High pressure pump with high cycling cannot use water or it will suffocate the pumping diaphragms. There were multiple tests on the manual high speed pumps, with water traps, and those motors still suffered due to intrusive water. The reason why the Phalback can go so hard and fast is because of air-only approach.
The uneven growth is not just because of air only system. It's because the tissues are being pull so hard and fast without manual corrections as we use dynamic and static twist through the bundling.
@DLD incorporated the manual methods with the
Power Assist, after his experimentation with pure arm strength power, and later to incorporate the full
LengthMaster method to increase the dynamic ranges of correction control. Pumps without inserts to correct the tissue growths will only cause more poor out-of-control growth. Traction devices are hot commodities to correct errors, but the amount of time to sink into them is pure insane.
I used them all. So far, only the
LengthMaster comes out on top to promote elongation growth, while maintain equalized the growth path based on the amount of corrective control being put into the routines. It promoted the greatest control for your needs so far. Ask brother
@squirt_inducer_man if he noticed the curvature reduction from the
LengthMaster usages. I compared his photos he posted and notices a high angle correction during his journey. His original banana shape became less banana and more like a lightly curved cucumber. Using a either a traction or stretcher device, or even wrapped with a corrective curving tool (coated shoehorn for comforts), the curvature can be corrected easily.