Progress thread My All-Out SRT Routine!


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Hello brothers!

I've recently received the full SRT package which I'm very exited about. I've been getting adjusted to the new tools and my daily routine now is now as follows:

Warmup with the infrared Mosred 15-20 mins
LengthMaster 60 mins (bundled stretches all directions and some DLD blasters, still getting accustomed to the tool though)

After I go into the SiliStretcher for as many hours as I can, usually 5-10 hours. Haven't gotten thoroughly accustomed to it yet, been trying to enlarge the biggest sleeve I found in the package because it gets painful on the skin already after 20-30 mins (they came with no label so not sure which one it is).

Warmup with the infrared Mosred 15 mins
The 5x5x3 routine (but I do 6x6x3, just feels better to add 1 min to every set to be on top of it!)
That is Slow Squash Jelqs and then Bathmate or Mityvac) last set in the pump I do Hardcore Stretches, outward, left, right, downward and upward.

After I put on a SiliRing for 1-2 hours up until bedtime. Haven't yet been able to sleep with SiliStretcher on because of pain but I will do whatever it takes and find the way forward! Will try tonight with the biggest sleeve that I have been stretching out for 2 days now so hopefully I can get some hours in while sleeping.

I'm training every day now since 1 month back and I love this new hobby of mine! So I'm almost at 2 hours of active PE everyday (1h length+1h girth) and if you tell me to do 3 hours, or hang for 2 hours or whatever I will do it (I have never hanged before though).

Goal: 8 inches NBPEL x 6 inches MSEG. Also to have a bigger flaccid that hangs lower. That's my current goals.

To achieve these goals I need to gain approximately 2 inches in length (more like 1.7) and 1 inch in girth (more like 0.7-0.8).

Any feedback is highly appreciated. I will tag you @DLD if you would have a look at my routine and if you tell me to make a whole other routine I will do it. Feel free to use me as a test subject for any ideas or routines for rapid growth and I will do it. I commit to this.

Will also tag @huge-girth , @the boss! , @VoorheesXIII , and @̶D̶i̶ ̶A̶b̶l̶o̶ as I feel you guys are the most active on the forum at the moment.
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By the way guys, I can really recommend Citrulline Malate as a supplement, 5 grams 20 mins before girthwork, it REALLY does make getting harder erections easier by getting the blood flow going by A LOT. It's like a mild viagra but without the side effects, there's a lot of studies of it, look it up. Did anyone here try this?!
By the way guys, I can really recommend Citrulline Malate as a supplement, 5 grams 20 mins before girthwork, it REALLY does make getting harder erections easier by getting the blood flow going by A LOT. It's like a mild viagra but without the side effects, there's a lot of studies of it, look it up. Did anyone here try this?!

Never heard but definitely will try. It has to be less expensive than viagra
Solid routine there MosMaster! I would stick with what you have described above for a 3 month period & see where you land on the ruler. The work you are putting in is definitely enough to affect change & cause growth, if you are able to maintain this routine daily you are doing well, no need to further overload or complicate things for now. Keep us updated, I will be keen to follow your journey.
As a beginner with the length master, the DLD Blasters is too advance for you. You will make gains with it but you will not use the length master to its full potential to make all the needed gains. You need to do the length master beginner routine for 30days after which, you can then proceed to downward bundled stretches. The downward bundled stretches should be done for a minimum of 3 months (90days).

I strongly advice you stop doing the DLD Blasters for now.

The DLD Blasters and Expressive stretching should be a last resort (Their major use is to break a plateau).
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Never heard but definitely will try. It has to be less expensive than viagra
Do it and let me know what you think! I got my powder (240g) for about $17 so you should be able to find something similar.
It's a nitric oxide booster
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Solid routine there MosMaster! I would stick with what you have described above for a 3 month period & see where you land on the ruler. The work you are putting in is definitely enough to affect change & cause growth, if you are able to maintain this routine daily you are doing well, no need to further overload or complicate things for now. Keep us updated, I will be keen to follow your journey.
Thnx! OK will do. I'll stick to this routine 3 months or for the remaining of this year. I will try my best to have as little off days as I possibly can.
As a beginner with the length master, the DLD Blasters is too advance for you. You will make gains with it but you will not use the length master to its full potential to make all the needed gains. You need to do the length master beginner routine for 30days after which, you can then proceed to downward bundled stretches. The downward bundled stretches should be done for a minimum of 3 months (90days).

I strongly advice you stop doing the DLD Blasters for now.

The DLD Blasters and Expressive stretching should be a last resort (Their major use is to break a plateau).
OK I will listen to the LM pro. 1 hour is ok with the beginner routine? Should I do any power assist stretches in your opinion? I will then do it everyday until 15 sept.
OK I will listen to the LM pro. 1 hour is ok with the beginner routine? Should I do any power assist stretches in your opinion? I will then do it everyday until 15 sept.

20mins three sets making a total of 1 hour. Don't do all the sets at once you might hurt yourself. It is best to space it all out. No need for any power assist stretches.
20mins three sets making a total of 1 hour. Don't do all the sets at once you might hurt yourself. It is best to space it all out. No need for any power assist stretches.
How long should I rest between the sets minimun? It would be nice to get it done in a shorter time window rather then spaced out all day if that is a good idea. However, I will go with your recommendations.
I hope you are still going strong? This is a solid routine and if done consistently, the gains would be great and inspiring.
I'm going strong here just back from girthwork!

Should I post everyday after working out? I don't wanna bore you with the same routine hehe

How is your workout going? Do you do any girth at the moment?

BTW for those of you interested in citrulline, a urologist on youtube just released a short video on it:
(L-citrulline creates L-arginin and there seems to be smarter to take L-citrulline then L-arginine because it lasts longer and it's enough to take it only once a day)
I'm not doing any girth routine at the moment, just focusing heavily on length by spending a total of 120 mins with my length master daily. I like the idea of focusing on either length or girth at a time.

You can choose to post once in a week or daily. The most important thing is that, you shouldn't fall off from this routine.
I'm going strong here just back from girthwork!

Should I post everyday after working out? I don't wanna bore you with the same routine hehe

How is your workout going? Do you do any girth at the moment?

BTW for those of you interested in citrulline, a urologist on youtube just released a short video on it:
(L-citrulline creates L-arginin and there seems to be smarter to take L-citrulline then L-arginine because it lasts longer and it's enough to take it only once a day)

Post updates at least once a week to get good feedback
I'm not doing any girth routine at the moment, just focusing heavily on length by spending a total of 120 mins with my length master daily. I like the idea of focusing on either length or girth at a time.

You can choose to post once in a week or daily. The most important thing is that, you shouldn't fall off from this routine.
Oh ok but don't you think doing girth 1-2 times a week will help for length though?
Wow 120 mins lengthmaster 7 days a week is crazy ! How do you split it up or are you going 120 mins with no pause?

OK will post at least a few times a week!

I'm a pretty stubborn guy so once I commit there is no going back! Imma commit 100%, my goal is to have no off days for this year.
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Oh ok but don't you think doing girth 1-2 times a week will help for length though?
Wow 120 mins lengthmaster 7 days a week is crazy ! How do you split it up or are you going 120 mins with no pause?

OK will post at least a few times a week!

I'm a pretty stubborn guy so once I commit there is no going back! Imma commit 100% my goal is to have no off days for this year.

I start my first session by 7:30am, second one by 10:30am third one by 14:30 and the last by 17:30. I get an hour sleep at least once after the second session. The length master is very addictive so the routine is fun to me.

I've had thoughts of doing manual girth exercise like 30mins of SSJ every night. But I've not been able to put my mind to it. But we will see.

I want to get to 9 inches bone press so bad and combining 30mins of manual girth exercises from now until 23rd of July 2023 would bring some good girth and also be a plus to my length gains.

I will get a penis pump by October so I'm hoping I can add dry pumping and SSJ to the mix and see what happens by 23rd of July 2023.
OK cool, you're a true athlete when it comes to this! Yes I believe a bit of girthwork only will help your length.

Get the mityvac it's better then bathmate and also make sure you get the mitysleev (I think it's included) it really helps on the 5x5x3 routine by putting it on between the sets. Saves you time by keeping boner when switching from jelqs to pumping.
OK cool, you're a true athlete when it comes to this! Yes I believe a bit of girthwork only will help your length.

Get the mityvac it's better then bathmate and also make sure you get the mitysleev (I think it's included) it really helps on the 5x5x3 routine by putting it on between the sets. Saves you time by keeping boner when switching from jelqs to pumping.

Yes I'm getting the 2.5 diameter Mityvac pump. I want to embark on a journey of dry pumping. Bathmate caused me sciatica nerve pains too many times in the past because the bathmate doesn't have a gauge and I pump at very high pressure.

I have some sleeves that came with my length master.

The mityvac is the best option for me.

Training is going well. Been experimenting with wrapping methods for lenghtmaster and have found a good way for me. That is theraband+bandage+sport tape+cotton pads, works really good for me!

I'm doing 2x30 mins in the AM with the lenghtmaster (newbie routine, that's bundled stretches in all directions)
I also detach the LM once within each of the 30 mins session for like 5 mins for bloodflow. My glans tends to get blue after some time even though I press the blood away before I attach the LM.. Also keeping the 2 length sessions 1-2 hour apart from each other.

At night I go with the usual 5x5x3 routine (but I do 6x6x3, and last pump set I do hardcore stretches, but some nights I got some pain from it so then I'll just go easier with the HS or skip HS for that day..)

Also been reading in this thread:
where they discuss decondition breaks for making gains easier and avoiding to just make your penis stronger to withstand workouts (without gaining actual tissue..) any thoughts on that brothers? I mean I'm probably to new to think about that but I don't know...
Taking a week off every few months can be a good reset in mind and body. Keep up the good work man you are doing great 👍

Training is going well guys. Hope yours is too!

Doing the same 2x30 mins lengthmaster newbie routine everyday and will keep that for 2 more weeks before I update the LM routine. On some days the second 30 min LM work have been allocated at nighttime before girth. Just because of my schedule.. I figured I'm healing somewhat extended after that length session because I'm doing girth after and thus a minor extension occurs (and expansion of course). Maybe I should try to get them both done earlier in the day so I can keep stretched with silistretcher or silisleeve I don't know..

Girthwork at night is the 5x5x3 routine with my slight modification of doing it 6x6x3 and the last pump set the hardcore stretches is being executed!

And besides this I'm getting at least 5 h everyday in the silistretcher and never wear underwear. If I'm off to the gym or somewhere where the silistretcher isn't really practical to wear I try to always wear just a silisleeve to keep antiturtled.

For those who's reading this let me know how it's going for you? 👍
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Excellent job my brother!
Thanks my G! When can we expect your comeback? How's your housing situation coming along?

Would love to see your own progress log when you're up and running!

By the way, do you do ANY maintenance work for yourself?

Training is going well guys. Hope yours is too!

Doing the same 2x30 mins lengthmaster newbie routine everyday and will keep that for 2 more weeks before I update the LM routine. On some days the second 30 min LM work have been allocated at nighttime before girth. Just because of my schedule.. I figured I'm healing somewhat extended after that length session because I'm doing girth after and thus a minor extension occurs (and expansion of course). Maybe I should try to get them both done earlier in the day so I can keep stretched with silistretcher or silisleeve I don't know..

Girthwork at night is the 5x5x3 routine with my slight modification of doing it 6x6x3 and the last pump set the hardcore stretches is being executed!

And besides this I'm getting at least 5 h everyday in the silistretcher and never wear underwear. If I'm off to the gym or somewhere where the silistretcher isn't really practical to wear I try to always wear just a silisleeve to keep antiturtled.

For those who's reading this let me know how it's going for you? 👍

I'm actively training too. I'm thinking of doing only one 30mins set of dld blasters (I've been doing two 20mins set of it) and one 30mins set of expressive stretching. This new setup would provide some room for pumping. I'm hoping to start pumping next month.
I'm actively training too. I'm thinking of doing only one 30mins set of dld blasters (I've been doing two 20mins set of it) and one 30mins set of expressive stretching. This new setup would provide some room for pumping. I'm hoping to start pumping next month.
That sounds like a good plan! Do you do expresssive stretching at the extreme base? And are you bundled while you perform them?
That sounds like a good plan! Do you do expresssive stretching at the extreme base? And are you bundled while you perform them?

After 20mins with the length master, it's hard and painful to do an additional 10mins. I will have to keep doing the 20mins per set.

Yes I do expressive stretching at the extreme base in a bundled state.
After 20mins with the length master, it's hard and painful to do an additional 10mins. I will have to keep doing the 20mins per set.

Yes I do expressive stretching at the extreme base in a bundled state.
Did you try to detach the LM for a few mins? Maybe that would help you make the 30 mins. I detach it after 15 min, for a few min and then go 15 min again.

looking forward to when I can do the dld blasters and expressive !
Did you try to detach the LM for a few mins? Maybe that would help you make the 30 mins. I detach it after 15 min, for a few min and then go 15 min again.

looking forward to when I can do the dld blasters and expressive !

No, I didn't detach it. Wait until 6 months before jumping on the dld blasters and expressive stretching.
No, I didn't detach it. Wait until 6 months before jumping on the dld blasters and expressive stretching.
How would you describe your intensity when you stretch? Are you always pushing the stretch at your extreme ability, maybe allowing a bit of pain?

Or how would you describe it?
How would you describe your intensity when you stretch? Are you always pushing the stretch at your extreme ability, maybe allowing a bit of pain?

Or how would you describe it?

I'm not allowing pain at all, only discomfort. I start with light intensity and increase pressure after 5mins but gently.
Thanks my G! When can we expect your comeback? How's your housing situation coming along?

Would love to see your own progress log when you're up and running!

By the way, do you do ANY maintenance work for yourself?

So pissed! They are just starting plumbing and said it would be at least 12 more weeks. This isolation is really shit!

Going strong here with the usual routine:
2x30 mins with the LM newbie routine (bundled stretching up, down, left, right) some sessions I've experimented with lower attached grip. Instead of attaching under glans I've tried a few times attaching at mid shaft. Mainly because I the glans gets blue and swollen when I attach under glans (even though I press the blood away before I put it on.. Should this be okay? I figured I'm pulling on a lil bit of internal penis when I attach lower also...

6x6x3 SSJ and hydro pumping with mityvac. I always go with water pumping cuz my gut instinct tells me it's better as well as it keeps me warm for the SSJ's... (Btw, I found some rust on my mityvac today and I've only been using it for like 3 weeks...thought it would be waterproof? I always pump any remaining water out of the hoses and hang it afterwards to dry... Any tips? Don't wanna fuck the pump up....I'll attach some pics below)
Does your glans remain swollen after you have removed the length master? I've always attached the length master right under the glans without any problem. Maybe because I'm black that's why I don't get to see any discolouration.
No it goes back to normal when I detach. Sometimes I'll get a lil water retention around/under glans like you can get from pumping.. this goes away after 1-2 h if it happens. When I attach 1 inch or more under glans this seems to be better... Yup you being black you don't have that problem with discoloration I guess hehe.. From the footage I've seen on @DLD he seems to have 0 stretchmarks or any discoloration problems, that's pretty remarkable considering the time he has put into PE. Seems I'm more susceptible to discoloration though...
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Something weird happened today during girth work. At first pump set the cylinder got filled with blood, not literally but the water got very red from something. No pain though what so ever so I continued. When I removed it I couldn't find from where the blood was coming from..

I went ahead with SSJ's and no problem there. After 2nd pump set dick got so blue it almost got black lol.. Still no pain and I finished the session...
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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