Newbie Incumming

Hello my fellow PE brothers, CCL here to try and learn from the best and start my PE journey off right! I've lurked around the forum a little bit and I think DLD or SIM said somewhere that it's pretty daunting to try and take all this info in, and he was right, so bare with me while I learn the ropes.

Anyway, after my very base level research review, I've come to learn that my starting figures aren't terrible by any stretch of the imagination, but I've definitely got room for growth. Here's my measurements as follows:

FG: 3.8125 or 3 13/16
EG: 4.375 or 4 ⅜
PBLF: 4.75 or 4 ¾
PBLE: 6.75 or 6 ¾ (Measured 2 years ago at 7 even so might be losing some length)

I've recently gotten my MityVac and a warming pad for warm ups and warm downs and plan on starting this week. After reviewing some of the newbie forum stuff and seeing the SRT thread which recommends the length master and silistretcher for passive gains and retention, do I necessarily need these right off rip? My primary concern is girth but extra length would not hurt either, hell even just an inch or an inch and a half more on length would be cool but not necessary.

Either way, it's a pleasure being here and I look forward to getting to know and work with you guys!


Welcome to MOS brother. Since your primary focus is girth, you might not need to buy the length master or SiliStretcher. Buy make sure you buy some duro rings and some generic Viagra.

Do the 5x5x3 routine below:

5 minutes SSJ
5 minutes pumping

5 minutes SSJ
5 minutes pumping

5 minutes SSJ
5 minutes pumping

If you decide you want some length gains, then by all means, get yourself the length master and If there is extra cash, you can buy the SiliStretcher as well.
Haven’t officially started or even planned out a routine yet. I’m starting out around same length as cocky coffee lover. Is an inch to inch and a half possible within a year for length?
I'd say to expect 1/2 an inch to 3/4 within a year... there are some who say you can gain 2.5"-3", but that's very unrealistic (IMO).
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Nothing is unrealistic if you do it.
Why limit yourself to others experience?
I get that. I just think it's better to have a more realistic target (especially for newbies) - then they can be really pleased if they reach (or pass) it. If a person is told they should gain at least 2.5" in a year - then only get about 0.5", they're likely to be very disappointed/disheartened (and may even give up).

And personally, I just don't believe anyone is gaining 2.5"-3" per year... if they were, guys would have freaking 15" cocks in 3 years! 🤣
I get that. I just think it's better to have a more realistic target (especially for newbies) - then they can be really pleased if they reach (or pass) it. If a person is told they should gain at least 2.5" in a year - then only get about 0.5", they're likely to be very disappointed/disheartened (and may even give up).

And personally, I just don't believe anyone is gaining 2.5"-3" per year... if they were, guys would have freaking 15" cocks in 3 years! 🤣
What are you trying to do here?
There is proof of this in the picture proof forum, look at the pinned posts.
Stop discouraging members with your limiting believes.

You don't need more then ~8 Inch erected length. 15 Inch penis would not be usable.
With that said. You should be proud of yourself if you are gaining.
Also you need to really think about if you want the extreme growth to happen, because when it's done you can never go back.
What are you trying to do here?
There is proof of this in the picture proof forum, look at the pinned posts.
Stop discouraging members with your limiting believes.

You don't need more then ~8 Inch erected length. 15 Inch penis would not be usable.
Mate... I'm not discouraging people - if anything, I'm trying to be MORE encouraging by being more realistic.

No-one is gaining 3" per year... that's 9" in 3 years?! Come on now.
Mate... I'm not discouraging people - if anything, I'm trying to be MORE encouraging by being more realistic.

No-one is gaining 3" per year... that's 9" in 3 years?! Come on now.
No worries!

Yes it is good to be realistic to encourage more brothers, because it's the small gains that will add up to big gains within a longer set of time. You need to be consistent for a long time in order for it to be worth it, at least for 1 year (preferably more).

The fact that we need to make sure we have cemented the gains, is the reason that we need to at least stretch for 1 year to see some substantial gains in length and in that way make the gains permanent/cemented. But it all depends on how much gains in length that you desire. If you go for LengthMaster 3, you will also get a thicker penis with the progression that we are recommending here at MoS.

I believe this is the reason the @DLD and @huge-girth are encouraging members to not measure to soon (I believe every 6 months or so). I agree this is a good guideline to follow for most men. Also to get start reference measurements are also a good idea.

The mental aspect of penis enlargement is really important. In my short experience of a little over 1 year, is that you need to believe it is possible before the "miracle" happens. If you do not believe you can get for example: 2 Inch of erected length increase within 1 year, my personal belief is that it will be really hard to accomplish. Goals have a close connection with visualization.

My goal is not to discourage either, but I want all men out there to open up their mind and break free from the notion, that this list below is the rules of expected gains. You can with the right programming grow faster then this list (when you are starting out == during year 1), especially for length, but also for girth. This is the only point I'm trying to put forth.

3 months length 0.25"-0.5 "
6 months length 0.75"-1"
1 year length 1"-2"
3 months girth 0.25"
6 months girth 0.5"
1 year girth 0.75"-1"

Note this is incremental and the measurements for each month or year.

Also you are correct.
To gain 3 Inch every year is to stretch of what is possible.
But my belief is that with the right methods and programming (namely: 5D-BTC-BS - 5 minutes Dynamic-Behind The Cheeks Bundled Stretches) you have 2.5 to 3 Inch of newbie gains the first year. If you don't want to put to much pressure on yourself, make it 2 Inches in erected length growth. We here will guide you to get this kind of growth, and if you need personal assistant on a daily basis @hugh-girth can help with his coaching service. I'm just explaining what is possible, but this is not the norm of what most are getting in growth.

Take care brothers and grow BIG (as big as you want to become).
Mate... I'm not discouraging people - if anything, I'm trying to be MORE encouraging by being more realistic.

No-one is gaining 3" per year... that's 9" in 3 years?! Come on now.
Technically, that's wrong. The first gains are the fastest gains. 3 inches in length OR 2 inches in girth is very doable in one year. However, the amount of work going and dedication to it is crazy. I approached mine at a moderate level while my friends went crazy like @squirt_inducer_man and gained 2 inches in length, then focused on girth and gained 1.5 inches. I can't express how jealous I was for taking the safety method, but methodical safety was always my forefront approach in life due to who I am.

Think about this for a moment, and I can back it up with empirical evidence. When your body stagnates, either in intramuscular, brain tissues, or penile soft tissue, the body is not in shock. When there's a trauma, the body responds by producing human growth hormone (HGH) to provide healing and adaptation. This is why we kept saying "adaption/adaptation" and "walls/limits" in our explanations. The body does come to a hard limit and reduces its growth once it senses the stresses are a common phenomenon. It will refocus its nourishment and healing capacity elsewhere to preserve either procreative growth for younger males or survival aggression for older males (beyond 27 years).

Bring it back to the point: the first year of induced traumas (aggressive stretching or pumping) ignites the body's response to growth. The brothers that go hard and fast to take advantage of this will see phenomenal growth. When the brothers suffered a bit, they became discouraged and neglected the aggressive behaviors and routines needed for explosive growth. The moment you slow down, the moment you lose momentum. Around the 9th month, your body adapts and reduces the growth responses. This is the "limit" or "wall" we're encountering. We then have to switch to a different strategy. For length, we switch to girth, and for girth, we switch to length. For those who pursue both, we switch to different routines. This is why I mentioned the 70% length, 30% girth, and then later 30% length and 70% girth, and also somewhere in between. Notice the stress loading of one is twice over the other. Why? induction of stressor loading to get the body to respond differently.

@squirt_inducer_man @DLD @huge-girth kept on stating, "Push the limits" to make sure the brothers take advantage of this. Unfortunately, I'm the guy who has two angels sitting on my shoulders and provides sound reasoning to approach the aggressive routines with safety in mind at all times. Sorry brothers, but it takes different minds to give options to different groups.
Safety is important, but the penis can be stretched harder then most think with the correct exponential adding of intensity to the max intensity for growth.
This is true for most, but for some, we also have to consider possible historical medical conditions that could influence penile growth during aggressive PE. This is why medical warnings flagged at 5 inHg expansion limit, but we already blew that myth out of the water by going into the 10 inHg and 15 inHg limits for aggressive growth. I'm at 12 inHg. That's close to 3 times the "safety" level of medical warning of penile failure, but the growth is responding like a dream.

Just like your stretching, the penis can be stretched nearly twice its erected length without being ripped off. That's the best stress loading you can do for soft tissues and force it to remain at elongated length for healing using wraps and ADS. Most brothers here are too terrified to go that far and take total safety approaches. I can understand why with some cases of penile injuries cause them to be wearied. Me, I test my baselines every three weeks and push the limits to the new baselines. Taking advantage of the 1st year is everything. Log, log, and log like crazy.
This is true for most, but for some, we also have to consider possible historical medical conditions that could influence penile growth during aggressive PE. This is why medical warnings flagged at 5 inHg expansion limit, but we already blew that myth out of the water by going into the 10 inHg and 15 inHg limits for aggressive growth. I'm at 12 inHg. That's close to 3 times the "safety" level of medical warning of penile failure, but the growth is responding like a dream.

Just like your stretching, the penis can be stretched nearly twice its erected length without being ripped off. That's the best stress loading you can do for soft tissues and force it to remain at elongated length for healing using wraps and ADS. Most brothers here are too terrified to go that far and take total safety approaches. I can understand why with some cases of penile injuries cause them to be wearied. Me, I test my baselines every three weeks and push the limits to the new baselines. Taking advantage of the 1st year is everything. Log, log, and log like crazy.
Sounds good.
I went super hard the first year, now with girth work I'm not going as hard.
Anything is possible!
Yes! You need to belive before it happens. Trust the process fully and go all in. This is true for everything in life. I try to implement what I learned from pe into the rest of my's a process but it's working.

The realization that no one, have everything figured out fully in life can give you comfort. Everyone are clueless what is going on. 🙂

Live in this present moment and make the best of it. You only live now. Past nor future do not really exist, these are just concepts in our mind, that can take us away from the present moment and prevent us from fully living. This is something I work with daily.
Yes! You need to belive before it happens. Trust the process fully and go all in. This is true for everything in life. I try to implement what I learned from pe into the rest of my's a process but it's working.

The realization that no one, have everything figured out fully in life can give you comfort. Everyone are clueless what is going on. 🙂

Live in this present moment and make the best of it. You only live now. Past nor future do not really exist, these are just concepts in our mind, that can take us away from the present moment and prevent us from fully living. This is something I work with daily.
That's it!
3” in a year is totally possible! But have you got what it takes? 💥

I have 💪

Ultimately, what’s achievable and what you can achieve is your hands.
Good luck, but 3 inches in one year is VERY unrealistic for the average PE'er. And you'll be super disappointed if that's what you're expecting. If you set a lower/more realistic goal though, you won't be disheartened - it will actually spur you on when you reach (or pass) it 😎.
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Good luck, but 3 inches in one year is VERY unrealistic. And you'll be super disappointed if that's what you're expecting. If you set a lower/more realistic goal though, you won't be disheartened - it will actually spur you on when you reach (or pass) it 😎.
Clearly you don’t have what it takes brother 💙 started PE in November '22 - but have still only managed 3 months. So "Glass houses", brother... 😉
If you continue to discourage members, I will be forced to ban you.
This kind of shit almost killed all my gains and joy for the craft.

3 inches gains in BPEL withing 1 year, is highly realistic because I have done it.
We are trying to take penis enlargement to the next level now.
If you want it bad enough there are methods to get it.
If you continue to discourage members, I will be forced to ban you.
This kind of shit almost killed all my gains and joy for the craft.

3 inches gains in BPEL withing 1 year, is highly realistic because I have done it.
We are trying to take penis enlargement to the next level now.
If you want it bad enough there are methods to get it.
Oh, FFS - I'M NOT DISCOURAGING MEMBERS! You really think it's "encouraging" to say to the average PE'er that they should be gaining 2.5"-3" a year? Yeah, good luck with that - but don't be surprised when they quit after a year because they have "only" gained 0.5"-1" and are completely disheartened.

And BTW, HE'S the one that started with the attitude (see the other thread as well). If you can't take it, you shouldn't dish it out 🤷‍♂️.
Oh, FFS - I'M NOT DISCOURAGING MEMBERS! You really think it's "encouraging" to say to the average PE'er that they should be gaining 2.5"-3" a year? Yeah, good luck with that - but don't be surprised when they quit after a year because they have "only" gained 0.5"-1" and are completely disheartened.

And BTW, HE'S the one that started with the attitude (see the other thread as well). If you can't take it, you shouldn't dish it out 🤷‍♂️.
You continue to do this...please stop.
Here is where you went over the line @Rob35
I know what is said in the other posts I'm not stupid.

...and what about his "Clearly you don’t have what it takes brother 💙" - even though I've actually gained MORE than him over a 17 month period? I guess he's bought one of your products, so it's OK... 🙄
If you continue to discourage members, I will be forced to ban you.
You know what? There's no need to ban me... I'm out outta here. I've been on a few PE forums over the last couple of years - and this is BY FAR the worst. It's obvious the mods here are a big clique that just want to flog the site's products... you're not interested about telling the average PE'er the actual truth and realistic expectations.

You think you're being encouraging and positive, but you're actually being the complete opposite. It's a disgrace - and the last thing anyone doing PE needs. Bye. 👋
...and what about his "Clearly you don’t have what it takes brother 💙" - even though I've actually gained MORE than him over a 17 month period? I guess he's bought one of your products, so it's OK... 🙄
The problem is that you discourage him to accomplish his gains.
If you would just loose your EGO and try to listen to me. I am not against you.

Your points are fair but the way you state them are not okay. The discouragement of another members dreams and goals are what makes me talking to you right now. If someone say they will get 4 Inches in 1 year, you should not discourage. You should make him feel good about that instead.

I was personally in this place before, and it is hard when you get on here and you open up about your personal space and some other member try to discourage you...that is really hard. That is some hard shit. It can be so hard that you almost quit, or don't want to be here anymore.

You can leave if you want to, but you are welcome here.
It's obvious the mods here are a big clique that just want to flog the site's products... you're not interested about telling the average PE'er the actual truth and realistic expectations.
I'm about the truth.
The truth is that you can do PE with your hands only. I started stretching with my hands and a broomstick. But that will take more time.
Why doing PE for 10 years when it can be done within 2 years?

I do not get anything for promoting products, I'm here for free like you are. I only promote what works for me.
Man oh man looks like I stepped back into this thread at a very interesting, and honestly sad point in time. I hope you decide to change your mind Rob and come back. I can see where both sides got a little testy, but both sides are valid. SIM is trying to keep positive vibes, energy, and encouragement, @Rob35 you're trying to help keep expectations in check to protect people from frustration. Like I said, both sides are valid, but let's remember we're all in this together 💪❤️
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Good luck, but 3 inches in one year is VERY unrealistic for the average PE'er. And you'll be super disappointed if that's what you're expecting. If you set a lower/more realistic goal though, you won't be disheartened - it will actually spur you on when you reach (or pass) it 😎.
Difficult but not impossible. The thing that will bring this type of growth is in the SRT thread. It would need to be done with intensity and twice a day. This is a great deal of time and work. So most can not do it. I was able to get to three inches after a year and a half. Also @squirt_inducer_man is on his way to making this a reality
...and what about his "Clearly you don’t have what it takes brother 💙" - even though I've actually gained MORE than him over a 17 month period? I guess he's bought one of your products, so it's OK... 🙄
It’s a little healthy motivation to work hard.
We all want to gain as fast as possible/safely.
We know 3” in 12 months can be done! but who among us has what it takes.
I’ve not questioned your methods your goals or your gains.
I never suggested you buy any products!
I was just sharing my opinion on what I believe is possible in a positive and motivational way or at least I thought the blue heart would indicate that 🥲

I wish you the best on your journey and pray you achieve your goals 💪
Difficult but not impossible. The thing that will bring this type of growth is in the SRT thread. It would need to be done with intensity and twice a day. This is a great deal of time and work. So most can not do it. I was able to get to three inches after a year and a half. Also @squirt_inducer_man is on his way to making this a reality
If you really want it it's possible but you need to go hard.
For 1 year my life was only about maximizing penis enlargement and growth, not everyone want or can do this due to life circumstances.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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