ManPlan86 Routine and Progress

You've outgrown that bell by 1/3.
The pic is post pumping this morning, but my normal routine is pump in the a.m. and then go straight in to silstretcher for the day.

Makes it difficult to keep glans post pump expansion when I have to squeeze in the thing.

I checked the MOS store, I dont see just the vacuum bell for sale as an option. May have to email for options and pricing.
The pic is post pumping this morning, but my normal routine is pump in the a.m. and then go straight in to silstretcher for the day.

Makes it difficult to keep glans post pump expansion when I have to squeeze in the thing.

I checked the MOS store, I dont see just the vacuum bell for sale as an option. May have to email for options and pricing.
Email DLD ( ans MOS Shop ( and emails for specific bell size.
The pic is post pumping this morning, but my normal routine is pump in the a.m. and then go straight in to silstretcher for the day.

Makes it difficult to keep glans post pump expansion when I have to squeeze in the thing.

I checked the MOS store, I dont see just the vacuum bell for sale as an option. May have to email for options and pricing.
Changed up my morning pump session today. I have been pushing since beginning of June for length in the 1.75" cylinder 5-6 days/week.

My best length achieved was a couple weeks ago at 8.5" at 13Hg on pump 4 of 6, and I havent seen that length since although I have been progressing to 14Hg and sometimes even going as high as 15Hg for 10-15seconds at a time.

I think achieving these high pressures is causing me to have some pull back and I would like to reset a bit and gain some EQ with some lower Hg. Also noticed a bit of skin peeling over the weekend on my Sunday rest day on my glans. Kind of like skin peeling after a sunburn. Been a little spotty on cortizone application, so started to apply daily since Sunday and it seems to be all good now after a couple days.

Today's routine was standard warmup in front of space heater. 5 minutes OK grip Jelqs and then 5 minutes SSJ and light jelq.

6 sets x 3 minutes with 3 minute rests between sets with the 1.75" mityvac cylinder.

Sets 1&2: Pump and hold at 10Hg for 3 minutes with short 1-2 second kegel and reverse kegels mixed in

Sets 4-6: Pump to 11Hg, hold 30 seconds. Increase by one slow squeeze of Mityvac pump handle which brings up to 12-13Hg, hold for 10 seconds, release back to baseline 11Hg. Repeat for duration of each 3 minute set until time ran out on the set.

Was hitting lengths between 8"-8.375" in pumps 4-6.

Let cylinder hang at 4Hg 10 minutes(ish) which kept me at just over 7.5" length when jumping in to the shower, then C-ring on while finishing shower with some light stretching and massage.

I am hoping this is just enough modification to keep up some intensity and get some cell repair in extended state during the day while using silistretcher, and that my EQ improves and pullback is reduced.

Supplement Update:
I have also just finished my first week of L-Citrulline Malate powder and a week loading of Creatine 3-4 times/Day.

L-Citrulline being taken in the morning with water to wash down Vit D, Zinc and a multivitamin. Creatine mixed in my first cup of coffee to start the day going forward. Second dose of L-Citrulline taken at night and washing down a 200Mg Magnesium Citrate and VitC.

I havent been waking up with morning wood for quite some time but I have noticed I can get erect more quickly in the morning before starting my pump routine within the last week, but stamina is still not there hence a little bit of a reset on the pump routine.
Be safe and be wise on the higher end of the pressure brother. You got this in the bag. I'm proud you're doing very keen observation on your progression.
Be safe and be wise on the higher end of the pressure brother. You got this in the bag. I'm proud you're doing very keen observation on your progression.
I used to think 10Hg was where I would pin my upper limit, but now it feels easy to go above it.

Do you think backing down on the Hg is a good plan to run with for the next month or so to see if that helps restore some of the EQ?

I had also considered adding in more rest days, but I know I enjoy my routines too much to actually take off more than a day or two. I'm usually 5-6 days on with Sundays as a planned non pump day but still ADS or a sleeve at minimum depending on how active I need to be.

Occasionally I take a Saturday morning off if I need to catch some more sleep.
I used to think 10Hg was where I would pin my upper limit, but now it feels easy to go above it.
Miracles of growth happen in the upper pressures. Go up when you know it's safe for you after your long conditioning.
Do you think backing down on the Hg is a good plan to run with for the next month or so to see if that helps restore some of the EQ?
EQ doesn't need to be in the 10+ inHg. It can be as low as 6inHg and high as 10inHg. What you want is the dynamic pressurization up and down between upper and lower. It trains the blood vessels to pull and vacate blood volume as needed.

I had also considered adding in more rest days, but I know I enjoy my routines too much to actually take off more than a day or two. I'm usually 5-6 days on with Sundays as a planned non pump day but still ADS or a sleeve at minimum depending on how active I need to be.
For EQ, each brother has a unique needs of active vs rest. Rest means passive rest with wrapping, c-ring, or restrictive volume of somekind. Rest doesn't mean total PE rest. As long as you can get your blood vessels to dialate constantly to get blood in, let blood out, and get even partial erections on command, you'll combat EQ at the fundamental level. It's like retraining atrophy muscles.

Occasionally I take a Saturday morning off if I need to catch some more sleep.
Long period of rest is critical. 7 to 10 hours of lazy time is definitely needed after so many days of stresses.
EQ doesn't need to be in the 10+ inHg. It can be as low as 6inHg and high as 10inHg. What you want is the dynamic pressurization up and down between upper and lower. It trains the blood vessels to pull and vacate blood volume as needed.
This is better stated than I could explain. I was struggling to put the concept together, but thinking why risk damaging myself at high Hg and making my body so used to high pressure if I can accomplish the same thing at a little lower Hg and maybe pickup less fatigue. I want to train to get blood flow volume when needed without sacrificing EQ.

For EQ, each brother has a unique needs of active vs rest. Rest means passive rest with wrapping, c-ring, or restrictive volume of somekind. Rest doesn't mean total PE rest. As long as you can get your blood vessels to dialate constantly to get blood in, let blood out, and get even partial erections on command, you'll combat EQ at the fundamental level. It's like retraining atrophy muscles.

Long period of rest is critical. 7 to 10 hours of lazy time is definitely needed after so many days of stresses.
I wear Sillistretcher ADS every day from about 7am - 5pm, and then switch to just a sleeve until bed which is usually around 10pm. This is a 7 day/week habit I am in.

Total rest with no PE focus really only happens when I sleep from 10pm - 5am. Normally do a few stretches and testicle massage laying in bed before falling asleep.
By the way, have you try doing gentle C-jelqs? The C-jelq contact points are only 3: sides and top. Masturbation tends to be a full on OK grip, and SSJ is dual OK grips. C-jelq is only to stimulate blood flow and blood vessel dilation even at low erection. What happens is the blood is pulled through the main dorsal artery, with temporary blood pressure trapping using gentle pressurization like SSJ for the return blood in the veins and capiliaries. C-jelq also acts as a natural stimulation while the gentle pressure helps to move the blood in and out. This methods works well in tandem with the light 1-sec kegel exercises.
By the way, have you try doing gentle C-jelqs? The C-jelq contact points are only 3: sides and top. Masturbation tends to be a full on OK grip, and SSJ is dual OK grips. C-jelq is only to stimulate blood flow and blood vessel dilation even at low erection. What happens is the blood is pulled through the main dorsal artery, with temporary blood pressure trapping using gentle pressurization like SSJ for the return blood in the veins and capiliaries. C-jelq also acts as a natural stimulation while the gentle pressure helps to move the blood in and out. This methods works well in tandem with the light 1-sec kegel exercises.
I tend to alternate when jelqing. I almost always use an overhand grip so I can get pressed up as close to my base as possible, and then use my other hand with each jelq to pull back my skin. I feel most pressure this way is on the sides and top. With a C-Jelq specifically, are finger not wrapped around the bottom?
I tend to alternate when jelqing. I almost always use an overhand grip so I can get pressed up as close to my base as possible, and then use my other hand with each jelq to pull back my skin. I feel most pressure this way is on the sides and top. With a C-Jelq specifically, are finger not wrapped around the bottom?
C-jelq is indeed wraps around the bottom. However, that's best to remove fluid retention issues without cause blood to flow back in. The C-jelq wrapped around the bottom is to promote fluid drainage. The reverse with the finger wraps around the top promote flow of blood into the penis. The hidden tricks of C-jelq.
Been a few weeks since updating my prog log. I have stayed mostly consistent with 5-6 days on with a pump session and silistretcher. On off pump days, during waking hours I either had sleeve on or silistretcher.

After today's session, I have decided to take a PE break and reset both my priorities and my penis. I seem to have hit a bit of a plateau the last couple months or so, and I am sitting at just under 7.5" BPEL and 4.75" EG before pumping when EQ is good. My wife has not tried on my new size for months, and I am finding myself falling into looking at naked people material. That is not something I am going to accept for myself and after prayer I am feeling I need a break from focusing on my dick so much.

I plan to take at least October if not through the holidays off and improve my mindset, habits and spend time outside in the woods hunting to fill my freezer. I will still do some light stretching and wear sleeves. I may do an occasional 5x5x3 at some lower pressures assuming it doesnt cause me to fall back in to the naked people material.

Looking forward to returning at a later date and reading all the growth stories from the brothers.
adult entertainment is an addictive thing and can really fuck up erections. You also see things that turn you on that your wife will never want. In addition is is progressive meaning you look for harder and harder films.

Question, why are you not having sex with your wife?

Lastly an decon-break can be very beneficial but I would not go longer than a month.
adult entertainment is an addictive thing and can really fuck up erections. You also see things that turn you on that your wife will never want. In addition is is progressive meaning you look for harder and harder films.
Absolutely agree. Found myself going from pretty girls modeling lingerie to seeking out naked people clips. I am a Christian and I believe it is a sin to lust like that, hence, time to reset for me and focus on finding my fulfillment in relationship with Christ, and then my wife.

Question, why are you not having sex with your wife?
Havent quite figured that one out yet. Her libido seems to have tanked in the last couple years. She has had some health things I have discussed in the program log, as well as I know I played a part in this too. My drinking got out of hand and I know I lost trust, but just passed a year sober in August. Also think my sex drive is way higher than hers, so she feels pressure which kills her mood, and i will not force her or beg for sex. Last couple months I have gotten two handjobs total, even though both those times I wanted to go further she had already came a couple times from me stimulating her and resisted.
Lastly an decon-break can be very beneficial but I would not go longer than a month.
Point taken, just feeling I need to prioritize a little differently and I will still be lurking and probably back at it soon.
Appreciate the support. Dont want anyone getting the wrong idea, I was more falling victim to click bait type stuff on social media not sneaking off to look at naked people movies or anything. However, I saw it as a slippery slope and temptation while doing PE to go a little farther than I should and felt the conviction to hit the breaks to maintain my own moral principles.

Hoping a little reset to just be content with myself for a month and removing some temptation sorts me out a bit.

God bless brothers!
Absolutely agree. Found myself going from pretty girls modeling lingerie to seeking out naked people clips. I am a Christian and I believe it is a sin to lust like that, hence, time to reset for me and focus on finding my fulfillment in relationship with Christ, and then my wife.

Jesus understands your sin and with a little effort he will carry you through. A reset I s a fabulous idea
Havent quite figured that one out yet. Her libido seems to have tanked in the last couple years. She has had some health things I have discussed in the program log, as well as I know I played a part in this too. My drinking got out of hand and I know I lost trust, but just passed a year sober in August. Also think my sex drive is way higher than hers, so she feels pressure which kills her mood, and i will not force her or beg for sex. Last couple months I have gotten two handjobs total, even though both those times I wanted to go further she had already came a couple times from me stimulating her and resisted.

this is tough. My estranged wife had low libido which made me seek out other women. I wish i never cheated and could have her company again.
Point taken, just feeling I need to prioritize a little differently and I will still be lurking and probably back at it soon.
Excellent. You should fare well with this decon-break. It will also be a time to correct your adult entertainment usage. But if you do fuck up know that Jesus will never leave you. Yes you will feel regret but you can use that to strengthen you.
Quick update to my PE routine break. I have not pumped or done any long stretching sessions. Using sleeves to stay elongated all day and foregoing the sillistretcher for now. I have been doing a couple minutes each day of ball and lig and testicle health massage laying in bed each night before sleeping. I have also done some light erect pulls and edging.

I have refrained from any and all naked pics or movie material.

I woke up last night from a dead sleep with a raging erection, so I am thinking some of my EQ challenges are already improving with this reset.
I pray everyday for the Brotherhood avoid adult entertainment not only because it is a sin but also because it fucks with your eq and expectations to experience the same in sex. adult entertainment is progressive and leads to needing harder and harder material. For me it starts with very tame material but in no time I watch things that are extremely hard. Today when I get tempted I pray to God for strength in remaing adult entertainment free. The guilt is too much for me so I avoid at all costs.
Back after a 1 month PE reset, and plan to get back to a more consistent PE routine. The time off was more of a mental one, and I spent my time in Gods word and in seeking his plans for me.

I did do some pumping with both a bath mate while showering as well as a few sporadic but planned Mityvac sessions, C-rings and SSJs during those mini sessions.

I wore sleeves to stay elongated during the day and forewent the silistetcher work and just enjoyed some natural hang. Some basic stretching as I had time and I also did erect pulls straight up and straight out for a few minutes most mornings.

I also put in a little kegel work as well as did some edging a couple times each week really trying to work towards gaining control and learning to have multiple orgasms when I want to really please my wife.

I went pretty hard today with a Mityvac session and it was great! I hit well over 8" in the 1.75" cylinder and last two pumps with the 2" cylinder yielded a 6" girth by the end that lasted for hours with a C-ring and working erections up every 15-20 minutes.

EQ has been pretty decent and I have not given in to the temptation of viewing any naked people material.

As I referenced earlier, my time off to refocus was spent seeking God and not the things of this world. Satan hasn't created anything, and he can only distort what God himself has created for good. I dont feel conflicted about getting back to PE as I realigned my priorities to God first and while I can work on bettering my physical self, I am already bought and paid for and worthy. Whatever comes of anything I put my effort to will be because God has blessed it.
Man's world can only act so much upon our own understanding and abilities. When we need help that goes beyond the natural comprehension and actions, only He can provide the supernatural power to surpasss it all. He is the Creator of our genetic codes after all, even though we believe it's an evolutionary process. Who to say that our genetic codes don't have a built in evolutionary expansion code. In reality, we are actually seeing the codes coming about in the last decade of decoding the genomes.
Well it finally happened, I went too hard pumping because I was feeling good, and I now felt it almost instantly on what was to be my last pump.

I have not one, but 5 blisters.

Looking for recommendations from what I already know. Dont pop them although one looks like it is ready to almost. Obviously no pumping or pressure until completely healed.

What else can I do to reduce puffiness, or is it just leave it alone, hope they dont pop, and no PE?
Well it finally happened, I went too hard pumping because I was feeling good, and I now felt it almost instantly on what was to be my last pump.

I have not one, but 5 blisters.

Looking for recommendations from what I already know. Dont pop them although one looks like it is ready to almost. Obviously no pumping or pressure until completely healed.

What else can I do to reduce puffiness, or is it just leave it alone, hope they dont pop, and no PE?
As most said, don't pop them, unless you know what to do. In 3 to 5 days, a light membrane will form beneath each blister. But, if you know what to do using a 32 or 34 gauge needle, you can safely puncture the blister just to allow the fluid to leave using light compression, and use any bacitracin ointment to put a nice protective layer over the blister. This allows the body to rapidly adhere the expanded membrane, healing as much as it can for the remaining unattached surface, and produce new lining within a day or two.

Definitely no PE.
As most said, don't pop them, unless you know what to do. In 3 to 5 days, a light membrane will form beneath each blister. But, if you know what to do using a 32 or 34 gauge needle, you can safely puncture the blister just to allow the fluid to leave using light compression, and use any bacitracin ointment to put a nice protective layer over the blister. This allows the body to rapidly adhere the expanded membrane, healing as much as it can for the remaining unattached surface, and produce new lining within a day or two.

Definitely no PE.
Thanks, what a bummer! I was just excited that I hit 8.5" in the cylinder and over did it, lesson learned.

I dont know that I feel comfortable puncturing them, I plan to leave them be and hope for the fluid to reduce over the next couple days without messing with them.

If they pop on their own, should i apply bacitracin or aloe or hydrocortisone etc...?
Thanks, what a bummer! I was just excited that I hit 8.5" in the cylinder and over did it, lesson learned.

I dont know that I feel comfortable puncturing them, I plan to leave them be and hope for the fluid to reduce over the next couple days without messing with them.

If they pop on their own, should i apply bacitracin or aloe or hydrocortisone etc...?
Use bacitracin.
Hydrocortisone is also very good with keeping your skin in better condition. I use daily and I am in great shape.
This is the first time I have ever pushed it this hard to the point of injury that isnt just soreness, irratation or EQ crash.

I just opened a fresh tube of Hydrocortisone on Monday this week and use it every night before bed. I applied some already to my glans, and will up to a few times a day until healed up.

Feel like such an idiot cause after almost two years PE I should have known better. Was just pushing hard and jacked to see 8.5" inches in the tube, spent too long at high Hg admiring the awesomeness.

Oh well, something to learn from and then be able to help other brothers in the future if it unfortunately catches them.
After I am all healed up, now that I know I can consistently hit 8+", I will start back slower and work up in Hg.

My question is about cylinder length size. Before the blister thing today, I was hitting just under 8.5" at between 10-13 Hg, going to 15Hg for too long is what did me in pushing for a long hold of a minute plus at 8.5"

Is there any benefit to upgrading the length of cylinder since I am about 1/2" - 3/4" away from the full 9" length?

Figured I should ask now since I am on a forced break and can be patient during shipping time.
After I am all healed up, now that I know I can consistently hit 8+", I will start back slower and work up in Hg.

My question is about cylinder length size. Before the blister thing today, I was hitting just under 8.5" at between 10-13 Hg, going to 15Hg for too long is what did me in pushing for a long hold of a minute plus at 8.5"

Is there any benefit to upgrading the length of cylinder since I am about 1/2" - 3/4" away from the full 9" length?

Figured I should ask now since I am on a forced break and can be patient during shipping time.
Time to upgrade it to 11in or 12in, based on the cylinder length and diameter available. 2in minimum headspace is highly recommended. I'm at 7in, and I already have an 11in as I want to get to 9in. Extra headspace allow that critical buffer for water pressure equalization to vacate all unnecessary air bubbles that can cause hotspots. If you use air only, pack that baby until there's no space left. That will prevent hotspots from forming.
Time to upgrade it to 11in or 12in, based on the cylinder length and diameter available. 2in minimum headspace is highly recommended. I'm at 7in, and I already have an 11in as I want to get to 9in. Extra headspace allow that critical buffer for water pressure equalization to vacate all unnecessary air bubbles that can cause hotspots. If you use air only, pack that baby until there's no space left. That will prevent hotspots from forming.
You confirm what I was thinking.

I 99.9% of the time pump with water only.

Headspace required to keep balanced pressure, wonder if I ended up with hot spot today or water was too hot or something. I have hit 15Hg many times before and recently in my prior two sessions this week without issue.

I did change out my sleeve on the sillistretcher this morning because the old one was loose and starting to slip. I used the ADS for a few hours before my session and maybe I applied to much vacuum making the skin layers start to separate a little prior to pumping.

Regardless, looks like I will be hitting the MOS shop for an 11" or 12" cylinder.
I believe it was a combo. Lack of headspace, way too long, water too hot, and skin soften too fast under too high of a pressure beyond skin conditioning.
You confirm what I was thinking.

I 99.9% of the time pump with water only.

Headspace required to keep balanced pressure, wonder if I ended up with hot spot today or water was too hot or something. I have hit 15Hg many times before and recently in my prior two sessions this week without issue.

I did change out my sleeve on the SiliStretcher this morning because the old one was loose and starting to slip. I used the ADS for a few hours before my session and maybe I applied to much vacuum making the skin layers start to separate a little prior to pumping.

Regardless, looks like I will be hitting the MoS Shop for an 11" or 12" cylinder.
This may just be exactly what you need.very smart move to use hydrocortisone. It really works for me.
By the way, don't feel bad. I got two small blisters myself today. I used ADS too long after the intense Length Master early in the morning, and the pumping was a bit too rigorous. While I was eating. Didn't pay attention to the pressure and accidentally went 1inHg too high.
By the way, don't feel bad. I got two small blisters myself today. I used ADS too long after the intense LengthMaster early in the morning, and the pumping was a bit too rigorous. While I was eating. Didn't pay attention to the pressure and accidentally went 1inHg too high.
Dang, I'm sorry to hear that! Appreciate the honesty of your mishap and prayers for a speedy recovery for both of us!

I'm upset I didnt listen to my body when I felt the first tingle at the tip of my glans, not used to seeing a damaged frankendick between my legs but the show will go on, just on intermission for a bit to reset.
Blister update:

Applied Hydrocortisone this morning after showering, a few blisters seem to have reduced in size and or already popped. Wore loose fitting boxers to bed and didnt see fluid in my boxers this morning but trying to avoid any unneeded pressure on the glans to be safe. One blister is deep red in color and was really puffy yesterday, but seems to have gone down in pressure but still blood red.

Brought the hydrocortisone to work with me and will apply again at lunch, and just wearing a sleeve today to stay extended and keep everything in place. As the blisters seem like they may be slowly going down or starting to leak a little now, I will pick up some bacitracin on my way home from work today and start that tonight as well.
Blister update:

Applied Hydrocortisone this morning after showering, a few blisters seem to have reduced in size and or already popped. Wore loose fitting boxers to bed and didnt see fluid in my boxers this morning but trying to avoid any unneeded pressure on the glans to be safe. One blister is deep red in color and was really puffy yesterday, but seems to have gone down in pressure but still blood red.
Ouch. Hydrocortisone will do that since it thins out the skin fast. Any popped blister, use bacitracin and cover the open wound. The red one, keep an eye out on it. The moment it pops, cover it up with bacitracin immediately. That's a direct open wound to the lower skin layer.

Brought the hydrocortisone to work with me and will apply again at lunch, and just wearing a sleeve today to stay extended and keep everything in place. As the blisters seem like they may be slowly going down or starting to leak a little now, I will pick up some bacitracin on my way home from work today and start that tonight as well.
Hydrocortisone is not for open wounds. Applying it to open wound can cause further skin thinning and subdermal blistering. Just be careful brother.
Ouch. Hydrocortisone will do that since it thins out the skin fast. Any popped blister, use bacitracin and cover the open wound. The red one, keep an eye out on it. The moment it pops, cover it up with bacitracin immediately. That's a direct open wound to the lower skin layer.

Hydrocortisone is not for open wounds. Applying it to open wound can cause further skin thinning and subdermal blistering. Just be careful brother.
Just applied second application of hydrocortisone at lunch break, seems like none are leaking or seeping, just reducing in how much fluid pressure is in them.

Will be careful to watch tho and only apply if no open wound, and stop applying and switch to bacitracin tonight.

Hoping to see the major swell up dissipate by end of day tomorrow and then I will keep clean with bacitracin and keep covered as new skin starts to form. Hopefully all cleared up by next t weekend...

Does that sound ok?
Just applied second application of hydrocortisone at lunch break, seems like none are leaking or seeping, just reducing in how much fluid pressure is in them.

Will be careful to watch tho and only apply if no open wound, and stop applying and switch to bacitracin tonight.

Hoping to see the major swell up dissipate by end of day tomorrow and then I will keep clean with bacitracin and keep covered as new skin starts to form. Hopefully all cleared up by next t weekend...

Does that sound ok?
Sounds good brother. Make sure to take care of that third leg.
Well it finally happened, I went too hard pumping because I was feeling good, and I now felt it almost instantly on what was to be my last pump.

I have not one, but 5 blisters.

Looking for recommendations from what I already know. Dont pop them although one looks like it is ready to almost. Obviously no pumping or pressure until completely healed.

What else can I do to reduce puffiness, or is it just leave it alone, hope they dont pop, and no PE?
Heat. Electric blanket is what I use. Medium setting. Don’t want to irritate any further, but heat will help. I use a combo of Organic Jojoba, Coconut, Black Seed, Castor and Rosehip oils. This is a 1-1 ratio. You will have to very slowly and gently heat all of these up as the organic Jojoba is like a butter brick, but once done over slow low heat, incorporate all of these into a dark glass bottle or jar. NO plastic. Glass! Use this x2 daily after a shower and massage accordingly. It’s a life saver and makes the penis incredibly smooth as well as the dilation properties for PE. As Old and Lively mentioned, stay away from PE until ALL heals! You’ll also have to go back to lower pressure when you come back.
Heat. Electric blanket is what I use. Medium setting. Don’t want to irritate any further, but heat will help. I use a combo of Organic Jojoba, Coconut, Black Seed, Castor and Rosehip oils. This is a 1-1 ratio. You will have to very slowly and gently heat all of these up as the organic Jojoba is like a butter brick, but once done over slow low heat, incorporate all of these into a dark glass bottle or jar. NO plastic. Glass! Use this x2 daily after a shower and massage accordingly. It’s a life saver and makes the penis incredibly smooth as well as the dilation properties for PE. As Old and Lively mentioned, stay away from PE until ALL heals! You’ll also have to go back to lower pressure when you come back.
Well said brother. Most don't use hollistic like this because of the amount of work and the shelf life. I have something similar. My bathroom closet looks like an herbalist store.

If you don't mind, we can create a hollistic post and compile together a few of these hollistic remedies. Mind providing the amount and indicate the shelf life you notice on this mixture? My mixture is around 2 months before I notice an odd odor.
Heat. Electric blanket is what I use. Medium setting. Don’t want to irritate any further, but heat will help. I use a combo of Organic Jojoba, Coconut, Black Seed, Castor and Rosehip oils. This is a 1-1 ratio. You will have to very slowly and gently heat all of these up as the organic Jojoba is like a butter brick, but once done over slow low heat, incorporate all of these into a dark glass bottle or jar. NO plastic. Glass! Use this x2 daily after a shower and massage accordingly. It’s a life saver and makes the penis incredibly smooth as well as the dilation properties for PE. As Old and Lively mentioned, stay away from PE until ALL heals! You’ll also have to go back to lower pressure when you come back.
Thanks brother. Not sure where I could find the ingredients locally, but I can do some research and see what I can find.

This has been the month of blisters for me. My feet just healed up from packing out two Elk from successful hunting a couple weeks ago. I should better prepare to have more holistic treatment at the ready.

The only PE I have done since this occurred was some ball and lig in the shower this morning paying real close attention to not putting pressure up to my glans, and then wore a sleeve all day which actually was more just to keep things in place during the work day.

I figure I will need to start back again with pumping only when all the skin is healed and at low pressure for a few weeks to avoid damaging the new skin.
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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    @Hey_There, howdy. Come join us in the forum.
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