In-grown pubic hair!

Any tips on dealing with ingrown hairs? I have one that I get from shaving the lower shaft region. It seems the skin bumps up, kinda like a wart or something. If I let the hair grow out, though, the bump goes away. Thoughts?
bigsack said:
Any tips on dealing with ingrown hairs? I have one that I get from shaving the lower shaft region. It seems the skin bumps up, kinda like a wart or something. If I let the hair grow out, though, the bump goes away. Thoughts?
man i got the same shit, looks nasty when i shave like i have dam warts i only get them on my lower shaft. I have to shave cuz i get shaft hair from pe and that sucks, i got a 6.5 with hair 1.5 up it that leaves me with a 5 incher in my opinion. Wish i could get rid of them some have been there for months. Baby oil worked for a while but no more.
I've got two ingrown hairs on the underside of my shaft at the base. They are a real son-of-a-bitch. They flair up and turn red and infected. They will not go away and I can't leave them alone. I'm always trying to squeeze them out. I even went to doctor and she said to leave them alone, stop being so vain and quit shaving and plucking and there was nothing she could do about them.

I'm tempted to do some home surgery, cut them out. I once removed a small mole off my dick with some nail clippers.
take a lighter to it and singe the hairs. Then shave it. It will take a lot longer to grow back that's all I can advise. YOu could always get laser hair removal on your lower shaft like I did.
Pokey how much that laser removal cost and is it permanent?

I have had just 1 ingrown hair by the way, and I use a nail clipper, made a bloody mess and force the fucker out. Did not tweeze it again though, he made his point he wants to be out there.
I've shaved before and it gets a nice clean look, but there is always a chance of getting bumps with a razor just like having a sensitive neck or chin. So most of the time I just use some solid bear trimmers to clip around my dick and other areas. I haven't had a problem with bumps at all using beard trimmers, however you might have to trim more often because the cut isn't as close as using a razor... hope this helps somewhat and good luck.
Chi said:
Pokey how much that laser removal cost and is it permanent?

I have had just 1 ingrown hair by the way, and I use a nail clipper, made a bloody mess and force the fucker out. Did not tweeze it again though, he made his point he wants to be out there.
My neighbor works as a technician at a laser hair removal place. I payed $100 to get it lazed from the bottom to top of the cock and beleive me this is way cheaper then it usually is not sure of actual price. It lasted for about 3 months before hairs started to pop up again.
Well, this might seem like a tedious method, but here goes. Tweezing is what I do. A nice clean removal and no stubble. Keep in mind, I only do this by the base of the shaft.

To me, it's like fine tuning. Ill use a trimmer to get the majority down to a stubble, then tweeze those annoying shaft hairs. Hopefully this helps.
bigsack said:
I've thought of doing that, but scared... how painful is that?

It hurts for a brief second, like ripping a band-aid off a hairy leg or something. I use one hand to hold the skin down around the ingrown hair then pull it straight out. I think holding the skin down around it helps a lot.
I found( I doubt this is old) that using my beard trimmer is the best every couple of days... I buzz up like my shaft and about 1/4 up and blend the rest with a buzzer! IN the shower I use a razor for any hairs I missed on the shaft and for the sides and top:)
[P]okey[B]ear said:
take a lighter to it and singe the hairs. Then shave it. It will take a lot longer to grow back that's all I can advise. YOu could always get laser hair removal on your lower shaft like I did.
worste advice ever!!!! take a lighter to your are you thinking????lol
my hair goes up my shaft alot to. I shave it every other day in the showwer with hot water on it. It has goten used to this and i only get little red bumbps that go away for a while.Nest time pluck the ingrwon hair while it is growing out as u say and shave the rest avoiding the spot that u plucked. It will probably correct itself and you will be able to shave it. Just be slow and careful. I saw a picture of i think stillwantmore who had a nasty cut on his.
I have hair that grows right up to my circ scar. just little scattered hairs here and there. I use tweezers to keep the plucked indluding my balls. After the firts pluck its no problem. The first time I found the some around the base...actually a lot of pores would have three hairsin them! The roots would be connected and the pore would close up immediattely afterwards most of th time. Sometimes they would bleed a little, not much, after a while I loked forwad to them cause the pull was a trip. It took me about four days to get all the first time, and now every couple of days I get the tweezers out and go over every thing for about 15/20 mins. Get an ingrown every now and again I jst scrape a bit and get slightly longer hair with a curl at the top. I have some that grow up the bottom of my shaft though that always grow in ingrown. I leave them alone until sex causes them to swell and hurt a bit. I then get the alcohol, a needle and the tweezers out and do a little surgery. Sometime it takes a few days to get it but when I do its always this hard friggin white ball of crap with a coiled up hair in it. One time I pstraightened the hair and it was 4 1/4 inches long!!! All coiled up in a spring sitting in that ball of hard white shit.
Yep Tweezers work great. Leaves your balls nice and smooth too. Be surprised how many ladies don,t mind kissin' them and lickin them when they know their not going to get a mouthful scraggly, wiry hair!