Progress thread Question about girth training and length training.

Tomorrow I will post program that you can use to get in shape. No need for gym. Simple to lose fat. If you are smoking, it should be changed to nicotine products like snus like nicotine pouches...but lose nicotine later on altogether. Nicotine boosts caloric burn by 200kcal per day. So it has its advantages too. Gonna be piece of cake, but needs atleast 3 months of dedication to turn training into habit.
What I did:

Start walking: 8000 steps per day. You do this until you are able to walk 20K+ steps per day. This will take time, so use it wisely. Listen to audiobooks etc. You will lose fat, and mainly fat because walking burns mainly fat reserves. Your testosterone and serotonin will go up, and cortisol will go down, but only if you dont over do it. 8000K-10000K steps per day is managable. You need to adapt you body to training. I over did my journey by walking 1000 kilometres in 3 months, but god damn my body went through serious changes. After narcissistic mental abuse, I was bloated like a damn Toxic Avenger, but after training I got back my muscles, and lost lot of fat and water retention.

BUY TRAINING RUBBER BANDS! These are the way to go. Get different strength bands. Start from low strength and in three months you will be gaining muscle and strength.

Start with this with only one set each:

Push ups

Australian row

Chin ups (For these you need to do one repetition explosives. Ten of those and build up.)

Behing neck pike push up

Leg or knee raises

Squats with you own weight or with band, or stones.


Remember: Dont do these in first month of walking. After first month, you will start doing these at calisthenics racks, or anywhere, where you are able. Home? No problem. You do first month with one set, Second month 2 sets. You dont need to do these everyday, but you need to walk every day. Listen to your body. One day in between workouts is good. 2 days is even better, because of systemic overload. You need to recover to gain. Add what ever you like, but dont overdo it. When fun flies out of window, usually training stops. Its so easy to open a can of beer and eat pizza and shit.
After you have gone through the initial conditioning, start training some martial arts that interests you specifically. This is really a foundation of programming yourself again mentally and physically. Age is not a problem, but you need to take recovery seriously to prevent injuries. Love brothers! ā¤ļø
10 inch Mushroom, I propably need to forge my own protective cups if I ever get to 10 inches. šŸ¤£
Going past 8in, you need to get custom versions XXXL. Those who have 9in, sorry to say, but you're on your own. That's why condom stopped around 8in. Brothers with 9in, you're out of luck at since 8in stops at XXXL. Most countries stopped at 7in at XXL. Surprisingly, Mexico has up to 9in in UXL.
Holy crap...

So I have been experimenting abit. Took 2 days of Basic bleh training: 10 min BM and 30 min extender. But...

Today I did 5x5x3:
10 minutes Bathmate Hercules for warmup. (cock is almost filling it fully girthwise.)

Magic happens here: 5x5x3, First two supersets with airpump -15hg. Last superset with Bathmate X40. Expansion is sick after the last set.

Ah, you reach the black magic growth pressure. Just make sure not to go too high all the time. But your lady must be screaming at this point in pure bliss.
Holy crap...

So I have been experimenting abit. Took 2 days of Basic bleh training: 10 min BM and 30 min extender. But...

Today I did 5x5x3:
10 minutes Bathmate Hercules for warmup. (cock is almost filling it fully girthwise.)

Magic happens here: 5x5x3, First two supersets with airpump -15hg. Last superset with Bathmate X40. Expansion is sick after the last set.


Ah, you reach the black magic growth pressure. Just make sure not to go too high all the time. But your lady must be screaming at this point in pure bliss.
Yesterday she said, that she loves it how I fill her fully, and move slowly. It is actually awesome feeling to get inside her. She is really tight. šŸ¤¤
Holy crap...

So I have been experimenting abit. Took 2 days of Basic bleh training: 10 min BM and 30 min extender. But...

Today I did 5x5x3:
10 minutes Bathmate Hercules for warmup. (cock is almost filling it fully girthwise.)

Magic happens here: 5x5x3, First two supersets with airpump -15hg. Last superset with Bathmate X40. Expansion is sick after the last set.


Yesterday she said, that she loves it how I fill her fully, and move slowly. It is actually awesome feeling to get inside her. She is really tight. šŸ¤¤
When things are working out it is incredible but remember that this is no time for time off. When things seem to slow this is time to step up intensity and remain consistent. You penis looks awesome i am happy you posted this picture
When things are working out it is incredible but remember that this is no time for time off. When things seem to slow this is time to step up intensity and remain consistent. You penis looks awesome i am happy you posted this picture
You are right. My tissues have adapted to training so, that I am now able to transition to using BM X40 instead of airpump when doing 5x5x3. This is awesome because now I don't need to use lubricant, and warm water makes huge difference. One set back is, that my skin near the root of Mushroom tends to blister while using BM X40. I need to find a way to prevent this. Maybe make some makeshift sleeve or something.
You are right. My tissues have adapted to training so, that I am now able to transition to using BM X40 instead of airpump when doing 5x5x3. This is awesome because now I don't need to use lubricant, and warm water makes huge difference. One set back is, that my skin near the root of Mushroom tends to blister while using BM X40. I need to find a way to prevent this. Maybe make some makeshift sleeve or something.
If your skin tends to tear and blister, that means your skin there is thin and sensitive to thermal and fluid influences. Use a light layer of TheraBand and wrap the zone 1cm and 1cm below the areas of affects/blistering. This happened to me years ago when I first pump. I use a different material back then, but effectively controlled it.
If your skin tends to tear and blister, that means your skin there is thin and sensitive to thermal and fluid influences. Use a light layer of TheraBand and wrap the zone 1cm and 1cm below the areas of affects/blistering. This happened to me years ago when I first pump. I use a different material back then, but effectively controlled it.
Thanks for the advice. šŸ™
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I am holding 2 days of to heal my skin. I really like X40, but it has always caused some issues. I bought Theraband (training band) to use for wrapping. I will also use the material to make sleeve for the base. I will see if it will work.

I propably would not take these 2 days off but I am away for 2 days, so I hit 2 things with one stone.

Had good sex yesterday and today. Good for recovery. šŸ¤£ šŸ„
Different kind of update on PE:

We got first snow, so I headed for run. Last summers 1000km walks adapted my body... I am able to run as long as I like. Just need water and carbs. This feels damn awesome. If I am able to do gym and km 2 days a week, and 2 days running till next summer... It is going to have Major impact on my PE training.

I can tell you that it feels awesome to transition from walking to running.
Basically what I am doing is Forrest Gump. Run everywhere. There is no system, no routine... Just trusting the process. This is actually fun. All the trips to store will be done by running. No excuses, just moving. Cardiovascular system should start improving fast. This should improve erektion quality, maybe size aswell... We shall see. I used to run alot. It feels like I got my youth back from a toxic woman, from invisible prison. Now I am completely free, out of control. šŸƒšŸ¼ā€āž”ļø
I overdid my walking, but it was compensatory mechanism to shut down anxiety and free myself from trauma bond. I read that trauma bond is 20x stronger than heroin addiction. And I can tell you, that it is true. I wouldn't want anyone to experience it.

But after the hell... You become damn strong. There was basically social anxiety, and that is lifting. Splitting of identity and personality, that has subsided, and I am getting myself back. Narcissist also molds you to become dependent. Man can't be man or become better version of himself with woman like that. When you rise, you need to be taken down, back to control.

I pray for the next simp that is as blind as I was. Atleast I warned him, but he wont listen, I didnt when I was told that I was in danger, but it definitely sticked in my mind and was actually the catalyst that made me see through the lies and gaslighting.
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This is what I made for X40. It works like charm. No blisters, no irritation, and it works as light C-ring. I use stiff C-ring over it.

Took the days of, and seems like it helped a lot. Got better expansion from pumping.

Routine for today is:

Bathmate X40 2x10 minutes.

Extender Phallosan Plus 3x20 minutes.

Behind Cheeks 20 minutes.

Could someone suggest where could I get new sleeves for Phallosan. Original sleeves are starting to deteriorate.
This is what I made for X40. It works like charm. No blisters, no irritation, and it works as light C-ring. I use stiff C-ring over it.

Took the days of, and seems like it helped a lot. Got better expansion from pumping.

Routine for today is:

Bathmate X40 2x10 minutes.

Extender Phallosan Plus 3x20 minutes.

Behind Cheeks 20 minutes.

Could someone suggest where could I get new sleeves for Phallosan. Original sleeves are starting to deteriorate.
Material is TPE. It is stretchy, so works kind of like C-ring. I use it as a cover layer under the base of BM. It protects the skin from warm water and vacuum, and blisters don't form. Works. I didn't invent physical, Newton did. šŸ¤£ (There was a joke hidden somewhere.) šŸ˜
Material is TPE. It is stretchy, so works kind of like C-ring. I use it as a cover layer under the base of BM. It protects the skin from warm water and vacuum, and blisters don't form. Works. I didn't invent physical, Newton did. šŸ¤£ (There was a joke hidden somewhere.) šŸ˜
TPE = Total Penis Enhancement (cwl)

Newtons' first law of penis enjoyment: Fundamental Law of Penis Engorgement
So my "patented" sleeve really works. It actually seems to make BM more airproof. I tested today to use Bathmate Hercules for warm up...

My routine was:

Bathmate Hercules 10 minutes "Warm up, damn".

5x5x3 Airpump (-15hg to -20hg, gonna write bit about this experiment later on.)

Extender Phallosan Plus 3x20 minutes.

Patented sleeve seems to work nicely. It actually works as suction cup and for some reason the suction inside BM feels alot more on Mushroom shaft. Went for full force and gotta say, that I am packing Hercules fully girth wise. Next patent is for gator bites. šŸ˜‹

After this I did 5x5x3. I was considering doing it with X40, but wanted to try to up vacuum periodically from -15hg to -20hg on last setin with airpump. Mushroom was definitely done after this.

I am not sure, but it seems and feels like, that my unit needs to go past -15hg. It has adapted way too well. So I will experiment with periodically going higher vacuum. Maybe it will give me necessary boost for last 2 centimetres. Inside airpump with -20hg I get to 19,5cm. Inside BM 20cm.

Note to myself: "Damn moron, stop fucking too much! You always forget to use ADS or wrapping for healing."
Gotta mention that my Forrest Gump experiment is going nicely aswell. 12K steps, and some running. My legs are toast from 2 earlier days of running, but lighter days are necessary for adaptation. Went for gym for 30 mins to do fast upper body workout, only one set per exercise. I wont overdo because of raising cortisol levels. Possible tomorrow is recovery day and doing PE.
So my "patented" sleeve really works. It actually seems to make BM more airproof. I tested today to use Bathmate Hercules for warm up...
This is how we keep ourselves inventive with our penile devices. Since you have it logged here, there's no way other company can claim they got it before you. However, a patent is not a patent right until it's filed with the country's patenting office. You will have lurking companies that will jump into making it real fast to beat you to it.

Patented sleeve seems to work nicely. It actually works as suction cup and for some reason the suction inside BM feels alot more on Mushroom shaft. Went for full force and gotta say, that I am packing Hercules fully girth wise. Next patent is for gator bites. šŸ˜‹
Try to use a larger layer of the TPE and perform a heat form. Cut only a small hole in the middle, measure the length it needs for it to form to go past the baffles gaitor (or gator bites), which is around 6cm, and look for a metal or glass cylinder that allow you to heat form the TPE around it. I've done this in the past for the JES Extender's comfort layering. It will work for you too.

After this I did 5x5x3. I was considering doing it with X40, but wanted to try to up vacuum periodically from -15hg to -20hg on last setin with airpump. Mushroom was definitely done after this.
Easy now brother. 15inHg is high already. 20inHg is exceeding what's safe, and it's approach the device's failure point at around 22inHg. The glue used for the baffles gaitor wasn't meant to be going that high consistently. It was meant to max out around 15inHg.

I am not sure, but it seems and feels like, that my unit needs to go past -15hg. It has adapted way too well. So I will experiment with periodically going higher vacuum. Maybe it will give me necessary boost for last 2 centimetres. Inside airpump with -20hg I get to 19,5cm. Inside BM 20cm.
You can go past 15inHg, but you need to alllow it go back lower than 15inHg to keep it expanded. Going past 15inHg is to temporary initiate the expansion loading. It doesn't require to be at 15inHg constantly more than 30 seconds to keep it expanded.

Now, for the brothers planning to go high into the mysterious zone of growth, brother Infected Mushroom already preconditioned his penis for a very long while. He's practically a veteran at this point. Going past 15inHg is reaching a realm no one knows how things will fly. A few challengers reached 24inHg and even at 30inHg, and some machine going as high as 40inHg in short bursts of a few seconds. This is why the precaution of 30 seconds and less through dynamic pressuring. Damages can occur within 5 seconds, and the amount of damages is hard to estimate based on each person's circumstances.

Note to myself: "Damn moron, stop fucking too much! You always forget to use ADS or wrapping for healing."
Yep. This was happening to me when I first met my wife too. I know your feelings.
Sleeve is a God send. šŸ„°šŸ„šŸ’¦


Bathmate Hercules 10 minutes.

Bathmate X40 10 minutes.

Extender Phallosan Plus 3x20 minutes.

Behind Cheeks Stretches 20 minutes.

Warm up pump is awesome. But moving from there to X40... Damn. There is no more Aira leaking and it seems that sleeve prevents skin from pubic bone to get sucked in, so more low pressure is concentrated on shaft. Atleast it feels like it. This should translate to faster gains. I am also using sleeve for Extender, so good bye old trusted sock.
Do you mind we provide your "patented" mod instruction for the TPE base for the brothers to use? I provided info on the gel pad earlier, but this may be more cost saving overall.

If you like, you can post the instruction on how to do a quick mod for the brothers at the Bathmate subforum:

Or in the general pumping forum:

Everyone is looking for comforts from the Bathmate's devices. It's so comfort-lacking.
Pretty straight forward. I did measurement aprox. In middle. Measured 2cm cross, so fitting would be Tight, so it would give good seal and work as c-ring. Folded so it would be easy to cut round, and would not start too easily break down. If you get roll of TPE, it really doesn't matter if these break, just make New one.
So... I went to store. Bought some Basic food stuff, and headed to my gf, I call her Copperfox. Gave her good orgasm with cunnilingus, and went straight in. God damn I get intense orgasms with her, especially if I have done my routine before. I can go as long as I like. My orgasms build up. Funny thing is, that I have become a shouter, and during my orgasmi, she locks her legs around me like BJJ guard position and wont let me go. šŸ™ˆšŸ„šŸ’¦šŸ‘ After guddling, I left, and walked home with groceries, 5.2 km. Listened to some trance while walking, and felt happy. For some reason I like being a Skittles man. šŸ™šŸ„°
Funny thing is, that I have become a shouter, and during my orgasmi, she locks her legs around me like BJJ guard position and wont let me go. šŸ™ˆšŸ„šŸ’¦šŸ‘ After guddling, I left, and walked home with groceries, 5.2 km. Listened to some trance while walking, and felt happy. For some reason I like being a Skittles man. šŸ™šŸ„°
Hahahahahhaa..I was there brother. My woman did the same thing to me when she got her strings of orgasms and headed into climaxes. At times, I thought she could break my back with her legs. And yes, I shouted "Hot damn! I'm cumming!"
My routine has been bit different, as I wanted to test jelqing before normal routine.

Jelqing 20min.
BM He + BM X40 10min + 10min.
Phallosan Plus Extender 3x20min.
Behind Cheeks 20min.

For me Jelqing makes Big difference. Makes things more enjoy able too.

I call gf Copperfox, so I bought her a Soft Fox Toy as gift...and Boom. She became multiorgastic. Lol. šŸ„šŸ‘šŸ’¦šŸ„°šŸ¤£
My routine has been bit different, as I wanted to test jelqing before normal routine.

Jelqing 20min.
BM He + BM X40 10min + 10min.
Phallosan Plus Extender 3x20min.
Behind Cheeks 20min.

For me Jelqing makes Big difference. Makes things more enjoy able too.

I call gf Copperfox, so I bought her a Soft Fox Toy as gift...and Boom. She became multiorgastic. Lol. šŸ„šŸ‘šŸ’¦šŸ„°šŸ¤£
Nice work! Glad sex is going great
Yesterday was recovery day... I havent much posted about my nutritional profile, so I will now open subject abit...

Water 2 cups.
Morning Coffee 2 cups.
Oatmeal + Red Lentils + Spinach + Aronia Berries + Curcumin + Black Pepper + Olive oil.
Pomegranade Juice.

Strong Multivitamin
L-Citrulline 2000mg
Taurine 1000mg
Vitamin D3 100-250micrograms.
Vitamin K2-MK7 100micrograms.

After this, I wait for 30mins to get nutrients in my bloodstream. PE usually goes smoothly after getting blood juiced up. šŸ„šŸ˜˜
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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