Progress thread SIM's penis enlargement journey

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Some updates.
I believe the tissue needs some strategic implemented rest now. I'm starting to more and more like this routine of mine. It's first now this really feels like a part of my life. Before it felt so forced and like an obsession, and I always felt stressed out to get to the next even mesurment number in BPEL.

I'm putting less pressure on myself now, because I know what I'm doing is working. You can't go to hard in thses D-BTC-BS, it has to be a balance, I see that now. I believe this is the reason why 1 session per day have worked to do, from time to time as well (it's supposed to be 2 sessions/day).
Now afterwards I believe I got maximum elongation even in the first session, and the tissue where good with that (it had enough for the day). It's like a dance with stretching and elongation healing. I'm really considering an extender at this point in time. I believe an rod based extender also could help me, to adjust the slight curvature I have to the right.

I have tried to actively adjust my right curvature with LENGTHMASTER 3, but since I mainly go for lengthgains now, it's hard to do this correction simultaneously.

I have increased the intensity even further, but I have realized now that the intensity have been a little to much lately. A rest of 5 days should be enough. It's more rest then I like, and probably need. But better safe then sorry. Have seen some increases on the wooden ruler as well, so that's good news.

But apparently bad EQ (Erection Quality) can be a sign that the penis needs rest from stretching as well, and that have in fact been the case for a couple of days now (have not had this in the past, It can be stress related as well) lets get to it...lets rest from stretching my penis.

I have a lot of other things to do as well, that I need to keep up with, so this is a perfect time for a Penis Enlargement rest.

It always works out for me.
Keeping a positive spirit is the best thing you can do. Not a stupid positive spirit where you think everything is wonderful and ignore the reality of things...not that... It's just that you sometimes need to say GOOD to yourself, and move forward. You can't change the past, you can only impact this present moment, so learn from your past and then move forward.

You always learn from your "mistakes" and life experiences. So really failure doesn't exist, you only get life lessons if you never give up. I have had trouble with hyperfixation/hyperfocus on the wrong things lately (my brain is like this = have always been), so this rest is the best thing that can happen right now...need to get out of the house and get after it.

Gain big brothers 💪
Some updates.
I believe the tissue needs some strategic implemented rest now. I'm starting to more and more like this routine of mine. It's first now this really feels like a part of my life. Before it felt so forced and like an obsession, and I always felt stressed out to get to the next even mesurment number in BPEL.

I'm putting less pressure on myself now, because I know what I'm doing is working. You can't go to hard in thses D-BTC-BS, it has to be a balance, I see that now. I believe this is the reason why 1 session per day have worked to do, from time to time as well (it's supposed to be 2 sessions/day).
Now afterwards I believe I got maximum elongation even in the first session, and the tissue where good with that (it had enough for the day). It's like a dance with stretching and elongation healing. I'm really considering an extender at this point in time. I believe an rod based extender also could help me, to adjust the slight curvature I have to the right.

I have tried to actively adjust my right curvature with LENGTHMASTER 3, but since I mainly go for lengthgains now, it's hard to do this correction simultaneously.

I have increased the intensity even further, but I have realized now that the intensity have been a little to much lately. A rest of 5 days should be enough. It's more rest then I like, and probably need. But better safe then sorry. Have seen some increases on the wooden ruler as well, so that's good news.

But apparently bad EQ (Erection Quality) can be a sign that the penis needs rest from stretching as well, and that have in fact been the case for a couple of days now (have not had this in the past, It can be stress related as well) lets get to it...lets rest from stretching my penis.

I have a lot of other things to do as well, that I need to keep up with, so this is a perfect time for a Penis Enlargement rest.

It always works out for me.
Keeping a positive spirit is the best thing you can do. Not a stupid positive spirit where you think everything is wonderful and ignore the reality of things...not that... It's just that you sometimes need to say GOOD to yourself, and move forward. You can't change the past, you can only impact this present moment, so learn from your past and then move forward.

You always learn from your "mistakes" and life experiences. So really failure doesn't exist, you only get life lessons if you never give up. I have had trouble with hyperfixation/hyperfocus on the wrong things lately (my brain is like this = have always been), so this rest is the best thing that can happen right now...need to get out of the house and get after it.

Gain big brothers 💪
So very true 👍
Getting longer play some mind tricks on me. My EGO wants it longer, but the logical side of me are putting in the breaks. This is hard. This is the first time in my journey that I feel big

I can't be helped with this. I'm on my own to figure this one out.
You can try to stop but something mentally will always have you wanting more.
I will do my, Penis Exterminator exercise and see where I get myself.
Really powerful exercise.

After I did my SSJ video instruction doing girthwork with Bathmate HydroXtreme 9 (no comfort insert), my penis feels diffrent. It feels thicker, and more chubby.

Wouldn't the temporary expansion have gone down after more then 24 hours? Maybe I'm just a fast responder to girthwork? 🤔 But my penis feels like it's permanent thicker and got more skin. Hard to explain it.

Maybe I'm just worrying for no reason. It's like my penis is thicker and harder to grip, and doing barehanded stretches with. Really strange.

Will not be doing girthwork simultaneously as my lengthwork for now. Maybe Bathmate just increase the skin in your penis, and I do not want that.
I will do my, Penis Exterminator exercise and see where I get myself.
Really powerful exercise.

After I did my SSJ video instruction doing girthwork with Bathmate HydroXtreme 9 (no comfort insert), my penis feels diffrent. It feels thicker, and more chubby.

Wouldn't the temporary expansion have gone down after more then 24 hours? Maybe I'm just a fast responder to girthwork? 🤔 But my penis feels like it's permanent thicker and got more skin. Hard to explain it.

Maybe I'm just worrying for no reason. It's like my penis is thicker and harder to grip, and doing barehanded stretches with. Really strange.

Will not be doing girthwork simultaneously as my lengthwork for now. Maybe Bathmate just increase the skin in your penis, and I do not want that.
Getting longer play some mind tricks on me. My EGO wants it longer, but the logical side of me are putting in the breaks. This is hard. This is the first time in my journey that I feel big

I can't be helped with this. I'm on my own to figure this one out.

Whats your current stats?
Don't know.
Will you measure soon?
Probably but I do not want to put pressure on it now.
I will at least have a measurment for the brotherhood 1 Mars year: 2024, when I have been stretching for 1 full year since I started this journey.

That reminds me. I need to order some spare parts to my octopus grip like tripod. In that way I can take a picure of my measurement and post it here. You need more then one hand when measuring and want a picure. It's amazing the prizes they take for these tripods here in Sweden. A plastic part broke on it, and if I want to fix it here in Sweden. I need to buy a new one, or I can order some cheap parts from China. It's amazing the cheap shipment costs from China. It would have been nice if it was the same from the USA. From Germany it's also cheep to order things.

By the way:
(questions about: 🔗 Viagra, extern URL)
@DLD is there any risk involved taking Viagra when you don't need it?, just to solidify a strong erection?
The bad side effects are pretty bad, it sounds scary. I once took it. Don't know if it was 50 mg or 100 mg but I do not remember my experience. So I'm probably safe right?

I have heard diffrent views on this.
Some teachers I have had in the past mentioned it's a risk of prolonged erection for multiple hours (it's called: 🔗 priapism) and this can damage the tissue. I won't take it if I don't need it. But it would have been nice to have a backup, if I'm not able to take a proper picure of my measurement. It's not easy to get a strong erection on command, when you have no woman nearby.

I belive logging our progress is really important to show others what is possible. My belief is that this will inspire other brothers, and make them a life time penis enlargement brother.

Was thinking Viagra could be helpful when I measure. Last measurements was weak and not in full erection (at least the last ones), so it didn't show my full length (BPEL).

Here are my previous measurements in this thread:

🔗 My: Measurment nr 1 on MOS (official messurment).

🔗 My: Measurment nr 2 on MOS (official messurment).

🔗 My: Measurment nr 3 on MOS (official messurment).

Not easy to get a photo of the measurement when you have an banana penis. 🍌
I need to use two hands to force my penis against the ruler, bend my penis kinda straight.
It didn't work for me to use a tailors tape.

Take care my good friends.
By the way:
(questions about: 🔗 Viagra, extern URL)
@DLD is there any risk involved taking Viagra when you don't need it?, just to solidify a strong erection?
The bad side effects are pretty bad, it sounds scary. I once took it. Don't know if it was 50 mg or 100 mg but I do not remember my experience. So I'm probably safe right?
Hey man I've been prescribed Viagra in the past.
50mg is overkill.
If you took 100mg you probably would have gone to the ER.
10-25mg is all that is needed.
No negative side effects of viagra at the doses I just described.
Once you get north of that you're prone to side effects.

For accuracy when measuring you should measure after 24 hours after completing a routine and at least 24 hours after last ejaculating.
That way any temporary expansion from your session has subsided so anything you measure is what you've actually gained.
I measure after 48 hours because I don't want to cheat myself at all.
Then I don't ejaculate/masturbate/sex for 24-48 hours before measuring to make sure I can get the most aroused and therefore the biggest and hardest I can possibly be for measuring.
Viagra, cialis, or anything of the sort would most certainly help in determining accurate measurements.
Hey man I've been prescribed Viagra in the past.
50mg is overkill.
If you took 100mg you probably would have gone to the ER.
10-25mg is all that is needed.
No negative side effects of viagra at the doses I just described.
Once you get north of that you're prone to side effects.

For accuracy when measuring you should measure after 24 hours after completing a routine and at least 24 hours after last ejaculating.
That way any temporary expansion from your session has subsided so anything you measure is what you've actually gained.
I measure after 48 hours because I don't want to cheat myself at all.
Then I don't ejaculate/masturbate/sex for 24-48 hours before measuring to make sure I can get the most aroused and therefore the biggest and hardest I can possibly be for measuring.
Viagra, cialis, or anything of the sort would most certainly help in determining accurate measurements.
Thanks brother for this information.
But I will have no access to Viagra. It's to hard to get hold of. Need a prescription, tried today to get it.
Will try to call health center tomorrow, but I need to work alot for it, to get a prescription.
It's amazing. My flaccid hang gets longer and longer (hard to show this in picures). Even if I'm blind to my own size I see this happening.

I feel bad about not being able to have 2 sessions most days. Some days it's 2 some days it's 1. But there is not really any difference from how I did it in the past. I need to keep grinding. Just do my best, and do 2 sessions as often as I can.

I should also stay away from erection quality talks, this really messes with my mind. I don't need that in my life.

The last combination of stretching techniques really made my inner penis grow out. The day after I still feel soreness in my inner penis...for me this is a good sign for gains to come.

"Click" on the picure and you will come to my, Penis progression album.
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Like my life depends on it.
1 Mars next year, is my deadline.

I think you know what I mean. 😏
Women start to approach me now due to the bulge.
Haha, they definitely get curious when they see a huge bulge, no doubt about it. Good for you brother, keep on showing off that bulge to the ladies.
One day our dicks will be so huge we’ll have an abnormally sized bulge.😂 No joke, dead serious.
I believe I need to get on a correction program now.
I can not smash out more length now, before I have corrected my right curve.
When I stand up it looks "worse". It feels like a setback.

I believe I can do this with LENGTHMASTER 3.

View media item 1450
As they said in Fight Club « A big, fat cock» which is exactly what you have now.
Congratz on that my brother, and keep on grinding as I know you will.
Haha, they definitely get curious when they see a huge bulge, no doubt about it. Good for you brother, keep on showing off that bulge to the ladies.
One day our dicks will be so huge we’ll have an abnormally sized bulge.😂 No joke, dead serious.
Women are curious indeed.
I will show it off. It in fact does, something with the confidence for me.
But I think the discipline PE are teaching you, is the major culprit to this, BOOST in confidence. There is nothing like it. PE will teach you so much about yourself and life.

The dick will in the future be to BIG.
Women are curious indeed.
I will show it off. It in fact does, something with the confidence for me.
But I think the discipline PE are teaching you, is the major culprit to this, BOOST in confidence. There is nothing like it. PE will teach you so much about yourself and life.

The dick will in the future be to BIG.
Yes Sir, it WILL be BIG. No doubt.

And yes, people who haven’t done any PE does not realize how much patience, tenacity and consistency it takes to enlarge your penis. It’s something totally different than what most people are used to and it rewires your brain, as in having to wait to see results. Makes us more patient that way, since it’s not a quick fix.
Yes Sir, it WILL be BIG. No doubt.

And yes, people who haven’t done any PE does not realize how much patience, tenacity and consistency it takes to enlarge your penis. It’s something totally different than what most people are used to and it rewires your brain, as in having to wait to see results. Makes us more patient that way, since it’s not a quick fix.
I agree, it rewires the brain. I want to teach my mind things from the struggle and hardships in life. I don't want an easy life. An easy life will lead to discomfort in the future.
Women are curious indeed.
I will show it off. It in fact does, something with the confidence for me.
But I think the discipline PE are teaching you, is the major culprit to this, BOOST in confidence. There is nothing like it. PE will teach you so much about yourself and life.

The dick will in the future be to BIG.
You're gonna need a wheelbarrow in the future if it gets any bigger haha
I believe I need to get on a correction program now.
I can not smash out more length now, before I have corrected my right curve.
When I stand up it looks "worse". It feels like a setback.

I believe I can do this with LENGTHMASTER 3.

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Wow man ,

i didn’t realize that your penis had a curve like THAT

it’s so similar to mine except mine goes to the left and doesn’t curve upwards.
in my mind I thought your curve wasn’t as bad as mine when you were telling me, i was wrong apologies

but it looks like our journeys have intertwined brother
hopefully we can fix this curve issue 🤝
Wow man ,

i didn’t realize that your penis had a curve like THAT

it’s so similar to mine except mine goes to the left and doesn’t curve upwards.
in my mind I thought your curve wasn’t as bad as mine when you were telling me, i was wrong apologies

but it looks like our journeys have intertwined brother
hopefully we can fix this curve issue 🤝
It looks more worse then it really is in the picture, but it goes to the righ that's for sure. When the erection is 100% hard it's kinda not so bad.

It cqn be corrected with LENGTHMASTER 3. But then I need to slow down my gains. Don't know what to do jet.
Wow man ,

i didn’t realize that your penis had a curve like THAT

it’s so similar to mine except mine goes to the left and doesn’t curve upwards.
in my mind I thought your curve wasn’t as bad as mine when you were telling me, i was wrong apologies

but it looks like our journeys have intertwined brother
hopefully we can fix this curve issue 🤝
I do not perform my penis enlargement on hope. I have structure and intent, if I want something to happen to my penis, I make a choice and a plan and then I do it...and make it happen.

You can correct your curve, you do not need to hope it will happen. Decide and then do it.
Look in the MOS DVD for exercises.

I wrote in this way because I want to emphasize that, how you speak to yourself determine your destiny and success. The mental part of penis enlargement is important.

Take care brother.
Wow man ,

i didn’t realize that your penis had a curve like THAT

it’s so similar to mine except mine goes to the left and doesn’t curve upwards.
in my mind I thought your curve wasn’t as bad as mine when you were telling me, i was wrong apologies

but it looks like our journeys have intertwined brother
hopefully we can fix this curve issue 🤝
Got the same thing going on as my penis curves to the left side a bit, not upwards though.
I do not perform my penis enlargement on hope. I have structure and intent, if I want something to happen to my penis, I make a choice and a plan and then I do it...and make it happen.

You can correct your curve, you do not need to hope it will happen. Decide and then do it.
Look in the MOS DVD for exercises.

I wrote in this way because I want to emphasize that, how you speak to yourself determine your destiny and success. The mental part of penis enlargement is important.

Take care brother.
Yepp, fortunately penis extenders have also been shown to correct curves, hopefully my left side curve will become a bit better as I keep on extending.

And yes my friend, what you keep on telling yourself and thinking is so important as the words you say to yourself will materialize in the real world.
Got the same thing going on as my penis curves to the left side a bit, not upwards though.
It's normal to have a right or left curvature. It's not strange or something. It's just that when we make our penis longer we need to think about, how we are stretching it, otherwise our curve can be worsen/be to much.

When stretching with our hands or LENGTHMASTER 3, it's so important to use a timer.

With a timer we can make sure we are stretching our penis as even as possible.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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