Most people have unused capacity in their penis, or a weak erectile pressure system. So, in-order to make things more efficient you will have to expand your pipes, or the blood carrying tissues. When this is done, you will experience larger erections; that unused capacity will be realized to a degree and the improved efficiency of the erectile system will spring larger boners. The penis vessel or cylinder, will hold more blood and as a result the volume of the penis increases. This is usually a 3 to 5 fold increase, so its quite dramatic.
I believe I wrote about this previously, I don't think I have bookmarked that post, so I can't find it easily. But it has to do with cell division, namely: mitosis.
But you don't need to know this to gain penis size. ☺
The analogy of pulling out penis (also inner penis) is good enough. It's the only information you need to gain size. The suspensory ligament and fundiform ligament can also be good to have some knowledge about, in order to maximize gains.
Think about doing bundled stretching BTC (Behind The Cheeks), and think what happens to those ligaments, versus what happens to them when you "just" are doing rugular downward bundled stretches.
*Edit; I didn't realize the question was about girth.
The continuous expansion of the tissue are forcing the body to produce new cells through cell division: mitosis.