Question On Girth?

Hey guys, I'm back again, I got locked out of my old account so I created a new one and thought I'd update and will let you know what happens.

I'm surprised I haven't lost any size like length.

I've decided to take a break from length work and will focus on girth work like hard clamping and girth pumping.

I managed to gain back 0.3 inches of girth from 2024 December my current size is 7.3 x 5.3 goal is 8x6.

I have an question to ask? If I did hard clamping for 20-30 minutes a day or 20 minutes of pumping for let's say 3-5 days per week?

What's the fastest rate I can gain girth? To Get 6 inchs of girth MSEG? Is gaining 0.6 inchs of girth realistic in 7-9 months?

I would be happy at 5.9 MESG not much of difference at 6 to me.

Lastly? Is spending 1 whole year on girth work a bad idea? while taking a break from length work a good idea also? I just prefer to focus on one thing at a time and not get caught up in other things.

I'm at 13.3cm and want to reach 15cm of erection girth.

Here's what I'm doing
30 Minutes of clamping
20 minuates of pumping for girth at 400-600 pressure
I'm taking 100mg of Vigara daily to speed up recovery + 2500mg of l-carnitine for tissue repair and I can then keeping.

However, for pumping it usually takes a day for the edma to go away.

Anyway I'm off to bed now will check back in the morning.
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Hey guys, I'm back again, I got locked out of my old account so I created a new one and thought I'd update and will let you know what happens.
Welcome back. Let us know which account you're on. We'll get you access right back up again. The last fiasco we had with multiple databases got meshed together were quite fun to sort out. Now, we're under one database and up-to-date, but still have fires to put out because of the strange data linking phenomenon.

I'm surprised I haven't lost any size like length.

If you cemented it, you shouldn't have any issue in losing it. It normally takes around 5 to 10 years to lose 1cm based on what happened during that time. Once cemented, it's very hard to lose it unless the length is converted to girth because you dedicated 100% girth work.

I've decided to take a break from length work and will focus on girth work like hard clamping and girth pumping.

I managed to gain back 0.3 inches of girth from 2024 December my current size is 7.3 x 5.3 goal is 8x6.

This is great news. This means your tunica is strengthened and solidified enough not to even budge during girth work. Celebrate!

I have an question to ask? If I did hard clamping for 20-30 minutes a day or 20 minutes of pumping for let's say 3-5 days per week?

If you select hard clamping, be very very very very careful. Once again, I will warn you and the brothers, hard clampers have been in and out of hospital emergency rooms and clinics for injuring themselves on top of suffering deep vein thrombosis. If you still select to move forward with hard clamping even with this message of warning, do so with extreme caution.

If you're going to pump, hard clamping can and will cause too much pressure to build in your penis. Your blood vessels may overstress, and you can suffer venous leak because of the high pressures. Your veins cannot handle too much stresses and those little micro valves in your veins will suffer. This is the number 1 issues for hard clampers that pump. If you must clamp, use soft clamping method, such as a sleeve, a wide width cock donut/ring, or a soft band. This is to slow down the blood from leaving the penis at the base, but still allow blood to exchange every time the pumping pressure drops below the -5inHg baseline. Any pressure above it, the blood volume will hold inside the penis.

Also a secondary warning, if you must use a soft or hard clamp method, never let your blood goes past 5 minutes stagnating in the penis. This is where your penis will suffer oxygenation deprevation. This will kill your healthy growing cells.

For girth, you can go practically 7 days a week, 20 to 60 minutes a day.

What's the fastest rate I can gain girth? To Get 6 inchs of girth MSEG? Is gaining 0.6 inchs of girth realistic in 7-9 months?

Where you are now, using the 5x5x3 method of approach, you can get to your girth and cement it within the year.

I would be happy at 5.9 MESG not much of difference at 6 to me.

If you do your routine daily, you can go past 6.2, and sustain a cement at 6.1in. That 0.1in is merely an error calculation during cementing. Normally, that error doesn't happen, but you always want to take into account for any possible issue.

Lastly? Is spending 1 whole year on girth work a bad idea? while taking a break from length work a good idea also? I just prefer to focus on one thing at a time and not get caught up in other things.

Nope. Spend as much time on girth work as you want until you reach your girth size you like. My suggestion is go past your 5.9in and go straight to 6.3in. Once you get to 6.3in, refocus on your length. My wife is very happy at 6.3in and now she's getting a bit crazy with new strange fetishes on positions.

I'm at 13.3cm and want to reach 15cm of erection girth.

You will get there very quickly brother. Let's get you back into your old account, and start to customize your girth method of approach.

Here's what I'm doing
30 Minutes of clamping

Clamping alone is good, but break it down with 5 minutes per session. Add an active SSJ session between each clamping to get the blood constantly flowing for 5 minutes to replace the 5 minutes of clamping.

20 minuates of pumping for girth at 400-600 pressure

At 400mmHg (or -15inHg), you are risking blood vessel failures. At 600mmHg (-23inHg), I don't even want to know. You either have a faulty measuring unit (possibly an small built in mini-electric pump) or something is really off.

I'm taking 100mg of Vigara daily to speed up recovery + 2500mg of l-carnitine for tissue repair and I can then keeping.

Looks like you're taking care of yourself on the nitric oxide to get the blood flowing.

However, for pumping it usually takes a day for the edma to go away.

And here it is. Your pressure is way too high and going for too long, and you're risking yourself more than that just edema brother.
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Here's what I'm doing
30 Minutes of clamping
20 minuates of pumping for girth at 400-600 pressure
I'm taking 100mg of Vigara daily to speed up recovery + 2500mg of l-carnitine for tissue repair and I can then keeping.

However, for pumping it usually takes a day for the edma to go away.

Anyway I'm off to bed now will check back in the morning.
Keep doing all that and you’ll wish you hadn’t
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Keep doing all that and you’ll wish you hadn’t
It depends per person my friend. I am doing more than that because of my high tolerance I have and no problems so far. Some people are lucky to feel stretching in pumping at just 5hg. Others like me go like 14hg because it's the way the body is built.
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It doesn't matter if the injury rate is 1 person for every 10 people or 1 person every 1 million. That's not the argument @DLD. Injury will occur no matter what you do. You drink an acetaminophen, you can get a stroke. You drink a cup of water, you can die from asphyxiation. You eat a piece of food, you can choke to death. You walk out the door, you can get shot or die without knowing what happened. You look up to the sky, you can get killed from a falling meteor. You can take a deep breath or laugh, and you can die from a herniated blood vessel. No matter what you do in life, there will always be a chance of something happens, be of 0.0000001% or 100%.

But when you are sour or depress because you happen to suffer from a process, be broken bones, broken penis, lost of loved ones, or whatever it is, that is just life. You make a decision for an action, you suffer from an action, and then blame everything around you, that's just a personality of your own life reflecting back at you. If this is my behavior, I would have cursed everyone and everything every waking moment of my life.
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I think @notmeanymore should try peptides for healing. I have heard many people saying the best for bpc 157, tb500, ghkcu. He has nothing to lose only to gain.

The problem with @notmeanymore is that after all this time I haven't understood the exact condition he has.
Nobody does. Cause it’s just gone. Nerve damage. The best way to understand, is to imagine walking around while not feeling a thing in your pants other than what seems to be your penis half the size and shriveled. . Every pair of pants is different. Some I can’t deal with very long at all. It feels soft and wrong. Whole tip doesn’t have the feeling it should. Yet if I have sex. Or have night erections, it isn’t all that bad. Flaccid, is horrible.
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Nobody does. Cause it’s just gone. Nerve damage. The best way to understand, is to imagine walking around while not feeling a thing in your pants other than what seems to be your penis half the size and shriveled. . Every pair of pants is different. Some I can’t deal with very long at all. It feels soft and wrong. Whole tip doesn’t have the feeling it should. Yet if I have sex. Or have night erections, it isn’t all that bad. Flaccid, is horrible.
There are peptides for nerve damage you have nothing to lose. Also have you tried piezowave for this ?
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No. Almost tried shockwave. But I just don’t see it doing much. Plus they won’t do it on the glans. Plus I’m more worried it will damage it further than it already is. Tissue is just all different now. Guess its just adapted into its new garbage life.
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I think @notmeanymore should try peptides for healing. I have heard many people saying the best for bpc 157, tb500, ghkcu. He has nothing to lose only to gain.

The problem with @notmeanymore is that after all this time I haven't understood the exact condition he has.
Any idea where legit Bpc peptides can be purchased? I don’t have much faith in any of that. And it all just looks placebo like most things. But why not. I’m dead anyway
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It depends per person my friend. I am doing more than that because of my high tolerance I have and no problems so far. Some people are lucky to feel stretching in pumping at just 5hg. Others like me go like 14hg because it's the way the body is built.
let me guess, you really a hard gainer like me? if so im would like to know is it the same in other body areas, mainly muscles.
Are you a skinny person ?
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I am of those of extremely hard gainers. For some reason, what works for others is not working for me.
For example, I saw gains when I took high periods of resting and then re-starting P.E
we're in the same boat, rest is my trick to gain, and when i gain, i do it in 0,5cm bursts.

I tried a routine that you might wanna try, it helped me gain better and consistently
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Im gonna disappoint since i have to yet worked girth, but this approach should help you with girth too.
( some of the characteristics of your penis are low malleability, meaning post workout you gain a little, in contrast with brothers here that can have up tp 1-3 inch post workout temporary gain?)

This is an answer to a brother who posted few days ago :

keep us updated brother.
My penis is one sassy organ and has a mind of his own.
Been stuck at 21cm bpfs for few months and i finally broke out and heading for the next gain phase.
i think you need to work in cycles like i do.

take 5-7 days of rest.

first week: Heat, newbie routine + lig and scrotum stretches, light to moderate tension. no pain should be felt and wear a silistrercher all day

Second week: you do the same above but introduce bundles, again only feeling the stretching but no pain

Third week: Heat + warm up with the newbie routine, lig and scrotum stretches.
Now you switch to bundled forward stretches + dbs, and end up with 6-10 mins of expressive stretching, which you do by inserting the shaft in the lm ring and pull it with one hand to expose the hidden penis, grab behind the testies and pull forward.
wear your silistretcher in a forward pulling position for 30 min to 40 min at a good tension, if you have a siliscale 2,5 kg is good, wear
it as you do for the rest of the day

Fourth week : Heat + warm up with the newbie routine,lig and scrotum stretches.
Dbs at a moderate tension, followed by Bundled BTCpulling hard enough to feel the aching tension, but no pain again.
You follow again with 6-10min of expressive stretching as in the third week.

end up the cycle with 4-7 days of rest and do it again

This worked for me and with each cycle i add 0,5cm. a progress rate of 0.5cm/month.

Im working on maximizing this gain to reach 1cm, and taking it step by step is key here.

i think of my tissues like a very sensitive clutch + sensitive engin, do push to hard and don't let it go to fast, use all the available torque before switching gear, which in this case are exercises + right intensity.
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i aslo found out that warming up with hot showers helped me a ton than doing with a warm rice bag, no pain felt when exercising.

Im starting to think that heat is gonna be crucial for us, for as long as possible, im thinking of those patches that stay warm up to 12 hours that you can have in your boxer to keep the shaft warm.

(too keep in mind that semen might get affected too)
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if hot showers are the key for heat transfer under fluid influence, it may be beneficial for you to have a water-base holder to minimize water usages, such as a large pump cylinder. You can switch out the water volume constantly to keep both fluid and heat constantly applied to the penile shaft without the large amount of water used in the shower.
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if hot showers are the key for heat transfer under fluid influence, it may be beneficial for you to have a water-base holder to minimize water usages, such as a large pump cylinder. You can switch out the water volume constantly to keep both fluid and heat constantly applied to the penile shaft without the large amount of water used in the shower.
Good idea, i do have a cylinder that i can use.

Somehow hot water is doing a magical thing, no pain throughout the workout and the stretches feel so good.
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Somehow hot water is doing a magical thing, no pain throughout the workout and the stretches feel so good.

You know, there's a lengthy discussion about why water is better than heat application process. If you look at molecular sciences, the ionic exchange using heated water is much faster than ambient heated air. But there are those who can't be under the heated water constantly because of sensitive skin conditions.
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Ok for me what works::

SSJ with power beyond human imagination. Power that you believe that the penis will get destroyed.
Pumping to extremes


Now you're scaring me brother. Pumping to the extreme level without exceeding the threshold of the body's capacity to handle the pressures. This reminds me of a person's head popping going out into space or the lungs explodes from holding the breaths too long going up from 300 meters below the ocean's surface.
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I have tried clamping too. Clamping "to death". Clamping "Destroy things". Clamping to "bring the end of the world".
Nothing happened (good or bad)
You are an exceptional rare few with very thick penile protective tissues. But always remember that you are not invincible. Proceed with cautions.
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I was resting 3 hours ago, and I was thinking. Maybe this is my plateau. Maybe that's my gains and that's it. If I explain you my whole workout story, I believe that you will feel sorry for me and you wont believe whats happening.
I restarted doing PE 40 days ago and I am wondering myself for whats going on.
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You know, there's a lengthy discussion about why water is better than heat application process. If you look at molecular sciences, the ionic exchange using heated water is much faster than ambient heated air. But there are those who can't be under the heated water constantly because of sensitive skin conditions.
I understand now, that would make sense
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I was resting 3 hours ago, and I was thinking. Maybe this is my plateau. Maybe that's my gains and that's it. If I explain you my whole workout story, I believe that you will feel sorry for me and you wont believe whats happening.
I restarted doing PE 40 days ago and I am wondering myself for whats going on.
It can be those moments where i let hold of myself and went crazy not respecting my body's feedback, i still find myself doing this sometimes.

You could rest again and start step by step or switch to few weeks of lentghs and see?
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It can be those moments where i let hold of myself and went crazy not respecting my body's feedback, i still find myself doing this sometimes.

You could rest again and start step by step or switch to few weeks of lentghs and see?
I dont care about length even thought I am only 5.3' in length. Thats because I tried very little for length and my gains were permanent very fast. Thats because I had the ability to pull force with lengthmaster..... More than the kg that people are talking here. Imagine pulling out with all your power just to feel the stretching.
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I dont care about length even thought I am only 5.3' in length. Thats because I tried very little for length and my gains were permanent very fast. Thats because I had the ability to pull force with lengthmaster..... More than the kg that people are talking here. Imagine pulling out with all your power just to feel the stretching.
alright, i will share my experience with girth asap
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I dont care about length even thought I am only 5.3' in length. Thats because I tried very little for length and my gains were permanent very fast. Thats because I had the ability to pull force with lengthmaster..... More than the kg that people are talking here. Imagine pulling out with all your power just to feel the stretching.

I've been thinking and talking to others with tough tunica about this, and although they are against it, there are those who use extender after the Length Master while sustaining at 3kg of traction force for 4 hours, then reduce down to 2kg for the length of time available to them. This is due to aging condition. They've verified this with various older brothers in the age range of 47 to 68 that are still practicing PE.

Of course, the inherit risk of over exertion to the tunica at high tensions can cause plagues and scars with constant warnings from all fields:

But not all is lost. As you already seen through the discussion, using acoustic/soundwave method is viable and safer. Then there are peptides weakening the tunica temporarily using peptidyl transferase, cellular therapy (both bacterial influence and peptide bond reduction phases) only for a very short period of time:

PE sciences are coming a long, long, long way. I wouldn't go into drastic strategies by ripping your penis off, but we can come up with safer methods of approach for your length.
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Our colleagues have been following up on this specific drug (Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 and vardenafil) for the non-US market since 2007:

Unfortunately, obtaining this drug can be a bit of a challenge. Those who were able to "experiment" in elderly patients managed to release the tight or toughen tunica temporarily to provide elongation routine with success. They tried both direct inject, where patients hated the idea, and topical application via DMSO, which the patients loved. Something to think about when talking to your urologists that may be able to obtain a sample of this drug in your regions.
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This thread is an amazing collection of great ideas. I love how we always come together on issues and come up with many solutions. God bless you all! I am proud to be a brother in Christ in this amazing out pouring of information. I truly pray that it eventually helps.
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Our colleagues have been following up on this specific drug (Rho kinase inhibitor Y-27632 and vardenafil) for the non-US market since 2007:

Unfortunately, obtaining this drug can be a bit of a challenge. Those who were able to "experiment" in elderly patients managed to release the tight or toughen tunica temporarily to provide elongation routine with success. They tried both direct inject, where patients hated the idea, and topical application via DMSO, which the patients loved. Something to think about when talking to your urologists that may be able to obtain a sample of this drug in your regions.
i might be crazy, but i had this thought since i started, a thread lift that stretches the tunica for hard cases
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i might be crazy, but i had this thought since i started, a thread lift that stretches the tunica for hard cases

I've been following the studies on this subject back in 2005 and reached out to various colleagues that applied the inhibitor. Not many patients were willing to take it on as it was experimental. Now, it's getting more and more acknowledged.
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What Exactly does this mean? Should I use this and how does it help?
basically there are some collagen threads that can be used to stretch the skin, take a facelift as an example, they are slipped under the skin and pulled and left there. The tissue grow to keep the tension as the thread dissolves.
Nothing so far applied in real life but this might be something we see soon.
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