need your thoughts/help cocerning exgf

My exgf who I haven't talked to in over 1 year has contacted me online. I stopped talking to her when I realized I was wasting my time since all she did was lie and cheat. I have known her for 3 years. She is a compulsive liar and cheats on every guy she's been with. Her parents for some reason wouldn't let her see me or talk to her. We went to school together and then I had to move 60 miles away. We kept in touch and we stayed together even though we were so far apart. Turns out she saw other people and when I came back she kept on seeing other guys and shit. Anyway long story short, this crazy cheating lying bitch in which I loved to death and sacrafised so much for has contacted me and wants my forgiveness. She claims she loves and misses me. She turns 18 in a few days, which means her parents can't keep her away from me. A year ago when I stopped talking to her, I never confronted her about all the bullshit. I finally told her off when she messaged me.

She says she's sorry, she didn't mean to hurt me and that she wishes that she hadn't met me when she was a young immature stupid girl. She says she loves me, she says she's sorry, she says she misses me. I called her names and told her "i want you to beg for forgiveness you fucking bitch!" She says she's sorry, she wants my forgiveness but wont beg.

What should I say or do to this cunt?
well if you are already giving her names like "cunt" and stuff, why bother?

it seems that she realize how stupid she was in the past, that's why she says she's sorry in the 1st place.

if you can't forgive, then just leave this way imo
Once they screw you over...........this is a sign that they have no respect for you, and that they think only of pleasing themselves!And if you do foregive her,she will rest easier at night, and still know that she has what it takes to play your ass!I have had a similar thing happen to me and she was the love of my life!But even though she begged and begged and said she was sorry......the damage had been done!I knew that it could never be the same.....I knew I would look at her in a different way.....and last......I lost all respect for her, she will never ever be able to set foot in my life again!

I know......people make mistakes!!!LOL!!!Yes they do............but that only counts when you truly fuck up, because you had no idea what you were doing......right?But if you know what you are doing is wrong...but you are so selfish.....because the pleasure of doing bad is worth more than having good morals, and you do it anyway...then in my are a selfish...cold hearted cunt.Bottom line........I wouldn't give her the time of day!
i wnat to punish her, she is a horrible person and has hurt so many guys. karma doesn't always work and people can get away with it like falling through the cracks of the system.
Painful Pleasur said:
i'm thinking of pretending i forgive her, get back with her, fuck her, and then cheat on her. rofl

Shit, that's exactly what i would do mate.

Even though some might consider that a childish immature action, fuck it. Go ahead, "forgive" her, "take her back", fuck her till she can take no more, cheat on her and let her know about it and only then you dump her and let HER go through what you've endured before because of her selfish actions.

Let her taste it for a change.


When we were together, she would make out with a different guys everyday, i would see her with hickies on her neck. She flirted and made out with my friends. She would write me letters, talk to me on the phone after i moved, i would visit her all the time, she claimed she loved me and that she was waiting for me. I gave up chances to be with a lot of other girls. I stayed single and waited until i could be with her. It turns out she fucked 3 guys during that time. I think she even had sex while I was on the phone with her one time. After I moved back close to her, she kept another bf and I kept telling her to break it off with him. She kept lying to him and me. I gave her chance after chance to rectify things. She lied to her parents telling them I was stalking her. She deserves the guillotine.
People don't change, pal!! Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. She'll just continue to fuck with your mind!!!! She's poison. Just keep repeating to yourself, she's poison!!!! Picture a skull and crossbones when she pops into your mind. Pure unadulterated poison!!!!
Well if you want to be nasty,take her back,persuade her to let you take some dirty pics on your phone,her smoking your pipe,taking it up the arse,cumming on her face,then mms them to her family and friends.
prince Albert said:
Well if you want to be nasty,take her back,persuade her to let you take some dirty pics on your phone,her smoking your pipe,taking it up the arse,cumming on her face,then mms them to her family and friends.

C'mon [words=]PA[/words] that's WICKED... i love it :D
8InchMIKE said:
C'mon [words=]PA[/words] that's WICKED... i love it :D

Got the idea from a phone in on a local radio station a few weeks ago, this lad rang in with a story of how he was in a pub with his mates pretty drunk and they found a mobile phone down the back of a seat,they looked through it and found a few naughty pics of a sexual nature,so they sent them to every contact in the phones address book even mam and dad then handed the phone in behind the bar.

Bit of a cunts trick reallyrofl
Just cut her out of your life and be done with it. She doesn't have respect for other people and she's not going to be a healthy influence on you. The girls I've seen with these characteristics usually had terrible childhoods and got messed up because of it.

If you really want to get her back proper then Penis Enlargement to 8x6 and take a video of you fucking one of her friends. That would be fitting considering what she's done to you.
Painful Pleasur

Give it's not a good relationship.

The foundation of a Great Relationship are the 3-C's
1. Commitment
2. Communication
3. Confidence (trust)

If any of the 3-C's are broken the relationship will eventually deteriorate.

Think about why it didn't work out the first time. She had no confidence in you with the truth and wasn't commited enough to communicatie without lying.

Besides, love is not disrespectful ... you calling her a 'Cunt' says you have no respectful for her.

Don't waste your time and energy on such negativity.

But if you want her back in your life you have to except her the way she is... a crazy lying cheating bitch, so don't expect her to change. She'll have do that on her own.

Personally I think she ran out of cock and is trying to use you until some better cock crosses her path.

Hope it helps with whatever you decide...
Threak said:
Painful Pleasur

Give it's not a good relationship.

The foundation of a Great Relationship are the 3-C's
1. Commitment
2. Communication
3. Confidence (trust)

If any of the 3-C's are broken the relationship will eventually deteriorate.

Think about why it didn't work out the first time. She had no confidence in you with the truth and wasn't commited enough to communicatie without lying.

Besides, love is not disrespectful ... you calling her a 'Cunt' says you have no respectful for her.

Don't waste your time and energy on such negativity.

But if you want her back in your life you have to except her the way she is... a crazy lying cheating bitch, so don't expect her to change. She'll have do that on her own.

Personally I think she ran out of cock and is trying to use you until some better cock crosses her path.

Hope it helps with whatever you decide...
put down the crack pipe
gellar said:
Fuck her in the arse.
Then kick her out.


Put in in her ass...then her mouth...then kick her out after you dick-whip her in the face with your semi-limp cock telling her what a whore and cunt she is. ;)
Painful Pleasur

Crack Pipe or Not ... ... make a decision about it. Treat that CUNT! the lying cheating bitch like the Ho' she really is and make her choke on that MONSTER-COCK of yours. Smack that nasty cunt's fuck hole with your man-pole til its bleeds. Then shove it in her bung-hole til your cock completely works over her drain-hole and then give her a 'Dirty-Sanchez' Have her lick the sweat off your nutsack, fuck her face real good and then cum all over it like you really want. Make sure you capture the act on video for yourself. Then post that Lying Cheating Slut getting a Dirty-Sanchez on the web for all our family and friends to watch. Once your done with her, pass her on to the next guy to treat her like the Dirty Little Fuck Ho' she really likes to be.

Why beat around the bush with her when you can just stick it straight in.
Threak said:
Painful Pleasur

Crack Pipe or Not ... ... make a decision about it. Treat that CUNT! the lying cheating bitch like the Ho' she really is and make her choke on that MONSTER-COCK of yours. Smack that nasty cunt's fuck hole with your man-pole til its bleeds. Then shove it in her bung-hole til your cock completely works over her drain-hole and then give her a 'Dirty-Sanchez' Have her lick the sweat off your nutsack, fuck her face real good and then cum all over it like you really want. Make sure you capture the act on video for yourself. Then post that Lying Cheating Slut getting a Dirty-Sanchez on the web for all our family and friends to watch. Once your done with her, pass her on to the next guy to treat her like the Dirty Little Fuck Ho' she really likes to be.

Why beat around the bush with her when you can just stick it straight in.
i like his idea rofl
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