Routine Help, Please

29 Oct 29
Yesterday was an off day so 15 min of 1:1 pulse at 1.0 power.

Divided the unit/cylinder into sections of three (120 degrees) and treated each segment for 5 min.

Being as I have always sucked at taking ‘off’ days I was kinda proud of myself that this was the only touch of the day.

Back at it tonite and I think I may have this close except I am still planning to be a bit low on power 1.4 maybe 1.5 max.
Good routine last night.
30 min in vac extender adjusting the rods every 5-7 min to get a nice full stretch.

20 min still in extender taking the rods to the screws (full tension) and applying 3 MHz US at 1.5 power.
Reading advice from Kyrpa, I should have used my free hand behind my unit to monitor temperature increase… that is a great bit of info (I read that advice after doing this routine).
Couple of observations, I seemed to need to apply more US gel then previous times, not sure why that was but the gel got really thin at times.
Also, I am only up to 1.5 power but at times I could really feel the temperature increase, this is still new to me and freaks me out a bit, this is where the hand on the other side of the shaft would give some benefit/reassurance that all is normal.
BPFSL increase after session +3mm (1/8”).
Not my max BPFSL gain after a routine but getting pretty close to it.

Cool down was 15 more min in the extender at 1/2-2/3 spring compression (maybe 6 lbs of tension).

Finished with15 min hot water cycle pumping.

I am learning and feel good about the process/progress.

Because of my set up being a vacuum cap, I loose a lot of time going from the extender to fulcrum hanging as I have to complete take everything off then reapply the vacuum cap. Because of this I will alter tonites routine a bit.

(Note, I have hung 19 lbs for ten hours a week previous, so this is not pushing/over stressing my unit at all).
Hang Straight Out for 5-7 min using 6 lbs
Hang SO for 5-7 min using 7-1/2 lbs
Hang SO for 5-7 min using 9 lbs
Hang SO for the remainder of the 1/2 hour or 5-7 min, whichever is longer using 10 lbs.

Fulcrum Hang 8 lbs applying US at 1.5 power for 18 min.

Cool down I will decide tonite but leaning towards 7-1/2 lbs hang SO for 15 min followed by 15 min of hot water cycle pump.
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Thanks RZ,
To be honest with ya... I am too. Lol
I am not sure at my stage of gains what is left out there and if it is only 1/8” or so a year, I am actually ok with that as I like doing PE just like how I enjoy working out. I will never be a Hank Haney but for an old guy, I still get a shit load of compliments and that works for me.

I am looking at this as a two fold experiment.
Dial in the routine for max stretch passed BPFSL and two train myself to the feel of internal heat. I know the second one doesn’t sound like a big deal but it is a shit load different then heat from an external source and is taking me some adjustment to get used to.
Last nights routine:

Experiment using hanging straight out:
5 min 6 lbs
7 min 7-1/2 lbs
8 min 9 lbs
10 min 10-1/2 lbs

Apply US 3 MHz at 1.6 power
Fulcrum hang 8 lbs for 20 min
14 min with applied US

Hanging straight down
20 min 10-1/2 lbs

Measure BPFSL:
Plus 4mm, a full mm longer then my extender version, yes!

Cool down
Hot water vacuum cycle pump 15 min

I am really pleased with the increase of BPFSL with this routine.
Tonite is an ‘off’ night with only pulse US being applied then tomorrow is my no touch day.
I will continue with this hanging version for next week keeping an eye on the BPFSL.
Last nights routine:

Experiment using hanging straight out:
5 min 6 lbs
7 min 7-1/2 lbs
8 min 9 lbs
10 min 10-1/2 lbs

Apply US 3 MHz at 1.6 power
Fulcrum hang 8 lbs for 20 min
14 min with applied US

Hanging straight down
20 min 10-1/2 lbs

Measure BPFSL:
Plus 4mm, a full mm longer then my extender version, yes!

Cool down
Hot water vacuum cycle pump 15 min

I am really pleased with the increase of BPFSL with this routine.
Tonite is an ‘off’ night with only pulse US being applied then tomorrow is my no touch day.
I will continue with this hanging version for next week keeping an eye on the BPFSL.

Being good following the suggestions and forcing some off days... even tho I only do one “no touch” off day a week, for me it is still really good.

So back at it last night. Doing the hanging version described above but I upped the US fulcrum hanging weight to 9 lbs, it just felt better.

Routine went great, I had just over the 4mm increase after applying the US segment, so I am good with that, actually really good with that.

I started the fulcrum hanging as normal, seated with 1-1/4” bar and some wraps of a towel over my thighs.
Did this for just over 6 minutes and as the heat was building, per Kyrpa’s suggestion, I removed the bar and used my forearm as the fulcrum.
What a difference!!!!!
Because I could better feel the heat, I had a ton of confidence and was able to really use the US without shying off.
Being able to feel the heat on the back side of the shaft really helped to set my mind at easy with what was going on.
Looking forward to tonites session.
Routine continues on per the set schedule.
The only tweak made is during my warm up, I have upped the weight an extra pound and added some ceramic IR heat. I know Longstretch and Kyrpa said the pre-heat wasn’t needed but I just like the unit warmed up before applying the US.

Continue to see post work-out BPFSL numbers being plus 3 to 4mm.

Two weeks in and I am getting more comfortable with this US heat method, I feel it has taken a bit to get used to but it is coming around.
Routine continues on per the set schedule.
The only tweak made is during my warm up, I have upped the weight an extra pound and added some ceramic IR heat. I know Longstretch and Kyrpa said the pre-heat wasn’t needed but I just like the unit warmed up before applying the US.

Continue to see post work-out BPFSL numbers being plus 3 to 4mm.

Two weeks in and I am getting more comfortable with this US heat method, I feel it has taken a bit to get used to but it is coming around.

Heat was a great help for me in my earlier days. I would keep myself under heat at every moment I was in training. I used a cheap heated pad and it worked great. The biggest thing with this is I needed a lot of privacy.
Privacy is always a challenge as I am still doing all this in stealth mode.
I was slow to come around to heat being important with PE... but once I understood, I am a big fan.

As most people are I just happen to have the luxury of privacy. So it does make things challenging but it’s the challenge that gives us the pragmatic ability to put together what we need to to get in the work necessary for growth. In stealth mode I’m always looking for every opportunity you get something in.
Everything continues the same as above… figure on going three more weeks then taking a break during the holidays.
No formal measurement but informal is showing over 1/8” BPFSL increase. This shocks me as I have only really gotten the hang of the US routine a couple of weeks ago and this is a Newbie number, not a three year vet that has had numerous long plateau’s.

I will post a formal number a week into my break but I am currently giddy as a fricken school girl if this is actually a real number.

So, three weeks down and three more to go!
Everything continues the same as above… figure on going three more weeks then taking a break during the holidays.
No formal measurement but informal is showing over 1/8” BPFSL increase. This shocks me as I have only really gotten the hang of the US routine a couple of weeks ago and this is a Newbie number, not a three year vet that has had numerous long plateau’s.

I will post a formal number a week into my break but I am currently giddy as a fricken school girl if this is actually a real number.

So, three weeks down and three more to go!

This is a very positive outlook and I think if you’re seeing your gains visually you probably made your gains. I look forward to the official announcement.
So, completed my initial US routine to what I would consider a success.
I had a pretty big learning and trusting curve with applying US induced heat to my unit.

When I first started reading about this a few months ago, going through Kyrpa and Longstretchers threads... thinking looking back, I have come a long way with PE and my PE routines... hell, I thought that I was only going to do this (PE) for 6 months and then be done... but there would be no way in hell that I would microwave err I mean UltraSound my unit.
Oh hell no.

Well dammit, the more I read and the more I understood, it made sense for how I may be able to get past a stubborn plateau. Next came a bit of research with the actual US units and was really surprised that they cost less then some Bathmates.
So then I figured... the intensity is adjustable... so maybe... oh hell, gotta try it.

Just wanted to give a bit more background on where I was coming from because I seem to be the only one that had the challenge level I did with getting used to the US induced heat sensation. This was a real hurdle for me.

Anyway, by the last week I had worked up to using the power level at 2.0 (on my 3 MHz unit) for 20 minutes with 9 lbs hanging in a fulcrum position, so my shaft was quite flat.
This last week I also added 5 more minutes with the fulcrum removed and hanging straight down. In this position, I get the testicles outta the way and apply the US around even further on the sides of the shaft. The unit isn’t nearly as flattened out and the US induced heat actually feels pretty good.
I will be adding this to my routine when I start up session two.

So... how did it go? Like I said above, due to my learning curve, I didn’t get all of the benefits but it did work.
BPFSL has increased over 3 mm (1/8”) and the measurable I really like, gets me excited because I know it removes any measuring errors, my max stretch in my cylinder at 12” Hg.... I now hit at 6” Hg. Lol... and at 12” Hg I blow past my old mark by almost 1/4”.
Feck I find that exciting!

So, now as instructed by my mentors, I will do the un-natural thing for me and take a 3-4 week decon break during the holidays.
Then will start session #2!
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So much experimenting going on I hope we come out with some really good results.
That's brilliant. Even though it's had it's pioneers if you will, you're one of the first here that is using it, and sharing the experience.
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So... prolly should make an update to this.

I was starting my second cycle when CV hit the fan.
That put an immediate halt to my routine as I no longer had any private time in my own home.
So months pass with zero PE... then life finally starts getting back to normal, finally.

I have been happy with my PE gains, shit, doubling my starting volume was way more then I had ever hoped for but hitting the wall with gains just gnawed at me and US still seems like a promising way to get past the plateau.

So with life back to kinda normal I work out a schedule to get cycle two going again... but before I do I just can't help but think if this may be my last go round, I want to do it with a routine that makes sense and complements how I have gained in the passed.
For whatever reason, hanging just hasn't worked for me and although I appreciate and respect all of Kyrpa and Longstrech's science and data... for me I needed to try incorporating US with extending.

My routine is broken into three different formats.
Weekday routine done on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
LengthMaster 15 min
Clamp (3 clamps) 2x14 min
US Extending (upgraded to 15 lb springs)
10 min warm up medium tension
15 min US full tension
10 min warm down full tension
Hot Water Vacuum 8"Hg x 20 min

Weekend Routine done Saturday and Sunday
LengthMaster 15 min
Clamp (3 clamps) 2x14 min
US Extending (upgraded to 15 lb springs)
10 min warm up medium tension
15 min US full tension
10 min relax full tension
15 min US full tension
10 min warm down full tension
Hot Water Vacuum 8"Hg x 20 min

Short Routine for when life doesn't allow either of the above
LengthMaster 2x15 min
Clamp 2x14 min

Done the above for 10 days now and really like the routine, a lot!
I will say the difference is super obvious on the weekend routine with the double US cycle. The length stretch is an easy 2.5mm (.1") more.
Down the road I may test dropping the pre-clamping from the routine and sticking with the double US cycle.

This type of routine isn't for everyone and I know I am prolly breaking a shit load of Kyrpa rules (and on that note for anyone reading this down the road... if you are thinking of adding US to your routine, start by reading every post from Kyrpa. He has done tons of research and is an expert. Follow that with post from Longstrech (the most anal data collector ever-meant in a good way) as he has been a damn near perfect student) but in looking back in what worked for me, it really made sense to come up with an extender based routine.
One additional person to read and research on is Jackxxx. I have a feeling Jackxxx is going to make some big breakthroughs with US.

LengthMaster first... for obvious reason's. I wish I woulda used this tool when I started PE
Clamping second because I do believe the penis is a balloon and needs to be fully stretched in all directions if you expected maxed gains.
With everything then stretched and ready I go into the extender (a lot of modifications made as I have done PE for a few years now) with the upgraded 15 lb compression springs and start the meat of the routine and apply 1 mhz US for one or two cycles depending.
The 10 min of no heat pre and post the US is per Kyrpa's data and that I wasn't going to alter or mess with.
Finish with 20 minutes of a hot water vacuum to maximize blood flow to the fully worked out region. Figure max blood flow and oxygen have to be a good thing to finish off with.

So, I am just happy to be able to do this DOE.
It is a bit different then the others but if it helps with how US is used... or maybe not used down the road, then that is a good thing for everyone.

Man what a routine! You remind me of myself when I first began, I wanted everything as fast as possible and I was willing to do whatever the heck it took to get there. This is a lot to digest but I suggest that every brother reads through this because we may find some gems. In the meantime I’m subscribed and looking forward to you executing this plan and making some incredible growth
So, for a comparison, I did the previous US with fulcrum hanging 9#’s last night.
I admit I expected to maybe see a bit more stretch but was surprised I didn’t for some reason.
So, for me… the extender gives me my current max stretch but I think I can still get better heat in the shaft.
The advantage with fulcrum is the shaft naturally flattens and it gives more surface contact with the US.
In the extender the rounded shaft limits the contact area.
I am going to use some thin wood to go in between my shaft and the extender rods to give me a bit flatter shaft and see if I get better contact and heating.
One other thing that may just be my US gel but the face of my transducer kept having dry spots on it so I tried using water based lube and that was a huge improvement. No dry spots and much better contact.
The wood definitely help flatten the shaft a lot!
Much better for applying US while in an extender!
(and since it did work, I have since painted the wood to prevent risk of a splinter...)
I love fulcrum stretching! The best fulcrum stretches are in the PowerAssist thread. That second point of stress makes all the difference in the world.
So…. having some personal challenges with the 1 MHz US.
I have successfully flattened my unit to get nice contact with the US head.
This is a plus…. kinda.
The down side is my US Pro 2000 second edition only has three adjustments and the medium seems to not be enough and the high, for me, seems to be too much.
Reading other people’s US updates it seems like none of them “feel” the heat but I definitely do feel it. There are unique tingles and uncomfortable sensations that I do not like at all.
As I have mentioned before… this is a DOE for others down the road to read and collect info from for further PE. I am actually extremely happy with my unit. I like my current gains/size and am not willing to do anything that may damage him.
I will say I may have messed up adding the flattening and changing to water based lube at the same time.
Think I will go back to the US gel and see if that makes any difference.
I am still a big fan of US but I need to figure out how it is best applied for me.
Good to see you again my brother. I’m not really sure of the device you’re talking about so I’ll leave it to the pros for that. But I’m very pleased to see you again and I hope your life is going well.