Journey to better EQ and bigger penis


Hello everyone, I got my pump a week ago and this is my 1st week update.

I am 16.3cm/6.4' in length and 14.3cm/5.6' in girth. My goal is mainly a better EQ, as I tend to not be able to maintain it for as logn as I'd like, and it's not always as hard as it can be. For secondary goals, my short term goal is to reach 7 inches in length, and 5.8 inches in girth. Long therm I might try to go even further, or stop there depending on how I feel at the time.

I'll try to keep this post updated whenever there's anything worth mentioning, but I wanted to mention a few things from my first week of pumping:

  1. First off, the lube made all the difference. I am able to fit inside the tube much easier, which helps me maintain an erection inside it much better since there's no pain from friction anymore.
  2. I still struggle with having a completely air tight seal. Even with the lube and shaving as close as possible, the vaccum still loses pressure if I don't keep pumping. I'm kinda at my wit's end on this one, I'm not sure what else I could do except keep pumping the whole time, which might get a bit tiring once I want to extend my sets to over 5-10 minutes.
  3. Finally, I have gotten a few red dots on my skin. I know those are probably minor vessels that got injured, which I guess is normal, but I wanted to make sure with everyone before continuing normally. They appear on my shaft and under the foreskin for th emost part. I can post some pictures if it would help.
For now, and until I get used to it, I only pump for 5 minutes, in progressive sets of 3.5, 4 and 5 hg. I do this because it feels like after each set my penis gets desensitized to the vaccum, and I need to pump harder to get the same feeling as the last set. When at 5hg, my penis reaches a length of 6.7', or 17 cm. This used to be my size before P. Addiction, so I'm glad that it seems like I'll be able to regain it relatively quickly

Eventually I'll probably start adding jelqs between sets, but for now I don't want to complicate things.

Thank you for reading, and I'm looking forward to being a regular here!
Greetings brother.

Hello everyone, I got my pump a week ago and this is my 1st week update.
Which pump did you get?

I am 16.3cm/6.4' in length and 14.3cm/5.6' in girth. My goal is mainly a better EQ, as I tend to not be able to maintain it for as logn as I'd like, and it's not always as hard as it can be. For secondary goals, my short term goal is to reach 7 inches in length, and 5.8 inches in girth. Long therm I might try to go even further, or stop there depending on how I feel at the time.
Depending on the pump, we'll make sure to address your needs accordingly. EQ is primary and growth secondary.

I'll try to keep this post updated whenever there's anything worth mentioning, but I wanted to mention a few things from my first week of pumping:

  1. First off, the lube made all the difference. I am able to fit inside the tube much easier, which helps me maintain an erection inside it much better since there's no pain from friction anymore.
  2. I still struggle with having a completely air tight seal. Even with the lube and shaving as close as possible, the vaccum still loses pressure if I don't keep pumping. I'm kinda at my wit's end on this one, I'm not sure what else I could do except keep pumping the whole time, which might get a bit tiring once I want to extend my sets to over 5-10 minutes.
  3. Finally, I have gotten a few red dots on my skin. I know those are probably minor vessels that got injured, which I guess is normal, but I wanted to make sure with everyone before continuing normally. They appear on my shaft and under the foreskin for th emost part. I can post some pictures if it would help.
I'm suspecting that the air tight seal may be cause due to the base of the cylinder is too large to have a perfect seal with your skin. If you have the MityVac, it should have a pump donut/sleeve that goes at the bottom of the cylinder. This promotes further sealing. Try that out first. If you have other pump, like a BathMate, it also has a separate pump donut that you can purchase on the side.

As for the red dots, those are capillaries being forced upon too hard, releasing a bit of blood that pools throughout the lower layers of your skin (the fascias). They will go away in time. Doing a bit of slow squash jelq and reverse jelq will also help. Aside from that, warm compression wrapping where you wrap your penis tightly with a bit of warm compress. Brothers also use coconut oil and Vit E to increase the amount of blood displacement and reaborption back to the body.

For now, and until I get used to it, I only pump for 5 minutes, in progressive sets of 3.5, 4 and 5 hg. I do this because it feels like after each set my penis gets desensitized to the vaccum, and I need to pump harder to get the same feeling as the last set. When at 5hg, my penis reaches a length of 6.7', or 17 cm. This used to be my size before P. Addiction, so I'm glad that it seems like I'll be able to regain it relatively quickly
Good starting point to start out for the next few weeks.
Which pump did you get?
Hello! I got the MityVac 2'

Depending on the pump, we'll make sure to address your needs accordingly. EQ is primary and growth secondary.

Yes, absolutely! I suspect that improving my EQ will bring me quicker results to my size as well, as my size used to be a bit half an inch more than what it is now. After that, and after having some more experience, I'll start thinking about additional size gains!

I'm suspecting that the air tight seal may be cause due to the base of the cylinder is too large to have a perfect seal with your skin. If you have the MityVac - Wet and Dry Penis Vacuum Pump System, it should have a pump donut/sleeve that goes at the bottom of the cylinder.
I doubt it's too large, because I have trouble fitting inside without feeling like I'm pressing on one side of my penis. Before using lube it felt impossible to fit inside because of my curve, which is not big, but enough to feel like im filling it up.

As for the donut/sleeve I tried that my first time as well, to similar results. Moreover, it feels like my veins might pop when using it so I avoided it after the first time. I can give it another try in a couple of days though, now that I have a little more experience. I have not used any rings as of yet, because I'm not sure I understand the correct application, other than putting them on the moment I have a full erection and then start pumping. This however hurts a bit when I pump, so I have avoided it.

Thank you for the great recovery advice as well!
Hello! I got the MityVac 2'
Got it.

Yes, absolutely! I suspect that improving my EQ will bring me quicker results to my size as well, as my size used to be a bit half an inch more than what it is now. After that, and after having some more experience, I'll start thinking about additional size gains!
When you use the MityVac, even if you're not aiming for EQ, EQ will generally result from incremental size increase. It's like a side benefit on either side of the path that you're travelling on.

I doubt it's too large, because I have trouble fitting inside without feeling like I'm pressing on one side of my penis. Before using lube it felt impossible to fit inside because of my curve, which is not big, but enough to feel like im filling it up.
Sounds like a curvature friction hindering your insertion. Yes, the only way is lubrication. When your penis literally fill up after the pump, this is when you start to get a larger cylinder. An indicator it's getting too tight is when the base is competely filled to the point where you are having a hard time pulling the penis out. But, do use the cylinder's donut that comes with it to test out the pressure leak prevention.

As for the donut/sleeve I tried that my first time as well, to similar results. Moreover, it feels like my veins might pop when using it so I avoided it after the first time. I can give it another try in a couple of days though, now that I have a little more experience.
When the donut is causing discomfort because the donut hole is too small, this only a suggestion and approach it with your own intention to toss it away, cut the restrictive middle piece away. This allows the bottom piece to adhere to the skin and give away when needed.

Beside from cutting it, the next approach is the pelvic skin stretching and sealing. It's weird to say it, but the next trick is to fully push the cylinder down, BUT, gently pull the skin around the cylinder out of the cylinder, giving it a bit of a seal around the cylinder. The skin inside the cylinder area may be slightly stretched under pressure because of this, causing a bit of discomfort during higher pressure past 5inHg.

I have not used any rings as of yet, because I'm not sure I understand the correct application, other than putting them on the moment I have a full erection and then start pumping. This however hurts a bit when I pump, so I have avoided it.
If you have not use any ring yet, and the donut smaller diameter is causing you to have discomforts, don't use the rings yet. Not until you get used to the pump in full. That may be a few months down the road.
But, do use the cylinder's donut that comes with it to test out the pressure leak prevention.
An update concerning this. I tried pumping with the donut today, I used lube so as to create as airtight a seal as possible, but it kept leaking again. The only way I can maintain a semi stable vaccum is by pumping non stop. It's doable, and not a terrible forearm exercise, but I imagine it's going to get tedious soon.

I tested the tube and handle/gauge, by detaching them from the cylinder and sealing them with my finger, and they seem to be fine, as there was no leakage there. The problem is either with the nipple on top of the cylinder, or the way I seal it at the bottom. I'll try sealing the nipple to make sure there's no problem there next time, and I'll see what I can do after that.

A funny thing is that when I got the pump, I tried water pumping to see if the leak would be better there. It wasn't, but there's still some water left inside the handle I guess, because the first pump of every session usually squirts a little on my face and catches me by surprise every time. It doesn't bother me, though, and I've read that it's no problem for water to get in there.

And finally, some good news: I don't know whether this is 100% because of the pumping or a placebo or what, but my girlfriend got me excited today when we were texting and I hadn't seen myself get this big in years. I measured myself at 17cm/6.7'', which has been the biggest I've measured myself, even going back to highschool! Whatever the reason is though, I was excited to say the least! Here's to hoping I can maintain these kinds of erections that give me an extra cm (and get even bigger ones)!
An update concerning this. I tried pumping with the donut today, I used lube so as to create as airtight a seal as possible, but it kept leaking again. The only way I can maintain a semi stable vaccum is by pumping non stop. It's doable, and not a terrible forearm exercise, but I imagine it's going to get tedious soon.

I tested the tube and handle/gauge, by detaching them from the cylinder and sealing them with my finger, and they seem to be fine, as there was no leakage there. The problem is either with the nipple on top of the cylinder, or the way I seal it at the bottom. I'll try sealing the nipple to make sure there's no problem there next time, and I'll see what I can do after that.
Check the female fitting at the top of the cylinder, that is likely where you are losing vacuum pressure. Be careful not to over tighten and strip the threads, but I have had to finger tighten both my 1.75" and 2" cylinders when I first got them.

I'd recommend turn about 1/4 or 1/2 turn most at a time and then check your pressure.

Additionally, you may already be doing this, if you are air pumping ditch the water trap. If you are water pumping, make sure the black O-ring is fitted correctly on the trap so it compresses on the cap of the water trap when you tighten the lid.
Check the female fitting at the top of the cylinder, that is likely where you are losing vacuum pressure. Be careful not to over tighten and strip the threads, but I have had to finger tighten both my 1.75" and 2" cylinders when I first got them.

I'd recommend turn about 1/4 or 1/2 turn most at a time and then check your pressure.
Thank you! I'll try this for sure! It really doesnt make sense that it's anything else at this point, but we'll see.

Additionally, you may already be doing this, if you are air pumping ditch the water trap. If you are water pumping, make sure the black O-ring is fitted correctly on the trap so it compresses on the cap of the water trap when you tighten the lid.
I only tried water pumping once, and I don't think it's for me. It was a bit of a hassle. I haven't used the water trap since then so I'm good on this front.
I was about to suggest the same thing as brother ManPlan86, but was in a meeting. My suggestion is to do a leak detection using air only while under water. So, have yourself a nice bath, or just a quick submerge, using only air to pump. The moment you see what intrusion in any of the valves, connections, or contact points, you'll see water ponding. Make sure to keep the trigger pump out of the water.
Thank you @ManPlan86 and @oldandlively for the tightening advice! I just finished with a session and that fixed it. I was finally able to maintain a airtight seal after tightening it a bit.

This session felt a lot more intense now that I could maintain the vacuum and didn't need to keep pumping. I also tried to increase the intensity/duration a bit, so I tried 4hg for 7/5hg for 10/ 5.1 hg for 12.

I think I need to start coming up with a better way to adjust my intensity though because at this point I'm goign completely based on how I feel. This time there was no pain other than mild skin stretching, but the skin near the hole of my penis did get a little bit swollen. I didn't feel like it was too much during the workout but maybe I got carried away.
Thank you @ManPlan86 and @oldandlively for the tightening advice! I just finished with a session and that fixed it. I was finally able to maintain a airtight seal after tightening it a bit.

This session felt a lot more intense now that I could maintain the vacuum and didn't need to keep pumping. I also tried to increase the intensity/duration a bit, so I tried 4hg for 7/5hg for 10/ 5.1 hg for 12.

I think I need to start coming up with a better way to adjust my intensity though because at this point I'm goign completely based on how I feel. This time there was no pain other than mild skin stretching, but the skin near the hole of my penis did get a little bit swollen. I didn't feel like it was too much during the workout but maybe I got carried away.
Glad tightening up the check valve solved your vacuum issues.

If I am reading you intensity/duration correctly, did you pump for 7, 10 and 12 minute sets?

If so, that may be a little too long at vaccum and causing some fluid to build up at the tip of your penis. I would strongly recommend the 5x5x3 starting out. It provides the great intensity and will help you create a really solid pumping routine, with air or water pumping.

Pushing Hg to higher limits is not an issue as long as you are safe and do it over a couple weeks to a month. Meaning find the Hg that feels a good expansion without pain or fluid retention under the skin and hold that as your top Hg for a couple weeks to condition yourself. After a couple weeks, push higher by 1 more Hg.
Glad tightening up the check valve solved your vacuum issues.

If I am reading you intensity/duration correctly, did you pump for 7, 10 and 12 minute sets?

If so, that may be a little too long at vaccum and causing some fluid to build up at the tip of your penis. I would strongly recommend the 5x5x3 starting out. It provides the great intensity and will help you create a really solid pumping routine, with air or water pumping.

Pushing Hg to higher limits is not an issue as long as you are safe and do it over a couple weeks to a month. Meaning find the Hg that feels a good expansion without pain or fluid retention under the skin and hold that as your top Hg for a couple weeks to condition yourself. After a couple weeks, push higher by 1 more Hg.
Yes, you are reading it correctly. I will try to limit myself to 5 minute sets for now, although to be honest I felt the expansion a lot more after 7-8 minutes. Should I build up the duration as well after some point, or remain at 5 minutes indefinitely?

As for the fluid, it doesn't hurt so I probably didn't overdo it by too much, thankfully. I will let it get back to normal and continue my workouts like you recommended after.

And thank you for the Hg progression advice, that was exactly what I was looking for!
Yes, you are reading it correctly. I will try to limit myself to 5 minute sets for now, although to be honest I felt the expansion a lot more after 7-8 minutes. Should I build up the duration as well after some point, or remain at 5 minutes indefinitely?
There are two kinds of expansion.

The first is the false expansion, where fluid is being pulled to the layers of the penile skin, which are the fascias. This is where you don't want. The more fluid in the skin, the skin does get darken as the components from the body fluid get deposited in the skin. This causes an expedited level of discoloration, or darken penile skin. We call this either donut penis or fluid retention. It's not good for your skin, nor it's harmful. Just not the expansion we're looking for.

The second is the proper expansion. There may be some fluid retention but very minimal. The expansion is all based on the internal expansion. Your penis feels heavier, flaccid state looks elongated like you erectile state, and the largeness remains longer. This is true expansion. This is why DLD and the brothers of old experimented the 5x5x3 (5 minutes and less for pumping and never more) to achieve this. It's better to have more time put into the slow squash jelq (SSJ) than the pumping time per set. Always remain less than 5 minutes to prevent fluid buildup.

As for the fluid, it doesn't hurt so I probably didn't overdo it by too much, thankfully. I will let it get back to normal and continue my workouts like you recommended after.
It may not hurt, but in due time, the expansion of the skin causes more movement of the foreskin, creating more issues with the lengthening routines down the road.

And thank you for the Hg progression advice, that was exactly what I was looking for!
Listen to the brothers that have gone through their journeys. Best to listen to their mistakes than to experience them for yourself.
I got it, thanks a lot for the advice @oldandlively . I will trust the process and try to take it easy.

The kind of expansion I was reffering to was a feeling of my penis being stretched, it's weird to describe but I still feel the same feeling you would feel after stretching your muscles, where they feel a little sensitive.

Nonetheless, its 5x5x3 for me from now on, and I'll consider myself lucky I didn't cause any damage, and avoid repeating this again.

Since I've solved the seal issue which was my main concern, I'll probably take some time before I update this post again so as not to flood the forum, and come back once I have news, or questions!
The kind of expansion I was reffering to was a feeling of my penis being stretched, it's weird to describe but I still feel the same feeling you would feel after stretching your muscles, where they feel a little sensitive.
That is called fatigues. That's what you want to get to, condition with, and further push through once the fatigue is adapted by the penis. This means you can go high, more intense, and reaching greater growth potential.

Nonetheless, its 5x5x3 for me from now on, and I'll consider myself lucky I didn't cause any damage, and avoid repeating this again.
Yep. Stay away from the major fluid retention. There's a quick way to get rid of it, but shouldn't get there in the first place.

Since I've solved the seal issue which was my main concern, I'll probably take some time before I update this post again so as not to flood the forum, and come back once I have news, or questions!
Questions are insights to answers. The same question can be asked, but there are subset of insights to the same question being asked in the same sentence. We don't limit the questioning because there are values to those unique subset of insights within the questioning sentence. Never stop asking. However, look through the prior questions and answer first on the search. Because what you are experience may already have at least a dozen of unique scenarios that you want to arm your knowledge in PE with.
I have implemented some changes that I got recommended to help with my EQ. Mainly, I no longer use naked people movies to get an erection for pumping, and I'm instead using non nude pictures. Ideally, I'll make it a no stimuli thing, but without any assistance, I can't pump because I don't get hard enough.

I have also started to implement SSJs between my sets, but there I am facing a problem. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that, but the moment I release the vacuum my penis gets semi soft, about 30-40% hardness. I try to remain stimulated while pumping but I can't seem to maintain an erection after the vacuum is gone. Is that normal, and do I need a ring to fix it, or can i train myself to stay erect somehow? As it is now, I have to spend some time after my set to regain my erection for jelqing.
I have implemented some changes that I got recommended to help with my EQ. Mainly, I no longer use naked people movies to get an erection for pumping, and I'm instead using non nude pictures. Ideally, I'll make it a no stimuli thing, but without any assistance, I can't pump because I don't get hard enough.

I have also started to implement SSJs between my sets, but there I am facing a problem. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that, but the moment I release the vacuum my penis gets semi soft, about 30-40% hardness. I try to remain stimulated while pumping but I can't seem to maintain an erection after the vacuum is gone. Is that normal, and do I need a ring to fix it, or can i train myself to stay erect somehow? As it is now, I have to spend some time after my set to regain my erection for jelqing.

Are you taking Viagra before your pumping session? That should help the situation.
I have implemented some changes that I got recommended to help with my EQ. Mainly, I no longer use naked people movies to get an erection for pumping, and I'm instead using non nude pictures. Ideally, I'll make it a no stimuli thing, but without any assistance, I can't pump because I don't get hard enough.

I have also started to implement SSJs between my sets, but there I am facing a problem. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be like that, but the moment I release the vacuum my penis gets semi soft, about 30-40% hardness. I try to remain stimulated while pumping but I can't seem to maintain an erection after the vacuum is gone. Is that normal, and do I need a ring to fix it, or can i train myself to stay erect somehow? As it is now, I have to spend some time after my set to regain my erection for jelqing.
I have the same issue staying fully hard after a set, and it does take some manual stimulation to get back to even 60-80% most of the time for me.

Personally, I find just trying to get some more blood flowing by shaking my penis around a little or massaging a bit on the head and around my base helps. Also, I do my routine in front of my bathroom mirror and sometimes just checking out my nice pumped flaccid is enough mental motivation to get a little harder.

I could be off a bit, but when I think about a normal state of how long an erection lasts if I were to be having sex, I would love to maintain it for 30-45 minutes with sexual activity and stimulation, but that's not my reality yet... Pumping is time to work on that and to improve EQ, so if I cant do 30-45 minutes yet in sex, I'm not to hard on myself (pun intended) if I lose a bit of erection quality during pumping because that is what I am pumping for to begin with.

Hope that makes sense, and just keep the focus and you will build up the stamina.
Are you taking Viagra before your pumping session? That should help the situation.

I am not. I read some people do it, but I do have a few concerns of starting to rely on it, or known medical side effects with common use. I don't want to sound negative, but the practice does worry me a bit.
I have the same issue staying fully hard after a set, and it does take some manual stimulation to get back to even 60-80% most of the time for me.

Personally, I find just trying to get some more blood flowing by shaking my penis around a little or massaging a bit on the head and around my base helps. Also, I do my routine in front of my bathroom mirror and sometimes just checking out my nice pumped flaccid is enough mental motivation to get a little harder.

I could be off a bit, but when I think about a normal state of how long an erection lasts if I were to be having sex, I would love to maintain it for 30-45 minutes with sexual activity and stimulation, but that's not my reality yet... Pumping is time to work on that and to improve EQ, so if I cant do 30-45 minutes yet in sex, I'm not to hard on myself (pun intended) if I lose a bit of erection quality during pumping because that is what I am pumping for to begin with.

Hope that makes sense, and just keep the focus and you will build up the stamina.
That's interesting. I only pump for 5 minutes, and I'd expect to be able to maintain my erection for that long in a pump, but I guess it's more complicated than that. I wonder if it's a vacuum thing or a me thing.
I am not. I read some people do it, but I do have a few concerns of starting to rely on it, or known medical side effects with common use. I don't want to sound negative, but the practice does worry me a bit.
You can use a ring that is not constrictive (holding onto blood and not allow it to flow back out). Use a loose and restrictive ring. It may take a few tries to find the right ring size that is around 70% restrictive.
I am not. I read some people do it, but I do have a few concerns of starting to rely on it, or known medical side effects with common use. I don't want to sound negative, but the practice does worry me a bit.

I have not heard of anyone who had a problem with the Viagra. Here is what you need to do:

Break one tablet of Viagra into 4 small pieces. The 4 small pieces will last you for 4 days. If you want to do your session, take one piece which is estimated to be around 25mg and chew it l, swallow it with water. Wait for at least 20 minutes before starting your session.

This should work for you.
A couple updates on my sessions:

I have taken note of the advice on the Viagra. If I believe it becomes a problem I'll use it like huge-girth described. For now I want to try and see if I can mentally stimulate myself a bit more, because it feels like I get a little better at it every time.

First off, I have been progressing pretty quickly I think, and I'm a bit worried about overdoing it. I go by feeling mainly, so I always push myself to the point where it feels uncomfortable but not painful. The thing is yesterday I went up to 9hg like this, and it feels like I go up 0.5 hg every session. Is there a ceiling to how high I should go? I tried staying at the same hg for a few sessions but it felt like I had gotten used to it and wasn't feeling a stretch/expansion.

Another thing is that the slight fluid retention I noticed on the very tip of my penis, right around the hole, keeps happening every time, even if I only pump for 5 minutes. It's not sore or painful, but anytime I go above 5hg it seems to come back. I'm not sure if it's something I should be more careful of, or just accept that it's something that happens when I pump with intensity.

Finally, I tried wearing a ring while pumping, and I think that my penis has gotten more accustomed to the process because it no longer felt painful. After the session my skin was very dark, and my penis did go soft, although swollen, so I'm not sure if it worked or not.
First off, I have been progressing pretty quickly I think, and I'm a bit worried about overdoing it. I go by feeling mainly, so I always push myself to the point where it feels uncomfortable but not painful.
This is the perfect level.

The thing is yesterday I went up to 9hg like this, and it feels like I go up 0.5 hg every session. Is there a ceiling to how high I should go? I tried staying at the same hg for a few sessions but it felt like I had gotten used to it and wasn't feeling a stretch/expansion.
Beginner's minimum: 3.5inHg.
Beginner's moderate: 5inHg (starting point for growth)
Beginner's upper pressure: this is where you need to test the water each week. No matter where you are, don't exceed 9inHg within the first 4 months, and nothing more than 10inHg for 6 months. Once you know you reached advanced level, this is where you will slowly go past 10inHg, and never exceed 15inHg.

Another thing is that the slight fluid retention I noticed on the very tip of my penis, right around the hole, keeps happening every time, even if I only pump for 5 minutes.
This means your glans's skin has not toughen up yet. Remain below 5inHg for now to allow the skin to toughen up.

It's not sore or painful, but anytime I go above 5hg it seems to come back. I'm not sure if it's something I should be more careful of, or just accept that it's something that happens when I pump with intensity.
Be safe, and journey slowly. Don't be in a rush and cause your PE journey to have many setbacks.

Finally, I tried wearing a ring while pumping, and I think that my penis has gotten more accustomed to the process because it no longer felt painful. After the session my skin was very dark, and my penis did go soft, although swollen, so I'm not sure if it worked or not.
Fluid retention is not something you want. Make sure to cut back your pump time to 3 minutes instead, and up your slow squash jelq (SSJ) to 10 minutes instead.
I think I left the ring on for a few minutes too long, while I was soft. There is a ring shape swelling under my glands and a lot of capillaries. I imagine it'll go away by tomorrow, but it did freak me out a bit.
I think I left the ring on for a few minutes too long, while I was soft. There is a ring shape swelling under my glands and a lot of capillaries. I imagine it'll go away by tomorrow, but it did freak me out a bit.
Irritation tends to go away, including tissue kinking. Think about tying a rubber band on a few a minutes too long and too tight on your fingers/wrist. Tissue kinking happens. Just a bit of warm towel/compress and very light massage. It'll make the tissue kinking goes away faster.
Irritation tends to go away, including tissue kinking. Think about tying a rubber band on a few a minutes too long and too tight on your fingers/wrist. Tissue kinking happens. Just a bit of warm towel/compress and very light massage. It'll make the tissue kinking goes away faster.
Thank you, I just want to say that this community makes me feel very safe. Anything that has to do with our manhood can be daunting, but the members here are extremely welcoming and helpful. It gives me courage to keep trying and learning more about PE!
Thank you, I just want to say that this community makes me feel very safe. Anything that has to do with our manhood can be daunting, but the members here are extremely welcoming and helpful. It gives me courage to keep trying and learning more about PE!
That's what the brotherhood is all about!
For the past few weeks I've been strugglign with fluid retention a bit. It seems that I can't avoid it completely, and I can only stop before it gets too much. I've tried pumping with different intensities and for different times, but it seems that by the second pump some fluid has already gathered. I don't mind it, but I was warned before that this might lead to discoloration.

On other news, I've started implementing stretches whenever I have time throughout the day. On that subject I do have a few questions. First off, will I be able to accomplish any permanent gains using my hands, assuming my technique is correct, or do I need to get a device for it?

Secondly, I read that it's best to stretch while doing reverse kegels. From what I understand those are just pushing like you're going number 2, right?

Lastly I'm wondering if the goal of the stretches is to lengthen the penis, or stretch the ligaments. I like knowing why I'm doing what I'm doing, and I think it might help, because right now it feels like I'm stretching 70% skin and 30% ligaments.
For the past few weeks I've been strugglign with fluid retention a bit. It seems that I can't avoid it completely, and I can only stop before it gets too much. I've tried pumping with different intensities and for different times, but it seems that by the second pump some fluid has already gathered. I don't mind it, but I was warned before that this might lead to discoloration.

On other news, I've started implementing stretches whenever I have time throughout the day. On that subject I do have a few questions. First off, will I be able to accomplish any permanent gains using my hands, assuming my technique is correct, or do I need to get a device for it?

Secondly, I read that it's best to stretch while doing reverse kegels. From what I understand those are just pushing like you're going number 2, right?

Lastly I'm wondering if the goal of the stretches is to lengthen the penis, or stretch the ligaments. I like knowing why I'm doing what I'm doing, and I think it might help, because right now it feels like I'm stretching 70% skin and 30% ligaments.
Hand stretching will hit all parts of the penis. It is important to use the reverse kegel and it should be felt as if you are pushing the flow of urine. Using the LengthMaster will greatly improve your length. Be sure to push back all skin when stretching to hit the penis and not skin. But skin stretch also needs to be touched on to accommodate more room for the penis to grow.
Hand stretching will hit all parts of the penis. It is important to use the reverse kegel and it should be felt as if you are pushing the flow of urine. Using the LengthMaster will greatly improve your length. Be sure to push back all skin when stretching to hit the penis and not skin. But skin stretch also needs to be touched on to accommodate more room for the penis to grow.
I just ordered the lengthmaster. I'm planning on eventually making a post about it but PE has been therapeutic for me so far, so I'm not skeptical about spending some more money on what seems to be one of the two best investments, along with the pump.

I haven't seen any gains yet, but spending time with myself on my manhood like that has helped me appreciate myself and love myself in a new way I never experienced. It is probably the first time I've felt sexy when seeing myself swollen and bigger than usual, even though I never had size insecurity.

I see alot of people here praising PE for its results on gains, but I'd like to give this practice kudos on its mental health benefits as well.

Thank you brothers!
Loving yourself is so important. I think it adds to mental pe. The Lengthmaster is going to really up the results. Good luck!
I got my lengthmaster, and oh boy is there a learning curvbe in using it. I'm trying to figure out the best wrapping tecnhique using sleeves, theraband, bandages and athletic tape, but it's not easy, and I'm tempted to go back to hand stretching. I'll keep at it though and try to figure things out.

I have also started noticing a bit of discoloration on my foreskin, which troubles me. The middle of the shaft's darker than it used to on the upper side. I've tried limiting fluid retention, but I'll be honest it just seems to happen anyway, so I imagine this is the result. Does that go away with time, or should I consider changing up things and treating it?
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I got my lengthmaster, and oh boy is there a learning curvbe in using it. I'm trying to figure out the best wrapping tecnhique using sleeves, theraband, bandages and athletic tape, but it's not easy, and I'm tempted to go back to hand stretching. I'll keep at it though and try to figure things out.
Every PE tool has a learning curve, be the Length Master, MityVac, BathMate, hangers, cock rings, etc, etc, etc..

Do know we're here to help. You're on your journey with the brothers here. Once you get the hang of it, like riding a bicycle for the first time, you'll be doing up and downhill racing like a madman for gains.

I have also started noticing a bit of discoloration on my foreskin, which troubles me. The middle of the shaft's darker than it used to on the upper side. I've tried limiting fluid retention, but I'll be honest it just seems to happen anyway, so I imagine this is the result. Does that go away with time, or should I consider changing up things and treating it?
If you are pumping, this is a common phenomenon when your penis start to have fluid retention. The moment you see fluid, the moment you know components from the blood made their way into your skin layers that will cause discoloration. Yes, the discoloration goes away in time. Some people have their discoloration goes away faster, some lasts a while. This is why we tailor the pumping routines to prevent fluid retention. But, there are also ways to lighten the skin too. Plenty of discussion going back far, far, far into the past. We have made many strives in hyperpigmentation and discoloration cream to aid those who lighten the skin back to the normal. Howvever, everry manmade products come with risk of unknown chemical reaction as our body changes in chemistry constantly.
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Hello everyone, here are some updates on my journey focused mainly on my pumping and attempts at using the lengthmaster.

So as far as the lengthmaster goes, I'm still struggling with it a bit. My problem is the wrapping, and while I have found a way to not make it super uncomfortable, it doesn't feel like I can exert that much strength before the wrapping causes disccomfort to my sausage. What I have found is that if I leave the foreskin the way it naturally is, I mainly stretch the skin, so I have to retract it. However, this poses a couple of issues. First off, the theraband that I use as my first wrapping layer has to be significantly lower than the head, so that when the pulling brings it higher it doesnt pull at the glands, which can be painful. The second problem is that as much as I try, the foreskin will always try to find its way over the head, especially when I pull a little harder. This also causes the wrapping to follow.

My technique that is working best right now is:

  1. I fold the theraband a couple times into a thinner strip, and use that to wrap a couple centimeters below the ring of the foreskin. This way, the theraband won't touch the glands.
  2. After that, I take some time to adjust the skin below the theraband, and pull it down to make sure there is as much loose skin there as possible, to avoid unnecessary skin stretching.
  3. Finally, I apply the bandage and tighten it with athletic tape on top.
This allows me to use the lengthmaster semi consistently, but I'm still not satisfied with my method for the above reasons.

On to the pumping, with the exception of discoloration, which I understand will go away in time, I'm satisfied with the resutls so far. I haven't measured, but I can see a slight difference, and I find the whole routine very therapeutic (and enjoyable) and do it almost daily. Right now, I do a warm up set at around 7 hg, then a couple of sets at 8-9, depending on how I feel. Sets last, 5-6 minutes, and between them I edge and milk my penis, as I understand it helps with the discoloration, and helps me maintain an erection. Jelqing felt awkward no matter how many times I tried it, and since girth is not my main goal, I have given it a break for now. Inside the tube I reach about 18.2 cm, and when outside, but still pumped I can eye it at around 17.5 or so. I remember reading that this is what you can expect down the line, so I am excited for that.

Two problems that have appeared are the following, which I will use pictures for better explanation:

  1. When inside the tube, and pumping at higher vacuums, about half of my penis seems to fill the tube. Because of my curve, this causes the head to be very strongly pressed against the wall, to the point where it looks bruised after, and is a little painful. Pain is alleviated by using lube, but is still there.
  2. The other issue is that after pumping forms a ring under my glands. This happens regardless of hg, although it gets bigger at higher hg, and is especially prominent when using a ring after pumping. It's a little tough, but doesn't hurt at all, and honestly doesn't bother me, but I wanted to get the opinion of anyone who might know what causes it, and if it's something I should avoid and how.
Thank you brothers!


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You can do erect jelqing against the curve. This will correct the curve. Keep trying different wrap method until you find what is best for you. Practice brings perfection
Hello everyone, here are some updates on my journey focused mainly on my pumping and attempts at using the lengthmaster.

So as far as the lengthmaster goes, I'm still struggling with it a bit. My problem is the wrapping, and while I have found a way to not make it super uncomfortable, it doesn't feel like I can exert that much strength before the wrapping causes disccomfort to my sausage. What I have found is that if I leave the foreskin the way it naturally is, I mainly stretch the skin, so I have to retract it. However, this poses a couple of issues. First off, the theraband that I use as my first wrapping layer has to be significantly lower than the head, so that when the pulling brings it higher it doesnt pull at the glands, which can be painful. The second problem is that as much as I try, the foreskin will always try to find its way over the head, especially when I pull a little harder. This also causes the wrapping to follow.

My technique that is working best right now is:

  1. I fold the theraband a couple times into a thinner strip, and use that to wrap a couple centimeters below the ring of the foreskin. This way, the theraband won't touch the glands.
  2. After that, I take some time to adjust the skin below the theraband, and pull it down to make sure there is as much loose skin there as possible, to avoid unnecessary skin stretching.
  3. Finally, I apply the bandage and tighten it with athletic tape on top.
This allows me to use the lengthmaster semi consistently, but I'm still not satisfied with my method for the above reasons.
This is a great start. However, keep on finding the new method of wrapping. Not everyone can use the same method. This is why we have so many approaches to the wrapping. All wrapping methods follow one essential rule: we use the glans as a terminal point to stop the skin from sliding. This is where the methods surround the wrapping. Some like to have their glans expanded during wrapping to create more comfortable end point and less pain. But the pressure of pulling cannot be too high or you create blood blisters. I'm actually playing around with my own silicone molds to come up with a comfort terminal support for the Length Master, and a few other mods, and testing on myself when I have free time at home. I will provide it to the group and hope that MOS Shop will come up with a final design later. For now, it's just mine to play with.

On to the pumping, with the exception of discoloration, which I understand will go away in time, I'm satisfied with the resutls so far.
Very common. You put quite a bit of pressure for blood to pool up at one point. After 5 minutes, the blood color changes because of the lack of oxygen.

I haven't measured, but I can see a slight difference, and I find the whole routine very therapeutic (and enjoyable) and do it almost daily. Right now, I do a warm up set at around 7 hg, then a couple of sets at 8-9, depending on how I feel.
Very nice. Going up to the magical growth pressure.

Sets last, 5-6 minutes, and between them I edge and milk my penis, as I understand it helps with the discoloration, and helps me maintain an erection. Jelqing felt awkward no matter how many times I tried it, and since girth is not my main goal, I have given it a break for now. Inside the tube I reach about 18.2 cm, and when outside, but still pumped I can eye it at around 17.5 or so. I remember reading that this is what you can expect down the line, so I am excited for that.
You are getting nice expansion. 10% expansion is a great starting point.

Two problems that have appeared are the following, which I will use pictures for better explanation:

When inside the tube, and pumping at higher vacuums, about half of my penis seems to fill the tube. Because of my curve, this causes the head to be very strongly pressed against the wall, to the point where it looks bruised after, and is a little painful. Pain is alleviated by using lube, but is still there.
Yes, it happens to most of our brothers with large curves. The trick on this is the lube as you mention. Aside from that, there's a few other tricks but it's more time consuming to use than lubes.

The other issue is that after pumping forms a ring under my glands. This happens regardless of hg, although it gets bigger at higher hg, and is especially prominent when using a ring after pumping. It's a little tough, but doesn't hurt at all, and honestly doesn't bother me, but I wanted to get the opinion of anyone who might know what causes it, and if it's something I should avoid and how.
The ring under your glans is due to the coronal ridge expansion, or rather, the ring forms just right below the coronal ridge. This is fluid retention. Wrap your fingers around it and squeeze, hold with strong pressure, and it goes away within minutes. It happens to all of us. Why? Fluid being pushed and pooled at this point before it goes into the glans. When the glans has too much fluid, rather than blisters, the tissues do a last effort by pushing the extra fluid out of the glans and into the softer tissues just below the glans. This is to prevent blistering on the glans. Your body is an amazing computer that helps you from injuries, until you push it too far.
You can do erect jelqing against the curve. This will correct the curve. Keep trying different wrap method until you find what is best for you. Practice brings perfection
Thank you for the advice. However, I like my curve, and I'd like to avoid "correcting" it if possible. It does bring up the question however, of whether additional length follows the curve of the penis or is completely straight.
This is a great start. However, keep on finding the new method of wrapping. Not everyone can use the same method. This is why we have so many approaches to the wrapping. All wrapping methods follow one essential rule: we use the glans as a terminal point to stop the skin from sliding. This is where the methods surround the wrapping. Some like to have their glans expanded during wrapping to create more comfortable end point and less pain. But the pressure of pulling cannot be too high or you create blood blisters. I'm actually playing around with my own silicone molds to come up with a comfort terminal support for the LengthMaster, and a few other mods, and testing on myself when I have free time at home. I will provide it to the group and hope that MoS Shop will come up with a final design later. For now, it's just mine to play with.

Very common. You put quite a bit of pressure for blood to pool up at one point. After 5 minutes, the blood color changes because of the lack of oxygen.

Very nice. Going up to the magical growth pressure.

You are getting nice expansion. 10% expansion is a great starting point.

Yes, it happens to most of our brothers with large curves. The trick on this is the lube as you mention. Aside from that, there's a few other tricks but it's more time consuming to use than lubes.

The ring under your glans is due to the coronal ridge expansion, or rather, the ring forms just right below the coronal ridge. This is fluid retention. Wrap your fingers around it and squeeze, hold with strong pressure, and it goes away within minutes. It happens to all of us. Why? Fluid being pushed and pooled at this point before it goes into the glans. When the glans has too much fluid, rather than blisters, the tissues do a last effort by pushing the extra fluid out of the glans and into the softer tissues just below the glans. This is to prevent blistering on the glans. Your body is an amazing computer that helps you from injuries, until you push it too far.
As always, thank you so much for the spot on advice. I'm sure that I'll figure out the lengthmaster eventually, and put it in my routine as consistently as pumping. As for gains, I'm thinking I'll do a measurement at 6 months for starters to see if there is any change. I'm a third of the way there, and I'm pretty confident there will be, but we'll see.
As always, thank you so much for the spot on advice. I'm sure that I'll figure out the lengthmaster eventually, and put it in my routine as consistently as pumping. As for gains, I'm thinking I'll do a measurement at 6 months for starters to see if there is any change.
You can measure around 3 months in. You can visually observed the gains during that time. My measuring every 3 or 4 months in, you can revise your routines to increase the aggressiveness of the routines, or you can change the routine exercise sets to maximize the approaches. Aggressiveness is not the only way to employ the routines. Safe but effective stretches can push the growth to a whole new levels. Aggressiveness routines tend to be for those who have harder gains due to plateaus.

I'm a third of the way there, and I'm pretty confident there will be, but we'll see.
Once you reach your objectives, you want to have more. Don't worry. Take it nice and slow, with safety at the forefront of your mind, while seeing your penile body grow before your eyes.
Thank you for the advice. However, I like my curve, and I'd like to avoid "correcting" it if possible. It does bring up the question however, of whether additional length follows the curve of the penis or is completely straight.
If you don't correct the curve, the new length will continue to follow the curve. A formula of predicting the curve with the new length can be used. It's widely known in the biological world.
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A thing I've started noticing more lately is that there has been extra loose skin on the top side of my shaft. There are wrinkles that weren't there before.

Is that normal, reversible, preventable? I don't like how it's starting to look, and I don't want it to get worse.


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A thing I've started noticing more lately is that there has been extra loose skin on the top side of my shaft. There are wrinkles that weren't there before.

Is that normal, reversible, preventable? I don't like how it's starting to look, and I don't want it to get worse.
It is normal. When you use any lengthening device to grab the skin at the mid and penile base points, the skin is being pulled and stretched. The skin will return to normal as the lengthening grab point is at the base of the glans. When the internal tunica stretches, the skin is being used up. The trick to prevent skin stretching is to apply collagen base lotion or Vit E for post routine. Using red light therapy also helps to maximize collagen production to generate the elasticity of the skin. Right now, my growth out pace my stretching of the skin because I place my stretching routines at the base of the glans more than the mid and base points of the penis.
Thank you, I'll try to see if I can get my hands on some of that lotion from a pharmacy.

The skin will return to normal as the lengthening grab point is at the base of the glans

How would I go about doing this? If I try to completely retract my foreskin and place the lengthmaster directly under the glans it hurts a lot more. Moreover, using theraband and padding there is painfull because when the foreskin tries to roll back up when I pull, the theraband pinches at the glans.
How would I go about doing this? If I try to completely retract my foreskin and place the lengthmaster directly under the glans it hurts a lot more. Moreover, using theraband and padding there is painfull because when the foreskin tries to roll back up when I pull, the theraband pinches at the glans.
Ah, this is the reason why your skin stretches outpace your penile growth. It's true that pulling your foreskin completely back can cause more pain for the glans than when you use your foreskin as a protection layer. However, I use a layer of TheraBand, which acts like your foreskin, double up the layer thicker than the foreskin, and use flexible tape, like Uncle Jim's wrap in MOS Shop, to add cushion and bulk before I put the Length Master plates on, I get much better traction than when I use the foreskin, and I don't stretch my foreskin during the routines. I outpace my foreskin stretches because I strap it midway down my penis and at the base with my growths by going this route.
It is important to pull back the skin and secure with one hand wile stretching with the other hand. If you watch any of my stretching videos and you will see what I am describing
It is important to pull back the skin and secure with one hand wile stretching with the other hand. If you watch any of my stretching videos and you will see what I am describing
Unfortunately, the videos don't seem to be working for me. But after trying out replicating what you said it seems to be working better!
Ah, this is the reason why your skin stretches outpace your penile growth. It's true that pulling your foreskin completely back can cause more pain for the glans than when you use your foreskin as a protection layer. However, I use a layer of TheraBand, which acts like your foreskin, double up the layer thicker than the foreskin, and use flexible tape, like Uncle Jim's wrap in MoS Shop, to add cushion and bulk before I put the LengthMaster plates on, I get much better traction than when I use the foreskin, and I don't stretch my foreskin during the routines. I outpace my foreskin stretches because I strap it midway down my penis and at the base with my growths by going this route.
I just tried using theraband as a foreskin. wrappign it not just below the glands but also over some of the head of the penis, using bangage over it and then using the lengthmaster.... And wow.

It does feel better than anything I tried before. I still grip it a bit below the glans because the lengthmaster clamp does hurt a bit when its too close to the glans, but it made a world of difference. I feel like I can stretch more, and the only time it hurts is if I try to to BTC stretched. Maybe I need more padding but I'll figure it out!
Great job in figuring out your method of approach brother. Just a bit more experimentation on the wrapping and padding and you'll get a perfect wrap. Try to experiment between a partial glans expansion for the wrap to a full glans expansion. The fuller the glans, the more comfortable it will be. The only down side is your aggressive tugging and pulling cannot be too high as the pressure can cause blistering. Build up enough tissue strength and that won't be the case.
Great job in figuring out your method of approach brother. Just a bit more experimentation on the wrapping and padding and you'll get a perfect wrap. Try to experiment between a partial glans expansion for the wrap to a full glans expansion. The fuller the glans, the more comfortable it will be. The only down side is your aggressive tugging and pulling cannot be too high as the pressure can cause blistering. Build up enough tissue strength and that won't be the case.
Thank you brother! I think I'll try using plates to avoid having to manually pull for the downwards stretches, which seem to work best for me right now. I've read that 13 minutes clamped is the limit for most people to allow bloodflow, which seems like having to stop just when the stretches get good, but I guess safety first.

Having said that, I'm getting close to what feels like a complete routine, and it actually feels like it's working. I have a 2 week trip on December, where I won't be able to bring my equipment with me, so I'll treat that as a rest period, like you would in the gym, and measure right before and right after to see the results.
Now, this is me just being me, but for that long of a rest away from the equipment, bring something light. Wraps are perfectly fine. Sleeves as well. If you have some privacy time, just 10 minutes, optimally at 15 minutes, do some stretches in the shower, or under the covers, just to loosen and break down some tissues using a bit of aggressive bundled stretches. With just those stretches, and light wraps/sleeving, you'l continue to optimize your growth.

For locations where I can't bring my equipment, or too little time for myself because there are too many interactions in large groups from morning to night, I bring my thicker sleeves with me, some light wraps, and TheraBand cutouts. TheraBand is to prevent slippages when I use with the sleeves, and wraps are mainly for creating fast flaccid holds. It will only take 10 minutes of hard and aggressive pull to break the collagenic bonds you need. I use the TheraBand at the base of the glans to increase traction in the shower as well. Whenever I can, I bring my vacuum cup in place of the Length Master and I use it discreetly under the sheets to pull downwards using my legs and a string. This method only takes 10 minutes to optimize the tissue break down on the go over the manual stretches by 300%. Why? I can put more traction force when I need to, and I can twist my penis while tugging like I can with the Length Master without the bulk. Not as effective, but high in advantage for mobility.

Overall, keep the PE routines going. 1 week is a good break, but 2 weeks may cause the optimization of growth to go out of wack.
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