Silisleeves work on the SizeDoctor for a much better stretch


Well-known member
It got me thinking yesterday after reading several threads about this device.

So, at night, alone :) I got the SizeDoctor from his cave, and decided to do some experimentation with the silisleeves (movember)

and the results......


I managed to fit inside without much problem at all, compared to when using the crap grey stock sleeves that come with the SizeDoctor, manufactured by the makers.

Vacuum was also much better, no loss like before, and I don't have the modified versions Mk1 with the new spring pin, or Mk2 with the pump style fitting.

Its certainly recommended if you got one of these things, to use a silisleeve on the head piece, by first removing the original grey sleeve, and place the thicker end on the silisleev over the silistretcher.


Excellent modification Red! I think you should move this to the main forum for a few days so everybody gets to see it.
Yeah, I mean it may look ugly compared to the stock grey sleeves, however, it works ALLOT better take it from me!!! this enables a guy to forget about messing around trying to figure out which sized grey sleeve he needs, as the silisleeve fits all.

The silicap is also easier to wear with this combo, tried that a few nights back. I dont personally like using the silicap in these, comfort, perhaps its down to me being uncut? although the silicap is vital when you use a pump with higher pressure, really clever for that.

So, if some SizeDoctor users could give this a crack, and report back it would be very nice to know how you feel about it.
Yeah, I mean it may look ugly compared to the stock grey sleeves, however, it works ALLOT better take it from me!!! this enables a guy to forget about messing around trying to figure out which sized grey sleeve he needs, as the silisleeve fits all.

The silicap is also easier to wear with this combo, tried that a few nights back. I dont personally like using the silicap in these, comfort, perhaps its down to me being uncut? although the silicap is vital when you use a pump with higher pressure, really clever for that.

So, if some SizeDoctor users could give this a crack, and report back it would be very nice to know how you feel about it.

Looks don’t matter what matters is what works. This is a great modification and should allow SizeDoctor users to get much better use of their ADS. There’s nothing that we are given that we do not improve upon, and it’s these modifications that help us plan revisions in the future.
Wonderful. I think you will like it. You may find it tricky at first getting the silisleeve into that part of the silistretcher where the side rods are touching the head piece, but it does fit. Dont worry about it being really snug in that area, the rest will take care of itself.
Wonderful. I think you will like it. You may find it tricky at first getting the silisleeve into that part of the silistretcher where the side rods are touching the head piece, but it does fit. Dont worry about it being really snug in that area, the rest will take care of itself.

I will give it a try and then come back here to update you by Friday.
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I went with this method again last night. Sadly it didn't work like the first time, beginners luck?
In the end I had to abandon the trial, and go back with the grey sleeves.

You may find it easier if using this trick to put the sleeve on your dick first, then to the silistretcher.

I spoke with Lightning about this, and he is more confident when the duros come out using this, but I may have been too over enthusiastic about this thread!

The problem is stretching the sleeve enough over the small space on the SizeDoctor, so your cock can get in. If you can get it going, its on fire, but it wasn't designed for it, so your going to struggle.

Now, with the pins inside all sizedoctors being modded to keep the pressure, the grey sleeves will be good again.
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I went with this method again last night. Sadly it didn't work like the first time, beginners luck?
In the end I had to abandon the trial, and go back with the grey sleeves.

You may find it easier if using this trick to put the sleeve on your dick first, then to the silistretcher.

I spoke with Lightning about this, and he is more confident when the duros come out using this, but I may have been too over enthusiastic about this thread!

The problem is stretching the sleeve enough over the small space on the SizeDoctor, so your cock can get in. If you can get it going, its on fire, but it wasn't designed for it, so your going to struggle.

Now, with the pins inside all sizedoctors being modded to keep the pressure, the grey sleeves will be good again.

Hey, it was worth the time invested. Thanks for testing this modification you created.
I went with this method again last night. Sadly it didn't work like the first time, beginners luck?
In the end I had to abandon the trial, and go back with the grey sleeves.

You may find it easier if using this trick to put the sleeve on your dick first, then to the silistretcher.

I spoke with Lightning about this, and he is more confident when the duros come out using this, but I may have been too over enthusiastic about this thread!

The problem is stretching the sleeve enough over the small space on the SizeDoctor, so your cock can get in. If you can get it going, its on fire, but it wasn't designed for it, so your going to struggle.

Now, with the pins inside all sizedoctors being modded to keep the pressure, the grey sleeves will be good again.

Unfortunately, I don't have that pin with my own size doctor.
Unfortunately, I don't have that pin with my own size doctor.

Don't know if there's a hardware store around, but a low tension spring what is being used is relatively close to what's being used in several ballpoint pens. I think I got one down but lost my focus and was trying to fit the pin wrong way around, wondering why it doesn't work. :D One step at a time.
Don't know if there's a hardware store around, but a low tension spring what is being used is relatively close to what's being used in several ballpoint pens. I think I got one down but lost my focus and was trying to fit the pin wrong way around, wondering why it doesn't work. LOL One step at a time.

I'm trying to see if lightening can send me another silistretcher because mine got broken.
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Shit just bought the silisleeves but I bought the the 6x3/4" the constriction is brutal or at least that's what I feel @ redzulu2003 do you think i should get the 6"x1"? maybe i should
Since these posts are old all the pictures are gone, what are these upgraded versions of the SD with the new pins and whatever, I can't get any vacuum extender to work properly due to being uncut and a small head, just doesn't work so I'm looking at a SD.

The length master is your best option. Get yourself a length master. You can gain up to 2.5 to 3 inches by just using the length master for 1 hour daily.
It got me thinking yesterday after reading several threads about this device.

So, at night, alone :) I got the SizeDoctor from his cave, and decided to do some experimentation with the silisleeves (movember)

and the results......


I managed to fit inside without much problem at all, compared to when using the crap grey stock sleeves that come with the SizeDoctor, manufactured by the makers.

Vacuum was also much better, no loss like before, and I don't have the modified versions Mk1 with the new spring pin, or Mk2 with the pump style fitting.

Its certainly recommended if you got one of these things, to use a silisleeve on the head piece, by first removing the original grey sleeve, and place the thicker end on the silisleev over the silistretcher.


Cant get the sleeve to hold on to the DR.-It is less than 1/4 inch-then o
It got me thinking yesterday after reading several threads about this device.

So, at night, alone :) I got the SizeDoctor from his cave, and decided to do some experimentation with the silisleeves (movember)

and the results......


I managed to fit inside without much problem at all, compared to when using the crap grey stock sleeves that come with the SizeDoctor, manufactured by the makers.

Vacuum was also much better, no loss like before, and I don't have the modified versions Mk1 with the new spring pin, or Mk2 with the pump style fitting.

Its certainly recommended if you got one of these things, to use a silisleeve on the head piece, by first removing the original grey sleeve, and place the thicker end on the silisleev over the silistretcher.


What kind of Joke is this? I knew this doesnt work but I had to go and quadruple-check before I commented-You cant get the sili-sleeves over the barely quarter inch size dr. end where the grey sleeve fits. If you pull it 3/4 inch up on the bottom and top, you can still go no further than a 1/4 of an inch on the 2 sides, where it will slide off. Now, before it slides off-explain how you roll it up and flip it back on itself so you can get in it. Once you begin rolling, assuming that the sleeve is still holding on(it will for a few seconds) you then come up to the end and realize you can do nothing from there. You have a rolled up sleeve and your stuck, there is no way of opening it because you are blocked by the bars on the size dr.
The stealth device and sili-strecher are designed with this in mind, there is nothing blocking the sleeves from being rolled over the root of the device. The size dr. is not.
Disheartening-I do not like those grey sleeves they are the cause of overvacuuming and blisters and broken blue sili-covers. Here, I thought that something else could work actually I knew this wouldnt work because I tried it before. I just forgot why and was hoping that maybe I was wrong and this was the miracle cure for the grey sleeves. NO, IT IS NOT! Show everyone exactly how you did it.
The size Dr. at the same time is the most ingenious yet stupid of devices, the best and yet the worst.
Vacuum and traction-unbeatable-except these grey end pieces-either they dont hold on or they squeeze so tight that you will definitely blister, even with a cap. It has an Ingenious bar and spring mechanism-but an absolutely ridiculous, beyond belief open end.
(I came to this section 1x in the past and someone gave me advice that made my size dr 100x better, they told me to get moldable plastic and close the end myself-Awesome-Really works!). Finally, the 2 little thin paper clip wires and a minute orange ring to hold the vacuum in. The vacuum is great but this is the flimsiest of ends. It To easily brakes and you can lose the orange ring also.
Anyone out there have a solution to the flimsy end thing —-or much more important
Is there a real way to not use those grey sleeves on the end!
If this person wants to show me how on earth they got past the obstacles to get a silisleeve on to the size dr, please send me a video or leave me a note with a post to 1.
If you have some alternative size dr. than the 1 sold in mos then please send me a photo and where I can buy it or leave me a note.
Man I was really almost excited
However, nothing still is close to this device!
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So there was a different size Dr. The sleeves can not work on mine. There is no possibility unless you are going inside the head piece? However, wnen i thought about it, without the grey Sleeve are you not removing the traction from the device and that is what makes the size Dr. special-it is both traction and vacuum.Are there other devices with both?
A question for you. Is four hours to long in the size Dr.?
I am confused on who I am writing to and who is writing back to me. Huge Girth-How do you get any permanent girth growth everything is pointing out to me to that it is not possible.
You can stretch the tendon and everything by length, that makes sense but how are you able to stretch it to the sides. When you use the pump isnt it just pumping up your blood vessels so that you are super-full of blood? The other stuff, the not expanding-except for the skin on the outside? I am trying to logically figure this out. If you or someone can give me a good answer then I would feel better about continuing my effort to gain “PERMANENT“ girth growth. At this point I can only fill 1.75”-nothing. After pumping I can go up to 2” and even 2.25 if I blast myself insanely but no matter how I do it. (I have done the 5x5x3 program and I have just pumped for 1/2 hr at a x. But no matter what I do it always goes back down to 1.75 within 24 hrs).
I am convinced a human can gain 2” if they can hold the extension for a massive amount of hours for a long enough period without stopping.I cant believe that anyone can go further until I see some scientific evidence or I get there myself. (I have only grown about 2mms-6-6.2-nothing and it has cost me tons of blisters and pain and $2,000 of equipment from mos).Now, That is at least enough proof to make me keep going on permanent length growth but girth is where I have a problem.
If you can just blow yourself up from 1.75 to 2 and use it in for a few hours then why do I want to keep pumping every day or every other day 5x5x3 and risking more blisters, capillaries breaking, it turning into a weird shape…
Unless, HUGE GIRTH-you were not born with Huge Girth but acquired it thru some form of training with equipment(and I can”t do the SRT because I have carpal tunnel syndrome and cant use my wrists and hands like that for those lengths of time-so I can only do it by equipment).
I dont look at any of the pictures,why would anyone believe that people are not that size on their own before they took the pictures. So, that is not proof of anything to me.
OK-Got the question-Were you born Huge girth or a made Huge Girth?and if you are a made Huge girth-How do I do it? If you were born that way, then you are just showing off and should spend your time making money in adult entertainment.
*How do you gain permanent girth-by technique?-equipment?-time per day?* *Should you concentrate on getting length 1st? What if you cant do both length and girth in the same day?*
If anyone can explain to me how permanent growth in girth can actually occur or point out to where I can find it (its not in wikipedia). Not how pumps works-I know pumping is an increase in the blood volume and the size of the blood vessels but that is not permanent. OK-that covers it
I am confused on who I am writing to and who is writing back to me. Huge Girth-How do you get any permanent girth growth everything is pointing out to me to that it is not possible.
You can stretch the tendon and everything by length, that makes sense but how are you able to stretch it to the sides. When you use the pump isnt it just pumping up your blood vessels so that you are super-full of blood? The other stuff, the not expanding-except for the skin on the outside? I am trying to logically figure this out. If you or someone can give me a good answer then I would feel better about continuing my effort to gain “PERMANENT“ girth growth. At this point I can only fill 1.75”-nothing. After pumping I can go up to 2” and even 2.25 if I blast myself insanely but no matter how I do it. (I have done the 5x5x3 program and I have just pumped for 1/2 hr at a x. But no matter what I do it always goes back down to 1.75 within 24 hrs).
I am convinced a human can gain 2” if they can hold the extension for a massive amount of hours for a long enough period without stopping.I cant believe that anyone can go further until I see some scientific evidence or I get there myself. (I have only grown about 2mms-6-6.2-nothing and it has cost me tons of blisters and pain and $2,000 of equipment from mos).Now, That is at least enough proof to make me keep going on permanent length growth but girth is where I have a problem.
If you can just blow yourself up from 1.75 to 2 and use it in for a few hours then why do I want to keep pumping every day or every other day 5x5x3 and risking more blisters, capillaries breaking, it turning into a weird shape…
Unless, HUGE GIRTH-you were not born with Huge Girth but acquired it thru some form of training with equipment(and I can”t do the SRT because I have carpal tunnel syndrome and cant use my wrists and hands like that for those lengths of time-so I can only do it by equipment).
I dont look at any of the pictures,why would anyone believe that people are not that size on their own before they took the pictures. So, that is not proof of anything to me.
OK-Got the question-Were you born Huge girth or a made Huge Girth?and if you are a made Huge girth-How do I do it? If you were born that way, then you are just showing off and should spend your time making money in adult entertainment.
*How do you gain permanent girth-by technique?-equipment?-time per day?* *Should you concentrate on getting length 1st? What if you cant do both length and girth in the same day?*
If anyone can explain to me how permanent growth in girth can actually occur or point out to where I can find it (its not in wikipedia). Not how pumps works-I know pumping is an increase in the blood volume and the size of the blood vessels but that is not permanent. OK-that covers it

I have not made the needed girth gains from pumping. I just started pumping again a few weeks ago. I can see that you are a very pessimistic person and this will affect your PE routine if you remain that way.

You said you are confuse and you don't know who you are writing to and who is writing back to you. How can you be confuse with a thing like that? Can't you see the names of members on the thread?

When you pump and do SSJ, the expansion you get should be kept by wearing a cockring for 1 hour. The expansion will fade away after 24 hours but over time (6 months), the tunica will become permanently expanded and this will lead to permanent girth gains because the tunica will be able to accommodate more blood.

If you are pumping for girth, you must do it for up to 6 months before you can see permanent gains. If you cannot put and do SSJ for 6 months, you will not make permanent gains.

Being pessimistic is like setting yourself up for failure. You have to believe in the process while working towards your goal.

Again I repeat, if you pump and do SSJ, you will get expansion. Wear a cock ring after your session for 1 hour. After 24 hours, the expansion will fade away, it is normal. As you get expansion each day, you are deforming the tunica and with time, the tunica will be permanently expanded. Once the tunica is permanently expanded, you have made permanent gains.
Huge girth-you just wrote back to me, correct! I am not pessimistic I am realistic. Now SSJ-With your Hands or is that something different? If SSJ is with your hands then you have not read 1 word I have said 100x. I cant do anything with my hands that require wrapping them around my dick.
I can only use equipment. 6 months-How about 2 years. Yes, 2 years. If you say 6 months Every day, every other day-pump 1x for 30 mins at 15 psi or 3x at 5 minutes with a break (AND NO HAND STUFF-NO JELQUING-NO Suppression-Restricted…-NONE OF THAT IS POSSIBLE!). Give me an exact program and I will do it for 6 months strait and then tell everyone the truth here and other places 1 way or another! Everyday is not possible at this point because 20 mins of weights and 3 hours in the size dr is the max that my body can take before blisters. But I can do it every other day. So, tell me what to do every other day For 6 months and then I can tell if it is possible or not.
Now, for 3 months every day i Do 3hrs size dr., On off pumping, length master and weight hanging) -so far 2mm length in bathmate, it goes up to 73/4 in mitty vac in length, it is 7’ stretched but still 6” erect- To me No actual gain-
The pump length appears to be some kind of delusion or it sucks so far into the body that it doesnt matter what it says that is not real because an inch or 1 1/2“ of that is not actually out for use. These are the facts as I have experinecd them.
I can also say 2 years of sporadic use will produce absolutely nothing. If you do get some gains after a few months,even in length, it will go away in 1 month cant do it. So, length permanently staying is not my experience either, unlike as I have seen it stated elsewhere.
Do I take it seriously-Yes But I am not going to exaggerate, lie, show fake pictures or have a big dick already and am just playing with people. I am not doing this as an ego builder and I can please women without this. I just observe that every vibrator is over 7”, I only see videosnof women squirting when they are with dudes with giant dicks(not the hand on g-spot squirting). So, I want to use a larger erect penis, not a long soft thing, nor do I want anyone to see it. I dont even care if she sees it, as long as she can feel it.
I dont have a long time left, like you people do, so I need to see real results. Like I said before I will work thru blisters, cuts tears, I will go twice as hard as anyone. As long as I hear specific things. Go 6 moths in ssj means what?
Is 3 hours a day in the size dr going to do anything for my erection in 3 more months?
Do I have to cut or tie-off my frenulum. I will.
I only encountered this whole thing because I had to go to a DR. And he gave me a cheap pump and said use this an hour before you have sex and put this ring on, immediately after, I noticed it swelled up way bigger and then started looking at better ones and then 1 thing after another tied together and led me to this world I never new existed and most men probably have no idea about. So, that is why an older dude would run into this and I already explained the why I am doing it.
When I was younger I used to work in a huge sex shop with every VHS (if you know what those were) adult entertainment video ever made probably and back then I never seen any squirting, so of course I am wondering if this is fake or real and I still am getting different answers on this but it looks real-Squirt-Inducer?
So, now am I talking to Huge girth with a thumbs up from Squirt Inducer and DLD, Right.
Realistic, not pessimistic, only believe in facts, only can judge by my own experience, will only tell the truth NMW the situation. I have spent $2000 plus and so far 2 years on /off and now 3moths daily and if nothing happens, Even if I look like a fool, I will tell everyone this dont work. If it does then I will tell you it did, there will be no need for me to show and tell anyone elsethat is not my game
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Oh, I see, that tells that all that jelquing and hand stuff is required for growth. It should be written on the mitty vac., then or is it something else?
It does not work! I am a Size Doctor Expert and this does not work. Someone may have gotten lucky 1 or 2x and made this happen but if you even look at how the size dr. is at the penis cap end you will see that there would be less than an 1/8th of an inch to grip with the sleeve. The Size DR. is a Difficult animal to Use! It is not a Toy and this device will damage you if you are not very carefull. That being said The Size Dr. is the Best device on the market and it is my primary tool. I am not using it as an ads anymore but as an adjunct power lengthening device like the lengthmaster or heavy weight hanging. I can tolerate only between 1 and 2 hours with the device but the stretch is incomparable.
I tried for a very long tiime to keep extending the time on the Size Dr. but I have not been able to. Still I would not trade it for anything and this is my 3rd one and I have all the other ADS except the phallosan.
In another post I will explain why the Size the best and give some ideas of How it can be made more effective and I will ask that anyone who has any tips at all for me to make my experience with it better, share them with me.
I dont know exactly what anyone is looking for in using a sleeve other than the grey caps provided with it (other than trying to make it easier: which is a great idea and I did also go for this idea and attempted it quite a few x, but it is not possible). The idea you may have been seeking to answer(other than making it easier to use) can be accomplished I believe by using a sili-cap-4” long-I believe the longer clear ones sold seperately(I have owned many of them that are blue and clear so everything I am talking about is from experience) are better than the small blue sili-caps.
If you want the feeling of a long sleeve you can use a longer cap-6”. I would recommend everyone use a cap in the Size Dr. The vacuum is extremely powerful and will easily cause blisters. I have learned the Hard way about blisters. The long term effect of trying to defeat or work thru blisters has become apparaent to me. The skin around the head where the blisters used to form is now thinner and tends to peel making it even thinner and sensitive and raw.
Avoid blisters use a cap! If you dont like sili-caps there are silicone caps that are extremely thick on the market. However they are very short and I find that I have to use both the silicone with the sili-cap over it. I need to use these silicone ones with the regular sili-cap now because of my sensitive blister-prone skin.
If you have this problem using both is a solution. As a matter of fact I have to use the white paper tape and thick mole skin tape and stick it down with Nu-kin liquid bandage below the silicone cap and the sili-cap in the size DR. So, to avoid blisters I now have to use 2 types of tape with a liguid bandagedirectly on my head then a silicone cap and then over it another sili-cap. As I said at the beginning this is a Brutal Device and difficult to use. However, it is the best and I love it but I have suffered because of it. I hope anyone who wants to use this tool will keep in mind that MOS has modified the device to work at 4800g. while the others on the market only get up to around 2,000g. (Again, I am talking from experience because I have owned 3 of them fro different sellers).

Final thing if SIM reads this. I have actually gained 1” erect. Fron 6-7” now. This is a fact, not an exaggeration or self-delusion. Flacid size I am not looking at anymore. I am still hoping on girth.
7” in 6 months from lengthmaster hardcore for 40 mins and size Dr. for 1-3 hours (with blisters a few x; until I went down to 2 hours). I used a long mitty vac tube to do the erect stretches to the sides.
Everyone, Buy the equipment you need from MOS and you will get quality and great customer service and support a small business!