This is really a hard decision.
I don't know what is best, but in the past I unwillingly got a 4 week rest from PE (did only maintenance).
And the strange fact was that I was longer in BPEL when I did measured again after 4 weeks. But taking that long rest on purpose is hard, but I think I need to do it. It feels like this
windows of opportunity to rest
is now.
I have realized that there is in fact circumstances where you can overwork your penis. And lately my sessions have been extremely hard, so hard that one session per day have been enough. Also my penis have not been
hanging as low as it used to in the past (flaccid hang).
This is a rest day, and I still feel soreness in my inner penis, and it's night time now. So more then 24 hours since last session.
But it would be so wonderful if this rest would provide
me with a longer penis at the end of it, I believe it will.
I think I have no choice, I think I have to throw in 4 weeks of rest again, but this time it's planned. This is hard mentally. But I would feel regret if I didn't let my penis heal up properly to maximize my gains.
Yeah...this is official. I'm doing 4 weeks of rest. I will not take back this dicision (= a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration).
But trust me,
this is not easy for me. In fact it's extremely hard. I will be stretching loosely just for maintenance once or twice per week. I put to much pressure on myself, but I want to be at my longest first of Mars 2024.
I believe the best thing to do this is to focus on other things in life. I have my studies until December this year...after that I'm back to "regular" work. I will focus on; studying, lifting
weights, eating and sleep...then repeat, as I did before I discovered PE. It will be a fun month.