Conditions right now:
1. Erection quality decreased
2. Volume of ejaculation decreasaed aswell.
3. Hard kegels hurt. Sometimes soft kegels hurt as well when penis is somewhat erect
4. Peyronies
Things I am doing to better my penis:
1. Jelqed once this week
I think I know what is the cause of all of this fucked up things with my penis........
With close inspection I realized that I have PEYRONIES......
So, I jelqed once this week opposite to the bent and it helped a lot for my penis.......
My EQ was better, penis was somewhat straight, kegels were not hurting........
I never did jeqling again and that is the mistake I did........
I did jelqing for one day that made my penis really good but stopped after that because I thought I didn't need it.......
It made my penis good for only 2 days. After that it was back to square one
1. Erection quality decreased

2. Volume of ejaculation decreasaed aswell.
3. Hard kegels hurt. Sometimes soft kegels hurt as well when penis is somewhat erect
4. Peyronies
Things I am doing to better my penis:
1. Jelqed once this week
I think I know what is the cause of all of this fucked up things with my penis........
With close inspection I realized that I have PEYRONIES......
So, I jelqed once this week opposite to the bent and it helped a lot for my penis.......
My EQ was better, penis was somewhat straight, kegels were not hurting........
I never did jeqling again and that is the mistake I did........
I did jelqing for one day that made my penis really good but stopped after that because I thought I didn't need it.......
It made my penis good for only 2 days. After that it was back to square one