My New Log

Haven't been able to get back to hanging yet, i'm currently in the process of packing and moving, thimgs have been hectic, but i will get back to it as soon as in get into the new place. Prob between the 13-15th.
I would have just started last week, but i now have people over here constantly, no privacy.
Haven't been able to get back to hanging yet, i'm currently in the process of packing and moving, thimgs have been hectic, but i will get back to it as soon as in get into the new place. Prob between the 13-15th.
I would have just started last week, but i now have people over here constantly, no privacy.

Well get some stretching in under the covers and after you take a bathroom break. Just find creative ways throughout the day that you have small pockets of time where you can do mini sessions until you’re able to have enough privacy.
Finally moved in, i gotta say, this has been a long month, very tiring, but also great at times.
But it's time to get back to my goals as far as PE. I have my lock placed on my door once again, my weight and hanger unpacked, and theres never anytime greater than the present. So tomorrow in will begin hanging once again, starting as day 1, actually i think i will hang at 20lbs for the first 2-3 days to get used to it, then move up to 30lbs as planned, starting as day 1.
Finally moved in, i gotta say, this has been a long month, very tiring, but also great at times.
But it's time to get back to my goals as far as PE. I have my lock placed on my door once again, my weight and hanger unpacked, and theres never anytime greater than the present. So tomorrow in will begin hanging once again, starting as day 1, actually i think i will hang at 20lbs for the first 2-3 days to get used to it, then move up to 30lbs as planned, starting as day 1.

Congratulations on your new house and I hope that it becomes a home to you very quickly. A new house and a new start at PE! This is a whole new start, a whole new beginning so take it advantage of it.
I know that there are a myriad of ways to gain with hanging and PE in general, but ive been doing a lot of research and i'm starting to wonder if the volume principle can apply to training in PE.
Theres a lot of research pointing towards volume rather than weight or time for tissue growth, there's something about the rest time between sessions and then the forced expansion which creates growth they find.
I can't help but wonder if rather than do 1 or 2 or even three sets of hanging in one session, it would be better to spread the sets out through the day, almost like a breakfast lunch dinner routine. this way you get the volume training effect.
I think i might just set this up.
I'm certain they all work, and it's just a case of riding out what you can in a set time, before the body adapts, and taking extended rest breaks.