Understood. Your age group can initiate some secondary and even tertiary growth stages. Take advantage of that and go further.
Based on your body conditions so far, you can initiate the first expressive stretches using the
SRT newbie stretches. The
SRT should be linked to the article on the basic exercises to just start out. We can provide more info that is under the Forum's Resources and Program, including videos, for you to get started. This is purely manual hand-based stretches. Think of this period a conditioning to enter into PE journey.
Now, the questions are, "What is your budget?" and "What is your expected discipline for PE?"
Budget plays an important role in investing in PE. It predicts the amount of efforts and supports for the gains either through equipment and healthy supplements. No pharma boosters among our lists beside vitaments and refined proteins.
The level of discipline to invest in PE predicts the essence of your willingness to take PE seriously. We tend to be overzealous at first, and then just loosely follow our routines later. That can't be the case. It must be consistent as much as possible. Life plays tricks on us and throw us curveballs. We tend to fall off the consistency due to the bad things occuring in life. An example is my own life. Recent strings of incidents left me lack of ability to do my routines consistently because the lack of both hands' and arms' strength for my routines. If this is not the case, the discipline must be consistent across the board until you reach your objectives.