Today's Session
Great workout today but I am still dealing with the soreness issue, I would surmise that because of the collagen and tissue breakdown as a result of the extender that putting the penis in the
Bathmate is causing this broken down tissue to further expand.
So to deal with this I am going to, for the next few months, do 1 5 minute session in the
Bathmate daily and focus primarily on length work. The 1 daily session will just be to keep the gains I've made so far with it and to allow some additional expansion of the tissues without putting extra strain on the penis. I could honestly, if I really wanted to, suffer through it but then I would end up just hating what I am doing, plus pain like that should not be experienced in PE anyway.
With December hitting us the bulk is soon coming to an end. It's gotten to the point where I hate my life so it's definately a good time for it to be ending(I'm joking of course)

but on a serious note it will be nice to have my shreds back, my slimmer face and my vascularity more visible. It's been a great one for sure. I plan on doing my fat loss phase for around 10-12 weeks, just to the point where my abs look clear and visible in all lightings before going back into a calories surplus. I hope to see some nice new tissue that I put on over these last few months.
This does however mean that training this last month is going to be much more intense as I really want to make the most of these extra calories before I shred down. That means that my delt, forearm, hamstring, quad and bicep training frequency will increase in the leadup.
Getting lean this time will surely be easier because I will be able to eat more food from the added activity that I have daily with my 10k+ steps and my 3x weekly training in martial arts(Monday wrestling/Wed and Thurs MMA).