My journey from 5.5" to infinity and beyond

Conditions right now:

1. Erection quality decreased :(
2. Volume of ejaculation decreasaed aswell.
3. Hard kegels hurt. Sometimes soft kegels hurt as well when penis is somewhat erect
4. Peyronies

Things I am doing to better my penis:

1. Jelqed once this week

I think I know what is the cause of all of this fucked up things with my penis........
With close inspection I realized that I have PEYRONIES......

So, I jelqed once this week opposite to the bent and it helped a lot for my penis.......
My EQ was better, penis was somewhat straight, kegels were not hurting........
I never did jeqling again and that is the mistake I did........
I did jelqing for one day that made my penis really good but stopped after that because I thought I didn't need it.......
It made my penis good for only 2 days. After that it was back to square one
Damn, are you gonna up the Jelqs to work against it?
That's the major problems I have.......
I do not enough privacy for jelqing. Even if I can jelq, I can only do it with soap not oil. Soap is harsh on skin and excessive can result in itchiness......

So I have decided to go in for semen retention......
I won't fap and will jelq my penis upto health
I did not know this about you. How pronounced is your curve? Have you done anything to try to address this? If you need help on straightening please just ask.
The curve is from mid shaft to the tip......
The curve is more than 30 deg..... So technically it is Peyronies.......

Once I jelqed in the opposite direction of the curve and my penis did got restored for 2 days. It was 100% erect and the pain was almost negligible. However, after the 3rd day, it was back to peyronies......
So I decided not to fap nor even PE for some time..........
After that, I will PE just to treat peyronies (upward jelqing only)
Till I treated my peyronies, I am going to keep fapping to minimum......
The curve is from mid shaft to the tip......
The curve is more than 30 deg..... So technically it is Peyronies.......

Once I jelqed in the opposite direction of the curve and my penis did got restored for 2 days. It was 100% erect and the pain was almost negligible. However, after the 3rd day, it was back to peyronies......
So I decided not to fap nor even PE for some time..........
After that, I will PE just to treat peyronies (upward jelqing only)
Till I treated my peyronies, I am going to keep fapping to minimum......

You will need to go against the curve for at least six months for permanent straightening. It actually took me more time, about a year, to create the curve I wanted. So just stick to it and eventually it will remain straight.
You will need to go against the curve for at least six months for permanent straightening. It actually took me more time, about a year, to create the curve I wanted. So just stick to it and eventually it will remain straight.

6 months......
I was hoping for something like 1-2 weeks........
I know it’s a long time but in a year a year will go by anyways so might as well start
I am already feeling good......
It has been 4 days since I haven't fapped or watched adult entertainment......
Only had morning woods for erection........

Looks like semen retention is paying off..... (xd)
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I am already feeling good......
It has been 4 days since I haven't fapped or watched adult entertainment......
Only had morning woods for erection........

Looks like semen retention is paying off..... (xd)

Well done, brother. I'm 69 days (go figure) into this streak of semen retention and the benefits are incredible. I'll probably write a full post on it one day if anyone requests it.
I am already feeling good......
It has been 4 days since I haven't fapped or watched adult entertainment......
Only had morning woods for erection........

Looks like semen retention is paying off..... (xd)

Very proud of you my brother! I think I made it two weeks again so I’m on the third week.
Well done, brother. I'm 69 days (go figure) into this streak of semen retention and the benefits are incredible. I'll probably write a full post on it one day if anyone requests it.

It’s awesome so many of us are trying to do this. I admire everyone of you.
Well done, brother. I'm 69 days (go figure) into this streak of semen retention and the benefits are incredible. I'll probably write a full post on it one day if anyone requests it.
69 days.....
And here I am only gonna do it for a week..... LOL (xd)
After that it's time to get that peyronies fixed......
  • Haha
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Conditions right now:

1. Erection quality is mediocre.
2. Do not know the volume of ejaculation ( haven't masturbated in a week )
3. Kegels hurt
4. Not so many erections this week. (only morning woods)

Things I am doing to better my penis:

1. No PE this week.
2. No masturbation this week.
3. No adult entertainment this week.

I let my penis heal this week.....
From tomorrow, I will be doing jelqs to to treat peyronies.....

Can somebody tell me how much am I supposed to masturbate for while treating the peyronies......?
Conditions right now:

1. Erection quality is mediocre.
2. Do not know the volume of ejaculation ( haven't masturbated in a week )
3. Kegels hurt
4. Not so many erections this week. (only morning woods)

Things I am doing to better my penis:

1. No PE this week.
2. No masturbation this week.
3. No adult entertainment this week.

I let my penis heal this week.....
From tomorrow, I will be doing jelqs to to treat peyronies.....

Can somebody tell me how much am I supposed to masturbate for while treating the peyronies......?

I’m pleased to hear this as you know that I think adult entertainment changed the mind and will eventually bring you to very dark places. I have no issues with masturbation but usually masturbation entails using adult entertainment. I personally avoid masturbation for the reason above and because I want my mind to be clean and clear of those things. The subjugation and the disrespect of women brings me to a terrible place.
I masturbated today after a week of semen retention and man.....
It was amazing.....
Everything was extraordinary.......

EQ was great (not perfect)
Edging was good.....
Semen volume was phenomenal.........

Very happy with semen retention......
Might do it again in the future....... :)
Next time save that rentention for the ife LOL
But I kinda missed masturbation in that week.........
Semen retention is good, but it is better when you have an active sex life or you have a life which requires a lot of energy usage ( like an athlete )
Semen retention is good, ONLY time you should be busting a nut is in a female's face and also if you give no return during sex that's some next level shit
Semen retention poses no danger whatsoever. I know many people who have stopped masturbation completely who have not had an orgasm for two or more years.

My brother the spirit wars against the flesh. We will have this battle going on until the return of our Savior. I struggle every day with this world and I look for comfort in the flesh but I never find it. I find my peace and my comfort in prayer.
ya know, its weird i see you guys talking about semen retention and holding off for a week. I know this will sound crazy but my first orgasm after waiting a week or two actually sucks. the cum just kind of falls out and the orgasm is like a 5 out of 10. the SECOND one for me is the one that feels really great and i actually SHOOT cum.

though its funny i was just talking to my girl about this. I'm getting old (i'm 36 now) and when i was in my 20s i came SO much it was UNREAL. I dont just mean this in a "i'm trying to look cool" way. It was actually amazing. I could shoot cum at least 6 feet and I could DRENCH a woman in cum if i gave her a facial or on her tits. it was crazy. Nowadays I would say i'm still on the upper end of high volume but its nothing to brag about really. Sometimes the old me comes out but its rare. I can actually feel my testosterone levels plummeting each year now. Its sad. Because PHYSICALLY i'm in my prime. I feel im the best looking i've ever been and my body is on point right now. I work out hard. but I'm pretty much always tired even when i have energy and my sex drive is maybe half of what it used to be. My mind wants sex more than my dick does these days.
ya know, its weird i see you guys talking about semen retention and holding off for a week. I know this will sound crazy but my first orgasm after waiting a week or two actually sucks. the cum just kind of falls out and the orgasm is like a 5 out of 10. the SECOND one for me is the one that feels really great and i actually SHOOT cum.

though its funny i was just talking to my girl about this. I'm getting old (i'm 36 now) and when i was in my 20s i came SO much it was UNREAL. I dont just mean this in a "i'm trying to look cool" way. It was actually amazing. I could shoot cum at least 6 feet and I could DRENCH a woman in cum if i gave her a facial or on her tits. it was crazy. Nowadays I would say i'm still on the upper end of high volume but its nothing to brag about really. Sometimes the old me comes out but its rare. I can actually feel my testosterone levels plummeting each year now. Its sad. Because PHYSICALLY i'm in my prime. I feel im the best looking i've ever been and my body is on point right now. I work out hard. but I'm pretty much always tired even when i have energy and my sex drive is maybe half of what it used to be. My mind wants sex more than my dick does these days.

Everybody does it for different reasons. I do it because I don’t want any thing sexual to cloud my work the Brotherhood or my ministries. I have been celibate now for 12 years. But other people do it for many different reasons. Some do it because they’re addicted to watching dirty movies others want to curb it because they believe it helps with growth. So there’s all different reasons
My reason for semen retention was that I just wanted to give my penis some rest.......

Now I am going to treat my peyronies......
I do these two things:
1. DLD bends : My bent is "downward and towards the left" so I do "upward and towards the right bend"
2. Jelqing in opposite direction : In this case I only do upward jelqing but it is difficult to do so.....

Can anyone have a better way to jelq against the downward bend?
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Everybody does it for different reasons. I do it because I don’t want any thing sexual to cloud my work the Brotherhood or my ministries. I have been celibate now for 12 years. But other people do it for many different reasons. Some do it because they’re addicted to watching dirty movies others want to curb it because they believe it helps with growth. So there’s all different reasons

12 years?? thats crazy bro!! HOW???? why have that amazing thing from all the work you've done and not be able to use it? I can see ..... sex definitely can cloud your mind if you let it be too much. I love the focus that comes with taking a week or two off. Im not sure i could handle much longer because my balls start to hurt really bad. I didnt jerk off for a week last month and i was kissing my girl and she left for work and my balls actually HURT like i had a stomach ache and had to jerk off.
Semen retention is good, ONLY time you should be busting a nut is in a female's face and also if you give no return during sex that's some next level shit

I used to do this in my mid to late twenties...I’d go weeks without cumming even though I was having sex several times a day...I loved sex so much that I never wanted it to stop and just wanted to keep pleasuring my the time they were to the point of getting uncomfortable it was too late for me to climax so I’d wait for the next almost infinitum...?

...I edged and dry climaxed (which isn’t the same but still enjoyable but it allows you to keep going) quite a lot and just kept going...probably helped my girth a little bit.
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My reason for semen retention was that I just wanted to give my penis some rest.......

Now I am going to treat my peyronies......
I do these two things:
1. DLD bends : My bent is "downward and towards the left" so I do "upward and towards the right bend"
2. Jelqing in opposite direction : In this case I only do upward jelqing but it is difficult to do so.....

Can anyone have a better way to jelq against the downward bend?

That’s the best way to correct a bend. In addition you might want to do erect pumping as this can also help straighten the curve.
12 years?? thats crazy bro!! HOW???? why have that amazing thing from all the work you've done and not be able to use it? I can see ..... sex definitely can cloud your mind if you let it be too much. I love the focus that comes with taking a week or two off. Im not sure i could handle much longer because my balls start to hurt really bad. I didnt jerk off for a week last month and i was kissing my girl and she left for work and my balls actually HURT like i had a stomach ache and had to jerk off.

To me it’s not something I missed. I will masturbate every once and again and that’s plenty as far as sexuality goes. And I’m very against hard-core pornography and that usually goes hand-in-hand with masturbation so it’s something I try to avoid. I’m not perfect and I do mess up, as matter fact I messed up last night but that says nothing about who I am or what I’m trying to do.

Since I have such a little interest in sex it was easy for me to become celibate. Since this time it’s allowed me to focus on very important things in my life, in the brotherhood and in my ministries. But I understand how most people feel and if I would’ve said this to myself when I was 30 years old I wouldn’t call myself a dumb ass. I am older now and most of those types of situations and thoughts have been long gone.

But just so you know I did use what I mean LOL the girlfriend I had when I started with the girlfriend I had when I finished and she left me. But she got a lot of cock for about three years! ?
That’s the best way to correct a bend. In addition you might want to do erect pumping as this can also help straighten the curve.
Erect pumping......
Got it.....

Even though I do not have a pump, I still am going to find a way to do so......
Worst case scenario, I'll make my own pump.......?
Erect pumping......
Got it.....

Even though I do not have a pump, I still am going to find a way to do so......
Worst case scenario, I'll make my own pump.......?
Just stick with the erect jelqing for now. That is the most powerful way to correct a curve, using a pump would just be an added advantage. So if you ever do get a pump you can include that but don’t wait start with the erect jelqing now.
Conditions right now:

1. Erection quality is mediocre.
2. Kegels hurt. ( still :( )
3. Dick hurts when press downwards.
4. Peyronies (still)

Things I am doing to better my penis:

1. Normal PE.
2. Normal masturbation.

I read somewhere that it takes about 6 months for peyronies to develop and another 6 months to cure it.....?
Is it true....?
Conditions right now:

1. Erection quality is mediocre.
2. Kegels hurt. ( still :( )
3. Dick hurts when press downwards.
4. Peyronies (still)

Things I am doing to better my penis:

1. Normal PE.
2. Normal masturbation.

I read somewhere that it takes about 6 months for peyronies to develop and another 6 months to cure it.....?
Is it true....?

why do you think it is Peyronie’s?
Because the curvature is more than 30 degrees.
That is technically peyronies

Got you. So it would make sense to still do what I have suggested. It takes about a year to straighten and the reason I know this it took me a year to create the curve I wanted.
Conditions right now:

1. Erection quality is 80%.
2. Kegels hurt. ( little )
3. Dick hurts when press downwards ( still ).
4. Peyronies (still)

Things I am doing to better my penis:

1. Jelqing
2. Normal masturbation.

The other day I masturbated and OH MY GOD IT FELT GOOD........
It was a great orgasm..... ( I even drool a little )
Hoping I could maintain those types of orgasms everyday........
Still at 80%, I can’t wait till you’re back with solid EQ. But I’m also proud of how patient you’re being with yourself.
I did a little change in my PE routine.....
Instead of getting a "straight out" penis, I am now just focusing on EQ.....

Straight out pens can wait.......
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I did a little change in my PE routine.....
Instead of getting a "straight out" penis, I am now just focusing on EQ.....

Straight out pens can wait.......

Have you planned out a routine to accomplish this yet?
Conditions right now:

1. Erection quality is 100% :D
2. Kegels hurt. ( still but little )
3. Dick hurts when press downwards ( still ).
4. Peyronies (still)

Things I am doing to better my penis:

1. Normal stretching
2. Normal masturbation.
3. Jelqing

I have noticed that my dick shrinks after jelqing and I know that is something I need to prevent........
I cannot order anything online but I can make things from household items
How can I prevent shrinkage?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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