Welcome brother to the world of PE and this brotherhood. Mind providing us more info about yourself, what your vision of the objective gains you want, your health, emotion, and fitness level? It can get a bit personal but it's to protect you from any possible issues you may encounter.
Do take a bit of time out to read this just to get yourself ready as well:
Things that you need to know, assess, and realize before you start your Penis Enhancement (PE) journey
This is not an exhausted list so use it as a reference guide. There are many questions already answered among the various posts, but we'll attempt to compile collective info here as we go. This post will continue to be updated per suggestions to make things more clear for all brothers within this brotherhood.
Your health
Never ever go into PE routines without first recognizing the tell-tale signs of your body that can hinder your growth, and possibly leads you into severe...
@keepingitbig, hello. The Chat is not as often used by the members than the forum. The chat program may be up-to-date, but it's not welcoming as the forum itself.
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