Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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Well, this is an embarrassing moment. Went into the garage to check on the pressure check after 10 hours, 2 days in a row, after a total of 48 hours of positive and negative pressure stress testing. Accidentally add too much positive pressure to check for leak on this cycle and BOOOOM! Pressure checked before the explosion was at 40psi (81inHg). (cwl)

Time to grab a few new containers for testing. Time to ease up on the impatient pressure pumping. Hahahahaha..lesson learned.


Pressure holds true for 64oz container under constant stress at 20inHg under 20+ hours.
Well, this is an embarrassing moment. Went into the garage to check on the pressure check after 10 hours, 2 days in a row, after a total of 48 hours of positive and negative pressure stress testing. Accidentally add too much positive pressure to check for leak on this cycle and BOOOOM! Pressure checked before the explosion was at 40psi (81inHg). (cwl)

Time to grab a few new containers for testing. Time to ease up on the impatient pressure pumping. Hahahahaha..lesson learned.

View attachment 1836124

Pressure holds true for 64oz container under constant stress at 20inHg under 20+ hours.
Yes these are the things that happens during testing and development. I'm currently contemplating on fittings and tubing...I'm going deep into the rabbit hole with this. If I had a garage like you I could do so much more (develop penis enlargement tools).

Looks like you have a pretty awesome setup in your garage for testing.

@oldandlively do you know anyone that can take over 15 in.Hg with water pumping every day? I don't want to go there anymore (to 15 in.Hg), to much wear on my penis. Better to stay between 10 in.Hg and 13 in.Hg. Plenty of vaccum for maximum expansion.
@oldandlively do you know anyone that can take over 15 in.Hg with water pumping every day? I don't want to go there anymore (to 15 in.Hg), to much wear on my penis. Better to stay between 10 in.Hg and 13 in.Hg. Plenty of vaccum for maximum expansion.
Yes, but those who did only did for a short time or attempt to do a quick upper limit test foress than 20 seconds. I'm included in the crazy group. I accidentally went up for the 15inHg without knowing due to the lack of gauges.

As for the 12inHg, yes, I'm there with the Bathmate. However, the cylinder type like the MityVac is a whole different beast. Uniform cylinder vs irregular like the Bathmate because of the cavitation and baffles gaiter compression. The influence of pressure is slightly different. The BM allows you to go up a few more inHg without the danger because of the vacuum pressure differential is different. I can say that the vacuum pressure is off by 2.5inHg. Cylinder type is uniform, where the penile body displaces the water and air out of the cylinder uniformly. The reduction of the gaps and space pockets (which the cylinder has none) reduces a forgiving pressure allowance. It means, don't go high. Brothers huge girth is correct when he mentioned not to go above 10 and 12inHg. Why? It's the same as BM in the 13 and 14inHg. Extreme danger zone. The magic already occurs at 5inHg. The upper safe level is at 10inHg, and 12inHg one step entering into the dangerous zone. 15inHg is the "Better watch your step since you are on top of an abyss".
Yes, but those who did only did for a short time or attempt to do a quick upper limit test foress than 20 seconds. I'm included in the crazy group. I accidentally went up for the 15inHg without knowing due to the lack of gauges.

As for the 12inHg, yes, I'm there with the Bathmate. However, the cylinder type like the MityVac is a whole different beast. Uniform cylinder vs irregular like the Bathmate because of the cavitation and baffles gaiter compression. The influence of pressure is slightly different. The BM allows you to go up a few more inHg without the danger because of the vacuum pressure differential is different. I can say that the vacuum pressure is off by 2.5inHg. Cylinder type is uniform, where the penile body displaces the water and air out of the cylinder uniformly. The reduction of the gaps and space pockets (which the cylinder has none) reduces a forgiving pressure allowance. It means, don't go high. Brothers huge girth is correct when he mentioned not to go above 10 and 12inHg. Why? It's the same as BM in the 13 and 14inHg. Extreme danger zone. The magic already occurs at 5inHg. The upper safe level is at 10inHg, and 12inHg one step entering into the dangerous zone. 15inHg is the "Better watch your step since you are on top of an abyss".
Good point.

I'm asking because we don't need a water trap that can handle 20 in.Hg, if we are never going there with water pumping. If we have that one way valve in place we will be safe.

I always get a water pocket at my base and can go higher in.Hg due to that. My skin gets sucket in and now I have an air pocket. But from this day I'm going to max 12 in.Hg.

I agree that the vaccum pressure are diffrent with Bathmate. For me it feels like I get more width expansion with Bathmate.
@oldandlively, just curious. That one way valve you recommend to me how tight is that. Will it loose any vaccum during a 5 minutes period if your vaccum let us say are at, 10 in.Hg. I don't think it should. Do you have any data on that?
@oldandlively, just curious. That one way valve you recommend to me how tight is that. Will it loose any vaccum during a 5 minutes period if your vaccum let us say are at, 10 in.Hg. I don't think it should. Do you have any data on that?
No. It's quite tight. It's designed to accommodate both fluid and air. The specs goes up as high as 200 inHg before line bursts from the metallic teeth.
No. It's quite tight. It's designed to accommodate both fluid and air. The specs goes up as high as 200 inHg before line bursts from the metallic teeth.
Okay that sounds amazing. Thanks.
I believe this will be an awesome system. The system I have now works so well even now.

I pushed a bigger tube into a smaller fitting of these types on the water trap, it was not 100% vaccum tight when moving the tube around. I even dreamed about this last night. I saw in my dream clearly (like bluprints) why it was leaking. You can accomplish big things in your dreams. 😁
SIM, have you ever try downward curve wrapping after pumping? Normally, it's done after lengthen routine. But it still can be incorporated with pumping as the cells are still primed for repairs. My colleagues asked one of their patients to use a modified curved shoehorns with coated silicone coating for comforts. The patient is reporting back positively after 2 months of partial correction of 5 degrees. The patients were instructed to use procedures similar to SSJ and bundle stretches by using only arm strength. The patient also pointed out that he purchase a device to do strong stretches downwads and behind his butt cheeks a few months ago before using the modified shoehorn. Jeeze, I wonder what it was (LM??).

SIM, have you ever try downward curve wrapping after pumping? Normally, it's done after lengthen routine. But it still can be incorporated with pumping as the cells are still primed for repairs. My colleagues asked one of their patients to use a modified curved shoehorns with coated silicone coating for comforts. The patient is reporting back positively after 2 months of partial correction of 5 degrees. The patients were instructed to use procedures similar to SSJ and bundle stretches by using only arm strength. The patient also pointed out that he purchase a device to do strong stretches downwads and behind his butt cheeks a few months ago before using the modified shoehorn. Jeeze, I wonder what it was (LM??).

View attachment 1836141
Interesting! Haven't thought of that.
Yes bundled stretches are so good in order to soften up tunica albigunea for manipulation and growth. I would do them before my girth sessions if I had time.

Maybe this can work. Need to buy a shoe horn then. They make them in plastic.

Oh man this journey have been interesting.
Buying things, but from the outside perspective it's nothing special, if they only new what it is for.
I'm at the post office all the time. 😅
Bought alot of things I didn't need. I do not like wasting money but this journey have been priceless.

It's hard to go forth with a project when you don't have any references to parts or even can visualize what may be needed.

Apperently I need a shoe horn now. 🤔
He probably got LengthMaster 3 and added the second handlebar modification. Maybe he even watched my video instructions as well, we can only hope that. BTC-BS is so powerful.

From @DLD seeing a towel elongated after being rotated/twisted and stretched, to this powerful exercise BTC-BS (Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches). I wonder what penis enlargement will be 20 years from now. 🤔
One can only guess. It's a new decade of PE innovations and pursuits. I can only envision PE will outpace plastic surgery line the early 2000s.
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One can only guess. It's a new decade of PE innovations and pursuits. I can only envision PE will outpace plastic surgery line the early 2000s.
Maybe the future.

Note: I made thumbnails of the photos, so you're not forced to see the pictures. You need to follow the link of the thumbnails in order to view the pictures.

I believe this strategy will work.


This is a 2"x9" cylinder. I will go back and forth between this one, and the 2.5"x9" cylinder from MOS Shop. The tissue are really struggling to expand in this 2" cylinder.

Doing girth work after ejaculation, is something else.

Did 2 sessions today of SRT 5X5X3, and alot of edging.

Practically from the time I ended work, to now late in the evening. I can't stop. Help me please, help me.
That may work. Restrictive growth at the bottom and forcing the upper dorsal tissues to work hard to catch up in a confined cylinder. But to achieve the straightening process, you have to focus all your time in a smaller cylinder and not the larger one for larger girth.
That may work. Restrictive growth at the bottom and forcing the upper dorsal tissues to work hard to catch up in a confined cylinder. But to achieve the straightening process, you have to focus all your time in a smaller cylinder and not the larger one for larger girth.
Okay! You're saying there is a choice. 🤔

Either continue to grow thicker, or only working on correction, hard choice. The correction pumping would be somewhat comfortable, and may stop this obsession I have.
There will "soon" be a bigger water trap for the, MityVac HydroVac Penis Pump system, that you can get as an add-on.
may be a strong word. But I'm currently developing, testing and optimizing an easy to use add-on bigger water-trap system for:
MityVac HydroVac Penis Pump system.

It may take some more months in developing and testing, because I need to make sure anyone will be able to use it with ease.
It also needs to be durable and last a really long time.

The best thing with it, is that there are; no leaks in this system.

In the current prototype:
I can be at 10 in.Hg vacuum pressure for 5 minutes (= not for newbies) without loosing any vacuum pressure.
I have even been at 15 in.Hg vacuum pressure without any problems. But since being at 15 in.Hg is on the upper limit/danger limit of what is safe with water pumping, I do not recommend anyone to be here.
After being here usually my penis feels pretty exhausted and almost damaged, so I have stopped doing this. The safe
zones are between, 5 in.Hg and 12 in.Hg. But to be at the upper limit of the vacuum spectrum you need to have been pumping for a long time, in order for this to be safe/feel safe and comfortable. Your tissue needs to be used to it. I believe my intense LengthMaster 3 sessions for ~1 year set me up for this intensity.

The reason it will take more time for me to get to the final version of this water-trap system (vacuum system); Has to do with budget, shipment time, finding fitting parts, and also that I'm using this prototype in my daily routine, I do not want to risk destroying it. I'm also doing this on my spare time outside of my other obligations (work, repairing my washing machine, + that I have been sick as well...).
Later in the development process I will do what @oldandlively are doing, and then test the vacuum system (keeping it at 15 in.Hg - 20 in.Hg) at a prolong time, let us say 48 hours in order to test the longevity of the water trap. But I have been using this prototype version for some weeks now, and there have not been any problems. I will not give up. I keep finding new ways to optimize it, it's getting better and better as time progress.

I wish everyone would be able to use this system already, because you will realize why water pumping are superior to air pumping. I could never grow as fast with air-pumping that would not be possible. Also you risk creating uneven expansion of your tissue if you pump with air at high vacuum pressure.

You all know the intensity I use in my sessions, and have always been using in my sessions. And the fact that I have never had any blisters from pumping has to say something about the powers and safty that water-pumping will bring.

This system is 1000 times better then any Bathmate pump on the market. I know this because I wasted my money on 4 Bathmate pumps. Not actually wasted money (I grew alot from them), but if I had the knowledge I have today, and this system in my hands when I started pumping, I would never have any need to get a Bathmate pump.

Just some updates of what I'm doing currently.
Take care.
It's fun doing the mods. For SIM and I, we like to go the distance in testing out new things. For those who don't, there are already premade system in place. My colleagues at the lab bought for themselves this super heavy duty one:

  • 15 inHg for 24 hours hold
  • 25 inHg for 6 hours hold
  • Very air tight.
There are 1L, 2L, and 4L options. They got themselves the 2L and it's more than enough for their usages. However, one got the 4L version. He got lazy from getting up and dumping.

There's a cheaper version at 2L size:
  • Not certain of the upper pressure for 6 hours hold yet. I truly to want to make sure.
  • Not certain of the lower pressure hold for 24 hours yet.
This one, has less uncertainty on the pressure. I've contacted the company and await for more specific answers on long term pressure management.
It's fun doing the mods. For SIM and I, we like to go the distance in testing out new things. For those who don't, there are already premade system in place. My colleagues at the lab bought for themselves this super heavy duty one:

  • 15 inHg for 24 hours hold
  • 25 inHg for 6 hours hold
  • Very air tight.
There are 1L, 2L, and 4L options. They got themselves the 2L and it's more than enough for their usages. However, one got the 4L version. He got lazy from getting up and dumping.

There's a cheaper version at 2L size:
  • Not certain of the upper pressure for 6 hours hold yet. I truly to want to make sure.
  • Not certain of the lower pressure hold for 24 hours yet.
This one, has less uncertainty on the pressure. I've contacted the company and await for more specific answers on long term pressure management.
Yes indeed! I know about this.

But having a system this expensive, I don't believe most want to buy that. I'm creating a system/kit that anyone will be able to afford, and get through MOS Shop, in order to make the best of their water pumping.
There may also be some issues with, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and metadata optimization, when posting links to other sites and shops/stores. We need to stay on the top of, Google Search Results.

Links are fine as long as it is to a free site or a site of specific relation to the post as long as the poster has no personal interest to gain monetarily. No pay sites.

I believe we need to rewrite the rules now. We are on the top, but more sites have now pushed themself between the top and our second result on the list.
This brotherhood is strong. We just need to provide optimized answers and proper discussions to be at the top. Clean and wholesome discussions without the bickering. Leave the dramas to the other forums.
This brotherhood is strong. We just need to provide optimized answers and proper discussions to be at the top. Clean and wholesome discussions without the bickering. Leave the dramas to the other forums.
Agree 100%.

Also members need to leave all the penis comparison (where you post another man's penis picture for discussion) threads and adult entertainment discussions, out of the brotherhood.

The rules/guidelines states that you should not post another man's penis picture.

If you need to link another man's penis picture, you need to link it by using the original source (there are instructions, in how to do this, 🔗️ The album section).

🔗️ Please make sure you do not upload other members photos.
There may also be some issues with, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and metadata optimization, when posting links to other sites and shops/stores. We need to stay on the top of, Google Search Results.

I believe we need to rewrite the rules now. We are on the top, but more sites have now pushed themself between the top and our second result on the list.
I am SEO specialist with 15 years of experience, I can help on is like I am the DLD of penis enlargement
There will "soon" be a bigger water trap for the, MityVac HydroVac Penis Pump system, that you can get as an add-on.
may be a strong word. But I'm currently developing, testing and optimizing an easy to use add-on bigger water-trap system for:
MityVac HydroVac Penis Pump system.

It may take some more months in developing and testing, because I need to make sure anyone will be able to use it with ease.
It also needs to be durable and last a really long time.

The best thing with it, is that there are; no leaks in this system.

In the current prototype:
I can be at 10 in.Hg vacuum pressure for 5 minutes (= not for newbies) without loosing any vacuum pressure.
I have even been at 15 in.Hg vacuum pressure without any problems. But since being at 15 in.Hg is on the upper limit/danger limit of what is safe with water pumping, I do not recommend anyone to be here.
After being here usually my penis feels pretty exhausted and almost damaged, so I have stopped doing this. The safe
zones are between, 5 in.Hg and 12 in.Hg. But to be at the upper limit of the vacuum spectrum you need to have been pumping for a long time, in order for this to be safe/feel safe and comfortable. Your tissue needs to be used to it. I believe my intense LengthMaster 3 sessions for ~1 year set me up for this intensity.

The reason it will take more time for me to get to the final version of this water-trap system (vacuum system); Has to do with budget, shipment time, finding fitting parts, and also that I'm using this prototype in my daily routine, I do not want to risk destroying it. I'm also doing this on my spare time outside of my other obligations (work, repairing my washing machine, + that I have been sick as well...).
Later in the development process I will do what @oldandlively are doing, and then test the vacuum system (keeping it at 15 in.Hg - 20 in.Hg) at a prolong time, let us say 48 hours in order to test the longevity of the water trap. But I have been using this prototype version for some weeks now, and there have not been any problems. I will not give up. I keep finding new ways to optimize it, it's getting better and better as time progress.

I wish everyone would be able to use this system already, because you will realize why water pumping are superior to air pumping. I could never grow as fast with air-pumping that would not be possible. Also you risk creating uneven expansion of your tissue if you pump with air at high vacuum pressure.

You all know the intensity I use in my sessions, and have always been using in my sessions. And the fact that I have never had any blisters from pumping has to say something about the powers and safty that water-pumping will bring.

This system is 1000 times better then any Bathmate pump on the market. I know this because I wasted my money on 4 Bathmate pumps. Not actually wasted money (I grew alot from them), but if I had the knowledge I have today, and this system in my hands when I started pumping, I would never have any need to get a Bathmate pump.

Just some updates of what I'm doing currently.
Take care.
Were getting closer
Were getting closer
What SIM did is considered as semi-final. The total setup by DIY-er is about $15 in parts. I think I should use HDPE bottles and not the PET or PVC type of containers. That last explosion was not ideal since there was no flexibility to plastic resin body. Quick releases for the tube is best ideal over the barb system.
What SIM did is considered as semi-final. The total setup by DIY-er is about $15 in parts. I think I should use HDPE bottles and not the PET or PVC type of containers. That last explosion was not ideal since there was no flexibility to plastic resin body. Quick releases for the tube is best ideal over the barb system.
As long as it takes it is worth it
I'm at 6 Inch erected girth now.
I will from now only use my 2" wide cylinder for 6 months now, in order to cement it fully.

The 2" wide cylinder => ~6.28 Inch circumferences/girth.

Which makes it so I can max expand to 6.28 Inch Erected Girth inside the cylinder.

In this way there is no risk, that I will overshot my goal. This is my strategy now, but it may change if I know I need more girth in the future.

End of message
Logging out
I'm at 6 Inch erected girth now.
I will from now only use my 2" wide cylinder for 6 months now, in order to cement it fully.

The 2" wide cylinder => ~6.28 Inch circumferences/girth.

Which makes it so I can max expand to 6.28 Inch Erected Girth inside the cylinder.

In this way there is no risk, that I will overshot my goal. This is my strategy now, but it may change if I know I need more girth in the future.

End of message
Logging out
Your girth got 6 inches? From where did you start ? How much time did it take? Your routine ?
Started at 5.5 inch. I had 5.5 inch EG, if you look at post #1 in this thread. Did length work for approximately 1 year and then I started girthwork this year.
With length work did you take any girth and if so after how much time of length work?
Also you are double girth work 5 months ? You took 0.5 in those 5 months ? Only 5x5x3 ?
With length work did you take any girth and if so after how much time of length work?
Also you are double girth work 5 months ? You took 0.5 in those 5 months ? Only 5x5x3 ?
I measured girth in the beginning of starting girth work, but it hadn't increased.

I believe I mostly got width from length work.
But you can see in my progress album the change.

If I go back to post #1,800, I see that I started my girth work at Jan 21, 2024. So 4 months and 2 days to increase the girth with 0.5 Inch.

I did SRT 5X5X3. No more then 5 minutes per set inside the pump.
I measured girth in the beginning of starting girth work, but it hadn't increased.

I believe I mostly got width from length work.
But you can see in my progress album the change.

If I go back to post #1,800, I see that I started my girth work at Jan 21, 2024. So 4 months and 2 days to increase the girth with 0.5 Inch.

I did SRT 5X5X3. No more then 5 minutes per set inside the pump.
Daily? 6 times a week ? How many ssj during the 5 mins?
If I go back to post #1,800, I see that I started my girth work at Jan 21, 2024. So 4 months and 2 days to increase the girth with 0.5 Inch.
@kriskros This is similar to my growth rate at the moment. Slightly less than 4 months, but around 4 months to get at least 0.5in.

Once again brother, don't compare your growth to the rest of the brothers. Everyone will grow differently. Some will literally gain 1in of girth in 6 months, while other may only get 0.25in of girth. But suddenly, they gain a total of 1.5in in 12 months. Everyone's body follows the programming of the tissues for growth differently, and the reprogramming in the latter months will suddenly get an explosive growth. Some may get explosive growth in the beginning, and then slow down in the latter months before they have to reprogram the routines for another growth rate.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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