Progress thread Journey To Massive Cock - Colossaltitan's Journey

Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 2x2x3
Good session today once more. Still not used to using the self adhesive bandage as a glans protector for the extender but it's doing it's job. I'm really trying not to pump too much with eh vacuum extender and it's potentially hindering my ability to stretch with more force. But my penis is showing the signs of a good stretch with the force I'm using ie: coldness.

Bathmate session also went well. The interval method definitely makes things easier, less boring and limits the oedema/fluid retention following.

Anyone got a video of how to wrap penis with bandage for the use of a vacuum hanger?
100% agree. SIMs a Length master stud.

My best gains have come from 2 weeks of mity vac. I have better adherence to it and the visual nature inspires me to adhere more. It’s an instant feedback loop. But SIMS CLEARLY made impressive gains doubling down on a completely different approach

SIM showed up out of nowhere and made real gains in 6 months.3 inches or so.

Mityvac is another equipment that should be in my wish list.Amazing pump.
I love it. I literally outgrew my tube in maybe 2-3 weeks. I’m having to pour boat loads of lube all over myself and inside the pump bc I get so stuck

Yep one of the most impressive pumps,I have seen the pics and I'm like is that even real.Real gains, real girth n obviously permanent gains..I need to get one 😆 😭
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr

No girth work today as it's been 2 days of girth work in a row. Today my EQ has been insane, this interval pumping has me getting boners like I've never had them before. I'm also finally getting used to the self adhesive wrap on my penis during the vacuum extender sessions, it's doing it's job just like I hoped.

The cut starts in 1 week and I can't wait to not only reveal all this new tissue I've built, but also the .5-.75 inches of penis what I can access beneath.
This is going to be a good time.
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr

No girth work today as it's been 2 days of girth work in a row. Today my EQ has been insane, this interval pumping has me getting boners like I've never had them before. I'm also finally getting used to the self adhesive wrap on my penis during the vacuum extender sessions, it's doing it's job just like I hoped.

The cut starts in 1 week and I can't wait to not only reveal all this new tissue I've built, but also the .5-.75 inches of penis what I can access beneath.
This is going to be a good time.
Good for you, my brother and don't feel bad about taking it a couple of days off. It's not gonna affect anything.
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 2x2x4

Had a little bit of difficulty with the extender as I was under pumping simply out of fear of getting another blister. However I got the hang of it later in the session and managed to get a good hour and a bit of extending.
Bathmate session was also good asides from the oedema build-up, this is probably a result of the Bathmate HydroExtreme max pressure being somewhere around 20 hg whereas it's suggested to pump at around 10.

EQ has been wild the past few days.
That makes me very happy I was so worried about you. I'm glad this is working out now.
Today's Session

  • Best Extender 1hr
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 2x2x4
Great session today. I think that with the self adhesive I am completely safe or at least almost completely safe from blisters using the vacuum cups as I literally see no over expansion in the glans bar the occasional redness on the tip, I know this now because I deliberately pumped the cup on more than I thought was safe to do so without getting blisters and I had no issues with it.

And I now think that there should be a thread added about interval pumping as it has blown up my penis all the way.
So much temporary expansion, so much post pump hang.
Dumb question but can you explain piss pulls and what you do in the bathrooms at work?
Of course!
Piss pulls are essentially an add on to whatever exercises you are doing just to get more time under tension, if you will. They aren't required, nor do I currently do them as I have issues with getting sore if I do too much, but they can definitely help someone in the beginner to intermediate stages to get more temporary elongation and give the collagen in the tunica more opportunities to fail and illicit a healing response.

The way I would do it is:
During my bathroom breaks I do 30 seconds stretching in 2-3 directions. Usually in front, down and to the side. I may also include a DLD blaster or even a Slow Squash Jelq if I end up getting an erection during the stretches.
It's that simple!
Today's Session
  • Best Extender 1hr
No girth work today as it is day 3, however I felt as though I could have done some girth work, my penis felt fine and I was defoinately ready. However I do not want to run into the issue of soreness again as it held me back for multiple days in a row at one point. I will however wait until next time round and see if I can go another day in a row with girth work.
My penis feels super big, although it look puny compared to @seven_wants_ten 🤣that thing looks like a baseball bat.

Regardless, I feel pretty good with progress this time around and look forward to making even more gains.
My penis feels super big, although it look puny compared to @seven_wants_ten 🤣that thing looks like a baseball bat.
Then it's super big.
You probably know this. But I thought it was important to point this out.
- You should never compare yourself to others.
It can destroy you from within.

We often talk about length and girth.
But what about shape/curvature and width. It's not often we talk about that. But that is in fact two major parameters that will determines how the penis feels for the woman.
Then it's super big.
You probably know this. But I thought it was important to point this out.
- You should never compare yourself to others.
It can destroy you from within.

We often talk about length and girth.
But what about shape/curvature and width. It's not often we talk about that. But that is in fact two major parameters that will determines how the penis feels for the woman.
Then it's super big.
You probably know this. But I thought it was important to point this out.
- You should never compare yourself to others.
It can destroy you from within.

We often talk about length and girth.
But what about shape/curvature and width. It's not often we talk about that. But that is in fact two major parameters that will determines how the penis feels for the woman.
Of course brother. I'm always aware that it's never just about the size of your dick when it comes to what a woman wants, nor is it always about the dick to begin with.
I was only having a laugh, gotta have some fun along the journey in order to make it a lifelong commitment.
Of course brother. I'm always aware that it's never just about the size of your dick when it comes to what a woman wants, nor is it always about the dick to begin with.
I was only having a laugh, gotta have some fun along the journey in order to make it a lifelong commitment.
Offcorse I understand. The journey needs to be fun. 🙂

Can I ask you: What size are you aiming for?
Can I ask you: What size are you aiming for?
No specific number, I do not measure, haven't for years as it's lead me down a long path of insecurity that lasted over 2 years.
I want it to be notably huge, the size that girls tell their friends about, the size that makes their eyes open wide when I whip it out.

According to DLD most women who see a 7 inch penis, a REAL 7 inch penis, see that as an incredibly long penis, and a 6 inch girth penis as an astoundingly thick penis or 5.5 as an astoundingly thick penis. So most likely around that region, and then even further, becasue I am one greedy motherfucker and like to push my numbers through the roof🤣
No specific number, I do not measure, haven't for years as it's lead me down a long path of insecurity that lasted over 2 years.
I want it to be notably huge, the size that girls tell their friends about, the size that makes their eyes open wide when I whip it out.

According to DLD most women who see a 7 inch penis, a REAL 7 inch penis, see that as an incredibly long penis, and a 6 inch girth penis as an astoundingly thick penis or 5.5 as an astoundingly thick penis. So most likely around that region, and then even further, becasue I am one greedy motherfucker and like to push my numbers through the roof🤣
I understand.

Yeah. We are similar in that way. I also like to push numbers. Insecurities are hard stuff. I'm greedy as well.

Yes. You want the women to be surprised.
It's pretty nice when they already know you have a big penis, without you being naked.

For myself I have experienced a complete shift in no bullshit tolerance (from people) as well...I believe it's due to what PE have done to me. PE teaches everything you need about discipline...and discipline is your way into freedom.

I thought 8 Inch bpel length would be enough for me...but no. I don't understand what I'm!!!! 😂 This obsession is hard to break.

Not measuring can be helpful. But I'm kinda strange I measure every week. I feed some kind of inner drive from it. I know what you say about insecurity. For me it's my past programming (from when growing up), that holds me back in life... but I'm on my way of breaking through this barrier of programming now

But it would never have happened without MOS.

It's mind blowing that we get blind to our size.
7x5.5 is really big...
No specific number, I do not measure, haven't for years as it's lead me down a long path of insecurity that lasted over 2 years.
I want it to be notably huge, the size that girls tell their friends about, the size that makes their eyes open wide when I whip it out.

According to DLD most women who see a 7 inch penis, a REAL 7 inch penis, see that as an incredibly long penis, and a 6 inch girth penis as an astoundingly thick penis or 5.5 as an astoundingly thick penis. So most likely around that region, and then even further, becasue I am one greedy motherfucker and like to push my numbers through the roof🤣
Do you have any pictures to share?
I understand.

Yeah. We are similar in that way. I also like to push numbers. Insecurities are hard stuff. I'm greedy as well.

Yes. You want the women to be surprised.
It's pretty nice when they already know you have a big penis, without you being naked.

For myself I have experienced a complete shift in no bullshit tolerance (from people) as well...I believe it's due to what PE have done to me. PE teaches everything you need about discipline...and discipline is your way into freedom.

I thought 8 Inch bpel length would be enough for me...but no. I don't understand what I'm!!!! 😂 This obsession is hard to break.

Not measuring can be helpful. But I'm kinda strange I measure every week. I feed some kind of inner drive from it. I know what you say about insecurity. For me it's my past programming (from when growing up), that holds me back in life... but I'm on my way of breaking through this barrier of programming now

But it would never have happened without MOS.

It's mind blowing that we get blind to our size.
7x5.5 is really big...
It's amazing how we are never alone in this world, that there is always someone out there that shares the same struggles and habits that we do, it's incredible.

You're absolutely right, PE and sticking to a consistent regimen for months and years on end is something that will teach any man the proper discipline they need to survive in this world. Just like training in the gym for the past couple of years has taught me the same discipline that I have applied to my journey in PE.

No one, once they have made significant gains, is ever satisfied with their size, there is always this question lingering in their mind "oh, maybe a little bit more? Maybe another inch?" that they can never seem to shake. But I think the beauty of it is the purpose that it gives you, the purpose of going out of your way to improve yourself and keep doing what makes you happy.

And it is true, 7.5x5 is huge, any girl would love that.
Do you have any pictures to share?
I never share pictures of measurements.

For one thing, I do not measure. I highly attribute measuring for holding me back in the past which made me give up on PE for 2 years, the dissatisfaction of not making the gains expected is always a killer.

And the other thing is that I had a condition in my younger years called Phimosis which is where the foreskin is tightly wrapped around the glans and doesn't retract. I had that condition up until I was around 15 with doctors refusing me proper treatment twice despite it being completely obvious that I had a big issue. I ended up curing it myself after progressively pulling back at different erection levels until it was stretched out fully to where I could pull back when erect. However this left me with a ring of loose sin that sits under the glans that I personally don't like the look of too much, but it's not something girls have ever had an issue with. Despite this, I don't like my scars from the past being here online, which is why I mostly go my feel and use this forum as a place for accountability to keep myself going no matter what.
Today's Session
Great session today. Got a bit bored siting and using the extender so I got up and hung a but of weight for around 10 minutes. Pumping session was also very good.
EQ hasn't been as absurd as it has been the last few days but I'm certain that it will make it's way back very soon.

Have been feeling a bit shit the past few days as my MMA gym isn't hosting it's classes like they normally do until next year and it's left me feeling a bit annoyed as I love my training in the MMA place. The new year can't come any sooner.
I never share pictures of measurements.

For one thing, I do not measure. I highly attribute measuring for holding me back in the past which made me give up on PE for 2 years, the dissatisfaction of not making the gains expected is always a killer.

And the other thing is that I had a condition in my younger years called Phimosis which is where the foreskin is tightly wrapped around the glans and doesn't retract. I had that condition up until I was around 15 with doctors refusing me proper treatment twice despite it being completely obvious that I had a big issue. I ended up curing it myself after progressively pulling back at different erection levels until it was stretched out fully to where I could pull back when erect. However this left me with a ring of loose sin that sits under the glans that I personally don't like the look of too much, but it's not something girls have ever had an issue with. Despite this, I don't like my scars from the past being here online, which is why I mostly go my feel and use this forum as a place for accountability to keep myself going no matter what.
It's so strange that we men are left alone to solve our sexual problems ourselves...I'm happy you could fix Phimosis yourself. But I'm kinda angry you did not got help from a doctor when you neded that. Meanwhile women get all kind of help. They even get help in adjusting their hormones so they can't give birth (contraception). Meanwhile some men need to fight for the right to get Testosterone levels normalised. I don't understand why this difference exist. It's fu^#ed up.

I respect your decision to not upload picures.
Thanks for sharing that.
It's so strange that we men are left alone to solve our sexual problems ourselves...I'm happy you could fix Phimosis yourself. But I'm kinda angry you did not got help from a doctor when you neded that. Meanwhile women get all kind of help. They even get help in adjusting their hormones so they can't give birth (contraception). Meanwhile some men need to fight for the right to get Testosterone levels normalised. I don't understand why this difference exist. It's fu^#ed up.

I respect your decision to not upload picures.
Thanks for sharing that.
I really appreciate the support brother.

Us men are told to sit back and never complain. To keep our feelings hidden and to never show emotion. And it always ends up leaving so many of us suffering in silence. Like me with my issue. Like thousands of men all around the world with so many different conditions, like testosterone insufficiency like you mentioned.
It's all a sad reality, but at the end of the day we're all gonna make it.
I really appreciate the support brother.

Us men are told to sit back and never complain. To keep our feelings hidden and to never show emotion. And it always ends up leaving so many of us suffering in silence. Like me with my issue. Like thousands of men all around the world with so many different conditions, like testosterone insufficiency like you mentioned.
It's all a sad reality, but at the end of the day we're all gonna make it.
Of course I will support.

It's hard for us men. But in a way it's supposed to be that way. We grow that way. But it's tough. We men need care and love as well. Suffering indeed in silence. Yes indeed we will make it in the end.

Take care brother.
And as always...grow big.
Today's Session
  • Best Extender 1hr
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 2x2xsomething
Great session today. Extender work was very good, felt a very good stretch on the tunica. Tomorrow I am going to set the extender to twist round 90 degrees when I extend, this will hopefully lead to more tunica collagen failure.
Bathmate session was also very good, EQ wasn't gold standard but the session left me with little to no oedema, and as I said in the session description I did 2x2xsomething as I lost track of how many sets I did. Still good though.
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Reactions: DLD
Today's Session
  • Best Extender 1hr
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 2x2xsomething
Great session today. Extender work was very good, felt a very good stretch on the tunica. Tomorrow I am going to set the extender to twist round 90 degrees when I extend, this will hopefully lead to more tunica collagen failure.
Bathmate session was also very good, EQ wasn't gold standard but the session left me with little to no oedema, and as I said in the session description I did 2x2xsomething as I lost track of how many sets I did. Still good though.
It sounds like a good day.
Maybe I will consider a extender in the future.
Today's Session
  • Best Extender 1hr
  • Bathmate HydroExtreme 2x2x5
Great session today. Used the extender with my penis twisted this time, for some reason I didn't feel as stretched as normal, maybe I didn't put the tension high enough? Doubtful, unlikely that nearly 8.8lbs of tension on a twisted penis isn't enough to cause collagen breakdown in the tunica. I will try it again tomorrow and we will see.
Pumping session was also very good, I exceeded my penis' capacity as I started to get some oedema build-up towards the end but this will become less as my penis gets used to the interval pumping with this volume. 2x2x5 is a good point to be at so I will gradually increase if necessary.

EQ is getting better after an all time high which turned into a low, hopefully in the next few days I will see some astronomical boners.
Also to add to this, my fat loos phase is going to start January the 1st. I'm hoping to get down to a very lean bodyfat percentage in order to set me up nicely for my next bulk phase.
@Abdiel Bull Berg hasn't been on in a while, I hope he is okay, would have loved for him to hear this and to hear where he is at with his bulk as we were both doing the same thing before he disappeared.

It's about time as I literally cannot stand any sort of food now haha. I hate chocolate now, I never thought I would say this but I do, I hate it. So that'll be another bonus - regaining my apetite.
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Reactions: DLD
Today's session
  • Best Extender 1hr+

Good session with the extender today. Used a relatively high tension, stretched the tunica, did what I had to do. No girth work as it's been 2 days now. Nothing much to report today sadly, other than a very intense leg workout.

Hope everyone has an amazing new year. I hope that this new year brings everyone all their desire in abundance, not just gains, but health, wealth and prosperity.
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Reactions: DLD
Today's session
  • Best Extender 1hr+

Good session with the extender today. Used a relatively high tension, stretched the tunica, did what I had to do. No girth work as it's been 2 days now. Nothing much to report today sadly, other than a very intense leg workout.

Hope everyone has an amazing new year. I hope that this new year brings everyone all their desire in abundance, not just gains, but health, wealth and prosperity.
Happy new years
Not going to train today as my EQ has been poor and there is some soreness in my penis that would have been exacerbated by using the pump, I also felt a pain with the extender at a low tension.
Gonna be honest and say that I have been ejaculating consistently and this has been holding me back in my opinion. I have been losing time from it as well as EQ. I will use the start of the year as a marker of the start of my new journey as I failed the previous one.

I will become better.
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    How's everyone
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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