Progress thread Journey To Massive Cock - Colossaltitan's Journey

Today's Session

  • Best Extender 2hrs
  • Manual stretches 5mins

Good bit of stretching today. I honestly feel that doing everything for both length and girth is too overbearing on the penis. Even with just using the extender and the Bathmate I am getting sore. I'm going to put less stress on myself from now on to get everything in every session because I'm just going to end up disappointed. I am going to use the Bathmate 2 days on 2 days off now to see if it will be easier for my penis to recover.
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 2hrs
  • Manual stretches 5mins

Good bit of stretching today. I honestly feel that doing everything for both length and girth is too overbearing on the penis. Even with just using the extender and the Bathmate I am getting sore. I'm going to put less stress on myself from now on to get everything in every session because I'm just going to end up disappointed. I am going to use the Bathmate 2 days on 2 days off now to see if it will be easier for my penis to recover.
Sometimes you got to pull back a bit to recalibrate your training
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 2hrs
  • Manual stretches 5mins

Good bit of stretching today. I honestly feel that doing everything for both length and girth is too overbearing on the penis. Even with just using the extender and the Bathmate I am getting sore. I'm going to put less stress on myself from now on to get everything in every session because I'm just going to end up disappointed. I am going to use the Bathmate 2 days on 2 days off now to see if it will be easier for my penis to recover.
Yepp, I know exactly what you mean that’s why I’ve put the pumping on hold for now and focusing on length only before starting girth work again.

Using the Lengthmaster 3 quite intensely and extending everyday is what my penis can take without getting sore and worn out. When I added in the 5x5x3 as well it just became too much work for my penis to handle.
Yepp, I know exactly what you mean that’s why I’ve put the pumping on hold for now and focusing on length only before starting girth work again.

Using the Lengthmaster 3 quite intensely and extending everyday is what my penis can take without getting sore and worn out. When I added in the 5x5x3 as well it just became too much work for my penis to handle.
That's a smart idea brother. I'm thinking of doing just 1 length and 1 girth exercise daily, rather than multiple foreach, that'll hopefully help me stay consistent.
Yepp, I know exactly what you mean that’s why I’ve put the pumping on hold for now and focusing on length only before starting girth work again.

Using the Lengthmaster 3 quite intensely and extending everyday is what my penis can take without getting sore and worn out. When I added in the 5x5x3 as well it just became too much work for my penis to handle.
I couldn’t manage both the LM and pumping together either.
Today's Session

Great workout today but I am still dealing with the soreness issue, I would surmise that because of the collagen and tissue breakdown as a result of the extender that putting the penis in the Bathmate is causing this broken down tissue to further expand.

So to deal with this I am going to, for the next few months, do 1 5 minute session in the Bathmate daily and focus primarily on length work. The 1 daily session will just be to keep the gains I've made so far with it and to allow some additional expansion of the tissues without putting extra strain on the penis. I could honestly, if I really wanted to, suffer through it but then I would end up just hating what I am doing, plus pain like that should not be experienced in PE anyway.

With December hitting us the bulk is soon coming to an end. It's gotten to the point where I hate my life so it's definately a good time for it to be ending(I'm joking of course)🤣but on a serious note it will be nice to have my shreds back, my slimmer face and my vascularity more visible. It's been a great one for sure. I plan on doing my fat loss phase for around 10-12 weeks, just to the point where my abs look clear and visible in all lightings before going back into a calories surplus. I hope to see some nice new tissue that I put on over these last few months.
This does however mean that training this last month is going to be much more intense as I really want to make the most of these extra calories before I shred down. That means that my delt, forearm, hamstring, quad and bicep training frequency will increase in the leadup.
Getting lean this time will surely be easier because I will be able to eat more food from the added activity that I have daily with my 10k+ steps and my 3x weekly training in martial arts(Monday wrestling/Wed and Thurs MMA).
That's a smart idea brother. I'm thinking of doing just 1 length and 1 girth exercise daily, rather than multiple foreach, that'll hopefully help me stay consistent.
Yepp, first and foremost we gotta do a routine that we’ll stick to doing on a consistent basis. Too much and we might get tired of it, is my experience.

Hope it works out well for you brother.
I couldn’t manage both the LM and pumping together either.
Yepp, totally understand that brother. Besides that I think it’s a good idea to focus on length only like @squirt_inducer_man has done, and gotten insane and rapid length gains.

I will go all in on gaining length until the 1’st of July and if I’m satisfied with my length then I will do 1 hour of extending in the morning to cement my length gains and after the extending do the 5x5x3.
Today's Session

Great workout today but I am still dealing with the soreness issue, I would surmise that because of the collagen and tissue breakdown as a result of the extender that putting the penis in the Bathmate is causing this broken down tissue to further expand.

So to deal with this I am going to, for the next few months, do 1 5 minute session in the Bathmate daily and focus primarily on length work. The 1 daily session will just be to keep the gains I've made so far with it and to allow some additional expansion of the tissues without putting extra strain on the penis. I could honestly, if I really wanted to, suffer through it but then I would end up just hating what I am doing, plus pain like that should not be experienced in PE anyway.

With December hitting us the bulk is soon coming to an end. It's gotten to the point where I hate my life so it's definately a good time for it to be ending(I'm joking of course)🤣but on a serious note it will be nice to have my shreds back, my slimmer face and my vascularity more visible. It's been a great one for sure. I plan on doing my fat loss phase for around 10-12 weeks, just to the point where my abs look clear and visible in all lightings before going back into a calories surplus. I hope to see some nice new tissue that I put on over these last few months.
This does however mean that training this last month is going to be much more intense as I really want to make the most of these extra calories before I shred down. That means that my delt, forearm, hamstring, quad and bicep training frequency will increase in the leadup.
Getting lean this time will surely be easier because I will be able to eat more food from the added activity that I have daily with my 10k+ steps and my 3x weekly training in martial arts(Monday wrestling/Wed and Thurs MMA).
Glad to hear it’s going well, and yes we gotta get those 10k+ steps in on a daily basis.

First thing I do now when I get up at 03.30 AM is to walk my dog for 45 mins which equates to around 5000 steps so already half way to 10k+ before I have even drank my first cup of coffee.

Now I’m up to 88kg’s on the morning scale so will be bulking until new years to get to 93kg’s in the morning. Can’t wait to finally be over 200lbs(91kg’s) in the morning with visible abs.
Today's Session

No training today due to poor EQ. Decided to just hold off and give my dick some rest today. I noticed recently that right now with a little extra fat around the pad from the bulk that my penis looks the same as it did when I was lean. This may potentially indicate new gains. I mentioned in a post with @squirt_inducer_man that I don't plan on measuring anytime soon, but just the visible results are enough motivation to keep me going.
Glad to hear it’s going well, and yes we gotta get those 10k+ steps in on a daily basis.

First thing I do now when I get up at 03.30 AM is to walk my dog for 45 mins which equates to around 5000 steps so already half way to 10k+ before I have even drank my first cup of coffee.

Now I’m up to 88kg’s on the morning scale so will be bulking until new years to get to 93kg’s in the morning. Can’t wait to finally be over 200lbs(91kg’s) in the morning with visible abs.
Damn man that's some hella good numbers right there!!

Getting up at 03:30am!!!?? That's something else! I used to get up at 5am back in high school and during that time I had difficulty getting everything I needed to get done out of the way because I had to be in bed so early🤣🤣🤣🤣
Damn man that's some hella good numbers right there!!

Getting up at 03:30am!!!?? That's something else! I used to get up at 5am back in high school and during that time I had difficulty getting everything I needed to get done out of the way because I had to be in bed so early🤣🤣🤣🤣
Thank you brother, I love getting up that early and just get my German studies, Bible Studies, Lengthmaster session, meditation, walking my dog and fasting done. I’m in bed between 08-09.00 PM as I’m so exhausted by that time, falling asleep in a matter of seconds.

But hey, just because it works for me and my schedule doesn’t mean it’ll work for everyone else. Gotta figure out what works the best for you. Just love getting shit done, which you most definitely seem to do as well brother.

Keep on grinding and stay consistent as I just know you will.
I will start doing that. Not that early. 04:30 is optimal for me. 😊
Yepp, gotta figure out and do what’s best for you and your schedule. 04.30 AM means that you’re up before most people in this world, it really requires some mental strength and willpower to get up that early.

I just love knowing I’m up when most people are asleep and getting shit done, feels good.
Yepp, gotta figure out and do what’s best for you and your schedule. 04.30 AM means that you’re up before most people in this world, it really requires some mental strength and willpower to get up that early.

I just love knowing I’m up when most people are asleep and getting shit done, feels good.
I have no problem getting up only problem is getting to sleep and get enough quality sleep.
When my head hits the pillow all the ideas are coming. I need to get back to my superhuman routine now...
Today's Session

Feeling much better today, not so sore to the point of poor EQ. From here I'll continue working my way up and finding what works best for me. Maybe in time I'll be able to add more girth work in.
Take your time and listen to your body. So you know exactly what your limits are.
I have no problem getting up only problem is getting to sleep and get enough quality sleep.
When my head hits the pillow all the ideas are coming. I need to get back to my superhuman routine now...
One thing that I will recommend to you is to avoid cold water immersion unless you really want to do it for whatever reason. The benefits are oversold and it can be detrimental to other goals you may have.
I have no problem getting up only problem is getting to sleep and get enough quality sleep.
When my head hits the pillow all the ideas are coming. I need to get back to my superhuman routine now...
I can relate to that as I used to have that problem before, but after starting ADHD meds it got much better.
One thing that I will recommend to you is to avoid cold water immersion unless you really want to do it for whatever reason. The benefits are oversold and it can be detrimental to other goals you may have.
I do 3-5 mins of cold showers 3 times a week, before my workouts, and it has benefited me greatly.
It really get’s me ready for working out hard, love the kick it gives me.
One thing that I will recommend to you is to avoid cold water immersion unless you really want to do it for whatever reason. The benefits are oversold and it can be detrimental to other goals you may have.
I agree with you here. It's + effects are oversold.
I'm not doing cold water immersion...but the times I have done it (not super cold) I get a relaxation in my body (several years ago).
Usually when I have been doing sauna, and then in combination with this getting into colder water, I get a strange relaxation from cold.
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr 30
  • Phallosan ADS 45mins
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 5mins
  • Tunica maleability
Feeling good today. Used the twist setting on the extender which allows me to stretch while my penis is twisted, I love the stretch you get on the tunica from doing so, probably going to keep doing it this way.
Bathmate session felt good, no pain, no overdoing it like I tended to do back in the day, all's well that ends well.
I couldn’t manage both the LM and pumping together either.

Similar here. Sometimes I’ll do both in a day. Other times I just stick with 1. Sometimes less is more.

I’ve also noticed I’ve had life get in the way and gotten results from an extended rest of a week or so. Unintentionally.

Granted I’m absolutely new to all of it. So take that as you will- but just like in the gym. If you workout way too hard you can’t recover. Everything needs balance
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr 45 mins
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 5 mins
  • Bathmate Expressive stretches
God session today. Penis feels like it's perhaps not allowing me to use as much tension as before eon the extender. Normally I am able to do 13lbs+ but now I am stuck at 11. Maybe this means I need to take a length work rest for a day? I'll see how it goes tomorrow and decide then.
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr 45mins
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 5mins
  • Bathmate Expressive stretches
  • Isolated compression squeeze 5mins

Had an absolutely dog shit day today, nothing seemed to work out the way I wanted it to, but I still managed to get my session today. Hopefully tomorrow won't bring me an more garbage but I'll keep going no matter what, what else can I do anyway?
I agree with you here. It's + effects are oversold.
I'm not doing cold water immersion...but the times I have done it (not super cold) I get a relaxation in my body (several years ago).
Usually when I have been doing sauna, and then in combination with this getting into colder water, I get a strange relaxation from cold.
Probably the rush of adrenaline you get from the cold mixed with the immediate relaxation of the warm. I would have the same thing with just getting out of the cold water back when I did my cold showers.
Eventually it got to the point where I hated them and I felt like I had lost a part of my day that I really enjoyed, so now I went back to the hot and things are much better.
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr 45mins
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 5mins
  • Bathmate Expressive stretches
  • Isolated compression squeeze 5mins

Had an absolutely dog shit day today, nothing seemed to work out the way I wanted it to, but I still managed to get my session today. Hopefully tomorrow won't bring me an more garbage but I'll keep going no matter what, what else can I do anyway?
Going no matter what is a good approach ...we can only do our best. It's easy to be hard on ourselves, but can be hard to be kind to ourselves. We need to have a balance. But keeping discipline even when it feels shit is a good thing. We will feel better afterwards.
Going no matter what is a good approach ...we can only do our best. It's easy to be hard on ourselves, but can be hard to be kind to ourselves. We need to have a balance. But keeping discipline even when it feels shit is a good thing. We will feel better afterwards.
Thank you brother. Mean the world to have a brotherhood to talk to when times are tough!
Probably the rush of adrenaline you get from the cold mixed with the immediate relaxation of the warm. I would have the same thing with just getting out of the cold water back when I did my cold showers.
Eventually it got to the point where I hated them and I felt like I had lost a part of my day that I really enjoyed, so now I went back to the hot and things are much better.
Yeah cold showers do not penetrate so deep in the tissue. I do not like cold showers. I have always been taken really hot showers (not the best), but when it's cold outside it's nice.
Thank you brother. Mean the world to have a brotherhood to talk to when times are tough!
No problem brother. Penis Enlargement is also really hard on the's a tough grind. Becouse you want to make the best of it and grow as fast as possible. But sometimes we just need to "relax" and just trust the process. But that is also hard.

I didn't do my sessions today...and it mess with me (lack of planning)...but I trust my process. I can't fail tests in school due to PE.
Today's Session

Good session today, got a bit sore but it's nothing to worry about. Once again had another shit day, missed my MMA training deliberately, that's really gotten me down. But it's ok, I'll just be sure to turn up to the next one when it arrives.

May take a rest tomorrow, we'll see how my penis feels.
Today's Session

Good session today, got a bit sore but it's nothing to worry about. Once again had another shit day, missed my MMA training deliberately, that's really gotten me down. But it's ok, I'll just be sure to turn up to the next one when it arrives.

May take a rest tomorrow, we'll see how my penis feels.
Being a bit sore is normal, so don't worry on it too much.
Today's Session

Didn't do any length today just to give my penis a little break, it's been the first rest day for over 5 weeks now so I think it was definitely due.

Have had an absolutely dog shit week and I hope to God that tomorrow it doesn't get any worse. I just want to finish the week along with the rest of my planned obligation and then just relax and let my mind rest from the bullshit going on around me.
That's a good time limit for taking a break.
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 5 mins
Good overall session today. The pull on the extender needed some warming up before using after the rest day, my penis probably was in need of that time off more than I thought.
The Bathmate session also went rather well and I am enjoying using the Bathmate again. I'll be honest, I eventually started to dread using the Bathmate as it would take so long - break in between sets plus getting an erection included, then washing myself after. But now with the 1 5 minute set everyday I am enjoying the device and don't fine it burdensome to use. I may end up throwing in another set of it here and there for the added expansion if I truly feel like doing so, but for now I'll keep going with he one set with more length work.

With the bulk coming to an end in just a few weeks I'm seeing my physique and thinking 2 things: "Man I look like I've put on some great size this off season" and "fucking hell I'm fat as shit🤣". I look forward to cutting down and finally enjoying food again as right now I don't have an appetite for anything other than junk food, tough break eh?
Today's Session

Good session today. Didn't have a whole lot of time to work with but I got as much done as was possible. The work with the extender was easy to smash out of the way and the Bathmate session was also very easy to finish.
Speaking of which has anyone heard from @Abdiel Bull Berg ? Haven't seen any new post from him in a while, hope he's alright.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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