I am SKINNY.....


Well-known member
Hey guys.....
I have been doing PE for 5 months......
Only recently I have known about MOS.....
I have a question related to PE and body weight......

"Does PE works on skinny men?"

I have been skinny since I was a kid and I am currently 15kg underweight(I am 20 years old and 5"10' tall)......
Do I need a special diet for PE.....
I have recently started going to gym to gain weight......

"Will my weight be a problem in PE?"
I don't see why that would be a problem. I was pretty skinny when I was your age (5'6 115). Wish i'd discovered PE at that age. I think the younger you are, the faster you heal and more likely you still have pubescent energies to tap into for growth. Also, a high metabolism (which it sounds like you have) has to be a good thing.

If you are chronically underweight though, and it's dangerous, that is something you should take care of regardless. But getting older will get you to thicken out naturally, and when all the guys your age with great bodies now thicken out too, they'll just be fat and you'll be the one with the great body.
I actually "blushed" when you said that having a high metabolism is a good thing....:)
Just one question:What do you mean by chronically underweight?
Idk what i meant haha. I have no medical expertise whatsoever, though i know that some guys here do. What I should have said is that if you doctor thinks your weight is a problem, go take care of that, whether or not it affects your ability to gain with PE.
Figure out how many calories a day you burn. Easier than ever these days with all the wearable tech that will tell you.

Typically, you want to exceed calories burned to put on weight. Lots of info online for actual plans for this.
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Well I would love to be skinny because the skinnier I am the bigger my penises LOL but you got some good advice so take that and get to the place you want to be. But if you can in anyway give me your skinniness please do LOL
I have this same problem brother & this kind lady at gnc told me exactly what stillwantmore said figure out how much calories you typically burn a day and consume more calories then what you burn I followed that advice and In 2 months I gained like 15 pounds when I was at the same weight for years ! Be very careful tho bc you want to be eating the right foods bc when you eat to gain weight you’re obviously eating more and you don’t want to eat foods too high in sugar or cholesterol etc it’s all about balance.
Hey everyone....
It has been a long time since I have written anything in this thread......

If you have read the posts above, you will notice that I have mentioned that I am 15kg underweight and trying to gain weight......
Well.... I am not now.....
I successfully gained 6 kg since.... and I now weight 56kg..... :) :) :)

But now I have a new problem ahead.....
Recently I noticed that whenever I masturbate, my weight decreases. Moreover, it also does not allow me to gain more weight.......
Since I was relying on jerking off for my length exercise, it seems now it is going to be difficult to maintain a daily routine of length work......
So, I have started doing girth exercises.....

I do not want to lose anymore weight but I also want to do length routine.......
What do I have to do?
Hey buddy :)
I could write a lot about that you should start to eat more if you want to gain more weight. But also have in mind that when you're eating more calories than you're burning and you're not working out - you'll actually gain fat.
If you're very underweight it won't be a big problem gaining few kilos of fat, but gaining to much bodyfat isn't good either. You can check your bodyfat percentage in good gyms, best one would be DEXA scan I guess.

If you're struggling gaining weight then - eat more, simple as that. I had the same problem when I was young, until I've really put off my pink glasses and was keeping track of eating more. By that I don't mean that I ate 2 pizzas a day, I mean that I was going for at least 3500+ calories until my body changed. Also I wouldn't recommend you to eat lots of BS calories like sweets and soft-drinks, either go for 50-75% healthy and if you can't go past 3500+ calories, do another 25-50% of junkfood.
I've always ate healthy first and then have filled myself up with junkfood afterwards. Because junkfood tastes 'better', so it's easier to eat when you're already full.

Also I started watching 'motivation videos' while I was eating. Don't use plates, use bowls and eat like your f*cking life depends on it LOL
Take it serious and don't be that guy that says 'I can't gain weight, I'm eating sooo much (1-2 pizzas a day + 1 choclate bar) and I can't gain weight. That's what lots of people in my school said and I was like 'wtf? what you're talking about. I'm eating twice as much as you so don't tell me you're eating much'.

I'm mostly eating plant-based, don't recommend any of that just protein, meat and dairy thing, but I loved (still love) Rich Piana as motivation when I was eating.


In your last post you wrote that your weight is decreasing when you're masturbating. Do you weight yourself before and after masturbating and your weight is 1-2 kilos less? Maybe that's just in your head. It maybe has an effect when you're extremely professional in bodybuilding with juicing and all and then you're shooting your load that you won't gain 100% as much muscles as without doing that, but it's not proven, talking about gaining muscle mass here, not weight.

With weight it's simple, ~7000kcal = 1kg (2.2lbs) fat
Gain weight = eat 7000kcal more than you're burning
Lose weight = burn 7000kcal more than you're eating

With fast metabolism it's a little different but try to take it serious, watch motivation videos beside eating, eat out of bowls, not from plates.
In the beginning sometimes you will get that 'I need to vomit feeling', it's normal LOL as you're condition yourself to eating more, your stomach will grow, then it will be easier to eat more.
Also drink 3-5 liters of water, don't drink much softdrinks or eat too much sweets because I had the feeling that it was contraproductive for me gaining weight when I was young + fast metabolism. It may happen that you'll need to take a dump 2-3 times a day then instead 1 time a day LOL It's no problem.
Try to sleep 6-8h per night, don't let you stress too much from things, as stress is also a bad thing for the body.

If you really take sh*t serious, track your calories for 1-2 weeks that you're above 3500+ kcal.
I can 100% guarantee you that you will gain weight!
Weight yourself in the morning after taking a dump. With that way you'll be able to track your progress of gaining weight at least a little bit accurate.
If you don't gain weight with 3500kcal, go for 4000kcal, still don't gain weight? Go for 4500kcal and so on. Btw. for sure I mean that as daily intake LOL So everyday 3500kcal!

Also it would be important to know if you're using lots of sports or having a physical job? For example if you would work on construction then it may be possible you're burning 4000-5000kcal a day. For heavy weight gaining, try to be 1500kcal-2000kcal above your burning calories, so it will guarantee that you're gaining weight :)

But there's no way that you're actually losing weight because of masturbating if you don't have mastubation sessions of a few hours a day burning a couple thousand calories bro LOL

If you take yourself and the problem serious, track your calories - 100% you'll gain weight with this strategy.

There are also things like health diseases, for example an thyroid over function, that would cause a very fast metabolism and that you won't be able to gain lots of weight. But as you're already gained like 6kg, I doubt you have that problem.
Anyways, if you really think it's because of your body and not because you're eating to less - let a doc check your thyroid stats.

Hope that helps a little bit (like)
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Hey buddy :)
I could write a lot about that you should start to eat more if you want to gain more weight. But also have in mind that when you're eating more calories than you're burning and you're not working out - you'll actually gain fat.
If you're very underweight it won't be a big problem gaining few kilos of fat, but gaining to much bodyfat isn't good either. You can check your bodyfat percentage in good gyms, best one would be DEXA scan I guess.

If you're struggling gaining weight then - eat more, simple as that. I had the same problem when I was young, until I've really put off my pink glasses and was keeping track of eating more. By that I don't mean that I ate 2 pizzas a day, I mean that I was going for at least 3500+ calories until my body changed. Also I wouldn't recommend you to eat lots of BS calories like sweets and soft-drinks, either go for 50-75% healthy and if you can't go past 3500+ calories, do another 25-50% of junkfood.
I've always ate healthy first and then have filled myself up with junkfood afterwards. Because junkfood tastes 'better', so it's easier to eat when you're already full.

Also I started watching 'motivation videos' while I was eating. Don't use plates, use bowls and eat like your f*cking life depends on it LOL
Take it serious and don't be that guy that says 'I can't gain weight, I'm eating sooo much (1-2 pizzas a day + 1 choclate bar) and I can't gain weight. That's what lots of people in my school said and I was like 'wtf? what you're talking about. I'm eating twice as much as you so don't tell me you're eating much'.

I'm mostly eating plant-based, don't recommend any of that just protein, meat and dairy thing, but I loved (still love) Rich Piana as motivation when I was eating.


In your last post you wrote that your weight is decreasing when you're masturbating. Do you weight yourself before and after masturbating and your weight is 1-2 kilos less? Maybe that's just in your head. It maybe has an effect when you're extremely professional in bodybuilding with juicing and all and then you're shooting your load that you won't gain 100% as much muscles as without doing that, but it's not proven, talking about gaining muscle mass here, not weight.

With weight it's simple, ~7000kcal = 1kg (2.2lbs) fat
Gain weight = eat 7000kcal more than you're burning
Lose weight = burn 7000kcal more than you're eating

With fast metabolism it's a little different but try to take it serious, watch motivation videos beside eating, eat out of bowls, not from plates.
In the beginning sometimes you will get that 'I need to vomit feeling', it's normal LOL as you're condition yourself to eating more, your stomach will grow, then it will be easier to eat more.
Also drink 3-5 liters of water, don't drink much softdrinks or eat too much sweets because I had the feeling that it was contraproductive for me gaining weight when I was young + fast metabolism. It may happen that you'll need to take a dump 2-3 times a day then instead 1 time a day LOL It's no problem.
Try to sleep 6-8h per night, don't let you stress too much from things, as stress is also a bad thing for the body.

If you really take sh*t serious, track your calories for 1-2 weeks that you're above 3500+ kcal.
I can 100% guarantee you that you will gain weight!
Weight yourself in the morning after taking a dump. With that way you'll be able to track your progress of gaining weight at least a little bit accurate.
If you don't gain weight with 3500kcal, go for 4000kcal, still don't gain weight? Go for 4500kcal and so on. Btw. for sure I mean that as daily intake LOL So everyday 3500kcal!

Also it would be important to know if you're using lots of sports or having a physical job? For example if you would work on construction then it may be possible you're burning 4000-5000kcal a day. For heavy weight gaining, try to be 1500kcal-2000kcal above your burning calories, so it will guarantee that you're gaining weight :)

But there's no way that you're actually losing weight because of masturbating if you don't have mastubation sessions of a few hours a day burning a couple thousand calories bro LOL

If you take yourself and the problem serious, track your calories - 100% you'll gain weight with this strategy.

There are also things like health diseases, for example an thyroid over function, that would cause a very fast metabolism and that you won't be able to gain lots of weight. But as you're already gained like 6kg, I doubt you have that problem.
Anyways, if you really think it's because of your body and not because you're eating to less - let a doc check your thyroid stats.

Hope that helps a little bit (like)
This was very informative....

I was also trying to track my calories and I will from now on.....

I am not losing weight because of masturbation.....
Masturbation does not cause weight loss. It prevents weight gain.
Masturbation or sex uses testosterone as a major hormone. Testosterone is also responsible for weight gain in men. Constant masturbation keeps your levels of testosterone low. So it makes it difficult to weight gain.
Example: If somebody weights 50kg and constantly masturbates, he will not loose weight and become 48kg or 49 kg. He will just not gain weight easily to become 51kg.
It is even difficult for a guy like me to gain weight who has a fast metabolism LOL....
And that's not it. I also play a lot of sport like football and badminton. I workout everyday. And I walk a lot..... LOL

I have been experimenting with my weight for some time and noticed that whenever I do not masturbate for few days, I have a lot of strength of in me, lot of energy and my weight is always above 56kg. However, whenever I masturbate and measure my self, I do not feel that much energetic and my weight is always somewhere between 55kg-56kg. On this experiment I have concluded that I have not been able to gain weight because of masturbation.
This was very informative....

I was also trying to track my calories and I will from now on.....

I am not losing weight because of masturbation.....
Masturbation does not cause weight loss. It prevents weight gain.
Masturbation or sex uses testosterone as a major hormone. Testosterone is also responsible for weight gain in men. Constant masturbation keeps your levels of testosterone low. So it makes it difficult to weight gain.
Example: If somebody weights 50kg and constantly masturbates, he will not loose weight and become 48kg or 49 kg. He will just not gain weight easily to become 51kg.
It is even difficult for a guy like me to gain weight who has a fast metabolism LOL....
And that's not it. I also play a lot of sport like football and badminton. I workout everyday. And I walk a lot..... LOL

I have been experimenting with my weight for some time and noticed that whenever I do not masturbate for few days, I have a lot of strength of in me, lot of energy and my weight is always above 56kg. However, whenever I masturbate and measure my self, I do not feel that much energetic and my weight is always somewhere between 55kg-56kg. On this experiment I have concluded that I have not been able to gain weight because of masturbation.

Masturbation prevents weight gain? Sorry but that's total bullsh*t!

It can be true that less masturbating causes higher testosterone levels than when you're masturbating 10 times a day, because after masturbating you may feel exhausted.
If you're eating like what I've told you about, your weight will be always pending between 1-3 kilos, depending if you took a dump and how much water your drank before LOL

Well yes, so you're telling right now you're doing sports like football and badminton which is burning lots of calories.
If you workout everyday with weights or doing calisthenics too, then you will need to eat like 4000-4500kcal.

Based on your data: https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html?ctype=metric&cage=20&csex=m&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=10&cpound=165&cheightmeter=178&ckg=56&cactivity=1.725&cmop=0&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=20&printit=0&x=21&y=11

You would need to eat at least 2700kcal - 2800kcal a day to maintain your weight.
If you then also have a very fast metabolism, you need to eat more to maintain weight.

But in addition to that you also want to gain weight. So say hello to at least 3500kcal - 4000kcal a day. Do that for at least 4 weeks.
Track everything you eat bro!
Use a free app for that and then come back here in 4 weeks and tell me your weight.
No matter how often you masturbate - you will gain weight ;)

So directly download the app today, start tracking and eat 4000kcal a day.
In 4 weeks, post a screenshot or screenvideo of the app from which you tracked your calories and show us that you ate 4000kcal a day.
Then also post a picture of your weight and be happy LOL 100% it will work.

95% of all the people who're telling they're not able to gain weight or have some super-power of not gaining weight and want to gain weight are not tracking their daily calories! If you want to change it, track your calories, it will work wonders (flex)

Make sure your calorie intake is at least 1000-1500kcal more than your calorie burn.
You can also get some sort of fitness tracker, for example a FitBit which shows you your calorie burn with tracking your pulse. Will be more accurate than the link I've posted here.
Make the challenge for yourself, don't bullsh*t yourself and take it serious with tracking.

See you in 4 weeks homie!
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What a "first world problem." :D I'm way too fat. Be glad that you're skinny. Easier to make that penis look huge on a thinner frame!
Sorry not sorry. :P I would go with @F26 's guidance. Be careful what you wish for; losing weight is way more difficult!
What a "first world problem." LOL I'm way too fat. Be glad that you're skinny. Easier to make that penis look huge on a thinner frame!
Sorry not sorry. :p I would go with @F26 's guidance. Be careful what you wish for; losing weight is way more difficult!

True, but both cases are not great. I know when I was skinny and couldn't gain weight, at least I thought so and then I did what I've written above.
Eating until you feel you want to vomit every single day for a few weeks isn't cool either (cwl)
Both cases aren't good. But being skinny, at least if it's not too bad, is a lot healthier than being obese.

For losing weight it's exactly the same process, but reverse style.
Want to lose 1kg (2.2lbs) fat? Burn 7.000kcal more than you eat.

You can either do it by eating less than usually or by starting sports while eating the same calorie amount as usually.
Best case scenario would be eating less, healthier and doing some sports.
In the beginning I'd start with walking in the nature, maybe some bodyweight exercises too and focus on healthy food.

Stop imaging that you need to lose weight because of society or whatever. See your body as 'house' for your soul, but you're only able to have this one house in your life and can't buy a new one. So threat it carefully and it will thank you later :)
Also see it as longterm process, don't exhaust you while trying to lose your weight very fast, better try to be steady. A few weeks to months can change your life @arkailija
If you start thinking about what I just wrote, maybe it will be easier for you, at least it helped me a lot.
But also try to keep track of your calories, for losing calories you should even care more about tracking your calories than actually for gaining weight LOL
Masturbation prevents weight gain? Sorry but that's total bullsh*t!

It can be true that less masturbating causes higher testosterone levels than when you're masturbating 10 times a day, because after masturbating you may feel exhausted.
If you're eating like what I've told you about, your weight will be always pending between 1-3 kilos, depending if you took a dump and how much water your drank before LOL

Well yes, so you're telling right now you're doing sports like football and badminton which is burning lots of calories.
If you workout everyday with weights or doing calisthenics too, then you will need to eat like 4000-4500kcal.

Based on your data: https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html?ctype=metric&cage=20&csex=m&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=10&cpound=165&cheightmeter=178&ckg=56&cactivity=1.725&cmop=0&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=20&printit=0&x=21&y=11

You would need to eat at least 2700kcal - 2800kcal a day to maintain your weight.
If you then also have a very fast metabolism, you need to eat more to maintain weight.

But in addition to that you also want to gain weight. So say hello to at least 3500kcal - 4000kcal a day. Do that for at least 4 weeks.
Track everything you eat bro!
Use a free app for that and then come back here in 4 weeks and tell me your weight.
No matter how often you masturbate - you will gain weight ;)

So directly download the app today, start tracking and eat 4000kcal a day.
In 4 weeks, post a screenshot or screenvideo of the app from which you tracked your calories and show us that you ate 4000kcal a day.
Then also post a picture of your weight and be happy LOL 100% it will work.

95% of all the people who're telling they're not able to gain weight or have some super-power of not gaining weight and want to gain weight are not tracking their daily calories! If you want to change it, track your calories, it will work wonders (flex)

Make sure your calorie intake is at least 1000-1500kcal more than your calorie burn.
You can also get some sort of fitness tracker, for example a FitBit which shows you your calorie burn with tracking your pulse. Will be more accurate than the link I've posted here.
Make the challenge for yourself, don't bullsh*t yourself and take it serious with tracking.

See you in 4 weeks homie!
Got it....
See you in 4 weeks....

One more thing....
How do you keep track of the calories that you intake?
Do I need to google the things that I eat and add all the calories of everything I eat?
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Got it....
See you in 4 weeks....

One more thing....
How do you keep track of the calories that you intake?
Do I need to google the things that I eat and add all the calories of everything I eat?

You could search the calories online on food tracking websites and then based on the food and amount of weight they calculate it and give you the amount of kcal.

But as I've written above food tracking apps are much easier as they save all your data and past days.
Also they have saved a food calorie library so you just need to type in the food you're eating or scanning a barcode.
Most accurate method would be if you're weighting the food before eating with a cheap $10-$20 food scale and then tye the weight in into the app. So instead of saying you ate 1 banana and put that into the app, you weight your banana (without the peel) and type in the weight, for example (100g/0.22lbs).
But honestly as you're just trying to gain weight and are not trying to lose weight, just make sure you go beyond 4000kcal, no need for that super accuracy except maybe in the first 2-4 weeks until you can guess most of the kcal of your food.

So I would recommend weighting your food for 2-4 weeks, then you'll know what 4000kcal are.
After those 2-4 weeks you don't need to spend so much time anymore in weighting as you mostly know how much kcal a banana or so have in average.

You can find dozens of great free apps in the Google play store or apple store by typing in the words "food tracker" or "calorie tracker" :)
You got this bro!

I am about to start losing weight again to as I’ve put on some pounds over the last year. Been spending a lot of time eating junk food so I think that has a lot to do with it plus I’ve been drinking like 25 cokes a day never realizing how many calories are in each can! I feel sluggish and I don’t like to feel this way so it’s time to drop 20 pounds. I wish I could give you my 20 pounds my brother! LOL
I am about to start losing weight again to as I’ve put on some pounds over the last year. Been spending a lot of time eating junk food so I think that has a lot to do with it plus I’ve been drinking like 25 cokes a day never realizing how many calories are in each can! I feel sluggish and I don’t like to feel this way so it’s time to drop 20 pounds. I wish I could give you my 20 pounds my brother! LOL
I wish I could have your 20 pounds too..... LOL LOL LOL
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Hey guys.....
I have been doing PE for 5 months......
Only recently I have known about MOS.....
I have a question related to PE and body weight......

"Does PE works on skinny men?"

I have been skinny since I was a kid and I am currently 15kg underweight(I am 20 years old and 5"10' tall)......
Do I need a special diet for PE.....
I have recently started going to gym to gain weight......

"Will my weight be a problem in PE?"
Unbelievable, your weight is no more than 15kg. Have you sought professional guidance? See a doctor? Maybe you first need to find the reason why you are so skinny. And then to seek appropriate remedies to solve the problem. Good luck!
LOL (cwl)
I said I was 15kg "underweight"......
It means that I am 15kg below the minimum BMI.....

Do not worry, my weight is somewhere around 50kg.......
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