unit can allow. Mind providing what Bathmate model you used? And how long on each pumping session?

Got it. We're get closer to what internal damages you'ved caused. Since you're using an extender, mind providing the extender info and how often and how long you used the extender for to correct the assumed Peyronie's issues before you stopped? You were close in solving your own issue but didn't correct it properly.

Yep. You diagnosed yourself pretty closely to what transpired when you cause more internal damages using the pump while the internal tissues and the supported ligamentary bands were trying to heal themselves. However, the hope is not loss. We still need the additional info to get things rolling.

Using nitric oxide booster will help to expedite the healing process but it will not help in terms of assisting with the restructuring of the internal tissues. Let's hold off on using the nitric oxide boosters unless you're desperate in maintain erection quality (EQ) for the enjoyment. For me, I can take 50mg of Cialis or Viagra all day long and they don't even help. Why? My body already adapted naturally to provide natural nitric oxide through intense training. The reason why I bring this up is because your body can produce high level of nitric oxide without having to consume large amount of synthetic boosters while you're young. I'm in my 50s and still generating hormones to boost my needs naturally. While you're young, you should encourage your body to do the same.
The bathmate after that happened I probably used it in total for about a month. I forgot the exact name but it was one of the bigger ones that I bought out of dumb curiosity not knowing what I should be doing. The sessions were probably 30 minutes, but since it was big bathmate, I remember that I didn’t even get good pressure/did not over pump with it. The over pumping came from the air pumps. After the incident with the bathmate though, I had hard flaccid and hourglassing. I could still get good erections though. Just inflammation. There were months long pauses after that since I was looking into buying the air pump/extender. i forget the name of the extender since it was 6 years or so ago, but it had medal rods on the sides, like the ones you sell on here. You could add on each side to add a longer stretch. The glans was pulled by a suction cup thing. Used this approximately 8 hours a day while at work for about 3 months. Thats when i think my penis got weaker on those areas and my penis would naturally inflate differently/less proportionate. After all these years off, my penis has been laid down erect instead of in the upwards position towards my stomach, which is also the reason for the stressed ligaments/looseness. This also I feel puts stress on the weaker mid point sight which makes it go down at the mid shaft instead of up. Not really a fan of that as I once was, and would rather have my erections straight out as I have them on 10mg. With cialis, its both enjoyment, and being less anxious when its time to actually perform since I know I wont have an issue getting up. But yeah I could hop off. I’d want to get to your natural level of nitric oxide and have quick even flowing erections. Sorry for the lack of details its just been a while. Do you think i can get to a good level if I follow a good protocol, and also gain size ?
Got it. Until we get more clarity on the timeline of things, let's assume the post damage is a "couple of months" in combination with the current time. Let's over estimate a total of 6 months to be conservative. So, 6 months of continual damages.

Since you're using a Bathmate, I can say that you didn't monitor for your pressure. Until you correct us, let's assume the pressure you're using is at max the unit can allow. Mind providing what Bathmate model you used? And how long on each pumping session?

Got it. We're get closer to what internal damages you'ved caused. Since you're using an extender, mind providing the extender info and how often and how long you used the extender for to correct the assumed Peyronie's issues before you stopped? You were close in solving your own issue but didn't correct it properly.

Yep. You diagnosed yourself pretty closely to what transpired when you cause more internal damages using the pump while the internal tissues and the supported ligamentary bands were trying to heal themselves. However, the hope is not loss. We still need the additional info to get things rolling.

Using nitric oxide booster will help to expedite the healing process but it will not help in terms of assisting with the restructuring of the internal tissues. Let's hold off on using the nitric oxide boosters unless you're desperate in maintain erection quality (EQ) for the enjoyment. For me, I can take 50mg of Cialis or Viagra all day long and they don't even help. Why? My body already adapted naturally to provide natural nitric oxide through intense training. The reason why I bring this up is because your body can produce high level of nitric oxide without having to consume large amount of synthetic boosters while you're young. I'm in my 50s and still generating hormones to boost my needs naturally. While you're young, you should encourage your body to do the same.
I found the name of the stretcher. It was called the penimaster pro
Got the info. As brother @notmeanymore said, those who have it worst rather keep what they have now and risk of what they may not have in the future. At this point in time, the decision is yours alone to make.

While you make the decision, do know that any corrective in any part of any field, be eating, to driving, or even in social gathering and especially in medical all come with inherit risks. Do know that we all take extreme precautions as we approach with our malehood. Let us know of your decision before we start. This is a disclaimer we must make to ensure our sanity is well covered for the years ahead.
Got the info. As brother @notmeanymore said, those who have it worst rather keep what they have now and risk of what they may not have in the future. At this point in time, the decision is yours alone to make.

While you make the decision, do know that any corrective in any part of any field, be eating, to driving, or even in social gathering and especially in medical all come with inherit risks. Do know that we all take extreme precautions as we approach with our malehood. Let us know of your decision before we start. This is a disclaimer we must make to ensure our sanity is well covered for the years ahead.
Honestly, I want what is best, and I do believe with a mild program, that my penis can be better. My theory is, if my penis is pretty much normal with 5-10mg of cialis, filled out and all, then I don’t see how it would not be viable to increase the health in general to get to that point unassisted? When I am erect, w/o assistance during intercourse, my penis engorges quite well, and is pretty much at full potential peaking to climax. The main problem i have now and want correcting is during flaccid/semi erect state. Because of the slight constriction at those points, its easier to bend and i believe my semi erections during the night bend at those sights, instead of going to erection because its being prevented by that. The pills overcome those restriction points and give me a strong erection during the night instead of semis. I guess a better suited word during semi state is that my penis hinges in the middle instead of flopping down if it just being held at the base and it takes a bit of tugging/stretching to get erect manually to like overcome those points if that makes sense ( If i get horny coming into sex then i more or less can achieve an erection fine w/o an issue ) so flaccid state with cialis is fine, erection is pretty much normal, but without assistance I have those hiccups.

I see in the peyroines forums at pegym that people have success in stretching, and I believe i can benefit from it. What do you think if I decide to do this slowly and safely? How should I go about it? Could the mid shaft area be corrected my stretching? I seen way more dramatic “peyroines” instances on that forum that has been corrected. I dont believe mine is too dramatic just mildly annoying. Im not opposed to a rod stretcher similar to what I had, but I dont want one thats just tugging on the glans all day like the penimaster. I appreciate your help and advice.
Stretches with help with Peyronie’s but erect bends will help more. Rod extenders are limited and painful. I would look at the SiliStretcher
Honestly, I want what is best, and I do believe with a mild program, that my penis can be better. My theory is, if my penis is pretty much normal with 5-10mg of cialis, filled out and all, then I don’t see how it would not be viable to increase the health in general to get to that point unassisted?
In reality, with the nitric oxide booster, your penis is merely being forced to push more blood into either a collapsed portion of the corpus cavernosa or fill the blood into the damaged chamber and use only the fascias (the wall lining) in place of the stronger ligamentary tissues. It's like your knee has no connective ligaments left and you're depending on the surrounding muscles to hold the knee in place during movements.

When I am erect, w/o assistance during intercourse, my penis engorges quite well, and is pretty much at full potential peaking to climax. The main problem i have now and want correcting is during flaccid/semi erect state. Because of the slight constriction at those points, its easier to bend and i believe my semi erections during the night bend at those sights, instead of going to erection because its being prevented by that. The pills overcome those restriction points and give me a strong erection during the night instead of semis. I guess a better suited word during semi state is that my penis hinges in the middle instead of flopping down if it just being held at the base and it takes a bit of tugging/stretching to get erect manually to like overcome those points if that makes sense ( If i get horny coming into sex then i more or less can achieve an erection fine w/o an issue ) so flaccid state with cialis is fine, erection is pretty much normal, but without assistance I have those hiccups.
This is where you must aware that the healing process must combine with the strengthening of the surround tissues. Ligamentary tissues, the tougher portion of the penis, must heal properly while the supportive tissues act as a temporary means. Do not over push the tissues or you'll have stronger tissues than the ligamentary tissues. A best description is the bicycle inner tube is doing all the supporting while the external tire's gaping hole hasn't been repaired with strong resins or patches. The more you force the air into the inner tube to compensate, the more likely the inner tube will have a secondary blow out. Worst, the inner tube becomes unstable, causing the entire wheel to bend and bounce the wrong way. In this case, your penis grows and bends in the wrong direction.

I see in the peyroines forums at pegym that people have success in stretching, and I believe i can benefit from it. What do you think if I decide to do this slowly and safely? How should I go about it?
Yes, the other forums actually followed the Peyronie's method achieved since 20 years ago, by isolating the tissues into a directional growth, while promoting a low tension force splint, which is the traction device, such as your PeniMaster Pro. We'll have more info on that later.

Could the mid shaft area be corrected my stretching?
Yes it can. But it's not about overstretching. It's about stabilizing while stretching at a much lower traction force than most routines.

I seen way more dramatic “peyroines” instances on that forum that has been corrected. I dont believe mine is too dramatic just mildly annoying. Im not opposed to a rod stretcher similar to what I had, but I dont want one thats just tugging on the glans all day like the penimaster. I appreciate your help and advice.
Correct. This is due to scarring and plagues that already formed. However, your case is the breakage or lack of supportive longitudinal tissues (the tissues that runs all along the entire penis that are a part of the ridge ballooned structure of the corpus cavernosa and spongiosum. General term labeled it as the tunica albuginea, but there's more components surrounding the tunica albuginea than a simple structure. We'll leave anatomy lessons for the later discussions as we touch upon them.

Before any routines, make sure to warm your tissues. Always! The warmer the tissues, the better the tissues will be receptive to correction. If you have a heating device such as a space warmer, use it for your routine. If you have a red light therapy device, use it to achieve 30 J/cm^2 daily before or after your routine.

First thing first, we need to address the collapsed mid section of the tunica albuginea. This is definitely due to over usage of the pump, and over stressing the penis using the extender right after or in combination. The tissues will heal, but it may take and unknown amount of time since we don't know the damages at the moment. You can use the PeniMaster Pro (PMP) to stabilize the entire structure during healing. Look at the SRT bundled stretches as a warm up routine. There's no need to use aggressive traction force. Merely light to moderate stretching is more than enough to get the tissues warmed up. DLD came up with the videos with the DLD Blaster. Using this allows you to prime and stress the required tissues just enough to trigger repairs. Once again, DO NOT USE AGGRESSIVE FORCE. Light to moderate only.

So, what's light traction force. Get a nice erection. Grab your penis at the base of the glans and pull out gently until you feel a light tug from the base of the penis to the very point of the hold. This mirrors the jelqing tugs during masturbation. What is moderate? Same approach, but the tug has a sensation as if your lady is giving you a blow job, while milking you aggressively. You feel that tug at the base of your penis with a slight pull harder than the normal jelq. There should only be a slight discomfort all over the penis without any feeling of pain. A warning of course, if you're one of those who have high pain tolerance, you can measure the pull by using a fish scale (SiliScale - Digital Tension Scale for Penis Stretchers) roughly at 3lbs max. MAX!!

During the light to moderate bundle stretching, do add in light contortional twists, or rotary crank. Look for rotary crank example instruction in both video and description formate under the SRT routines. Make sure to go easy but max out the turns. This helps to loose the tissues laterally to maximize the corrective method using the PMP. The routines should not be more than 30 minutes. Limit the amount of stresses.

At the end, use the PMP with the max traction force setting not more than 800g. If you think you can grow your penis and repair it faster by going higher, you will destroy your penis. Your total time using the PMP should be limited to 4 continuous hours with a max of 8 hour total. You can break down however many sessions in hour blocks you want. During repair, your penis will indeed lengthen and grow. Don't think that it don't. It will. This is also to prevent any scar/plague formation.
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In reality, with the nitric oxide booster, your penis is merely being forced to push more blood into either a collapsed portion of the corpus cavernosa or fill the blood into the damaged chamber and use only the fascias (the wall lining) in place of the stronger ligamentary tissues. It's like your knee has no connective ligaments left and you're depending on the surrounding muscles to hold the knee in place during movements.

This is where you must aware that the healing process must combine with the strengthening of the surround tissues. Ligamentary tissues, the tougher portion of the penis, must heal properly while the supportive tissues act as a temporary means. Do not over push the tissues or you'll have stronger tissues than the ligamentary tissues. A best description is the bicycle inner tube is doing all the supporting while the external tire's gaping hole hasn't been repaired with strong resins or patches. The more you force the air into the inner tube to compensate, the more likely the inner tube will have a secondary blow out. Worst, the inner tube becomes unstable, causing the entire wheel to bend and bounce the wrong way. In this case, your penis grows and bends in the wrong direction.

Yes, the other forums actually followed the Peyronie's method achieved since 20 years ago, by isolating the tissues into a directional growth, while promoting a low tension force splint, which is the traction device, such as your PeniMaster Pro. We'll have more info on that later.

Yes it can. But it's not about overstretching. It's about stabilizing while stretching at a much lower traction force than most routines.

Correct. This is due to scarring and plagues that already formed. However, your case is the breakage or lack of supportive longitudinal tissues (the tissues that runs all along the entire penis that are a part of the ridge ballooned structure of the corpus cavernosa and spongiosum. General term labeled it as the tunica albuginea, but there's more components surrounding the tunica albuginea than a simple structure. We'll leave anatomy lessons for the later discussions as we touch upon them.

Before any routines, make sure to warm your tissues. Always! The warmer the tissues, the better the tissues will be receptive to correction. If you have a heating device such as a space warmer, use it for your routine. If you have a red light therapy device, use it to achieve 30 J/cm^2 daily before or after your routine.

First thing first, we need to address the collapsed mid section of the tunica albuginea. This is definitely due to over usage of the pump, and over stressing the penis using the extender right after or in combination. The tissues will heal, but it may take and unknown amount of time since we don't know the damages at the moment. You can use the PeniMaster Pro (PMP) to stabilize the entire structure during healing. Look at the SRT bundled stretches as a warm up routine. There's no need to use aggressive traction force. Merely light to moderate stretching is more than enough to get the tissues warmed up. DLD came up with the videos with the DLD Blaster. Using this allows you to prime and stress the required tissues just enough to trigger repairs. Once again, DO NOT USE AGGRESSIVE FORCE. Light to moderate only.

So, what's light traction force. Get a nice erection. Grab your penis at the base of the glans and pull out gently until you feel a light tug from the base of the penis to the very point of the hold. This mirrors the jelqing tugs during masturbation. What is moderate? Same approach, but the tug has a sensation as if your lady is giving you a blow job, while milking you aggressively. You feel that tug at the base of your penis with a slight pull harder than the normal jelq. There should only be a slight discomfort all over the penis without any feeling of pain. A warning of course, if you're one of those who have high pain tolerance, you can measure the pull by using a fish scale (SiliScale - Digital Tension Scale for Penis Stretchers) roughly at 3lbs max. MAX!!

During the light to moderate bundle stretching, do add in light contortional twists, or rotary crank. Look for rotary crank example instruction in both video and description formate under the SRT routines. Make sure to go easy but max out the turns. This helps to loose the tissues laterally to maximize the corrective method using the PMP. The routines should not be more than 30 minutes. Limit the amount of stresses.

At the end, use the PMP with the max traction force setting not more than 800g. If you think you can grow your penis and repair it faster by going higher, you will destroy your penis. Your total time using the PMP should be limited to 4 continuous hours with a max of 8 hour total. You can break down however many sessions in hour blocks you want. During repair, your penis will indeed lengthen and grow. Don't think that it don't. It will. This is also to prevent any scar/plague formation.
Much thanks for the long and thought out responses. So would just stretching for repair and strength be better atm then buying a pump to stretch/strengthen the tissue? Or does the extender do that fine? How many days off should I take or is it a everyday thing? Can i also just warm up for 10 minutes in a hot bath? Would 2.5 mg of cialis be good to use to make sure there is never any lack of blood flow?
Much thanks for the long and thought out responses. So would just stretching for repair and strength be better atm then buying a pump to stretch/strengthen the tissue?
Yes. Pump will be for the later months. Always good to have it at hand before you start.

Or does the extender do that fine?
Extender is good to have it for resting phases after the routine. Call it an assist stretcher for post routine.

How many days off should I take or is it a everyday thing?
For now, let's do 1 day on and 1 day off to bring the penis back up to reconditioned status. When all feels well, slowly up the routine to 2 days on, q day off. Then 3 days on, 1 day off.

Can i also just warm up for 10 minutes in a hot bath?

Would 2.5 mg of cialis be good to use to make sure there is never any lack of blood flow?
Nope. During length routines, stay natural. L-citrulline is better to stimulate natural production over synthetic forcing of production. This is to safeguard you in your older years.
Yes. Pump will be for the later months. Always good to have it at hand before you start.

Extender is good to have it for resting phases after the routine. Call it an assist stretcher for post routine.

For now, let's do 1 day on and 1 day off to bring the penis back up to reconditioned status. When all feels well, slowly up the routine to 2 days on, q day off. Then 3 days on, 1 day off.


Nope. During length routines, stay natural. L-citrulline is better to stimulate natural production over synthetic forcing of production. This is to safeguard you in your older years.
Ok, So you recommend I use the PMP again, or should I use the silistretcher all day? Im assuming if i bought the pmp i should keep both sides even.
Yes. Pump will be for the later months. Always good to have it at hand before you start.

Extender is good to have it for resting phases after the routine. Call it an assist stretcher for post routine.

For now, let's do 1 day on and 1 day off to bring the penis back up to reconditioned status. When all feels well, slowly up the routine to 2 days on, q day off. Then 3 days on, 1 day off.


Nope. During length routines, stay natural. L-citrulline is better to stimulate natural production over synthetic forcing of production. This is to safeguard you in your older years.
I do remember the peni master to be more of a device that stretches the penis from the glans, and idk how I feel about that. I heard stretching the penis from the glans is not really good. Any info on that? Or any better alternatives that work just as well? I see they now have what’s called restorex
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I do remember the peni master to be more of a device that stretches the penis from the glans, and idk how I feel about that. I heard stretching the penis from the glans is not really good. Any info on that? Or any better alternatives that work just as well? I see they now have what’s called restorex
The solution is using the SiliStretcher No bars or undue pain to the head. You can wear the Silistretcher for much longer per set
I do remember the peni master to be more of a device that stretches the penis from the glans, and idk how I feel about that. I heard stretching the penis from the glans is not really good. Any info on that? Or any better alternatives that work just as well? I see they now have what’s called restorex
It's funny how you brought two devices up in the same topic which I thought about talking during my hike today. Let's dive into it.

PMP (PeniMaster Pro) comes in both the suction cup/vacuum cup and the noose/strap at the base of the glans. In reality, the correction of the penis from all the medical and penile corrective publication all indicated to ensure the entire length of the penis must be in traction to prevent any part of the penis from accidentally left out during tissue correction. Think about the broken arm between the wrist and the elbow. Do you place a splint only above and below the broken point or you do isolate the entire arm past the wrist (representing by the suction cup using the glans) and the elbow? All doctors will tell you, isolate the entire length.

But then it comes to comforts. When you use a strap/noose below the glans, the pain from the traction can be extremely excruciating. I used to wear the JES extender for 8+ hours. Even at 1kg after 4 hours, it felt like my glans and the areas below it was being choked and killed. When I switched to a suction cup version, like the SiliStretcher, PeniMaster Pro, and a few others, with proper suction and placement, I could wear the device past 16 hours with pure comforts. There are downside for wearing something that prevents moisture from leaving for too long and placing the glans under vacuum pressure past 4inHg can make the glans quite sensitive. However, my glans got much larger as a result, but comfort is more critical for an all day long wearing device.

When the rumors or bad info about wearing a vacuum cup all day long is bad for the glans, that is partially true, and mostly false. One is the moisture. I use either bathroom tissues or wicking materials to pull the moisture away from the glans. Two is hygiene. But you can wash it with warm water and hand soap and you're golden. Three is the urinary tract infection (UTI). In reality, this only occurs if one or two is not being take care of. Four is the pressure the glans is subjected under. As long as you don't exceed 4inHg of vacuum pressure all day long, you're good. Your glans continues to expand all day long, and can be sensitive. Nothing more. That's pretty much it.
By the way, as for the RestorEx, think about the "clamping" mechanism. Yeah. Plenty of those who used it tossed it out pretty fast. Doctors who prescribed it was "paid" to promote it. Overall, it's nothing but a joke.
In reality, with the nitric oxide booster, your penis is merely being forced to push more blood into either a collapsed portion of the corpus cavernosa or fill the blood into the damaged chamber and use only the fascias (the wall lining) in place of the stronger ligamentary tissues. It's like your knee has no connective ligaments left and you're depending on the surrounding muscles to hold the knee in place during movements.

This is where you must aware that the healing process must combine with the strengthening of the surround tissues. Ligamentary tissues, the tougher portion of the penis, must heal properly while the supportive tissues act as a temporary means. Do not over push the tissues or you'll have stronger tissues than the ligamentary tissues. A best description is the bicycle inner tube is doing all the supporting while the external tire's gaping hole hasn't been repaired with strong resins or patches. The more you force the air into the inner tube to compensate, the more likely the inner tube will have a secondary blow out. Worst, the inner tube becomes unstable, causing the entire wheel to bend and bounce the wrong way. In this case, your penis grows and bends in the wrong direction.

Yes, the other forums actually followed the Peyronie's method achieved since 20 years ago, by isolating the tissues into a directional growth, while promoting a low tension force splint, which is the traction device, such as your PeniMaster Pro. We'll have more info on that later.

Yes it can. But it's not about overstretching. It's about stabilizing while stretching at a much lower traction force than most routines.

Correct. This is due to scarring and plagues that already formed. However, your case is the breakage or lack of supportive longitudinal tissues (the tissues that runs all along the entire penis that are a part of the ridge ballooned structure of the corpus cavernosa and spongiosum. General term labeled it as the tunica albuginea, but there's more components surrounding the tunica albuginea than a simple structure. We'll leave anatomy lessons for the later discussions as we touch upon them.

Before any routines, make sure to warm your tissues. Always! The warmer the tissues, the better the tissues will be receptive to correction. If you have a heating device such as a space warmer, use it for your routine. If you have a red light therapy device, use it to achieve 30 J/cm^2 daily before or after your routine.

First thing first, we need to address the collapsed mid section of the tunica albuginea. This is definitely due to over usage of the pump, and over stressing the penis using the extender right after or in combination. The tissues will heal, but it may take and unknown amount of time since we don't know the damages at the moment. You can use the PeniMaster Pro (PMP) to stabilize the entire structure during healing. Look at the SRT bundled stretches as a warm up routine. There's no need to use aggressive traction force. Merely light to moderate stretching is more than enough to get the tissues warmed up. DLD came up with the videos with the DLD Blaster. Using this allows you to prime and stress the required tissues just enough to trigger repairs. Once again, DO NOT USE AGGRESSIVE FORCE. Light to moderate only.

So, what's light traction force. Get a nice erection. Grab your penis at the base of the glans and pull out gently until you feel a light tug from the base of the penis to the very point of the hold. This mirrors the jelqing tugs during masturbation. What is moderate? Same approach, but the tug has a sensation as if your lady is giving you a blow job, while milking you aggressively. You feel that tug at the base of your penis with a slight pull harder than the normal jelq. There should only be a slight discomfort all over the penis without any feeling of pain. A warning of course, if you're one of those who have high pain tolerance, you can measure the pull by using a fish scale (SiliScale - Digital Tension Scale for Penis Stretchers) roughly at 3lbs max. MAX!!

During the light to moderate bundle stretching, do add in light contortional twists, or rotary crank. Look for rotary crank example instruction in both video and description formate under the SRT routines. Make sure to go easy but max out the turns. This helps to loose the tissues laterally to maximize the corrective method using the PMP. The routines should not be more than 30 minutes. Limit the amount of stresses.

At the end, use the PMP with the max traction force setting not more than 800g. If you think you can grow your penis and repair it faster by going higher, you will destroy your penis. Your total time using the PMP should be limited to 4 continuous hours with a max of 8 hour total. You can break down however many sessions in hour blocks you want. During repair, your penis will indeed lengthen and grow. Don't think that it don't. It will. This is also to prevent any scar/plague formation.
Can i do these bundled stretches while semi erect? I can’t get like a solid erection continuously while playing with my dick if im not turned on Sexually if you know what I mean. Can i stretch the penis/help it by manual flaccid/semi stretching? Couldn’t i do rotary crank while flaccid and still stretch the tissue?
Can i do these bundled stretches while semi erect? I can’t get like a solid erection continuously while playing with my dick if im not turned on Sexually if you know what I mean.
I understand completely. You can do bundled stretches flaccid, semi-erected, and erected. We're focusing on length and not girth. Erected stretches are to promote a equal stretch and expansion at the same time. Flaccid and semi-erected allows you to refocus everything or a majority of the efforts to length.

Can i stretch the penis/help it by manual flaccid/semi stretching?
Yes, you can indeed. For me, I do most of my stretches in flaccid status.

Couldn’t i do rotary crank while flaccid and still stretch the tissue?
When doing rotary cranks, my suggestion is to always do it in flaccid. Flaccid yields the greatest results as the rotary can provide highest contortional rotation to stretch out the tissues laterally. Semi-erected and erected and can be quite painful.
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I understand completely. You can do bundled stretches flaccid, semi-erected, and erected. We're focusing on length and not girth. Erected stretches are to promote a equal stretch and expansion at the same time. Flaccid and semi-erected allows you to refocus everything or a majority of the efforts to length.

Yes, you can indeed. For me, I do most of my stretches in flaccid status.

When doing rotary cranks, my suggestion is to always do it in flaccid. Flaccid yields the greatest results as the rotary can provide highest contortional rotation to stretch out the tissues laterally. Semi-erected and erected and can be quite painful.
“So, what's light traction force. Get a nice erection. Grab your penis at the base of the glans and pull out gently until you feel a light tug from the base of the penis to the very point of the hold. This mirrors the jelqing tugs during masturbation. What is moderate?”

So with this in my routine, I would have to get erected during my session to do this for repair?
“So, what's light traction force. Get a nice erection. Grab your penis at the base of the glans and pull out gently until you feel a light tug from the base of the penis to the very point of the hold. This mirrors the jelqing tugs during masturbation. What is moderate?”

So with this in my routine, I would have to get erected during my session to do this for repair?
No. You don't have to be erected. It's merely a comparison of pulling force for your flaccid traction to your feelings when you are erected.
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By the way, as for the RestorEx, think about the "clamping" mechanism. Yeah. Plenty of those who used it tossed it out pretty fast. Doctors who prescribed it was "paid" to promote it. Overall, it's nothing but a joke.
Should I buy a cock ring to keep the tissue all the way stretched while erected? I was doing a session where I had a good erection, and then when i kegel hard its as if that tiny portion thats indented inflates, and there is a slight ache as if it is indeed inflating. A tight squeeze of my penis erected, both of the chambers are evenly engorged, instead of having the indents. Should I be doing length exercises rather then girth?
Should I buy a cock ring to keep the tissue all the way stretched while erected?
Only if you believe you need one. Most of my cock rings are old cut up penis sleeves. I grew out of my cock rings. I also pair up with Theraband and flexible bandages for comforts as well. It's practically elongation wrap and cock ring in one.
I was doing a session where I had a good erection, and then when i kegel hard its as if that tiny portion thats indented inflates, and there is a slight ache as if it is indeed inflating.
That's great. But be careful as the indentation expands, it can also rupture. Unless your skin layers (fascias) are strong, and your corpus cavernosa is toughen again from the old injury, don't over do it.

A tight squeeze of my penis erected, both of the chambers are evenly engorged, instead of having the indents. Should I be doing length exercises rather then girth?
When you squeeze while your penis is erected, it's actually both length and girth exercises. Length exercises strengthen your tunica, while girth exercises strengthen your tissue walls. The question to you is, what do you want to do?

If you want to focus on length, dedicated more time to length routines but don't ignore the girth. 70% or even 80% on length, and 30% or 20% on girth. We can help you out with the routine approach.

Since you have so much info on this thread, I'm transfering it to the Progress and Routine so we don't lose it. We can keep piling onto this thread as your personal log. Hope you don't mind.
Only if you believe you need one. Most of my cock rings are old cut up penis sleeves. I grew out of my cock rings. I also pair up with Theraband and flexible bandages for comforts as well. It's practically elongation wrap and cock ring in one.

That's great. But be careful as the indentation expands, it can also rupture. Unless your skin layers (fascias) are strong, and your corpus cavernosa is toughen again from the old injury, don't over do it.

When you squeeze while your penis is erected, it's actually both length and girth exercises. Length exercises strengthen your tunica, while girth exercises strengthen your tissue walls. The question to you is, what do you want to do?

If you want to focus on length, dedicated more time to length routines but don't ignore the girth. 70% or even 80% on length, and 30% or 20% on girth. We can help you out with the routine approach.

Since you have so much info on this thread, I'm transfering it to the Progress and Routine so we don't lose it. We can keep piling onto this thread as your personal log. Hope you don't mind.
Yeah i have no problem with that. So girth exercises strengthen my tissue walls, as in where it is indented at? So more and more girth centered focus would later expand the tissue walls to no longer perceive the indent? I believe i do have some scar tissue as I have a grain of rice size nodule ( but its a circle ) but they are not at the indent sites as far as I can tell. My penis is more on the longer side at about 7.5 bpel but my girth is lacking. I want length and girth, but i feel having a girthier cock at the point im at now may be better. I liked the feeling of my cock evenly expanded all the way, and thats ultimately what I desire to be the norm, but that was being really horny and kegelling. But ultimately I want to start with whatever may be best.
So girth exercises strengthen my tissue walls, as in where it is indented at?
That is correct. My suggestion is to do an isolate downward jelq method. What is it? It's quite simple. Get partially erected, no need to be fully erected. Gently grip the base of the penis to reduce the amount of blood leaving the penis with one hand, and use the other hand to jelq using your index-thumb in an OK grip. By jelqing downwards, you're using gravity to assist with the inflation of the penis equally. Simply using gentle glides allows you to safety balloon the penis slighly past the normal internal pressure when you are fully erected. If you feel confident, you can do this while being erected. This will push the internal pressure past 1.5inHg, helping the expansion more equally across the entire penis, reducing any possible bulges from forming.

So more and more girth centered focus would later expand the tissue walls to no longer perceive the indent?
Corret. As you increase the girth, you also reinforce the soft tissue layers inside the penis over time. Remember not to go crazy with the pressure. Gentle pressure is all you need when you jelq downwards. When pumping, get a natural erection as much as you can when you engage negative pressure. But do not go too high on negative pressure. As we discussed, the starting point is -5inHg.

I believe i do have some scar tissue as I have a grain of rice size nodule ( but its a circle ) but they are not at the indent sites as far as I can tell.
The circular nodule is your harden blood vessel possibly from possible too hard of a pumping in the earlier days, or even from the injury. If you massage it with warm compress and it goes away, it means it's an overly expanded arties. The trick prevent it from expanding during PE is to wrap it with an expandable bandage or plastic film like the Theraband (or similiar materials). By wrapping it gently, you still allow blood flow but at the same, you're creating a compression to minimize expansion. This is done quite a bit with those who have expanding veins and arteries throughout the body.

My penis is more on the longer side at about 7.5 bpel but my girth is lacking. I want length and girth, but i feel having a girthier cock at the point im at now may be better. I liked the feeling of my cock evenly expanded all the way, and thats ultimately what I desire to be the norm, but that was being really horny and kegelling. But ultimately I want to start with whatever may be best.
Ladies love their girth. I can truly tell the way my wife clung hard onto the bedsheet and pillows with her toes curling now with a larger girth than length. Your length is perfect for now. But a healthy girth is definitely around 6in. We can focus on a girth routine if you like. Let me know what you have plan in terms of tools for PE. I know you have a Bathmate, and we definitely need a method to modify it properly to measure the pressure. You have an extender, and we can use that to our advantage. If you don't want to modify the Bathmate, you have to get a system with a gauge to monitor and pump properly. Same with the extender since you have to measure the traction force offered by the unit at each extension point.

Okay, let's get into the girth rountine for now and let us know what you plan on doing with the pump unit.

We will modify the 5x5x3 to a safety level of 2 minutes of pumping at lower pressure (until you feel that light expansion when you are fully erected inside the Bathmate. 5 minutes with the SSJ slight pressure only, keeping the penis as straight as you can during the jelq, and downward jelq a light pressure for 5 minutes.

Total sets is up to you. My suggestion is to give a 4 sets total routine for now throughout an entire week. You can increase it to 5 or even 7 sets later.

It will be very hard, but put on your extender right after the pumping. Why? While your tissues are primed for recovery, using the extender helps to place all the tissues into proper alignment during healing. DO NOT USE MORE than 1kg of traction force. Wear as long as you can. Keep the penile shaft straight and at and under 1kg. If you can't, wrap the penis up, and find a soft but rigid stick to wrap with, keeping the penis in a splint while being elongated.
Can i do these bundled stretches while semi erect? I can’t get like a solid erection continuously while playing with my dick if im not turned on Sexually if you know what I mean.
Defintely. That's why I mentioned semi erected. But when under the negative pressure inside the pump, do your very best to get it up. This is why it's so critical to have a gauge because we do not want to have high negative pressure while you're partially erected. This is very dangerous.

Can i stretch the penis/help it by manual flaccid/semi stretching?
Definitely. During stretching, flaccid is recommended. Jelqing is different. You can do it partially erected, or you can do it fully erected. It's about bringing in as much blood as you can while working on the jelq. This is to address those with ED and without ED.

Couldn’t i do rotary crank while flaccid and still stretch the tissue?
Good heaven, make sure to do it while flaccid. Rotary cranks and rotational twists will kill your penis if you're erected or semi-erected. I tried, and trust me, I screamed. It was for testing purposes, and that was the first and last time.
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It's also important that you do kegels when pumping for more blood to the penis
Defintely. That's why I mentioned semi erected. But when under the negative pressure inside the pump, do your very best to get it up. This is why it's so critical to have a gauge because we do not want to have high negative pressure while you're partially erected. This is very dangerous.

Definitely. During stretching, flaccid is recommended. Jelqing is different. You can do it partially erected, or you can do it fully erected. It's about bringing in as much blood as you can while working on the jelq. This is to address those with ED and without ED.

Good heaven, make sure to do it while flaccid. Rotary cranks and rotational twists will kill your penis if you're erected or semi-erected. I tried, and trust me, I screamed. It was for testing purposes, and that was the first and last time.
The ending made me go back in time when I was like 17 and push down on my erection and heard it crack and i got scared lol now my erection hangs lower so i dont even know if thats possible since my erections/semi erections have been in a forced down position for a couple of years now
As we age, we can't keep that upwards pointing erection like a flag pole any more. What we truly look for is solid erections. Solid as in strong and hard. It doesn't matter if it points up, down, or straight out. Just as long it's strong, solid, and doesn't drop in the middle of the fun. My wife would smile and tease me if I suddenly loss my erection because my legs were too wobbly from the day's exercise, or when it was too cold and I can't maintain since all the blood wants to protect my organs, or worst, when we try to do some erotic positions and I loss all my strength, and my blood pressure drops. Sheesh. Being old can be troublesome.
"Sheesh. Being old can be troublesome."

Big time I've noticed so many changes in just 5 years. I'm getting old and the problems need to be addressed with exercise, pe and my diet. I think i will start a minimum pe routine to deal with erections. Weight training and jogging for my weakness. Diet is also very important to all of this.
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