Respecting Life

Why is it that no one respects life? Why is it that the nature of humanity is to always gravitate toward war, death, destruction, and chaos? Why do we hate ourselves so much that we would destroy our own species in ways so horrific and in numbers so large?

And why do we respond to violence with violence? Hatred creates more hatred. War brings war and violence brings more violence. It seems like violence is the only thing we understand. The idea of a peaceful resolution to conflicts is so far beyond us as a species that we can be nothing without war.
It's not so much humans that strive for this. It's the big power players at the top that call the shots and dictate what goes on in the world. They dictate when war begins and ends. They know the methods of brainwashing to get normal people to rally behind it as well. Mainly playing on their fears and exploit them to the fullest.
You can't prevent others who want to spread hate. What you can do, and can promote is teaching a respect for everybody's life. That every person has something to contribute to all of society.

What we Americans, and our society, is sadly missing is a respect for the cultures of others who occupy our planet. Beyond color, and beyond religion, we have failed to understand and respect the rights of our fellow humans to create their own destiny, and celebrate their own traditions.

We've lost sight of the fact that one dosen't have to be wealthy, or have alot of possesions to be happy...or to be important.

Tragically, not only have we lost respect for the rest of the world, we've lost it for us...
I personally don't think that it's because human's are intrinsically violent or hate filled. I think its because human's arn't thoughtful enough, and consequently they only ever choose the 'quick-fixes'.

It's everywhere, people's weight is because of this (excluding those with a medical condition).
It's why the corrupt pop music corporation thrives.
It's why people think ANY war was justified.

It's because people do what they 'want' to do, not what they 'ought' to do.
anyone read Kant's "The Metaphysics of Morals", it's sorta where im coming from in my last post, Kant is a genius philosopher, not perfect, but still genius.
Some ranting:
I think it is very hard to teach respect for life when the majority of north american society is religious and concerned with an afterlife rather than this one. Wars and killing can be justified as "if we're wrong, God will sort them out anyway", "they're all going to hell anyway", etc. I'm sure people would find other reasons to 'justify' their actions without religion, but at least it would be honest, not disguised by the air of theological superiority.

Society wasn't always the way it is now, I don't think human evolution has caught up with culture. So, we have instincts that go against a stable society (fights or flight reactions for one), not to mention to mention things such as a taste for sweet food that go against our health. I'm not sure what the answer to the devaluation of life is. I think more than just education is needed, we need action and some way to encourage co-operation to lessen the US vs. THEM mentality.

Shithead: Funny, I have that book sitting on a shelf right in front of me... you can't get and 'is' from and 'ought'. I've covered some deontology, but haven't read much actual Kant.
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Originally posted by Kraft:
I think it is very hard to teach respect for life when the majority of north american society is religious and concerned with an afterlife rather than this one. Wars and killing can be justified as "if we're wrong, God will sort them out anyway", "they're all going to hell anyway", etc. I'm sure people would find other reasons to 'justify' their actions without religion, but at least it would be honest, not disguised by the air of theological superiority.

You're absolutely right, I could'nt have said it better myself.
Kal-el said:
You can't prevent others who want to spread hate. What you can do, and can promote is teaching a respect for everybody's life. That every person has something to contribute to all of society.

What we Americans, and our society, is sadly missing is a respect for the cultures of others who occupy our planet. Beyond color, and beyond religion, we have failed to understand and respect the rights of our fellow humans to create their own destiny, and celebrate their own traditions.

We've lost sight of the fact that one dosen't have to be wealthy, or have alot of possesions to be happy...or to be important.

Tragically, not only have we lost respect for the rest of the world, we've lost it for us...
I agree that you can't prevent those that want to spread hate to do just that, so the real question is... what to do with those that contimue to spread hate?? Should we respect their belief and allow them to continue or should someone step in and do something about it?? If we step in, then we're hate and war mongers out to oppress a country or culture for expressing their beliefs, if we do nothing then we're allowing hate to propogate...

We Americans (as a whole) are very tolerant of other cultures as our own culture is built on diversity. No other country in the world is as diverse as the USA. From reading your last thread on the Current Administration [words=]ans[/words] Hitler Connection, you seem to have a very cynical perspective of the world and especially the US...

Just my 2 cents...
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Paraphrased from Richard Carrier: It will be quite difficult to stop the hate, as memes that are dominating and wish to conquer will outcompete those that wish for tolerance (memes are like genes in that they evolve, but they are ideas that are passed on). Similar to how the Muslim and Christian faiths conquered the more tolerant pagan and Persian religions of their time. Other memes such as humanism don't have the built in prostelatizing and condemning (and many times killing) those with alternate views. Unfortunately, viruses of the mind which are harmful to humanity are unlikely to disappear. This doesn't just apply to religions, other dogmas that are harmful such as Nazism, would be considered dangerous memes also. This talk of hate kind of reminds me of this flash link

Sikdogg: Though I haven't done any deep study of socialogy, the US is recognized as the melting pot, not as some multicultural ideal. You are accepted into the country but you become 'American', melted into the pot, along with the traditions you brought. Wow, now that's a cynical view :P

I would say people have the right to free speech, so as long as they are not imposing on the rights of others we have no business stepping in. Values over emotions, I would like them to stop, but I value their rights and am against censorship. "Your right to swing your fist ends where my face begins". How to properly deal with things and to make the reason for it clear is difficult. There are no easy answers, and to keep the actions in line with the goals is necessary. Can't just kill the preceived hatemongers, then proclaim that killing those with alternate views is wrong.
originally posted by sikdogg:
From reading your last thread on the Current Administration [words=]ans[/words] Hitler Connection, you seem to have a very cynical perspective of the world and especially the US...

I still believe that the US is the best country to live in, but I do discriminate our leader's actions. I like to think in the big picture- because the USA is only 5% of the world population, one has to be open-minded and think how 95% of the world thinks too.
Kraft said:
...Sikdogg: Though I haven't done any deep study of socialogy, the US is recognized as the melting pot, not as some multicultural ideal. You are accepted into the country but you become 'American', melted into the pot, along with the traditions you brought. Wow, now that's a cynical view :P
Although the US is a melting pot, it is still very multi-cultural... just travel around the country and you will see for yourself. Most large metropolitan cities like SF, LA, and NY both are very culturally diverse and although there a few bigots, people generally respect each other's culture and beliefs. Here in LA, we have pockets of different cultures like little Tokyo, China town, Korea town, Alvera street (little Mexico), little Armenia, and the list goes on and on. These communities aren't being "Americanized", in fact just the opposite and they are appreciated for their diversity and are allowed to celebrate and demonstrate their own customs and traditions...

I believe that "Americanizaton" does exist within each community as the young become exposed to American customs, but there is no shortage of middle-aged and elderly immigrants that choose not to forgo their culture/heritage for the American way.
Its all about the hebraism and hellenistic views on life. Most people are hellenistic, thinking only of themselves. Hebraism is the way of thinking how it will effect/affect man and you make your decisions based on if its good for humanity or not. Everyone has been stuck with the hellenistic view since Alexander.. Sad but true.
sikdogg said:
I agree that you can't prevent those that want to spread hate to do just that, so the real question is... what to do with those that contimue to spread hate?? Should we respect their belief and allow them to continue or should someone step in and do something about it?? If we step in, then we're hate and war mongers out to oppress a country or culture for expressing their beliefs, if we do nothing then we're allowing hate to propogate...

We Americans (as a whole) are very tolerant of other cultures as our own culture is built on diversity. No other country in the world is as diverse as the USA. From reading your last thread on the Current Administration [words=]ans[/words] Hitler Connection, you seem to have a very cynical perspective of the world and especially the US...

Just my 2 cents...

We're very diverse and the majority probably aren't racist or sexist or bigots of any kind, but really it's only been how long since African Americans couldn't vote and were continuously oppressed. Gays can't marry and believe me there are still racist people out there and it isn't just the South. I'm sure some of us have seen Blood in the face and seen websites that are along the same line of thinking. We haven't even been a country that long for us to think that we're as accepting as we are diverse. I mean it's nice to think that everyone is just as adjusted or accepting of others culture, lifestyle, religion, or what have you, but seriously we're still nowhere near being as accepting and equal as we are diverse. Think of how far women have come and yet still are underpaid for most jobs where they do the same things men do. Think of how many African Americans are actually in the Senate, or in other high offices? Same question for women? There has to be a reason why this is. It can't be women or all minorities for this matter have just plum forgot to run for office. It's like that whole "a woman couldn't be President. I just can't imagine THAT!" There are quite a few Americans that feel that way. I hear young women say it and older ones.

BUT I feel what you're saying like I said we're not a majority of racists, or bigots or anything however as much that has been accomplished through the efforts and labor of the Americans we can be proud of have who fought for us let's not go overboard with this whole we're very tolerant of others. There are still too many black/Jew/mexican/non white hating people in this country for me. One of my bosses hates anyone who looks Arab or is dark skinned. I'm half Mexican and sometimes it feels like he's not sure how to talk to me. I'm constantly hearing him mutter something racist about people who aren't white. This is just my own experience in the south and even in the Midwest, but it just seems people hide it more now unless they are with people they feel they can trust or know. I agree though. Go America! We've come a long way. As for the question of Kal-el????Your guess is as good as mine.
sikdogg said:
Although the US is a melting pot, it is still very multi-cultural... just travel around the country and you will see for yourself. (...) These communities aren't being "Americanized", in fact just the opposite and they are appreciated for their diversity and are allowed to celebrate and demonstrate their own customs and traditions...

If I lived in the US I would probably see it more like you. I've been there a few times, guess I didn't pass through very diverse areas or explore enough. Glad to hear that the reputation isn't accurate.
Some random thoughts- Poor, uneducated people (and stupid ones) are easily manipulated through fear. Fear is used to disguise aggression as self-preservation. Poverty breeds desperation ; desperation leads to irresponsibility. Political leaders advance their own agendas of personal enricHydromaxent and greed for more "power" by manipulating an ignorant citizenry into conflicts that they themselves are not endangered by. These tendencies are not specific to any religion, nationality or ethnicity.
AncientChina said:
Sterotypically speaking venture anyone in the Mid-west, Upper rural States, or South, if you want to find proof. Oh well. I personally recommend the South it shouldn't take you long. :P

Why would you recommend the South? You know we got dem big city type things down here doncha?

As far as respecting life goes, it's not something that can be taught or governed into society. If the human race survives long enough perhaps we will evolve enough to accept peace, but it's a matter of evolution not education. Nobody has the answer to Rodney King's question 'Why can't we all just get along' which has been a topic of every philosopher since day one. If we look at the world and humanity on one evolutionary scale, I think we will find we are very far away from peace.

This does not mean that we can not enjoy peace in our daily lives.
In my opinion nothing justifies violence, not even freedom. Ghandi is a great example, who through being prepared to fast to death had it been necessary, ousted the English from India. He chose love and self-sacrifice over violence. He said, "I will never raise my hand against anything alive and I will make the truth triumph without violence," and he succeded.

Those who use other means, (I am implying world powers who believe they are exemlary) go by this slogan, " we will punish violence with violence and solve the problems by sending bombs over the populations." It is definetly a sticky sort of logic because once we have started slipping down the slippery slope it is hard to stop. Once we have started, we must justify the unjustifiable: if we have killed so many civilians until now, then we must kill even more to justify that we were right, because stopping requires more wisdom than not starting in the first place. So we continue in the endless cycle of terrifying logic.

Violence never solves anything. Never. Violence leads to more violence. Once it starts, it dosen't stop, and when we step in and get involved, we are obligated to carry on even more.

Non-violence is far superior to violence and always wins. You have to be patient though. It's true that some people died defending this principle. The first Buddhists were killed , but Buddha's message still got through, The first Christians were fed to lions, but Jesus' message still got through. The first Muslims were persecuted, but the message of Muhammed still got through.

If our history books had been written right, they would include hudres of pages on Gandhi, Buddha, and Jesus and they would mention all the people who worked for peace, and only devote one page to the crimes of Napolean, Hitler, Julius Caesar and Attila the Hun. Unfortunately, these criminals are all portrayed by some as heroes, and their heroism is based on violence and only violence.

Using fear to bully someone into suBathmateission is the ideal definition of terrorism. Those in power are under the allusion that they can solve terrorism through violence.

So you just sit back, allow a group to kill your all of your family and friends, and do nothing? Sheep to the slaughter?

I would prefer to die fighting, thanks.

originally posted by Bib:
So you just sit back, allow a group to kill your all of your family and friends, and do nothing? Sheep to the slaughter?

Bib, in that case, you can render the attacker powerless, but executing them should always be a last resort. The first person that you kill in the name of a cause, contains the millions that can follow. For example- the first Jew killed by the Nazis contained the millions that followed. Its hard to stop at one. If we accept to kill one, then we can accept to kill another. There is no chance to restrict it to one, since if we killed one, why not two? And if two, why not four? And if four, why not eight? And if eight, why not millions?

Why not? It is the first one that we kill in the name of some cause who is most important.
Non-violence sounds great but that will only work in an enlightened utopian society were everyone is on the same page. That is never the case... the fact is that violent people only understand violence and the meek WILL be slaughtered. Given the choice... i choose to slaughter.
Speaking in a broad sense, I think egocentrism is the root of violent behavior. We simply aren't hard wired to place the needs of others above our own. This same rule applies to the animal kingdom (which we are a part of, albeit in what exact sense can be debated) right down to the most simple organisms. We are simply more resourceful at acting on this primal self centerdness, and we often do so on a global scale. Also, our highly developed brains allow us to form concepts like revenge and getting even, which helps sustain the cycle of violence.
It's relatively easy for most anyone who has lead a stable life in a stable environment to be able to feel compassion and empathy for the suffering of others, up to the point of being compelled to do something to help out. However, as soon as the environment changes to a more chaotic and unpredictable setting where survival is hard pressed, that same stable person will kill his neighbor without much remorse to further his own goals or simply to ensure his own survival for a while longer. I think everyone, even the most devout religious pacifists, are capable of atrocious acts of violence if they are driven to the edge by circumstance or another person or group of persons.
Inequity breeds unrest, which breeds war. The unequal allocation of the world's resources, both in a global scale (as in nation to nation) and in a smaller one such as in cities and neighborhoods, causes feelings of hatred and jealousy, which leads to strife, and eventually violence ensues in one form or another. It's as simple as that, IMO.
originally posted by Shafty:
It's relatively easy for most anyone who has lead a stable life in a stable environment to be able to feel compassion and empathy for the suffering of others, up to the point of being compelled to do something to help out. However, as soon as the environment changes to a more chaotic and unpredictable setting where survival is hard pressed, that same stable person will kill his neighbor without much remorse to further his own goals or simply to ensure his own survival for a while longer. I think everyone, even the most devout religious pacifists, are capable of atrocious acts of violence if they are driven to the edge by circumstance or another person or group of persons.
Inequity breeds unrest, which breeds war. The unequal allocation of the world's resources, both in a global scale (as in nation to nation) and in a smaller one such as in cities and neighborhoods, causes feelings of hatred and jealousy, which leads to strife, and eventually violence ensues in one form or another. It's as simple as that, IMO.

I like your point of view Shafty, but if we really want to exit from this primitive violent sea, then we need to teach respect for non-violence right from school. It is frm school among the more stupid that the idea they can get what they want by force and domination is born.

If your neighbor were to hit you, you would rightly take him to court. So why is this ok for an adult and not a child? On the contrary, the child bully should be punished even more so he understands once and for all there is no way he can get what he wants with force. If not, he will slowly gravitate towards delinquency and finally, crime. All the violence that is poisining the neighborhoods around the big cities saps its nourisHydromaxent from the over-tolerant school system that lets bullys get away with it.

Any threat of violence should be punished as severley as the act itself, because to threaten means that the person has already aknowledged that they will resort to violence as a way of getting what they desire.

Originally posted by sikdogg:
Non-violence sounds great but that will only work in an enlightened utopian society were everyone is on the same page. That is never the case... the fact is that violent people only understand violence and the meek WILL be slaughtered. Given the choice... i choose to slaughter.

Yes, the whole planet is caught in this terrible logic. "Might is right", or "only the strong survive" is showing a complete lack of intelligence. It opens up the foundations of violence, creating a terribly confused world and messup-up thought process which is preparing the next generation to be even more terrible. That next generation promises to be horrifyingly unbalanced because for them who have grown used to seeing it everyday, violence will seem ordinary.

I think the saddest thing in our world is that people believe they are in the right with this violent ideology. The Germans who went on to become Nazis and massacred all those Jews, homosexuals, and gypsies were not fundamentally bad people. It is just that they entered into a horrific logic, into a reasoning that seemed so right, that they bought into that system without questioning it; they were convinced that they were doing the "right" thing and serving the cause.

"Collateral damage" is such a cop-out; there is no justifyng killing any innocent civilian.
We should all follow Jesus' example of peace. He spoke only of love. He came to tell us "love thy neighbor as you love yourselves" in replacement of the barbaric message of "eye for eye, tooth for tooth." This means that if someone hits you, then you should hit them back, but its exactly the oppositte of everything Jesus stood for. And Jesus, a Jew among Jews, told them, "if someone hits you on the right cheek, show them your left cheek". Love your enemies more than your friends, because they need more love than your friends. You already love your friends! If someone hates you, I know its hard, but answer them with love not violence. Answer saying, "if you want to hit me then go ahead! You will then have to live with it, your own conscience!" It was truly a revolutionary ideology, and we all know what fate awaited Jesus.

The Dalai Lama is doing the same thing today for Tibet. He could encourage his people to revolt, to use bombs against the Chinease, but instead he said, No! No violence, with time, awareness will come bringing understanding between humans."

We must not forget the great achievements of all the people who worked so hard for pece and non-violence. I realize this world is full of hate and despair, but we have to change that.

You nailed it. When designing any system, political, economic, whatever, human tendencies, and frailties must be considered. If you do not, you end up with a failed system.

Humans are flawed in so many ways. That is Kal's problem. He does not recognize those flaws, and account for them in his thinking. He believes if he just wishes it so, it will be so. That would be nice.

The avowed enemies of the west, Muslim extremists, are extremely flawed individuals. They do not wish, nor will they tolerate living in a world with infidels. That is just fact. Now, do we sit back and just die for them? Or do we defend ourselves in the most effective way possible? I choose life.

Kal-el said:
Why is it that no one respects life? Why is it that the nature of humanity is to always gravitate toward war, death, destruction, and chaos? Why do we hate ourselves so much that we would destroy our own species in ways so horrific and in numbers so large?

And why do we respond to violence with violence? Hatred creates more hatred. War brings war and violence brings more violence. It seems like violence is the only thing we understand. The idea of a peaceful resolution to conflicts is so far beyond us as a species that we can be nothing without war.

So in your opinion,is Bush right or wrong, with the war in Iraq?
Originally posted by Bib:
Humans are flawed in so many ways. That is Kal's problem. He does not recognize those flaws, and account for them in his thinking. He believes if he just wishes it so, it will be so. That would be nice.

Bib, if you didn't say my name I could of sworn you were referring to President Bush.
Anyway, we should'nt listen when the powers that be speak to us about potential enemies while at the same time these people allow armament factories to compel underpaid workers to make destructive weapons that only bring profits to big industrialists.

And when it is said, "this insurgency is definetly growing and becoming a treat to us." These are the same people who support the stockpiling of wmds under the pretext of "deterence."

Originally posted by Britishprick:
So in your opinion,is Bush right or wrong, with the war in Iraq?

British prick, if you read my posts, you should already know my feelings on this. But the approval rating of this Iraq war is the lowest its been ever. Americans are not patient. And whoever voices their opinion on this, is labeled things like "unpatriotic", or other nonsense. These people want to teach you violence, to teach you not to be afraid of killing someone like yourself, falsly using the excuse that he is wearing a different uniform, and training you until it becomes a mechanical reflex after repeated practice against training targets.

>Bib, if you didn't say my name I could of sworn you were referring to President Bush.
Anyway, we should'nt listen when the powers that be speak to us about potential enemies while at the same time these people allow armament factories to compel underpaid workers to make destructive weapons that only bring profits to big industrialists.<

Just no reply to this dribble. You are a piece of work.

Originally posted by Me "Collateral damage" is such a cop-out; there is no justifyng killing any innocent civilian.
Collateral damage: the phrase used by the misnamed Department of Defense to describe lives and property destroyed as a side effect of actions taken in the War on Terror. It is also a favorite phrase of pro-war pundits and bloggers because it sounds so much nicer than "wanton destruction and murder."

Note, however, that those who use the phrase seriously always apply it to foreigners – Iraqis and Afghans, for example, whose lives were snuffed out "inadvertently" when a two-ton bomb was dropped on a suspected terrorist hideout in their village. Rather than treat these people as humans victimized by evil actions, simply write them off as collateral damage, i.e., debris.
You are right we better not stop at 1. I wish it did work that way. One murderer gets the death penalty then every murderer after him got it.

Let me tell you a story, how things were done in the old days. True story. One day this guy down the street bobby pushed down my dads little sister (my aunt) and took her red tricycle. My dad got his other brother (my uncle tommy) and they went to this boys house, he came out the door and tommy decked him. When the boy was lying on the ground stunned he told him never to touch his sister or her red tricycle again.

Brothers, Fathers, Uncles, and the like in a family used to do the mediating of problems with other people, to a degree. Normally to loners or people acting out of line, or whose family would also want them punished. Typically you could go talk to the father or head of the family and explain your plight, then they could talk to that person and have them apologize or be punished someway.

Unfortunately our bogus justice system went over the edge with lawsuits and the most ridiculous court cases are appearing, and less 'true justice' is being served. On top of this, divorce, fathers not being around, etc is further exacerbating the problem.

I went off on a tangent, but I must say this, anyone who murders another person in cold blood, should not be given the chance to do it again. If they are alive they have a chance no matter how big or little. It is not your right to even ALLOW that person to live to endanger another person. That is why I think any sexual assaults should be life in prison. So many of them are repeat offenders it is ridiculous to put them back on the streets in 5 10 15 years.
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